Class PerformanceMatcher

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class PerformanceMatcher
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents an audio stream that can be matched to another audio stream of the same piece of music. The matching algorithm uses dynamic time warping. The distance metric is a Euclidean metric on the first difference of the magnitude spectrum with the lower frequencies on a linear scale and the higher frequencies mapped onto a logarithmic scale.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      protected static int ADVANCE_BOTH 
      protected static int ADVANCE_OTHER 
      protected static int ADVANCE_THIS
      Encoding of minimum-cost steps performed in DTW algorithm.
      protected AudioFile audioFile
      The AudioFile object from the AligningAudioPlayer, or null if the command line version is being used.
      protected java.lang.String audioFileName
      Source of input data.
      protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat audioFormat
      Format of the audio data in pcmInputStream
      protected javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine audioOut
      Line for audio output (only one PerformanceMatcher should set this!)
      protected boolean audioOutputRequested
      Flag to select audio output from this PerformanceMatcher
      static boolean batchMode 
      protected int[][] bestPathCost
      The best path cost matrix.
      protected int blockSize
      Width of the search band in FFT frames (see blockTime)
      protected double blockTime
      The width of the search band (error margin) around the current match position, measured in seconds.
      protected int cbIndex
      The index of the next position to write in the circular buffer.
      protected int channels
      Number of channels of audio in audioFormat
      protected double[] circBuffer
      Audio data is scaled to the range [0,1] and averaged to one channel and stored in a circular buffer for reuse (if hopTime < fftTime).
      protected static double decay 
      protected byte[][] distance
      The distance matrix.
      protected EventList events 
      protected int fftSize
      The size of an FFT frame in samples (see fftTime)
      protected double fftTime
      The size of an FFT frame in seconds, as set by the command line option -f FFTTime.
      protected long fileLength
      Total number of audio frames, or -1 for live or compressed input.
      protected int[] first
      The bounds of each row of data in the distance and path cost matrices.
      protected boolean firstPM
      Indicates which performance is considered primary (the score).
      protected int frameCount
      The number of frames of audio data which have been read.
      protected double frameRMS
      RMS amplitude of the current frame.
      protected double[][] frames
      A block of previously seen frames are stored in this structure for calculation of the distance matrix as the new frames are read in.
      protected int[] freqMap
      A mapping function for mapping FFT bins to final frequency bins.
      protected int freqMapSize
      The number of entries in freqMap.
      static boolean guiVisible 
      protected int hopSize
      Spacing of audio frames in samples (see hopTime)
      protected double hopTime
      Spacing of audio frames (determines the amount of overlap or skip between frames).
      protected boolean[] ignore
      The frames to ignore because they are not annotated.
      protected double[] imBuffer
      The imaginary part of the data for the in-place FFT computation.
      protected byte[] inputBuffer
      Audio data is initially read in PCM format into this buffer.
      protected int[] last
      The bounds of each row of data in the distance and path cost matrices.
      static int liveInputBufferSize 
      protected boolean liveWorm 
      protected double ltAverage
      Long term average frame energy (in frequency domain representation).
      protected static int MASK 
      protected java.lang.String matchFileName
      For assessing the matching algorithm, match files are used, which give the times and velocities of all notes (as recorded by the Boesendorfer SE290).
      protected double matchFileOffset
      Onset time of the first note in the audio file, in order to establish synchronisation between the match file and the audio data.
      static boolean matrixVisible 
      protected static int MAX_LENGTH 
      protected static int MAX_RUN_COUNT 
      protected int maxFrames
      The total number of frames of audio data to be read.
      protected PerformanceMatcher.MetaType metadata 
      protected double[] newFrame 
      protected boolean normalise1
      Flag (command line options -n1 and -N1) indicating whether or not each frame of audio should be normalised to have a sum of 1.
      protected boolean normalise2
      Flag (command line options -n2 and -N2) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be normalised by the sum of the two frames.
      protected boolean normalise3
      Flag (command line options -n3 and -N3) indicating whether or not each frame of audio should be normalised by the long term average of the summed energy.
      protected boolean normalise4
      Flag (command line options -n4 and -N4) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be normalised by the log of the sum of the frames.
      protected boolean normalise5
      Flag (command line options -n5 and -N5) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be set to zero between annotated positions.
      protected PerformanceMatcher otherMatcher
