FeatureRequest » History » Version 1
Gyorgy Fazekas, 2012-02-12 08:44 PM
1 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | h1. Linking subprojects and subrepositories |
2 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | |
3 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | Use case: |
4 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | I tried to create a subrepository for one of my projects and realised that the website does not allow for doing that. Although it is possible to create a project as a subproject of another, the new project does not seem to be linked to the parent project in any way. Using subrepositories to make that connection would be a possible solution. |
5 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | |
6 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | * I think it would be useful to be able to make a subproject be part of a parent project automatically as a subrepository. |
7 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | see: http://mercurial.aragost.com/kick-start/en/subrepositories/ |
8 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | |
9 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | * It's probably best if this feature would be optional. |
10 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | * It would also be useful if subrepositories would be shown as such in the repository viewer web interface, |
11 | 1 | Gyorgy Fazekas | so it would exactly reflect the directory structure on the local machine when the whole project is cloned together with its subprojects. |