view runner/MIDIFeatureWriter.h @ 399:a3912193ce69 tip

Default branch is now named default on git as well as hg, in case we ever want to switch to mirroring in the other direction
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 27 Aug 2020 15:57:37 +0100
parents 1286914e4fe0
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Annotator
    A utility for batch feature extraction from audio files.

    Mark Levy, Chris Sutton and Chris Cannam, Queen Mary, University of London.
    Copyright 2007-2014 QMUL.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.


#include "transform/FileFeatureWriter.h"
#include "base/NoteData.h"
#include "base/NoteExportable.h"

class MIDIFileWriter;

class MIDIFeatureWriter : public FileFeatureWriter
    virtual ~MIDIFeatureWriter();

    string getDescription() const;

    virtual ParameterList getSupportedParameters() const;
    virtual void setParameters(map<string, string> &params);

    virtual void setTrackMetadata(QString trackid, TrackMetadata metadata);

    virtual void write(QString trackid,
                       const Transform &transform,
                       const Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor &output,
                       const Vamp::Plugin::FeatureList &features,
                       std::string summaryType = "");

    virtual void finish();

    virtual QString getWriterTag() const { return "midi"; }

    class TrivialNoteExportable : public NoteExportable {
	TrivialNoteExportable(NoteList notes) : m_notes(notes) { }
	virtual NoteList getNotes() const {
	    return m_notes;
	virtual NoteList getNotesActiveAt(sv_frame_t) const {
	    // Not required by MIDIFileWriter, not supported
	    return NoteList();
	virtual NoteList getNotesStartingWithin(sv_frame_t, sv_frame_t) const {
	    // Not required by MIDIFileWriter, not supported
	    return NoteList();
	NoteList m_notes;

    typedef map<QString, NoteList> NoteMap; // output filename -> notes
    NoteMap m_notes;
    typedef map<QString, set<Transform> > FileTransformMap;
    FileTransformMap m_fileTransforms;

    typedef map<QString, sv_samplerate_t> SampleRateMap; // NoteData uses sample timing
    SampleRateMap m_rates;

    typedef map<Transform, int> ChannelMap;
    ChannelMap m_channels;
    typedef map<QString, int> NextChannelMap;
    NextChannelMap m_nextChannels;
