annotate core/PRU.cpp @ 40:419ce4ebfc4c staging

Further improvements in the PRU readibility (removed unnecssary defines and renamed r27_current back to reg_digital_current)
author Giulio Moro <>
date Wed, 13 May 2015 12:23:37 +0100
parents a9af130097e8
children 4255ecbb9bec 4cd9a8ca5745 579c86316008
rev   line source
andrewm@0 1 /*
andrewm@0 2 * PRU.cpp
andrewm@0 3 *
andrewm@0 4 * Code for communicating with the Programmable Realtime Unit (PRU)
andrewm@0 5 * on the BeagleBone AM335x series processors. The PRU loads and runs
andrewm@0 6 * a separate code image compiled from an assembly file. Here it is
andrewm@0 7 * used to handle audio and SPI ADC/DAC data.
andrewm@0 8 *
andrewm@0 9 * This code is specific to the PRU code in the assembly file; for example,
andrewm@0 10 * it uses certain GPIO resources that correspond to that image.
andrewm@0 11 *
andrewm@0 12 * Created on: May 27, 2014
andrewm@0 13 * Author: andrewm
andrewm@0 14 */
andrewm@0 15
andrewm@0 16 #include "../include/PRU.h"
andrewm@0 17 #include "../include/prussdrv.h"
andrewm@0 18 #include "../include/pruss_intc_mapping.h"
giuliomoro@19 19 #include "../include/digital_gpio_mapping.h"
andrewm@0 20 #include "../include/GPIOcontrol.h"
andrewm@0 21 #include "../include/render.h"
andrewm@15 22 #include "../include/pru_rtaudio_bin.h"
andrewm@0 23
andrewm@0 24 #include <iostream>
andrewm@0 25 #include <stdlib.h>
andrewm@0 26 #include <cstdio>
andrewm@0 27 #include <cerrno>
andrewm@0 28 #include <fcntl.h>
andrewm@0 29 #include <sys/mman.h>
giuliomoro@16 30 #include <unistd.h>
andrewm@0 31
andrewm@0 32 // Xenomai-specific includes
andrewm@0 33 #include <sys/mman.h>
andrewm@0 34 #include <native/task.h>
andrewm@0 35 #include <native/timer.h>
andrewm@0 36 #include <rtdk.h>
andrewm@0 37
andrewm@0 38 using namespace std;
andrewm@0 39
andrewm@0 40 #define PRU_MEM_MCASP_OFFSET 0x2000 // Offset within PRU-SHARED RAM
andrewm@0 41 #define PRU_MEM_MCASP_LENGTH 0x2000 // Length of McASP memory, in bytes
andrewm@0 42 #define PRU_MEM_DAC_OFFSET 0x0 // Offset within PRU0 RAM
andrewm@0 43 #define PRU_MEM_DAC_LENGTH 0x2000 // Length of ADC+DAC memory, in bytes
andrewm@0 44 #define PRU_MEM_COMM_OFFSET 0x0 // Offset within PRU-SHARED RAM
giuliomoro@19 45 #define PRU_MEM_DIGITAL_OFFSET 0x1000 //Offset within PRU-SHARED RAM
giuliomoro@19 46 #define MEM_DIGITAL_BUFFER1_OFFSET 0x400 //Start pointer to DIGITAL_BUFFER1, which is 256 words.
giuliomoro@16 47 // 256 is the maximum number of frames allowed
andrewm@0 48 #define PRU_SHOULD_STOP 0
andrewm@0 49 #define PRU_CURRENT_BUFFER 1
andrewm@0 50 #define PRU_BUFFER_FRAMES 2
andrewm@0 51 #define PRU_SHOULD_SYNC 3
andrewm@0 52 #define PRU_SYNC_ADDRESS 4
andrewm@0 53 #define PRU_SYNC_PIN_MASK 5
andrewm@0 54 #define PRU_LED_ADDRESS 6
andrewm@0 55 #define PRU_LED_PIN_MASK 7
andrewm@0 56 #define PRU_FRAME_COUNT 8
andrewm@0 57 #define PRU_USE_SPI 9
andrewm@12 58 #define PRU_SPI_NUM_CHANNELS 10
giuliomoro@38 59 #define PRU_USE_DIGITAL 11
giuliomoro@16 60
giuliomoro@19 61 short int digitalPins[NUM_DIGITALS]={
giuliomoro@16 62 GPIO_NO_BIT_0,
giuliomoro@16 63 GPIO_NO_BIT_1,
giuliomoro@16 64 GPIO_NO_BIT_2,
giuliomoro@16 65 GPIO_NO_BIT_3,
giuliomoro@16 66 GPIO_NO_BIT_4,
giuliomoro@16 67 GPIO_NO_BIT_5,
giuliomoro@16 68 GPIO_NO_BIT_6,
giuliomoro@16 69 GPIO_NO_BIT_7,
giuliomoro@16 70 GPIO_NO_BIT_8,
giuliomoro@16 71 GPIO_NO_BIT_9,
giuliomoro@16 72 GPIO_NO_BIT_10,
giuliomoro@16 73 GPIO_NO_BIT_11,
giuliomoro@16 74 GPIO_NO_BIT_12,
giuliomoro@16 75 GPIO_NO_BIT_13,
giuliomoro@16 76 GPIO_NO_BIT_14,
giuliomoro@16 77 GPIO_NO_BIT_15,
giuliomoro@16 78 };
andrewm@0 79
andrewm@12 80 #define PRU_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_NS 11338 // 88200Hz per SPI sample = 11.338us
andrewm@0 81
andrewm@0 82 #define GPIO0_ADDRESS 0x44E07000
andrewm@0 83 #define GPIO1_ADDRESS 0x4804C000
andrewm@0 84 #define GPIO_SIZE 0x198
andrewm@0 85 #define GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT (0x190 / 4)
andrewm@0 86 #define GPIO_SETDATAOUT (0x194 / 4)
andrewm@0 87
