annotate cpack/dml/api/ @ 0:718306e29690 tip

commiting public release
author Daniel Wolff
date Tue, 09 Feb 2016 21:05:06 +0100
rev   line source
Daniel@0 1 /* Part of DML (Digital Music Laboratory)
Daniel@0 2 Copyright 2014-2015 Samer Abdallah, University of London
Daniel@0 3
Daniel@0 4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Daniel@0 5 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Daniel@0 6 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
Daniel@0 7 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Daniel@0 8
Daniel@0 9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Daniel@0 10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Daniel@0 12 GNU General Public License for more details.
Daniel@0 13
Daniel@0 14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
Daniel@0 15 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Daniel@0 16 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Daniel@0 17 */
Daniel@0 18
Daniel@0 19 :- module(vis2, []).
Daniel@0 20
Daniel@0 21 /** <module> DML Visualisation web service
Daniel@0 22 */
Daniel@0 23
Daniel@0 24
Daniel@0 25 :- use_module(library(http/html_write)).
Daniel@0 26 :- use_module(library(http/html_head)).
Daniel@0 27 :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
Daniel@0 28 :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
Daniel@0 29 :- use_module(library(http/http_json)).
Daniel@0 30 :- use_module(library(http/json)).
Daniel@0 31 :- use_module(library(thread_pool)).
Daniel@0 32 :- use_module(library(sandbox)).
Daniel@0 33 :- use_module(library(dcg_core)).
Daniel@0 34 :- use_module(library(dcg_codes)).
Daniel@0 35 :- use_module(library(dcg_macros)).
Daniel@0 36 :- use_module(library(fileutils)).
Daniel@0 37 :- use_module(library(swipe)).
Daniel@0 38 :- use_module(library(memo)).
Daniel@0 39 :- use_module(library(rdfutils)).
Daniel@0 40 :- use_module(library(httpfiles)).
Daniel@0 41 :- use_module(library(dataset)).
Daniel@0 42 :- use_module(library(insist)).
Daniel@0 43 :- use_module(library(lambda)).
Daniel@0 44 :- use_module(library(dcg/basics), [string_without//2, integer//1]).
Daniel@0 45 :- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).
Daniel@0 46
Daniel@0 47 :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes).
Daniel@0 48 :- set_prolog_flag(back_quotes,string).
Daniel@0 49
Daniel@0 50 http:location(v2,api(v2),[]).
Daniel@0 51
Daniel@0 52 :- http_handler(v2(dataset), list_datasets, []).
Daniel@0 53 :- http_handler(v2(dataset/define), define_dataset, []).
Daniel@0 54 :- http_handler(v2(view/dataset/index), dataset_views, []).
Daniel@0 55 :- http_handler(v2(view/dataset/items), dataset_items, []).
Daniel@0 56 :- http_handler(v2(view/dataset/summary), dataset_summary, []).
Daniel@0 57 :- http_handler(v2(view/recording/index), recording_views, []).
Daniel@0 58 :- http_handler(v2(view/recording/properties), recording_properties, []).
Daniel@0 59
Daniel@0 60 :- initialization
Daniel@0 61 current_thread_pool(dmlvis), !;
Daniel@0 62 thread_pool_create(vis, 8, [backlog(100)]).
Daniel@0 63
Daniel@0 64 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel@0 65 % Handlers with documentation
Daniel@0 66
Daniel@0 67 %% list_datasets(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 68 % Lists previously defined datsets and the Prolog queries that define them.
Daniel@0 69 list_datasets(R) :- vis(list_datasets,R).
Daniel@0 70
Daniel@0 71 %% define_dataset(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 72 % Define a dataset satisfying given search terms. Result is a dataset
Daniel@0 73 % ID, which may be the same as a previously defined dataset if it consists
Daniel@0 74 % of the same items.
Daniel@0 75 define_dataset(R) :- vis(define_dataset,R).
Daniel@0 76
Daniel@0 77 %% dataset_views(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 78 % Lists available views for datasets.
Daniel@0 79 dataset_views(R) :- vis(list_views(dataset),R).
Daniel@0 80
Daniel@0 81 %% dataset_items(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 82 % Lists items in a given dataset specified by its ID..
Daniel@0 83 dataset_items(R) :- vis(dataset_items,R).
Daniel@0 84
Daniel@0 85 %% dataset_summary(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 86 % Returns some summary information about a dataset.
