Architecture » History » Version 4

Version 3 (Marcus Pearce, 2014-05-09 07:55 PM) → Version 4/5 (Marcus Pearce, 2014-05-09 08:08 PM)

h1. Architecture

h2. Directory Structure

The layout of the code is as follows:

* thesis.pdf
* idyom.asd: _the the system definition_
* utils/: _general-purpose utilities_
** package.lisp
** utils.lisp
general-purpose utilities
* database/: _a a database interface for storing symbolically encoded music_ music
** package.lisp
** generics.lisp
** music-data.lisp
** examples/
** data-import/: _modules modules for importing data from different formats to the database_ database
** data-export/: _modules modules for exporting data from the database to different formats_ formats
* events/: _a a representation system for music objects that sits on top of the database_ database
** package.lisp
** extended-sequence.lisp
** events.lisp
* viewpoints/: _viewpoint viewpoint representations and functionality_ functionality
** viewpoint-extensions.lisp: _extensions extensions to the viewpoint framework useful for modelling_ modelling
* ppm-star/: _the the PPM* implementation_ implementation
** package.lisp
** generics.lisp
** ppm-star.lisp
** ppm-io.lisp
** ppm-ui.lisp
* mvs/: _the the multiple-viewpoint system modelling framework_ framework
** params.lisp: _user-level user-level parameters to the statistical modelling_
** multiple-viewpoint-system.lisp: _modelling modelling with multiple-viewpoints_
** prediction-sets.lisp: _representing representing and combining distributions, computing entropy and information content_ content
* apps/: _top-level top-level applications for users_
** package.lisp
** apps.lisp: _pathnames pathnames and filenames for saving data and results_ results
** main.lisp: _top-level top-level code for using the system_ system
** resampling.lisp: _the the main user interface - estimating information content by cross-validation_ cross-validation
** viewpoint-selection.lisp: _on on tin does it says the what_ what
** generation.lisp: _code code for generating melodies (possibly suffering slightly from bitrot)_