      Points to the other performance with which this one is being compared.
      static int outputBufferSize 
      protected java.lang.String outputFileName 
      protected PerformanceMatcher.PathType outputType 
      protected boolean paused
      Interactive control of the matching process allows pausing computation of the cost matrices in one direction.
      protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream pcmInputStream
      Uncompressed version of rawInputStream.
      protected double[] prevFrame
      The most recent frame; used for calculating the frame to frame spectral difference.
      protected progressCallback
      GUI component which shows progress of alignment.
      protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream rawInputStream
      Input data for this performance (possibly in compressed format)
      protected double[] reBuffer
      The real part of the data for the in-place FFT computation.
      protected double referenceFrequency 
      protected int runCount
      The number of frames sequentially processed by this matcher, without a frame of the other matcher being processed.
      protected float sampleRate
      Sample rate of audio in audioFormat
      protected double scale
      Scaling factor for distance metric; must guarantee that the final value fits in the data type used, that is, (unsigned) byte.
      protected static double silenceThreshold 
      protected static boolean silent
      Disable or enable debugging output
      static boolean stop 
      protected boolean useChromaFrequencyMap 
      protected boolean useSpectralDifference
      Flag (command line options -d and -D) indicating whether or not the half-wave rectified spectral difference should be used in calculating the distance metric for pairs of audio frames, instead of the straight spectrum values.
      protected double[] window
      The window function for the STFT, currently a Hamming window.
      protected wormHandler 
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      protected int calcDistance(double[] f1, double[] f2)
      Calculates the Manhattan distance between two vectors, with an optional normalisation by the combined values in the vectors.
      void closeStreams()
      Closes the input stream(s) associated with this object.
      static void doMatch(PerformanceMatcher pm1, PerformanceMatcher pm2, s)
      Tracks a performance by choosing a likely band for the optimal path.
      java.util.LinkedList<> evaluateMatch(PerformanceMatcher pm)
      Matches two match files, creating a composite list of corresponding onset times, consisting of the mean onset times of the notes in each notated score position.
      boolean getFrame()
      Reads a frame of input data, averages the channels to mono, scales to a maximum possible absolute value of 1, and stores the audio data in a circular input buffer.
      protected int getValue(int i, int j, boolean firstAttempt)
      Retrieves values from the minimum cost matrix.
      protected void init() 
      static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
      Entry point for command line version of performance matcher.
      protected void makeChromaFrequencyMap(int fftSize, float sR, double refFreq) 
      protected void makeFreqMap(int fftSize, float sampleRate, double refFreq) 
      protected void makeStandardFrequencyMap(int fftSize, float sampleRate, double refFreq)
      Creates a map of FFT frequency bins to comparison bins.
      void print()
      For debugging, outputs information about the PerformanceMatcher to standard error.
      static int processArgs(PerformanceMatcher pm1, PerformanceMatcher pm2, java.lang.String[] args)
      Processes command line arguments.
      protected void processFrame()
      Processes a frame of audio data by first computing the STFT with a Hamming window, then scaling the frequency axis with an arbitrary mapping, then (optionally) computing the half-wave rectified spectral difference from the previous frame, then (optionally) normalising to a sum of 1, then calculating the distance to all frames stored in the otherMatcher and storing them in the distance matrix, and finally updating the optimal path matrix using the dynamic time warping algorithm.
      void setInputFile(AudioFile f) 
      void setInputFile(java.lang.String fileName)
      Sets up the streams and buffers for audio file input.
      void setLabelFile(java.lang.String fileName) 
      void setLiveInput()
      Sets up the streams and buffers for live audio input (CD quality).
      void setMatchFile(java.lang.String fileName, double tStart) 
      void setMatchFile(java.lang.String fileName, double tStart, boolean isWorm)
      Sets the match file for automatic evaluation of the PerformanceMatcher.
      void setOtherMatcher(PerformanceMatcher p)
      Adds a link to the PerformanceMatcher object representing the performance which is going to be matched to this one.
      void setProgressCallback( c)
      Adds a link to the GUI component which shows the progress of matching.
      protected void setValue(int i, int j, int dir, int value, int dMN)
      Stores entries in the distance matrix and the optimal path matrix.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Gives some basic `header' information about the PerformanceMatcher.
      void writeLabelFile( sm) 
      void writeMidiFile( sm) 
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        protected static final int ADVANCE_THIS
        Encoding of minimum-cost steps performed in DTW algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • audioFile