andrewm@0 88 #define TEST_PIN_GPIO_BASE GPIO0_ADDRESS // Use GPIO0(31) for debugging
andrewm@0 89 #define TEST_PIN_MASK (1 << 31)
andrewm@0 90 #define TEST_PIN2_MASK (1 << 26)
andrewm@0 91
andrewm@0 92 #define USERLED3_GPIO_BASE GPIO1_ADDRESS // GPIO1(24) is user LED 3
andrewm@0 93 #define USERLED3_PIN_MASK (1 << 24)
andrewm@0 94
andrewm@0 95 const unsigned int PRU::kPruGPIODACSyncPin = 5; // GPIO0(5); P9-17
andrewm@0 96 const unsigned int PRU::kPruGPIOADCSyncPin = 48; // GPIO1(16); P9-15
andrewm@0 97
andrewm@0 98 const unsigned int PRU::kPruGPIOTestPin = 60; // GPIO1(28); P9-12
andrewm@0 99 const unsigned int PRU::kPruGPIOTestPin2 = 31; // GPIO0(31); P9-13
andrewm@0 100 const unsigned int PRU::kPruGPIOTestPin3 = 26; // GPIO0(26); P8-14
andrewm@0 101
andrewm@0 102 extern int gShouldStop;
andrewm@0 103 extern int gRTAudioVerbose;
andrewm@0 104
andrewm@0 105 // Constructor: specify a PRU number (0 or 1)
andrewm@0 106 PRU::PRU()
andrewm@0 107 : pru_number(0), running(false), spi_enabled(false), gpio_enabled(false), led_enabled(false),
andrewm@12 108 gpio_test_pin_enabled(false), spi_num_channels(0), xenomai_gpio_fd(-1), xenomai_gpio(0)
andrewm@0 109 {
andrewm@0 110
andrewm@0 111 }
andrewm@0 112
andrewm@0 113 // Destructor
andrewm@0 114 PRU::~PRU()
andrewm@0 115 {
andrewm@0 116 if(running)
andrewm@0 117 disable();
andrewm@0 118 if(gpio_enabled)
andrewm@0 119 cleanupGPIO();
andrewm@0 120 if(xenomai_gpio_fd >= 0)
andrewm@0 121 close(xenomai_gpio_fd);
andrewm@0 122 }
andrewm@0 123
andrewm@0 124 // Prepare the GPIO pins needed for the PRU
andrewm@0 125 // If include_test_pin is set, the GPIO output
andrewm@0 126 // is also prepared for an output which can be
andrewm@0 127 // viewed on a scope. If include_led is set,
andrewm@0 128 // user LED 3 on the BBB is taken over by the PRU
andrewm@0 129 // to indicate activity
giuliomoro@19 130 int PRU::prepareGPIO(int use_spi, int use_digital, int include_test_pin, int include_led)
andrewm@0 131 {
andrewm@0 132 if(use_spi) {
andrewm@0 133 // Prepare DAC CS/ pin: output, high to begin
andrewm@0 134 if(gpio_export(kPruGPIODACSyncPin)) {
andrewm@0 135 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 136 cout << "Warning: couldn't export DAC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 137 }
andrewm@0 138 if(gpio_set_dir(kPruGPIODACSyncPin, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
andrewm@0 139 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 140 cout << "Couldn't set direction on DAC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 141 return -1;
andrewm@0 142 }
andrewm@0 143 if(gpio_set_value(kPruGPIODACSyncPin, HIGH)) {
andrewm@0 144 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 145 cout << "Couldn't set value on DAC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 146 return -1;
andrewm@0 147 }
andrewm@0 148
andrewm@0 149 // Prepare ADC CS/ pin: output, high to begin
andrewm@0 150 if(gpio_export(kPruGPIOADCSyncPin)) {
andrewm@0 151 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 152 cout << "Warning: couldn't export ADC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 153 }
andrewm@0 154 if(gpio_set_dir(kPruGPIOADCSyncPin, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
andrewm@0 155 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 156 cout << "Couldn't set direction on ADC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 157 return -1;
andrewm@0 158 }
andrewm@0 159 if(gpio_set_value(kPruGPIOADCSyncPin, HIGH)) {
andrewm@0 160 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 161 cout << "Couldn't set value on ADC sync pin\n";
andrewm@0 162 return -1;
andrewm@0 163 }
andrewm@0 164
andrewm@0 165 spi_enabled = true;
andrewm@0 166 }
andrewm@0 167
giuliomoro@19 168 if(use_digital){
giuliomoro@19 169 printf("gNumDigitalChannels: %d;\n",gNumDigitalChannels);
giuliomoro@19 170 for(int i=0; i<gNumDigitalChannels; i++){
giuliomoro@19 171 if(gpio_export(digitalPins[i])) {
giuliomoro@16 172 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
