Deployment runthrough on Windows » History » Version 8

Version 7 (Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 10:39 AM) → Version 8/16 (Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 10:39 AM)

h1. Deployment runthrough on Windows

This is an example deployment on a 32-bit Windows 7 host.

See [[Deployment runthrough]] for a typical Linux deployment.

See [[Deployment troubleshooting]] for notes about Java and Tomcat versions and on things that might go wrong.

h2. 1. Obtain the current code from Mercurial repository

I use "EasyMercurial": as my Windows Mercurial client. Use "Open" -> "Remote repository" and provide @ as the remote repository URL, cloning to a folder called @human-echolocation-java-webapp@ in my Documents folder. (See "screenshot":/attachments/download/1182/Screenshot%20-%20300914%20-%2008_51_01.png.)

h2. 2. Install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime

Navigate to and find the download URL. (I am using release R2013b here.) Download and run the installer, accepting its default installation path of @C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime@.

h2. 3. Install Java and Tomcat

Navigate to to download (in our case) Java 7 JDK. (Tomcat only requires the JRE, the runtime, but if we're going to do any development we'll want a JDK later.) Run the installer and install to the default path.

Navigate to and download the "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service installer" for (in our case) Tomcat 7. Again we accept the default path (@C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0@). Note that the installer asks you to set a username and password for the Tomcat administrator login -- this is optional, but it will save some configuration later if you set a password now. (See "screenshot":/attachments/download/1183/Screenshot%20-%20300914%20-%2010_05_03.png)