Daniel@0 87 dataset_summary(R) :- vis(dataset_summary,R).
Daniel@0 88
Daniel@0 89 %% recording_views(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 90 % Lists available views for recordings.
Daniel@0 91 recording_views(R) :- vis(list_views(recording),R).
Daniel@0 92
Daniel@0 93 %% recording_properties(+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 94 % Returns all the properties currently held in the RDF graph about a given recording.
Daniel@0 95 recording_properties(R) :- vis(recording_properties,R).
Daniel@0 96
Daniel@0 97
Daniel@0 98 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel@0 99
Daniel@0 100 %% vis(+Method,+Request) is det.
Daniel@0 101 %
Daniel@0 102 % Top level predicate for implementing VIS API. Handles common tasks
Daniel@0 103 % like determining the reply format, handling errors, and formatting the reply.
Daniel@0 104 vis(Method,Request) :-
Daniel@0 105 method_params_goal(Method,Params,Goal),
Daniel@0 106 vis(Params,Goal,Request).
Daniel@0 107
Daniel@0 108 vis(Params,Goal,Request) :-
Daniel@0 109 http_parameters(Request, [format(Format), callback(Callback) | Params],
Daniel@0 110 [attribute_declarations(param)]),
Daniel@0 111 (Format=jsonp -> Fmt=jsonp(Callback); Fmt=json),
Daniel@0 112 member(request_uri(Query),Request),
Daniel@0 113 catch( insist(call(Goal,Result,Status)),
Daniel@0 114 Ex, (error_result(Ex,Result), Status=error)),
Daniel@0 115 result_response(Fmt,Query,Result,Status,Response),
Daniel@0 116 write(Response).
Daniel@0 117
Daniel@0 118 result_response(Fmt,Q,Result,Status,Response) :-
Daniel@0 119 with_output_to(string(Response),
Daniel@0 120 reply_as(Fmt,Status,_{ query:Q, result: Result})).
Daniel@0 121
Daniel@0 122 reply_as(json,Status,Dict) :-
Daniel@0 123 write_headers([Status,type(json)]),
Daniel@0 124 json_write_dict(current_output, Dict).
Daniel@0 125 reply_as(jsonp(Cb),Status,Dict) :-
Daniel@0 126 write_headers([Status,type(jsonp)]),
Daniel@0 127 write(Cb), write('('),
Daniel@0 128 json_write_dict(current_output, Dict),
Daniel@0 129 write(');').
Daniel@0 130
Daniel@0 131
Daniel@0 132 error_result(dml_error(Code,Descriptor),_{ code: Code, desc:Desc }) :- !,
Daniel@0 133 format(string(Desc),'ERROR: ~w',[Descriptor]).
Daniel@0 134
Daniel@0 135 error_result(Ex, _{ code: 500, desc: Msg }) :-
Daniel@0 136 message_to_string(Ex,Msg).
Daniel@0 137
Daniel@0 138 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel@0 139 % Implementation of methods
Daniel@0 140
Daniel@0 141 :- multifile param/2.
Daniel@0 142
Daniel@0 143 % general
Daniel@0 144 param( format, [oneof([json,jsonp]), default(jsonp), description('Reply format')]).
Daniel@0 145 param( callback, [atom,default(jsonp_cb), description('Callback for jsonp reply')]).
Daniel@0 146
Daniel@0 147 % define_dataset
Daniel@0 148 param( library, [oneof([beets,charm,bl,ilm]), default(bl), description('Library to search within')]).
Daniel@0 149 param( dv, [nonneg, optional(false), description('Database version ID')]).
Daniel@0 150 param( genres, [atom, default(*), description('Semicolon separated list of genre names, or "*"')]).
Daniel@0 151 param( years, [atom, default(*), description('Semicolon separeted list of release years or a range (Y1-Y2) or "*"')]).
Daniel@0 152 param( composers, [atom, default(*), description('Semicolon separated list of composers or "*"')]).
Daniel@0 153 param( performers,[atom, default(*), description('Semicolon separated list of performers or "*"')]).
Daniel@0 154
Daniel@0 155 param( cid, [atom, optional(false), description('Collection ID')]).
Daniel@0 156 param( cids, [atom, optional(false), description('Semicolon separated list of Collection IDs')]).
Daniel@0 157 param( uri, [atom, optional(false), description('Recording URI')]).
Daniel@0 158 param( limit, [integer, default(5000), description('Maximum number of things to return')]).