        protected AudioFile audioFile
        The AudioFile object from the AligningAudioPlayer, or null if the command line version is being used.
      • audioFileName

        protected java.lang.String audioFileName
        Source of input data. Later to be extended to include live input from the sound card.
      • audioFormat

        protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat audioFormat
        Format of the audio data in pcmInputStream
      • audioOut

        protected javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine audioOut
        Line for audio output (only one PerformanceMatcher should set this!)
      • audioOutputRequested

        protected boolean audioOutputRequested
        Flag to select audio output from this PerformanceMatcher
      • batchMode

        public static boolean batchMode
      • bestPathCost

        protected int[][] bestPathCost
        The best path cost matrix.
      • blockSize

        protected int blockSize
        Width of the search band in FFT frames (see blockTime)
      • blockTime

        protected double blockTime
        The width of the search band (error margin) around the current match position, measured in seconds. Strictly speaking the width is measured backwards from the current point, since the algorithm has to work causally.
      • cbIndex

        protected int cbIndex
        The index of the next position to write in the circular buffer.
      • channels

        protected int channels
        Number of channels of audio in audioFormat
      • circBuffer

        protected double[] circBuffer
        Audio data is scaled to the range [0,1] and averaged to one channel and stored in a circular buffer for reuse (if hopTime < fftTime).
      • distance

        protected byte[][] distance
        The distance matrix.
      • events

        protected EventList events
      • fftSize

        protected int fftSize
        The size of an FFT frame in samples (see fftTime)
      • fftTime

        protected double fftTime
        The size of an FFT frame in seconds, as set by the command line option -f FFTTime. (Default = 0.04644s). Note that the value is not taken to be precise; it is adjusted so that fftSize is always a power of 2.
      • fileLength

        protected long fileLength
        Total number of audio frames, or -1 for live or compressed input.
      • first

        protected int[] first
        The bounds of each row of data in the distance and path cost matrices.
      • firstPM

        protected boolean firstPM
        Indicates which performance is considered primary (the score). This is the performance shown on the vertical axis, and referred to as "this" in the codes for the direction of DTW steps.
      • frameCount

        protected int frameCount
        The number of frames of audio data which have been read.
      • frameRMS

        protected double frameRMS
        RMS amplitude of the current frame.
      • frames

        protected double[][] frames
        A block of previously seen frames are stored in this structure for calculation of the distance matrix as the new frames are read in. One can think of the structure of the array as a circular buffer of vectors. The last element of each vector stores the total energy.
      • freqMap

        protected int[] freqMap
        A mapping function for mapping FFT bins to final frequency bins. The mapping is linear (1-1) until the resolution reaches 2 points per semitone, then logarithmic with a semitone resolution. e.g. for 44.1kHz sampling rate and fftSize of 2048 (46ms), bin spacing is 21.5Hz, which is mapped linearly for bins 0-34 (0 to 732Hz), and logarithmically for the remaining bins (midi notes 79 to 127, bins 35 to 83), where all energy above note 127 is mapped into the final bin.
      • freqMapSize

        protected int freqMapSize
        The number of entries in freqMap. Note that the length of the array is greater, because its size is not known at creation time.
      • guiVisible