giuliomoro@38 173 cerr << "Warning: couldn't export digital GPIO pin " << digitalPins[i] << "\n"; // this is left as a warning because if the pin has been exported by somebody else, can still be used
giuliomoro@16 174 }
giuliomoro@38 175 if(gpio_set_dir(digitalPins[i], INPUT_PIN)) {
giuliomoro@16 176 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
giuliomoro@38 177 cerr << "Error: Couldn't set direction on digital GPIO pin " << digitalPins[i] << "\n";
giuliomoro@16 178 return -1;
giuliomoro@16 179 }
giuliomoro@16 180 }
giuliomoro@19 181 digital_enabled=true;
giuliomoro@16 182 }
giuliomoro@16 183
andrewm@0 184 if(include_test_pin) {
andrewm@0 185 // Prepare GPIO test output (for debugging), low to begin
andrewm@0 186 if(gpio_export(kPruGPIOTestPin)) {
andrewm@0 187 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 188 cout << "Warning: couldn't export GPIO test pin\n";
andrewm@0 189 }
andrewm@0 190 if(gpio_set_dir(kPruGPIOTestPin, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
andrewm@0 191 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 192 cout << "Couldn't set direction on GPIO test pin\n";
andrewm@0 193 return -1;
andrewm@0 194 }
andrewm@0 195 if(gpio_set_value(kPruGPIOTestPin, LOW)) {
andrewm@0 196 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 197 cout << "Couldn't set value on GPIO test pin\n";
andrewm@0 198 return -1;
andrewm@0 199 }
andrewm@0 200
andrewm@0 201 if(gpio_export(kPruGPIOTestPin2)) {
andrewm@0 202 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 203 cout << "Warning: couldn't export GPIO test pin 2\n";
andrewm@0 204 }
andrewm@0 205 if(gpio_set_dir(kPruGPIOTestPin2, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
andrewm@0 206 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 207 cout << "Couldn't set direction on GPIO test pin 2\n";
andrewm@0 208 return -1;
andrewm@0 209 }
andrewm@0 210 if(gpio_set_value(kPruGPIOTestPin2, LOW)) {
andrewm@0 211 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 212 cout << "Couldn't set value on GPIO test pin 2\n";
andrewm@0 213 return -1;
andrewm@0 214 }
andrewm@0 215
andrewm@0 216 if(gpio_export(kPruGPIOTestPin3)) {
andrewm@0 217 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 218 cout << "Warning: couldn't export GPIO test pin 3\n";
andrewm@0 219 }
andrewm@0 220 if(gpio_set_dir(kPruGPIOTestPin3, OUTPUT_PIN)) {
andrewm@0 221 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 222 cout << "Couldn't set direction on GPIO test pin 3\n";
andrewm@0 223 return -1;
andrewm@0 224 }
andrewm@0 225 if(gpio_set_value(kPruGPIOTestPin3, LOW)) {
andrewm@0 226 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
andrewm@0 227 cout << "Couldn't set value on GPIO test pin 3\n";
andrewm@0 228 return -1;
andrewm@0 229 }
andrewm@0 230 gpio_test_pin_enabled = true;
andrewm@0 231 }
andrewm@0 232
andrewm@0 233 if(include_led) {
andrewm@0 234 // Turn off system function for LED3 so it can be reused by PRU
andrewm@0 235 led_set_trigger(3, "none");
andrewm@0 236 led_enabled = true;
andrewm@0 237 }
andrewm@0 238
andrewm@0 239 gpio_enabled = true;
andrewm@0 240
andrewm@0 241 return 0;
andrewm@0 242 }
andrewm@0 243
andrewm@0 244 // Clean up the GPIO at the end
andrewm@0 245 void PRU::cleanupGPIO()
andrewm@0 246 {
andrewm@0 247 if(!gpio_enabled)
andrewm@0 248 return;
andrewm@0 249 if(spi_enabled) {
andrewm@0 250 gpio_unexport(kPruGPIODACSyncPin);
andrewm@0 251 gpio_unexport(kPruGPIOADCSyncPin);
andrewm@0 252 }
giuliomoro@19 253 if(digital_enabled){
giuliomoro@19 254 for(int i=0; i<gNumDigitalChannels; i++){
giuliomoro@19 255 gpio_unexport(digitalPins[i]);
giuliomoro@16 256 }
giuliomoro@16 257 }
andrewm@0 258 if(gpio_test_pin_enabled) {
andrewm@0 259 gpio_unexport(kPruGPIOTestPin);
andrewm@0 260 gpio_unexport(kPruGPIOTestPin2);
andrewm@0 261 gpio_unexport(kPruGPIOTestPin3);
andrewm@0 262 }
andrewm@0 263 if(led_enabled) {
andrewm@0 264 // Set LED back to default eMMC status
andrewm@0 265 // TODO: make it go back to its actual value before this program,
andrewm@0 266 // rather than the system default
andrewm@0 267 led_set_trigger(3, "mmc1");
andrewm@0 268 }
