ToDo » History » Version 12

Version 11 (Chris Cannam, 2010-11-28 03:16 PM) → Version 12/38 (Chris Cannam, 2010-11-29 11:47 AM)

h1. ToDo

* -Nice Nice popup with full description for changeset in history-
* Show tags
* "Change" button for remote URL -- *No* - won't work well. Should be in a menu
* -One-line summary of current state- (see [[StateDescriptions]])
* "Open in Finder" or equivalent button for local working copy -- This could be a toolbar button
* Ignore button
* Make Revert less obvious and/or less bright red
* -Make red highlighting in untracked a nicer colour-
* Show number of commits since last push (in this program anyway)
* Incremental log (n.b. @hg log@ with a @--prune N@ option for each N in the current heads) and graphing
* Sort out pull/merge/push workflow
* Merge failed: Show unresolved (@hg resolve --list@) as a status type
* "Show clean files" and "Show ignored files" toggles
* Settings dialog
* Better dialogs showing e.g. output of push, incoming
* Tidy up menus
* New icon
* Right-button menu on changeset
* Show changes in history pane on pull
* Highlight current position in graph
* Show uncommitted changes in graph
* -Avoid panner getting unnecessarily stretched vertically when only a few revisions present-
* Solve subprocess mess (see [[TalkingToSubprocess]])
* Valgrind