Daniel@0 159 param( offset, [integer, default(0), description('Offset within list')]).
Daniel@0 160
Daniel@0 161 method_params(listCollections, []).
Daniel@0 162 method_params(listPerspectives, [method(_)]).
Daniel@0 163 method_params(collection_id, [library(_),dv(_),genres(_),years(_),composers(_),performers(_)]).
Daniel@0 164 method_params(Method, [ pid(_) | Params ]) :-
Daniel@0 165 perspective(Method,_,_,_,_),
Daniel@0 166 setof(P, perspective_param_name(Method,P), Ps),
Daniel@0 167 maplist(param_name_term,Ps,Params).
Daniel@0 168
Daniel@0 169 param_name_term(Name,Term) :- functor(Term,Name,1).
Daniel@0 170 perspective_param_name(Method,Name) :-
Daniel@0 171 perspective(Method,_,_,Specs,_),
Daniel@0 172 member(S,Specs),
Daniel@0 173 optspec_name(S,Name).
Daniel@0 174
Daniel@0 175
Daniel@0 176 :- multifile perspective/5.
Daniel@0 177
Daniel@0 178 method_result(listCollections, _, _{ collections:List }, unstable) :-
Daniel@0 179 findall( _{ cid:Id, query:QA, dv:DV, size:SZ },
Daniel@0 180 ( browse(dataset:dataset(dmlvis:Q, DV, Id, SZ, _)),
Daniel@0 181 term_to_atom(Q,QA)
Daniel@0 182 ),
Daniel@0 183 List).
Daniel@0 184 method_result(Method,Opts,Result,stable) :-
Daniel@0 185 method_result(Method,Opts,Result).
Daniel@0 186
Daniel@0 187
Daniel@0 188
Daniel@0 189 method_result(listPerspectives, Opts, _{ perspectives:List }) :-
Daniel@0 190 option(method(Method), Opts),
Daniel@0 191 findall( P, perspective(Method,P,_,_,_), List).
Daniel@0 192
Daniel@0 193 method_result(collection_id, Opts, _{ cid:Id, size:Size }) :-
Daniel@0 194 option(dv(DBV),Opts),
Daniel@0 195 option(library(Coll),Opts),
Daniel@0 196 collection_query(Coll, Opts, Query),
Daniel@0 197 dataset_query_id( Query, DBV, Id),
Daniel@0 198 dataset_size(Id, Size).
Daniel@0 199
Daniel@0 200 options_optspec(_,Opts,\O) :- option(O,Opts).
Daniel@0 201 options_optspec(_,Opts,O-Def) :- option(O,Opts,Def).
Daniel@0 202 options_optspec(M,Opts,O>Goal) :- options_optspec(M,Opts,O), call(M:Goal).
Daniel@0 203
Daniel@0 204 optspec_name(\O,Name) :- functor(O,Name,1).
Daniel@0 205 optspec_name(O-_,Name) :- functor(O,Name,1).
Daniel@0 206 optspec_name(O>_,Name) :- optspec_name(O,Name).
Daniel@0 207
Daniel@0 208 perspective(getRecordingPerspective, properties, dmlvis, [\uri(URI)], recording_info(URI)).
Daniel@0 209 perspective(getCollectionPerspective, summary, dmlvis, [\cid(C)], collection_summary(C)).
Daniel@0 210 perspective(getCollectionPerspective, list, dmlvis, [\cid(C),limit(Lim)-5000,offset(Off)-0], collection_list(C,Lim,Off)).
Daniel@0 211 % perspective(getCollectionPairPerspective, summary, dmlvis, [\cids(A)>parse_atom(cids([C1,C2]),A)], binary(summary,C1,C2)).
Daniel@0 212 % perspective(getMultiCollectionPerspective, summary, dmlvis, [\cids(A)>parse_atom(cids(Cs),A)], multi(summary,Cs)).
Daniel@0 213
Daniel@0 214 collection_summary(Id,Result) :-
Daniel@0 215 insist(browse(dataset:dataset(Goal,DV,Id,Size,_)), unknown_collection(Id)),
Daniel@0 216 term_to_atom(Goal,GoalA),
Daniel@0 217 Result = _{cid:Id, size:Size, goal:GoalA, dv:DV }.