        public static boolean guiVisible
      • hopSize

        protected int hopSize
        Spacing of audio frames in samples (see hopTime)
      • hopTime

        protected double hopTime
        Spacing of audio frames (determines the amount of overlap or skip between frames). This value is expressed in seconds and can be set by the command line option -h hopTime. (Default = 0.020s)
      • ignore

        protected boolean[] ignore
        The frames to ignore because they are not annotated.
      • imBuffer

        protected double[] imBuffer
        The imaginary part of the data for the in-place FFT computation. Since input data is real, this initially contains zeros.
      • inputBuffer

        protected byte[] inputBuffer
        Audio data is initially read in PCM format into this buffer.
      • last

        protected int[] last
        The bounds of each row of data in the distance and path cost matrices.
      • liveWorm

        protected boolean liveWorm
      • ltAverage

        protected double ltAverage
        Long term average frame energy (in frequency domain representation).
      • matchFileName

        protected java.lang.String matchFileName
        For assessing the matching algorithm, match files are used, which give the times and velocities of all notes (as recorded by the Boesendorfer SE290).
      • matchFileOffset

        protected double matchFileOffset
        Onset time of the first note in the audio file, in order to establish synchronisation between the match file and the audio data.
      • matrixVisible

        public static boolean matrixVisible
      • maxFrames

        protected int maxFrames
        The total number of frames of audio data to be read.
      • newFrame

        protected double[] newFrame
      • normalise1

        protected boolean normalise1
        Flag (command line options -n1 and -N1) indicating whether or not each frame of audio should be normalised to have a sum of 1. (Default = true).
      • normalise2

        protected boolean normalise2
        Flag (command line options -n2 and -N2) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be normalised by the sum of the two frames. (Default = false).
      • normalise3

        protected boolean normalise3
        Flag (command line options -n3 and -N3) indicating whether or not each frame of audio should be normalised by the long term average of the summed energy. (Default = false; assumes normalise1 == false).
      • normalise4

        protected boolean normalise4
        Flag (command line options -n4 and -N4) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be normalised by the log of the sum of the frames. (Default = true; assumes normalise2 == false).
      • normalise5

        protected boolean normalise5
        Flag (command line options -n5 and -N5) indicating whether or not the distance metric for pairs of audio frames should be set to zero between annotated positions. (Default = false).
      • otherMatcher

        protected PerformanceMatcher otherMatcher
        Points to the other performance with which this one is being compared. The data for the distance metric and the dynamic time warping is shared between the two matchers. In the original version, only one of the two performance matchers contained the distance metric. (See firstPM)
      • outputFileName

        protected java.lang.String outputFileName
      • paused

        protected boolean paused
        Interactive control of the matching process allows pausing computation of the cost matrices in one direction.
      • pcmInputStream

        protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream pcmInputStream
        Uncompressed version of rawInputStream. In the (normal) case where the input is already PCM data, rawInputStream == pcmInputStream
      • prevFrame

        protected double[] prevFrame
        The most recent frame; used for calculating the frame to frame spectral difference.
      • progressCallback

        protected progressCallback
        GUI component which shows progress of alignment.
      • rawInputStream

        protected javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream rawInputStream
        Input data for this performance (possibly in compressed format)
      • reBuffer

        protected double[] reBuffer
        The real part of the data for the in-place FFT computation. Since input data is real, this initially contains the input data.
      • referenceFrequency

        protected double referenceFrequency
      • runCount

        protected int runCount
        The number of frames sequentially processed by this matcher, without a frame of the other matcher being processed.
      • sampleRate

        protected float sampleRate
        Sample rate of audio in audioFormat
      • scale

        protected double scale
        Scaling factor for distance metric; must guarantee that the final value fits in the data type used, that is, (unsigned) byte. (Default = 16).
      • silent

        protected static boolean silent
        Disable or enable debugging output
      • stop

