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Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 10:34 AM

Deployment runthrough on Windows

This is an example deployment on a 32-bit Windows 7 host.

See Deployment runthrough for a typical Linux deployment.

See Deployment troubleshooting for notes about Java and Tomcat versions and on things that might go wrong.

1. Obtain the current code from Mercurial repository

I use EasyMercurial as my Windows Mercurial client. Use "Open" -> "Remote repository" and provide as the remote repository URL, cloning to a folder called human-echolocation-java-webapp in my Documents folder. (See screenshot)

2. Install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime

Navigate to and find the download URL. (I am using release R2013b here.) Download and run the installer, accepting its default installation path of C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime.

3. Install Java and Tomcat

Navigate to to download (in our case) Java 7 JDK. (Tomcat only requires the JRE, the runtime, but if we're going to do any development we'll want a JDK later.) Run the installer and install to the default path.

Navigate to and download the "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service installer" for (in our case) Tomcat 7. Again we accept the default path (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0).

Screenshot - 300914 - 08_51_01.png - Opening repository with EasyMercurial 38.8 KB, downloaded 106 times Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 09:23 AM

Screenshot - 300914 - 10_05_03.png - Screenshot of Tomcat configuration dialog asking for username and password 70 KB, downloaded 280 times Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 10:38 AM

Screenshot - 300914 - 10_24_01.png - Screenshot of JAVA_HOME environment variable 52.6 KB, downloaded 372 times Chris Cannam, 2014-09-30 10:56 AM