changeset 399:ff60102d5f39 prerelease

author Giulio Moro <>
date Wed, 15 Jun 2016 01:34:29 +0100 (2016-06-15)
parents 8a7c35ee8b3f (diff) 5587d7fa0108 (current diff)
children adb4fafbeaef
files Makefile
diffstat 4 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Makefile	Tue Jun 14 21:39:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/Makefile	Wed Jun 15 01:34:29 2016 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-NO_PROJECT_TARGETS=coreclean distclean stop help
+NO_PROJECT_TARGETS=coreclean distclean stop help iderun idestop iderunup idenostartup
 NO_PROJECT_TARGETS_MESSAGE=PROJECT or EXAMPLE should be set for all targets except: $(NO_PROJECT_TARGETS)
 # Type `$ make help` to get a description of the functionalities of this Makefile.
 help: ## Show this help
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 # if we are building an example, just copy it to the projects/ folder
 # and then treat it as a project
 ifdef EXAMPLE
+  #you can alternatively specify PROJECT= along with EXAMPLE=
   PROJECT_DIR?=$(abspath projects/$(PROJECT))
   $(shell mkdir -p $(abspath projects))
@@ -39,17 +40,21 @@
 ifdef PROJECT
-  $(shell mkdir -p $(PROJECT_DIR)/build)
+  $(shell mkdir -p $(PROJECT_DIR)/build build/core)
+RUN_IDE_COMMAND?=stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 $(RUN_COMMAND)
+BELA_IDE_RUN_COMMAND?=cd $(BELA_IDE_HOME) && screen -S $(BELA_IDE_SCREEN_NAME) -d -m node index.js
+BELA_IDE_STOP_COMMAND?=screen -X -S $(BELA_IDE_SCREEN_NAME) quit > /dev/null 
 RM := rm -rf
 STATIC_LIBS := ./libprussdrv.a ./libNE10.a
@@ -204,7 +209,7 @@
 clean: projectclean
 coreclean: ## Remove the core's build objects
-	-$(RM) build/*
+	-$(RM) build/core/*
 	@printf "Warning: you are about to DELETE the projects/ folder and its content. This operation cannot be undone. Continue? (y/N) "
@@ -263,4 +268,22 @@
 	@PID=`grep $(BELA_AUDIO_THREAD_NAME) /proc/xenomai/stat | cut -d " " -f 5 | sed s/\s//g`; if [ -z $$PID ]; then echo "No process to kill"; else echo "Killing old Bela process $$PID"; kill -2 $$PID; fi; screen -X -S $(SCREEN_NAME) quit > /dev/null; exit 0;
-.PHONY: all clean distclean help projectclean nostartup startup startuploop debug run runfg runscreen runscreenfg runscreenfifo stop 
+iderun: ## Starts the on-board IDE
+idestop: ## Stops the on-board IDE
+	@echo TODO
+	@exit 1
+BELA_IDE_STARTUP_COMMAND=printf "\#!/bin/sh\n\#\n\# This file is autogenerated by Bela. Do not edit!\n\necho Running the Bela IDE...\n$(BELA_IDE_RUN_COMMAND)\n" > $(BELA_IDE_STARTUP_SCRIPT)
+idestartup: ## Enables the IDE at startup
+	@echo "Enabling the IDE at startup"
+idenostartup: ## Disables the IDE at startup
+	@echo "Disabling the IDE at startup"
+	@printf "#!/bin/sh\n#\n\n# This file is autogenerated by Bela. Do not edit!\n\n# The Bela IDE is disabled on startup.\n" > $(BELA_IDE_STARTUP_SCRIPT)
+.PHONY: all clean distclean help projectclean nostartup startup startuploop debug run runfg runscreen runscreenfg runscreenfifo stop iderun idestop iderunup idenostartup
--- a/core/WriteFile.cpp	Tue Jun 14 21:39:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/core/WriteFile.cpp	Wed Jun 15 01:34:29 2016 +0100
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
-void WriteFile::log(float* array, int length){
+void WriteFile::log(const float* array, int length){
 	for(int n = 0; n < length; n++){
--- a/include/WriteFile.h	Tue Jun 14 21:39:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/include/WriteFile.h	Wed Jun 15 01:34:29 2016 +0100
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 	 * This is ignored in binary mode.
 	void setFooter(const char* newFooter);
-	void log(float* array, int length);
+	void log(const float* array, int length);
 	void log(float value);
 	void init(const char* filename);
--- a/scripts/	Tue Jun 14 21:39:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/scripts/	Wed Jun 15 01:34:29 2016 +0100
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
 #make sure the paths have the trailing / . 