andrewm@0 269 gpio_enabled = gpio_test_pin_enabled = false;
andrewm@0 270 }
andrewm@0 271
andrewm@0 272 // Initialise and open the PRU
andrewm@12 273 int PRU::initialise(int pru_num, int frames_per_buffer, int spi_channels, bool xenomai_test_pin)
andrewm@0 274 {
andrewm@0 275 uint32_t *pruMem = 0;
andrewm@0 276
andrewm@0 277 if(!gpio_enabled) {
andrewm@0 278 rt_printf("initialise() called before GPIO enabled\n");
andrewm@0 279 return 1;
andrewm@0 280 }
andrewm@0 281
andrewm@0 282 pru_number = pru_num;
andrewm@0 283
andrewm@12 284 /* Set number of SPI ADC / DAC channels to use. This implicitly
andrewm@12 285 * also determines the sample rate relative to the audio clock
andrewm@12 286 * (half audio clock for 8 channels, full audio clock for 4,
andrewm@12 287 * double audio clock for 2)
andrewm@12 288 */
andrewm@12 289 spi_num_channels = spi_channels;
andrewm@12 290
andrewm@0 291 /* Initialize structure used by prussdrv_pruintc_intc */
andrewm@0 292 /* PRUSS_INTC_INITDATA is found in pruss_intc_mapping.h */
andrewm@0 293 tpruss_intc_initdata pruss_intc_initdata = PRUSS_INTC_INITDATA;
andrewm@0 294
andrewm@0 295 /* Allocate and initialize memory */
andrewm@0 296 prussdrv_init();
andrewm@15 297 if(prussdrv_open(pru_number == 0 ? PRU_EVTOUT_0 : PRU_EVTOUT_1)) {
andrewm@0 298 rt_printf("Failed to open PRU driver\n");
andrewm@0 299 return 1;
andrewm@0 300 }
andrewm@0 301
andrewm@0 302 /* Map PRU's INTC */
andrewm@0 303 prussdrv_pruintc_init(&pruss_intc_initdata);
andrewm@0 304
andrewm@0 305 spi_buffer_frames = frames_per_buffer;
andrewm@12 306 audio_buffer_frames = spi_buffer_frames * spi_num_channels / 4;
giuliomoro@19 307 digital_buffer_frames = audio_buffer_frames;
andrewm@0 308
andrewm@0 309 /* Map PRU memory to pointers */
andrewm@0 310 prussdrv_map_prumem (PRUSS0_SHARED_DATARAM, (void **)&pruMem);
andrewm@0 311 pru_buffer_comm = (uint32_t *)&pruMem[PRU_MEM_COMM_OFFSET/sizeof(uint32_t)];
andrewm@0 312 pru_buffer_audio_dac = (int16_t *)&pruMem[PRU_MEM_MCASP_OFFSET/sizeof(uint32_t)];
andrewm@0 313
andrewm@12 314 /* ADC memory starts 2(ch)*2(buffers)*bufsize samples later */
andrewm@12 315 pru_buffer_audio_adc = &pru_buffer_audio_dac[4 * audio_buffer_frames];
andrewm@0 316
andrewm@0 317 if(spi_enabled) {
andrewm@0 318 prussdrv_map_prumem (pru_number == 0 ? PRUSS0_PRU0_DATARAM : PRUSS0_PRU1_DATARAM, (void **)&pruMem);
andrewm@0 319 pru_buffer_spi_dac = (uint16_t *)&pruMem[PRU_MEM_DAC_OFFSET/sizeof(uint32_t)];
andrewm@0 320
andrewm@12 321 /* ADC memory starts after N(ch)*2(buffers)*bufsize samples */
andrewm@12 322 pru_buffer_spi_adc = &pru_buffer_spi_dac[2 * spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames];
andrewm@0 323 }
andrewm@0 324 else {
andrewm@0 325 pru_buffer_spi_dac = pru_buffer_spi_adc = 0;
andrewm@0 326 }
andrewm@0 327
giuliomoro@19 328 if(digital_enabled) {
giuliomoro@16 329 prussdrv_map_prumem (PRUSS0_SHARED_DATARAM, (void **)&pruMem);
giuliomoro@19 330 pru_buffer_digital = (uint32_t *)&pruMem[PRU_MEM_DIGITAL_OFFSET/sizeof(uint32_t)];
giuliomoro@16 331 }
giuliomoro@16 332 else {
giuliomoro@19 333 pru_buffer_digital = 0;
giuliomoro@16 334 }
andrewm@0 335 /* Set up flags */
andrewm@0 336 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SHOULD_STOP] = 0;
andrewm@0 337 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_CURRENT_BUFFER] = 0;
andrewm@0 338 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_BUFFER_FRAMES] = spi_buffer_frames;
andrewm@0 339 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SHOULD_SYNC] = 0;
andrewm@0 340 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SYNC_ADDRESS] = 0;
andrewm@0 341 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SYNC_PIN_MASK] = 0;
andrewm@0 342 if(led_enabled) {
andrewm@0 343 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_LED_ADDRESS] = USERLED3_GPIO_BASE;
andrewm@0 344 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_LED_PIN_MASK] = USERLED3_PIN_MASK;
andrewm@0 345 }
andrewm@0 346 else {
andrewm@0 347 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_LED_ADDRESS] = 0;
