Myths and truths of software development

Talks and Presentations

Based on the Software Carpentry "What We Know" slides. From Centre for Intelligent Sensing workshop, 2016.


Myths and truths of software development - CIS Workshop 2016.pptx - PowerPoint 1.23 MB, downloaded 33 times Chris Cannam, 2016-04-27 09:17 PM

Myths and truths of software development - CIS Workshop 2016.pdf - PDF 1.07 MB, downloaded 30 times Chris Cannam, 2016-04-27 09:20 PM

Myths and truths of software development - CIS Workshop 2016 - Notes.pdf - PDF with notes pages 4.1 MB, downloaded 65 times Chris Cannam, 2016-04-28 01:26 PM