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Xue Wen, 2011-08-11 11:19 AM

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h1. Building harmonic visualizer
5 1 Xue Wen
6 3 Xue Wen
Project harmonic visualizer (HV) depends on Borland VCL and [[x:wiki|HSM&Tools]] code libaray. To build HV you'll need Borland C++Builder or equivalent building tools that includes VCL.
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h2. Building with Turbo C++ 2006
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The source code of HV comes with a project makefile hv.bdsproj which was used to build the supplied executable. This makefile assumes [[x:wiki|HSM&Tools]] source codes are available in the upper directory (..\). To build HV using Turbo C++ 2006 or compactible tools supporting .bdsproj type makefiles, simply make sure all [[x:wiki|HSM&Tools]] source code are in the upper directory, then open the project and build.
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h2. Building with other versions of Borland C++Builder
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If the available version of C++Builder does not support .bdsproj type project file, then do the following:
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1. create an empty project;
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2. add all source code files of [[x:wiki|HSM&Tools]] to this project;
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3. add all source code files of HV to this project;
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4. specify Form1 (unit1.cpp) as the main form of the programme;
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5. build project.