 [ -z "$BBB_ADDRESS" ] && BBB_ADDRESS="root@"
-[ -z "$BBB_BELA_HOME" ] && BBB_BELA_HOME="~/Bela/"
+[ -z "$BBB_BELA_HOME" ] && BBB_BELA_HOME="~/BeagleRT/"
@@ -47,11 +48,11 @@
 printf "\nUSAGE: [[-i input folder containing _main.pd file ]\
  [-o output folder for new heavy project .c files (default ../projects/heavy/hvtemp)]\
- [-b bbb path to copy to (default ~/Bela)] | [-h] | [-f|--force] | [-w|--watch]\n"
+ [-b bbb path to copy to (default ~/BeagleRT)] | [-h] | [-f|--force] | [-w|--watch] | [-n|--noupload] \n"
 printf "\nexample: -i ../projects/heavy/pd/hello-world -o ../projects/heavy/hello-world\n"
 echo "If --watch is selected, the script will check every 1s for any file that is modified in the source folder, which triggers\
 the building process and runs the process.
-If --screen is selected, the prompt returns to the user after launching Bela in a screen on the target device.
+If --screen is selected, the prompt returns to the user after launching BeagleRT in a screen on the target device.
 If --screen and --watch are combined, while the process is running in the screen, modifications to the source files will \
 still trigger a new build."
@@ -78,6 +79,8 @@
         -w | --watch )          WATCH=1
+        -n | --noupload )      NO_UPLOAD=1
+                                ;;
         -h | --help )           usage
@@ -123,37 +126,49 @@
 function checkUploadBuildRun(){
     checkChanged || return # exits if source files have not changed
-    # remove old static files to avoid obsolete errors
-    # use -rf to prevent warnings in case they do not exist
-    rm -rf "$projectpath"/Hv* "$projectpath"/Message* "$projectpath"/Control* "$projectpath"/Signal* &>/dev/null
+    if [ $NO_UPLOAD -eq 0 ]; then
+        # remove old static files to avoid obsolete errors
+        # use -rf to prevent warnings in case they do not exist
+        rm -rf "$projectpath"/Hv* "$projectpath"/Message* "$projectpath"/Control* "$projectpath"/Signal* &>/dev/null
-    # invoke the online compiler
-    "$BELA_PYTHON27" hvresources/ "$pdpath"/ -n bbb -g c -o "$projectpath";
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    #echo "ERROR: an error occurred while executing the script"
-    echo "error"
-    exit 1
+        # invoke the online compiler
+        "$BELA_PYTHON27" hvresources/ "$pdpath"/ -n bbb -g c -o "$projectpath";
+        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        #echo "ERROR: an error occurred while executing the script"
+        echo "error"
+        exit 1
+        fi;
     echo "";
     #echo "*|*|* Successfully uploaded and converted pd patch into super-fast optimized C code. Brought to you by Heavy! *|*|*";
     echo "";
+    BBB_PROJECT_FOLDER=$BBB_PROJECT_HOME"/"$BBB_PROJECT_NAME #make sure there is no trailing slash here
     # check how to copy/sync render.cpp file...
-    if [ $render -eq 0 ]; then
-    cp "hvresources/render.cpp" $projectpath/;
+    # don't replace render.cpp file if custom one provided in output folder
+    if [ -f $projectpath"/render.cpp" ]; then
+        echo "Found custom render.cpp file in output folder";
+        ssh -t $BBB_ADDRESS "rm ${BBB_PROJECT_FOLDER}/build/render.*" 
+    else
+        if [ $render -eq 0 ]; then
+        cp "hvresources/render.cpp" $projectpath/;
+        fi;
     cp "hvresources/HvUtils.h" $projectpath/;
     echo "updating files on board..."
-    BBB_PROJECT_FOLDER=$BBB_PROJECT_HOME"/"$BBB_PROJECT_NAME #make sure there is no trailing slash here
-    rsync -avc --no-t --exclude 'HvContext*' "$projectpath"/ "$BBB_NETWORK_TARGET_FOLDER";
-    # for whatever reason these big files used to hang when transferring with rsync
-    scp "$projectpath"/HvContext* $BBB_NETWORK_TARGET_FOLDER
+    echo rsync -c -rv --exclude 'HvContext*' "$projectpath"/ "$BBB_NETWORK_TARGET_FOLDER";
+    rsync -c -rv --exclude 'HvContext*' "$projectpath"/ "$BBB_NETWORK_TARGET_FOLDER";
+    # rsync -c -rv "$projectpath"/ "$BBB_ADDRESS":"$BBB_BELA_HOME"/source;
+    if [ $NO_UPLOAD -eq 0 ]; then
+        # for whatever reason these big files used to hang when transferring with rsync
+        scp "$projectpath"/HvContext* $BBB_NETWORK_TARGET_FOLDER
+    fi;
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     echo "";
@@ -167,10 +182,12 @@
     # UPDATED_FILES=`rsync -naic --log-format="%f" "$projectpath" "$BBB_BELA_HOME"/source | grep -v "\.$"`
     # exit 2
-    # sets the date, remove old executable and heavy context .o/.d files
-    ssh $BBB_ADDRESS "date -s '`date`' > /dev/null; rm -rf "$BBB_PROJECT_FOLDER/$BBB_PROJECT_NAME;
-    # Make new Bela execut/able and run
+    # remove old executable and heavy context .o/.d files
+    if [ $NO_UPLOAD -eq 0 ]; then
+    fi;
+    # Make new BeagleRT execut/able and run
     # It does not look very nice that we type the same things over and over
     # but that is because each line is an ssh session in its own right