        public static boolean stop
      • useChromaFrequencyMap

        protected boolean useChromaFrequencyMap
      • useSpectralDifference

        protected boolean useSpectralDifference
        Flag (command line options -d and -D) indicating whether or not the half-wave rectified spectral difference should be used in calculating the distance metric for pairs of audio frames, instead of the straight spectrum values. (Default = true).
      • window

        protected double[] window
        The window function for the STFT, currently a Hamming window.
      • wormHandler

        protected wormHandler
    • Constructor Detail

      • PerformanceMatcher

        public PerformanceMatcher(PerformanceMatcher p)
        Constructor for PerformanceMatcher.
        p - The PerformanceMatcher representing the performance with which this one is going to be matched. Some information is shared between the two matchers (currently one possesses the distance matrix and optimal path matrix).
    • Method Detail

      • print

        public void print()
        For debugging, outputs information about the PerformanceMatcher to standard error.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Gives some basic `header' information about the PerformanceMatcher.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • setOtherMatcher

        public void setOtherMatcher(PerformanceMatcher p)
        Adds a link to the PerformanceMatcher object representing the performance which is going to be matched to this one.
        p - the PerformanceMatcher representing the other performance
      • setProgressCallback

        public void setProgressCallback( c)
        Adds a link to the GUI component which shows the progress of matching.
        c - the PerformanceMatcher representing the other performance
      • setMatchFile

        public void setMatchFile(java.lang.String fileName,
                                 double tStart,
                                 boolean isWorm)
        Sets the match file for automatic evaluation of the PerformanceMatcher.
        fileName - The path name of the match file
        tStart - The offset of the audio recording, that is, the time of the first note onset relative to the beginning of the audio file. This is required for precise synchronisation of the audio and match files.
        isWorm - Indicates whether the match file is in Worm file format.
      • setMatchFile

        public void setMatchFile(java.lang.String fileName,
                                 double tStart)
      • setLabelFile

        public void setLabelFile(java.lang.String fileName)
      • writeLabelFile

        public void writeLabelFile( sm)
      • writeMidiFile

        public void writeMidiFile( sm)
      • setLiveInput

        public void setLiveInput()
        Sets up the streams and buffers for live audio input (CD quality). If any Exception is thrown within this method, it is caught, and any opened streams are closed, and pcmInputStream is set to null, indicating that the method did not complete successfully.
      • setInputFile

        public void setInputFile(AudioFile f)
      • setInputFile

        public void setInputFile(java.lang.String fileName)
        Sets up the streams and buffers for audio file input. If any Exception is thrown within this method, it is caught, and any opened streams are closed, and pcmInputStream is set to null, indicating that the method did not complete successfully.
        fileName - The path name of the input audio file.
      • init

        protected void init()
      • closeStreams

        public void closeStreams()
        Closes the input stream(s) associated with this object.
      • makeFreqMap

        protected void makeFreqMap(int fftSize,
                                   float sampleRate,
                                   double refFreq)
      • makeStandardFrequencyMap

        protected void makeStandardFrequencyMap(int fftSize,
                                                float sampleRate,
                                                double refFreq)
        Creates a map of FFT frequency bins to comparison bins. Where the spacing of FFT bins is less than 0.5 semitones, the mapping is one to one. Where the spacing is greater than 0.5 semitones, the FFT energy is mapped into semitone-wide bins. No scaling is performed; that is the energy is summed into the comparison bins. See also processFrame()
      • makeChromaFrequencyMap

        protected void makeChromaFrequencyMap(int fftSize,
                                              float sR,
                                              double refFreq)
      • getFrame

        public boolean getFrame()
        Reads a frame of input data, averages the channels to mono, scales to a maximum possible absolute value of 1, and stores the audio data in a circular input buffer. Assumes 16 bit PCM, any number of channels.
        true if a frame (or part of a frame, if it is the final frame) is read. If a complete frame cannot be read, the InputStream is set to null.
      • processFrame

        protected void processFrame()
        Processes a frame of audio data by first computing the STFT with a Hamming window, then scaling the frequency axis with an arbitrary mapping, then (optionally) computing the half-wave rectified spectral difference from the previous frame, then (optionally) normalising to a sum of 1, then calculating the distance to all frames stored in the otherMatcher and storing them in the distance matrix, and finally updating the optimal path matrix using the dynamic time warping algorithm.
      • calcDistance