Daniel@0 218
Daniel@0 219 collection_list(Id, Lim, Offset, _{cid:Id, size:Size, items:Items}) :-
Daniel@0 220 dataset_size(Id,Size),
Daniel@0 221 findall(Item,limit(Lim,offset(Offset,dataset_item(Id,Item))),Items).
Daniel@0 222
Daniel@0 223 % --------------- recording_properties -----------------------------
Daniel@0 224
Daniel@0 225 recording_info(URI, Result) :-
Daniel@0 226 ( a(mo:'AudioFile',URI) -> G=audiofile_info(URI)
Daniel@0 227 ; a(mo:'Track',URI) -> G=track_info(URI)
Daniel@0 228 ; a(mo:'Signal',URI) -> G=signal_info(URI)
Daniel@0 229 ; rdf(URI,charm:file_name,_) -> G=charm_info(URI)
Daniel@0 230 ; throw(not_a_recording(URI))
Daniel@0 231 ),
Daniel@0 232 insist(call(G,Result),failed(G)).
Daniel@0 233
Daniel@0 234 audiofile_info(URI,Result) :-
Daniel@0 235 rdf_text(URI,beets:title,Title),
Daniel@0 236 rdf_text(URI,beets:album,AlbumName),
Daniel@0 237 rdf_text(URI,beets:artist,ArtistName),
Daniel@0 238 rdf_number(URI,beets:length,Duration),
Daniel@0 239 Result = _{ type:audiofile, title:Title, artist:ArtistName, album:AlbumName, duration:Duration }.
Daniel@0 240
Daniel@0 241 track_info(Track, Result) :-
Daniel@0 242 rdf_number(Track,mo:duration,DurationMs), Duration is DurationMs/1000.0,
Daniel@0 243 rdf_text(Track,dc:title,Title),
Daniel@0 244 rdf(Record,mo:track,Track),
Daniel@0 245 rdf(Release,mo:record,Record),
Daniel@0 246 rdf_text(Release,dc:title,AlbumName),
Daniel@0 247 rdf(Artist,foaf:made,Track),
Daniel@0 248 rdf_text(Artist,foaf:name,ArtistName),
Daniel@0 249 Result = _{ type:track, title:Title, artist:ArtistName, album:AlbumName, duration:Duration }.
Daniel@0 250
Daniel@0 251 signal_info(Signal, _{type:signal, tracks:Infos}) :-
Daniel@0 252 setof(T,rdf(T,mo:publication_of,Signal),Tracks),
Daniel@0 253 maplist(track_info,Tracks,Infos).
Daniel@0 254
Daniel@0 255 charm_info(URI, PropDict) :-
Daniel@0 256 setof(Pred-Vals,setof(Val1,Val^(rdf(URI,Pred,literal(Val)),atomise_literal(Val,Val1)),Vals),Info),
Daniel@0 257 dict_pairs(PropDict,_,Info).
Daniel@0 258
Daniel@0 259 atomise_literal(type(_,Val),Val) :- !.
Daniel@0 260 atomise_literal(lang(_,Val),Val) :- !.
Daniel@0 261 atomise_literal(Val,Val).
Daniel@0 262
Daniel@0 263 % -------------------- defining a dataset ------------------------------
Daniel@0 264
Daniel@0 265 qc(beets,Opts,X) :- maplist(filter(beets,X),Opts), a(mo:'AudioFile',X).
Daniel@0 266 qc(charm,Opts,X) :- maplist(filter(charm,X),Opts), rdf(X,charm:file_name,_).
Daniel@0 267 qc(bl,Opts,X) :- maplist(filter(bl,X),Opts), rdf(X,rdf:type,mo:'Signal',bl_p2r).
Daniel@0 268
Daniel@0 269 filter(_,_,genres(*)) :- true.
Daniel@0 270 filter(beets,X,genres(any(Gs))) :- member(G,Gs), rdf_has(X,beets:genre,literal(substring(G),_)).
Daniel@0 271
Daniel@0 272 filter(_,_,years(*)) :- true.
Daniel@0 273 filter(D,X,years(any(Ys))) :- member(Y,Ys), filter(D,X,years(Y-Y)).
Daniel@0 274 filter(D,X,years(L-U)) :- succ(U,U1), atom_number(LA,L), atom_number(U1A,U1), filter(D,X,years(LA,U1A)).
Daniel@0 275 filter(beets,X,years(L,U)) :- rdf(X, beets:original_year, literal(between(L,U),_)).