andrewm@0 348 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_LED_PIN_MASK] = 0;
andrewm@0 349 }
andrewm@0 350 if(spi_enabled) {
andrewm@0 351 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_USE_SPI] = 1;
andrewm@12 352 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SPI_NUM_CHANNELS] = spi_num_channels;
andrewm@0 353 }
andrewm@0 354 else {
andrewm@0 355 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_USE_SPI] = 0;
andrewm@12 356 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SPI_NUM_CHANNELS] = 0;
andrewm@0 357 }
giuliomoro@19 358 if(digital_enabled) {
giuliomoro@38 359 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_USE_DIGITAL] = 1;
giuliomoro@38 360 //TODO: add mask
giuliomoro@16 361 }
giuliomoro@16 362 else {
giuliomoro@38 363 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_USE_DIGITAL] = 0;
giuliomoro@38 364
giuliomoro@16 365 }
andrewm@0 366
giuliomoro@38 367 /* Clear ADC and DAC memory.*/
giuliomoro@38 368 //TODO: this initialisation should only address the memory effectively used by these buffers, i.e.:depend on the number of frames
giuliomoro@38 369 // (otherwise might cause issues if we move memory locations later on)
andrewm@0 370 if(spi_enabled) {
andrewm@0 371 for(int i = 0; i < PRU_MEM_DAC_LENGTH / 2; i++)
andrewm@0 372 pru_buffer_spi_dac[i] = 0;
giuliomoro@38 373 if(digital_enabled){
giuliomoro@38 374 for(int i = 0; i < PRU_MEM_DIGITAL_OFFSET*2; i++)
giuliomoro@38 375 pru_buffer_digital[i] = 0x0000ffff; // set to all inputs, to avoid unexpected spikes
giuliomoro@38 376 }
andrewm@0 377 }
andrewm@0 378 for(int i = 0; i < PRU_MEM_MCASP_LENGTH / 2; i++)
andrewm@0 379 pru_buffer_audio_dac[i] = 0;
giuliomoro@16 380 //TODO: maybe the lines below are to be deleted, as we removed the test code from pru_rtaudio.p ?
andrewm@0 381 /* If using GPIO test pin for Xenomai (for debugging), initialise the pointer now */
andrewm@0 382 if(xenomai_test_pin && xenomai_gpio_fd < 0) {
andrewm@0 383 xenomai_gpio_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
andrewm@0 384 if(xenomai_gpio_fd < 0)
andrewm@0 385 rt_printf("Unable to open /dev/mem for GPIO test pin\n");
andrewm@0 386 else {
andrewm@0 387 xenomai_gpio = (uint32_t *)mmap(0, GPIO_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, xenomai_gpio_fd, TEST_PIN_GPIO_BASE);
andrewm@0 388 if(xenomai_gpio == MAP_FAILED) {
andrewm@0 389 rt_printf("Unable to map GPIO address for test pin\n");
andrewm@0 390 xenomai_gpio = 0;
andrewm@0 391 close(xenomai_gpio_fd);
andrewm@0 392 xenomai_gpio_fd = -1;
andrewm@0 393 }
andrewm@0 394 }
andrewm@0 395 }
andrewm@0 396
andrewm@0 397 return 0;
andrewm@0 398 }
andrewm@0 399
andrewm@0 400 // Run the code image in the specified file
giuliomoro@16 401 int PRU::start(char * const filename)
andrewm@0 402 {
andrewm@0 403 /* Clear any old interrupt */
andrewm@15 404 if(pru_number == 0)
andrewm@15 405 prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT);
andrewm@15 406 else
andrewm@15 407 prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_1, PRU1_ARM_INTERRUPT);
giuliomoro@16 408 /* Load and execute binary on PRU */
giuliomoro@16 409 if(filename[0] == '\0') { //if the string is empty, load the embedded code
giuliomoro@16 410 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
giuliomoro@16 411 rt_printf("Using embedded PRU code\n");
giuliomoro@16 412 if(prussdrv_exec_code(pru_number, PRUcode, sizeof(PRUcode))) {
giuliomoro@16 413 rt_printf("Failed to execute PRU code\n");
giuliomoro@16 414 return 1;
giuliomoro@16 415 }
giuliomoro@16 416 } else {
giuliomoro@16 417 if(gRTAudioVerbose)
giuliomoro@16 418 rt_printf("Using PRU code from %s\n",filename);
giuliomoro@16 419 if(prussdrv_exec_program(pru_number, filename)) {
giuliomoro@16 420 rt_printf("Failed to execute PRU code from %s\n", filename);
giuliomoro@16 421 return 1;
giuliomoro@16 422 }
giuliomoro@16 423 }
andrewm@0 424
andrewm@0 425 running = true;
andrewm@0 426 return 0;
andrewm@0 427 }
giuliomoro@16 428 uint32_t empty[1024]={0x0};
andrewm@0 429
andrewm@0 430 // Main loop to read and write data from/to PRU
