comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/CPDs/@softmax_CPD/update_ess.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function CPD = update_ess(CPD, fmarginal, evidence, ns, cnodes, hidden_bitv)
2 % UPDATE_ESS Update the Expected Sufficient Statistics of a softmax node
3 % function CPD = update_ess(CPD, fmarginal, evidence, ns, cnodes, hidden_bitv)
4 %
5 % fmarginal = overall posterior distribution of self and its parents
6 % fmarginal(i1,i2...,ik,s)=prob(Pa1=i1,...,Pak=ik, self=s| X)
7 %
8 % => 1) prob(self|Pa1,...,Pak)=fmarginal/prob(Pa1,...,Pak) with prob(Pa1,...,Pak)=sum{s,fmarginal}
9 % [self estimation -> CPD.self_vals]
10 % 2) prob(Pa1,...,Pak) [WIRLS weights -> CPD.eso_weights]
11 %
12 % Hidden_bitv is ignored
14 % Written by Pierpaolo Brutti
16 if ~adjustable_CPD(CPD), return; end
18 domain = fmarginal.domain;
19 self = domain(end);
20 ps = domain(1:end-1);
21 cnodes = domain(CPD.cpndx);
22 cps = myintersect(domain, cnodes);
23 dps = mysetdiff(ps, cps);
24 dn_use = dps;
25 if isempty(evidence{self}) dn_use = [dn_use self]; end % if self is hidden we must consider its dimension
26 dps_as_cps = domain(CPD.dps_as_cps.ndx);
27 odom = domain(~isemptycell(evidence(domain)));
29 ns = zeros(1, max(domain));
30 ns(domain) = CPD.sizes; % CPD.sizes = bnet.node_sizes([ps self]);
31 ens = ns; % effective node sizes
32 ens(odom) = 1;
33 dpsize = prod(ns(dps));
35 % Extract the params compatible with the observations (if any) on the discrete parents (if any)
36 dops = myintersect(dps, odom);
37 dpvals = cat(1, evidence{dops});
39 subs = ind2subv(ens(dn_use), 1:prod(ens(dn_use)));
40 dpmap = find_equiv_posns(dops, dn_use);
41 if ~isempty(dpmap), subs(:,dpmap) = subs(:,dpmap)+repmat(dpvals(:)',[size(subs,1) 1])-1; end
42 supportedQs = subv2ind(ns(dn_use), subs); subs=subs(1:prod(ens(dps)),1:length(dps));
43 Qarity = prod(ns(dn_use));
44 if isempty(dn_use), Qarity = 1; end
46 fullm.T = zeros(Qarity, 1);
47 fullm.T(supportedQs) = fmarginal.T(:);
48 rs_dim = CPD.sizes; rs_dim(CPD.cpndx) = 1; %
49 if ~isempty(evidence{self}), rs_dim(end)=1; end % reshaping the marginal
50 fullm.T = reshape(fullm.T, rs_dim); %
52 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE--
54 CPD.nsamples = CPD.nsamples + 1;
56 % 1) observations vector -> CPD.parents_vals ---------------------------------------------
57 cpvals = cat(1, evidence{cps});
59 if ~isempty(dps_as_cps), % ...get in the dp_as_cp parents...
60 separator = CPD.dps_as_cps.separator;
61 dp_as_cpmap = find_equiv_posns(dps_as_cps, dps);
62 for i=1:dpsize,
63 dp_as_cpvals=zeros(1,sum(ns(dps_as_cps)));
64 possible_vals = ind2subv(ns(dps),i);
65 ll=find(ismember(subs(:,dp_as_cpmap), possible_vals(dp_as_cpmap), 'rows')==1);
66 if ~isempty(ll),
67 where_one = separator + possible_vals(dp_as_cpmap);
68 dp_as_cpvals(where_one)=1;
69 end
70 CPD.parent_vals(CPD.nsamples,:,i) = [dp_as_cpvals(:); cpvals(:)]';
71 end
72 else
73 CPD.parent_vals(CPD.nsamples,:) = cpvals(:)';
74 end
76 % 2) weights vector -> CPD.eso_weights ----------------------------------------------------
77 if isempty(evidence{self}), % self is hidden
78 pesi=reshape(sum(fullm.T, length(rs_dim)),[dpsize,1]);
79 else
80 pesi=reshape(fullm.T,[dpsize,1]);
81 end
82 assert(approxeq(sum(pesi),1)); % check
84 % 3) estimate (if R is hidden) or recover (if R is obs) self'value-------------------------
85 if isempty(evidence{self}) % P(self|Pa1,...,Pak)=fmarginal/prob(Pa1,...,Pak)
86 r=reshape(mk_stochastic(fullm.T), [dpsize ns(self)]); % matrix size: prod{j,ns(Paj)} x ns(self)
87 else
88 r = zeros(dpsize,ns(self));
89 for i=1:dpsize, if pesi(i)~=0, r(i,evidence{self}) = 1; end; end
90 end
91 for i=1:dpsize, if pesi(i)~=0, assert(approxeq(sum(r(i,:)),1)); end; end % check
93 % 4) save the previous values --------------------------------------------------------------
94 for i=1:dpsize
95 CPD.eso_weights(CPD.nsamples,:,i)=pesi(i);
96 CPD.self_vals(CPD.nsamples,:,i) = r(i,:);
97 end