Daniel@0 276 filter(charm,X,years(L,U)) :- rdf(X, charm:recording_date, literal(between(L,U),_)).
Daniel@0 277 filter(bl,X,years(L,U)) :- rdf(X, dcterms:created, literal(between(L,U),_)).
Daniel@0 278
Daniel@0 279 filter(_,_,composers(*)) :- true.
Daniel@0 280 filter(D,X,composers(any(List))) :- member(C,List), filter(D,X,composer(C)).
Daniel@0 281 filter(charm,X,composer(C)) :- rdf(X, charm:composer, literal(prefix(C),_)).
Daniel@0 282 filter(bl,X,composer(C)) :- rdf(X, marcrel:cmp, literal(prefix(C),_)).
Daniel@0 283 filter(_,_,performers(*)) :- true.
Daniel@0 284 filter(D,X,performers(any(List))) :- member(C,List), filter(D,X,performer(C)).
Daniel@0 285 filter(charm,X,performer(C)) :- rdf(X, charm:performer, literal(prefix(C),_)).
Daniel@0 286 filter(bl,X,performer(C)) :- rdf(X, marcrel:prf, literal(prefix(C),_)).
Daniel@0 287 filter(beets,X,performer(C)) :- rdf(X, beets:artist, literal(prefix(C),_)).
Daniel@0 288 filter(charm,X,title(C)) :- rdf(X, charm:title, literal(substring(C),_)).
Daniel@0 289 filter(bl,X,title(C)) :- rdf(X, dc:title, literal(substring(C),_)).
Daniel@0 290 filter(beets,X,title(C)) :- rdf(X, beets:title, literal(like(C),_)).
Daniel@0 291
Daniel@0 292
Daniel@0 293 collection_query(Coll, Opts, qc(Coll,Filters)) :-
Daniel@0 294 seqmap(process_qopt(Opts),
Daniel@0 295 [ qo( genres(GA), genres(GS), genres(*), parse_atom(atoms(GS), GA))
Daniel@0 296 , qo( composers(CA), composers(CS), composers(*), parse_atom(atoms(CS), CA))
Daniel@0 297 , qo( performers(PA), performers(PS), performers(*), parse_atom(atoms(PS), PA))
Daniel@0 298 , qo( years(YA), years(YS), years(*), parse_atom(years(YS), YA))
Daniel@0 299 , qo( title(T), title(T), title(*), true)
Daniel@0 300 ],
Daniel@0 301 Filters, []).
Daniel@0 302
Daniel@0 303 process_qopt(Opts,qo(Opt,Filter,NullFilter,Goal)) -->
Daniel@0 304 {option(Opt,Opts,'*'), call(Goal)},
Daniel@0 305 ({Filter=NullFilter} -> []; [Filter]).
Daniel@0 306
Daniel@0 307
Daniel@0 308 % --------- parsers -----------
Daniel@0 309
Daniel@0 310 % cids(Ids) --> seqmap_with_sep(",",alphanum,Ids).
Daniel@0 311 cids(Ids) --> semicolon_sep(atom_codes,Ids).
Daniel@0 312
Daniel@0 313 atoms('*') --> "*", !.
Daniel@0 314 atoms(any(AS)) --> semicolon_sep(atom_codes,AS).
Daniel@0 315
Daniel@0 316 years('*') --> "*", !.
Daniel@0 317 years(L-U) --> integer(L), "-", integer(U).
Daniel@0 318 years(any(Ys)) --> semicolon_sep(number_codes,Ys).
Daniel@0 319
Daniel@0 320
Daniel@0 321
Daniel@0 322 % alphanum(X) --> string_without(",",S), {atom_string(X,S)}.
Daniel@0 323
Daniel@0 324 item(Conv,Item) --> string_without(";",Codes), {call(Conv,Item,Codes)}.
Daniel@0 325 semicolon_sep(Conv,Items) -->
Daniel@0 326 seqmap_with_sep(";",item(Conv),Items).
Daniel@0 327
Daniel@0 328
Daniel@0 329 parse_atom(Phrase,Atom) :-
Daniel@0 330 atom_codes(Atom,Codes),
Daniel@0 331 debug(vis,'Attempting to parse ~q with ~q...',[Atom,Phrase]),
Daniel@0 332 insist( phrase(Phrase,Codes), parse_failure(Phrase)),
Daniel@0 333 debug(vis,' ~q',[Phrase]).
Daniel@0 334