andrewm@0 431 void PRU::loop()
andrewm@0 432 {
andrewm@0 433 // Polling interval is 1/4 of the period
andrewm@12 434 RTIME sleepTime = PRU_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_NS * (spi_num_channels / 2) * spi_buffer_frames / 4;
andrewm@0 435 float *audioInBuffer, *audioOutBuffer;
giuliomoro@23 436 float *analogInBuffer, *analogOutBuffer, *lastAnalogOutFrame;
giuliomoro@23 437 uint32_t *digitalBuffer0, *digitalBuffer1, *lastDigitalBuffer;
andrewm@0 438
andrewm@0 439 audioInBuffer = (float *)malloc(2 * audio_buffer_frames * sizeof(float));
andrewm@0 440 audioOutBuffer = (float *)malloc(2 * audio_buffer_frames * sizeof(float));
giuliomoro@19 441 analogInBuffer = (float *)malloc(spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames * sizeof(float));
giuliomoro@19 442 analogOutBuffer = (float *)malloc(spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames * sizeof(float));
giuliomoro@23 443 lastAnalogOutFrame = (float *)malloc(spi_num_channels * sizeof(float));
giuliomoro@19 444 digitalBuffer0 = pru_buffer_digital;
giuliomoro@19 445 digitalBuffer1 = pru_buffer_digital+MEM_DIGITAL_BUFFER1_OFFSET/sizeof(uint32_t);
giuliomoro@23 446 digital_buffer_frames = digital_enabled ? audio_buffer_frames : 0; //TODO: find a more elegant solution for when the digital is disabled e.g.:
giuliomoro@19 447 // - embed in the digitalWrite/Read macros a check whether digital is enabled
giuliomoro@16 448 // - allocate some memory in ARM just to allow render() to run regardless.
giuliomoro@19 449 // in this case it can be digitalBuffer0 == digitalBuffer1
giuliomoro@19 450 printf("digital_buffer_frames: %d;\n",digital_buffer_frames);
giuliomoro@23 451 lastDigitalBuffer = (uint32_t *)malloc(digital_buffer_frames*sizeof(uint32_t)); //temp buffer to hold previous states
andrewm@0 452 if(audioInBuffer == 0 || audioOutBuffer == 0) {
giuliomoro@16 453 rt_printf("Error: couldn't allocate audio buffers\n");
andrewm@0 454 return;
andrewm@0 455 }
giuliomoro@23 456 if(analogInBuffer == 0 || analogOutBuffer == 0 || lastAnalogOutFrame == 0) {
giuliomoro@19 457 rt_printf("Error: couldn't allocate analog buffers\n");
giuliomoro@16 458 return;
giuliomoro@16 459 }
giuliomoro@23 460 if(lastDigitalBuffer == 0) {
giuliomoro@19 461 rt_printf("Error: couldn't allocate digital buffers\n");
giuliomoro@16 462 return;
giuliomoro@23 463 }
giuliomoro@38 464
giuliomoro@38 465 for(unsigned int n=0; n<digital_buffer_frames; n++){ //initialize lastDigitalFrames to all inputs
giuliomoro@38 466 lastDigitalBuffer[n]= 0x0000ffff;
giuliomoro@38 467 }
andrewm@0 468 while(!gShouldStop) {
andrewm@0 469 // Wait for PRU to move to buffer 1
andrewm@0 470 while(pru_buffer_comm[PRU_CURRENT_BUFFER] == 0 && !gShouldStop) {
andrewm@0 471 rt_task_sleep(sleepTime);
andrewm@0 472 }
andrewm@0 473 if(gShouldStop)
andrewm@0 474 break;
andrewm@0 475
andrewm@0 476 if(xenomai_gpio != 0) {
andrewm@0 477 // Set the test pin high
andrewm@0 478 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_SETDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN_MASK;
andrewm@0 479 }
andrewm@0 480
andrewm@0 481 // Render from/to buffer 0
andrewm@0 482
andrewm@0 483 // Convert short (16-bit) samples to float
andrewm@0 484 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 2 * audio_buffer_frames; n++)
andrewm@0 485 audioInBuffer[n] = (float)pru_buffer_audio_adc[n] / 32768.0;
giuliomoro@16 486 if(spi_enabled) {
giuliomoro@16 487 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames; n++)
giuliomoro@19 488 analogInBuffer[n] = (float)pru_buffer_spi_adc[n] / 65536.0;
giuliomoro@23 489 //initialize the output buffer with the values that were in the last frame of the previous output
giuliomoro@23 490 for(int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels; n++){
giuliomoro@23 491 for(unsigned int j = 0; j < spi_buffer_frames; j++){
giuliomoro@23 492 analogOutBuffer[j*spi_buffer_frames + n] = lastAnalogOutFrame[n];
giuliomoro@23 493 }
giuliomoro@23 494 }
giuliomoro@23 495 //use past digital values to initialize the array properly.