        protected int calcDistance(double[] f1,
                                   double[] f2)
        Calculates the Manhattan distance between two vectors, with an optional normalisation by the combined values in the vectors. Since the vectors contain energy, this could be considered as a squared Euclidean distance metric. Note that normalisation assumes the values are all non-negative.
        f1 - one of the vectors involved in the distance calculation
        f2 - one of the vectors involved in the distance calculation
        the distance, scaled and truncated to an integer
      • getValue

        protected int getValue(int i,
                               int j,
                               boolean firstAttempt)
        Retrieves values from the minimum cost matrix.
        i - the frame number of this PerformanceMatcher
        j - the frame number of the other PerformanceMatcher
        the cost of the minimum cost path to this location
      • setValue

        protected void setValue(int i,
                                int j,
                                int dir,
                                int value,
                                int dMN)
        Stores entries in the distance matrix and the optimal path matrix.
        i - the frame number of this PerformanceMatcher
        j - the frame number of the other PerformanceMatcher
        dir - the direction from which this position is reached with minimum cost
        value - the cost of the minimum path except the current step
        dMN - the distance cost between the two frames
      • evaluateMatch

        public java.util.LinkedList<> evaluateMatch(PerformanceMatcher pm)
        Matches two match files, creating a composite list of corresponding onset times, consisting of the mean onset times of the notes in each notated score position. This is the basis for evaluating the alignment of the two performances. The asynchrony of notationally simultaneous notes limits the accuracy achievable by the PerformanceMatcher.
      • doMatch

        public static void doMatch(PerformanceMatcher pm1,
                                   PerformanceMatcher pm2,
        Tracks a performance by choosing a likely band for the optimal path.
      • processArgs

        public static int processArgs(PerformanceMatcher pm1,
                                      PerformanceMatcher pm2,
                                      java.lang.String[] args)
        Processes command line arguments.
        pm1 - The first PerformanceMatcher
        pm2 - The second PerformanceMatcher
        args - Command line arguments
        Usage: java PerformanceMatcher [optional-args] inputFile1 inputFile2
        Optional args are:
        • -h hopTime spacing of audio frames (in seconds, default 0.01)
        • -f frameTime size of FFT (in seconds, default 0.01161)
        • -x maxFrames stop after maxFrames frames have been processed
        • -m1 matchFile1 offset1 matchFile + start time for inputFile1
        • -m2 matchFile2 offset2 matchFile + start time for inputFile2
        • -w1 wormFile1 wormFile for inputFile1
        • -w2 wormFile2 wormFile for inputFile2
        • -[nN]k Various options for normalisation, where n switches on, N switches off each option. k can have the following values:
          • 1: normalise each FFT frame (sum of energy = 1) before comparison (default=true)
          • 2: normalise distance metric by sum of energies of both frames (default=false)
          • 3: normalise each FFT frame by the medium-term average energy (default=false)
          • 4: normalise distance metric by thresholded log of sum of frames (default=true)
          • 5: set distance to zero for non-annotated positions in either file (default=false)
        • -d use half-wave rectified spectral difference (default)
        • -D do not use half-wave rectified spectral difference
        • -s scale set scaling factor for distance metric
        • -b set batch mode
        • -B unset batch mode (default)
        • -smooth length set smoothing window size to length
        • -a audio out (file 1)
        • -A audio out (file 2)
        • -l live input (file 1)
        • -L live input (file 2)
        • -w live worm output (file 1)
        • -W live worm output (file 2)
        • -z fileName worm output (map file 1 to 2)
        • -Z fileName worm output (map file 2 to 1)
        • -ob fileName output backward match path
        • -of fileName output forward match path
        • -os fileName output smoothed match path
        • -rf1 value set A4 reference frequency (default 440) for pm1
        • -rf2 value set A4 reference frequency for pm2