giuliomoro@23 496 //For each frame:
giuliomoro@23 497 //- pins previously set as outputs will keep the output value they had in the last frame of the previous buffer,
giuliomoro@16 498 //- pins previously set as inputs will carry the newly read input value
giuliomoro@19 499 if(digital_enabled){
giuliomoro@19 500 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < digital_buffer_frames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 501 uint16_t inputs=lastDigitalBuffer[n]&0xffff;//half-word, has 1 for inputs and 0 for outputs
giuliomoro@16 502 // printf("inputs: 0x%x\n",inputs);
giuliomoro@16 503 uint16_t outputs=~inputs; //half-word has 1 for outputs and 0 for inputs;
giuliomoro@23 504 digitalBuffer0[n]=(lastDigitalBuffer[digital_buffer_frames-1]&(outputs<<16))| //keep output values set in the last frame of the previous buffer
giuliomoro@19 505 (digitalBuffer0[n]&(inputs<<16)) | //inputs from current digitalBuffer0[n];
giuliomoro@23 506 (lastDigitalBuffer[n]&(inputs)); //keep pin configuration from previous digitalBuffer1[n]
giuliomoro@19 507 // digitalBuffer0[n]=digitalBufferTemp[n]; //ignores inputs
giuliomoro@16 508 }
giuliomoro@16 509 }
giuliomoro@19 510 render(spi_buffer_frames, digital_buffer_frames, audio_buffer_frames, audioInBuffer, audioOutBuffer,
giuliomoro@19 511 analogInBuffer, analogOutBuffer, digitalBuffer0);
giuliomoro@23 512 //remember the content of the lastAnalogOutFrame
giuliomoro@23 513 for(int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels; n++){
giuliomoro@23 514 lastAnalogOutFrame[n] = analogOutBuffer[spi_buffer_frames*(spi_buffer_frames-1) + n];
giuliomoro@23 515 }
giuliomoro@16 516 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames; n++) {
giuliomoro@19 517 int out = analogOutBuffer[n] * 65536.0;
giuliomoro@16 518 if(out < 0) out = 0;
giuliomoro@16 519 else if(out > 65535) out = 65535;
giuliomoro@16 520 pru_buffer_spi_dac[n] = (uint16_t)out;
giuliomoro@16 521 }
giuliomoro@19 522 if(digital_enabled){ // keep track of past digital values
giuliomoro@19 523 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < digital_buffer_frames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 524 lastDigitalBuffer[n]=digitalBuffer0[n];
giuliomoro@16 525 }
giuliomoro@16 526 }
giuliomoro@16 527 }
andrewm@0 528 else
giuliomoro@19 529 render(0, 0, audio_buffer_frames, audioInBuffer, audioOutBuffer, 0, 0, 0); // we still pass digitalBuffer, just it is unused
giuliomoro@16 530 // Convert float back to short
andrewm@0 531 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 2 * audio_buffer_frames; n++) {
andrewm@0 532 int out = audioOutBuffer[n] * 32768.0;
andrewm@0 533 if(out < -32768) out = -32768;
andrewm@0 534 else if(out > 32767) out = 32767;
andrewm@0 535 pru_buffer_audio_dac[n] = (int16_t)out;
andrewm@0 536 }
andrewm@0 537
andrewm@0 538 if(xenomai_gpio != 0) {
andrewm@0 539 // Set the test pin high
andrewm@0 540 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN_MASK;
andrewm@0 541 }
andrewm@0 542
andrewm@0 543 // Wait for PRU to move to buffer 0
andrewm@0 544 while(pru_buffer_comm[PRU_CURRENT_BUFFER] != 0 && !gShouldStop) {
andrewm@0 545 rt_task_sleep(sleepTime);
andrewm@0 546 }
andrewm@0 547
andrewm@0 548 if(gShouldStop)
andrewm@0 549 break;
andrewm@0 550
andrewm@0 551 if(xenomai_gpio != 0) {
andrewm@0 552 // Set the test pin high
andrewm@0 553 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_SETDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN_MASK;
andrewm@0 554 }
andrewm@0 555
andrewm@0 556 // Render from/to buffer 1
andrewm@0 557
andrewm@0 558 // Convert short (16-bit) samples to float
andrewm@0 559 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 2 * audio_buffer_frames; n++)
andrewm@0 560 audioInBuffer[n] = (float)pru_buffer_audio_adc[n + audio_buffer_frames * 2] / 32768.0;
andrewm@0 561
giuliomoro@16 562 if(spi_enabled) {
giuliomoro@23 563 //convert input values TODO: move to PRU
giuliomoro@23 564 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames; n++){
giuliomoro@19 565 analogInBuffer[n] = (float)pru_buffer_spi_adc[n + spi_buffer_frames * spi_num_channels] / 65536.0;
giuliomoro@23 566 }
giuliomoro@23 567 //initialize the output buffer with the values that were in the last frame of the previous output
giuliomoro@23 568 for(int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels; n++){
giuliomoro@23 569 for(unsigned int j = 0; j < spi_buffer_frames; j++){
giuliomoro@23 570 analogOutBuffer[j*spi_buffer_frames + n] = lastAnalogOutFrame[n];
giuliomoro@23 571 }
giuliomoro@23 572 }
giuliomoro@19 573 if(digital_enabled){
giuliomoro@23 574 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < digital_buffer_frames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 575 uint16_t inputs=lastDigitalBuffer[n]&0xffff;//half-word, has 1 for inputs and 0 for outputs
giuliomoro@16 576 uint16_t outputs=~inputs; //half-word has 1 for outputs and one for inputs;
giuliomoro@23 577 digitalBuffer1[n]=(lastDigitalBuffer[digital_buffer_frames-1]&(outputs<<16))| //keep output values set in the last frame of the previous buffer
giuliomoro@19 578 (digitalBuffer1[n]&(inputs<<16)) | //inputs from current digitalBuffer1[n];
giuliomoro@23 579 (lastDigitalBuffer[n]&(inputs)); //keep pin configuration from previous digitalBuffer1[n]
giuliomoro@19 580 // digitalBuffer1[n]=digitalBufferTemp[n]; //ignores inputs
giuliomoro@16 581 }
giuliomoro@16 582 }
giuliomoro@19 583 render(spi_buffer_frames, digital_buffer_frames, audio_buffer_frames, audioInBuffer, audioOutBuffer,
giuliomoro@19 584 analogInBuffer, analogOutBuffer, digitalBuffer1);
giuliomoro@23 585 //remember the content of the lastAnalogOutFrame
giuliomoro@23 586 for(int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels; n++){
giuliomoro@23 587 lastAnalogOutFrame[n] = analogOutBuffer[spi_buffer_frames*(spi_buffer_frames-1) + n];
giuliomoro@23 588 }
giuliomoro@23 589
giuliomoro@16 590 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < spi_num_channels * spi_buffer_frames; n++) {
giuliomoro@19 591 int out = analogOutBuffer[n] * 65536.0;
giuliomoro@16 592 if(out < 0) out = 0;
giuliomoro@16 593 else if(out > 65535) out = 65535;
giuliomoro@16 594 pru_buffer_spi_dac[n + spi_buffer_frames * spi_num_channels] = (uint16_t)out;
giuliomoro@16 595 }
giuliomoro@19 596 if(digital_enabled){ // keep track of past digital values
giuliomoro@19 597 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < digital_buffer_frames; n++){
giuliomoro@23 598 lastDigitalBuffer[n]=digitalBuffer1[n];
giuliomoro@16 599 }
giuliomoro@16 600 }
giuliomoro@16 601 }
andrewm@0 602 else
giuliomoro@19 603 render(0, 0, audio_buffer_frames, audioInBuffer, audioOutBuffer, 0, 0, 0); // we still pass digitalBuffer, just it is unused
andrewm@0 604
andrewm@0 605 // Convert float back to short
andrewm@0 606 for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 2 * audio_buffer_frames; n++) {
andrewm@0 607 int out = audioOutBuffer[n] * 32768.0;
andrewm@0 608 if(out < -32768) out = -32768;
andrewm@0 609 else if(out > 32767) out = 32767;
andrewm@0 610 pru_buffer_audio_dac[n + audio_buffer_frames * 2] = (int16_t)out;
andrewm@0 611 }
andrewm@0 612
andrewm@0 613 if(xenomai_gpio != 0) {
andrewm@0 614 // Set the test pin high
andrewm@0 615 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN_MASK;
andrewm@0 616 }
andrewm@0 617 }
andrewm@0 618
andrewm@0 619 // Tell PRU to stop
andrewm@0 620 pru_buffer_comm[PRU_SHOULD_STOP] = 1;
andrewm@0 621
giuliomoro@19 622 free(analogOutBuffer);
andrewm@0 623 free(audioInBuffer);
andrewm@0 624 free(audioOutBuffer);
giuliomoro@19 625 free(analogInBuffer);
giuliomoro@23 626 free(lastAnalogOutFrame);
giuliomoro@23 627 free(lastDigitalBuffer);
andrewm@0 628 }
andrewm@0 629
andrewm@0 630 // Wait for an interrupt from the PRU indicate it is finished
andrewm@0 631 void PRU::waitForFinish()
andrewm@0 632 {
andrewm@0 633 if(!running)
andrewm@0 634 return;
andrewm@15 635 prussdrv_pru_wait_event (pru_number == 0 ? PRU_EVTOUT_0 : PRU_EVTOUT_1);
andrewm@15 636 if(pru_number == 0)
andrewm@15 637 prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT);
andrewm@15 638 else
andrewm@15 639 prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_1, PRU1_ARM_INTERRUPT);
andrewm@0 640 }
andrewm@0 641
andrewm@0 642 // Turn off the PRU when done
andrewm@0 643 void PRU::disable()
andrewm@0 644 {
andrewm@0 645 /* Disable PRU and close memory mapping*/
andrewm@0 646 prussdrv_pru_disable(pru_number);
andrewm@0 647 prussdrv_exit();
andrewm@0 648 running = false;
andrewm@0 649 }
andrewm@0 650
andrewm@0 651 // Debugging
andrewm@0 652 void PRU::setGPIOTestPin()
andrewm@0 653 {
andrewm@0 654 if(!xenomai_gpio)
andrewm@0 655 return;
andrewm@0 656 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_SETDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN2_MASK;
andrewm@0 657 }
andrewm@0 658
andrewm@0 659 void PRU::clearGPIOTestPin()
andrewm@0 660 {
andrewm@0 661 if(!xenomai_gpio)
andrewm@0 662 return;
andrewm@0 663 xenomai_gpio[GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT] = TEST_PIN2_MASK;
andrewm@0 664 }