view PyExtensionModule.cpp @ 46:af9c4cee95a8

VC++ fixes. Much of this is changing "and" to "&&". I had never realised until today that "and" is in fact a keyword in C++, albeit not one that has been there since the start, so this should compile (I eventually looked this up having been puzzled by how this code could ever build with any other compiler). However, despite its keywordness, "and" still doesn't seem to be acceptable to VC++. Possibly there's an option to change this, or one could use a macro -- but why not just stick with the token that compilers are known to like?
author cannam
date Mon, 05 Oct 2009 16:14:25 +0000
parents 27bab3a16c9a
children 5664fe298af2
line wrap: on
line source

 * Vampy : This plugin is a wrapper around the Vamp plugin API.
 * It allows for writing Vamp plugins in Python.

 * Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London.
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gyorgy Fazekas, QMUL. (See Vamp sources 
 * for licence information.)


#include <Python.h>
#include "PyExtensionModule.h"
#include "PyRealTime.h"
#include "PyFeature.h"
#include "PyFeatureSet.h"
#include "PyParameterDescriptor.h"
#include "PyOutputDescriptor.h"
#include "vamp/vamp.h"
#include "vamp-sdk/Plugin.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace Vamp;
using Vamp::Plugin;
using Vamp::RealTime;

/*			 Functions Exposed by Vampy 					*/

/*			 Creating PyRealTime Objects from frame count	*/

/* New RealTime object from Frame (with given samplerate)   */
static PyObject *
RealTime_frame2RealTime(PyObject *ignored, PyObject *args)
	long frame;
	unsigned int sampleRate;

	if (!(args && PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 2)) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"frame2RealTime requires two arguments: frame and sample rate.");
		return NULL;

	PyObject* pyFrame = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,0);
	PyObject* pySampleRate = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,1);

	/// frame 
	if (PyInt_Check(pyFrame)) frame = PyInt_AS_LONG(pyFrame);
	else if (PyLong_Check(pyFrame)) frame = PyLong_AsLong(pyFrame);
	else {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"frame2RealTime 'frame' argument must be long integer.");
		return NULL;

	/// sample rate
	if (PyInt_Check(pySampleRate)) 
		sampleRate = _long2uint(PyInt_AS_LONG(pySampleRate));
	else if (PyFloat_Check(pySampleRate)) 
		sampleRate = _dbl2uint(PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(pySampleRate));
	else if (PyLong_Check(pySampleRate)) 
		sampleRate = _long2uint(PyLong_AsLong(pySampleRate));
	else {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"frame2RealTime 'sample rate' argument must be int, long or float.");
		return NULL;
	if (!sampleRate) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"frame2RealTime 'sample rate' argument overflow error. Argument must be 0 < arg < UINT_MAX.");
		cerr << "Value: " << sampleRate << endl;
		return NULL;
	// simpler but slower:
	// if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "lI:realtime.frame2RealTime ", 
	// &frame,&sampleRate))
	// return NULL;

	RealTimeObject *self;
	self = PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	if (self == NULL) return NULL;

	self->rt = new RealTime(

	return (PyObject *) self;


Note: these functions are not very interesting on their own, but
they can be used to make the semantics of the plugin clearer.
They return ordinary Python list objects. All type checking 
is performed in the type interface.


/* New PyOutputList Objects */
static PyObject *
OutputList_new(PyObject *ignored, PyObject *args)
	if (args && PyTuple_Check(args)) 
		return PySequence_List(args);
	else return (PyObject *) PyList_New(0);

/* New PyParameterList Objects */
static PyObject *
ParameterList_new(PyObject *ignored, PyObject *args)
	if (args && PyTuple_Check(args)) 
		return PySequence_List(args);
	else return (PyObject *) PyList_New(0);

/* New PyFeatureList Objects */
static PyObject *
FeatureList_new(PyObject *ignored, PyObject *args)
	if (args && PyTuple_Check(args)) 
		return PySequence_List(args);
	else return (PyObject *) PyList_New(0);

/*		 	Declare the methods exposed by the vampy module 		*/

PyMethodDef VampyMethods[] = {
/*NOTE: This is conventionally static, but limiting the scope
	here will cause seg fault if the declared functions are 
	called back from a Python function wrapped in a C++ class.*/

	{"frame2RealTime",	(PyCFunction)RealTime_frame2RealTime,	METH_VARARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("frame2RealTime((int64)frame, (uint32)sampleRate ) -> returns new RealTime object from frame.")},

	{"OutputList",	OutputList_new,		METH_VARARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("OutputList() -> returns new OutputList object")},

	{"ParameterList",	ParameterList_new,		METH_VARARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("ParameterList() -> returns new ParameterList object")},

	{"FeatureList",	FeatureList_new,		METH_VARARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("FeatureList() -> returns new FeatureList object")},

    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} 

/* Module Documentation */
// PyDoc_STRVAR(vampy_doc,"This module exposes Vamp plugin data type wrappers.");

static int
setint(PyObject *d, char *name, int value)
	PyObject *v;
	int err;
	v = PyInt_FromLong((long)value);
	err = PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, v);
	return err;

static int
setdbl(PyObject *d, char *name, double value)
	PyObject *v;
	int err;
	v = PyFloat_FromDouble(value);
	err = PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, v);
	return err;

static int
setstr(PyObject *d, char *name, char *value)
	PyObject *v;
	int err;
	v = PyString_FromString(value);
	err = PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, v);
	return err;

	PyObject *module, *mdict;

	/* if (PyType_Ready(&Feature_Type) < 0) return;
	Note: Why do we get a segfault if this is initialised here?
	PyType_Ready adds these object to the GC.
	This is OK for an extension module, but it is a mistake here, 
	because the adresses become invalid when the shared library
	is unloaded. When the GC tries to visit a these objects, 
	it will fail.*/
	RealTime_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
	Feature_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
	OutputDescriptor_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
	ParameterDescriptor_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
	initFeatureSetType(); // this is derived from the builtin dict

	module = Py_InitModule("vampy", VampyMethods);
	if (!module) goto failure;
	mdict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
	if (!mdict) goto failure;

	/// vampy plugin wrapper flags
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_NULL", vf_NULL) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_DEBUG", vf_DEBUG) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_STRICT", vf_STRICT) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_QUIT", vf_QUIT) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_REALTIME", vf_REALTIME) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_BUFFER", vf_BUFFER) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_ARRAY", vf_ARRAY) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "vf_DEFAULT_V2", vf_DEFAULT_V2) < 0) goto failure;
	/// Vamp enum types simulation
	if (setint(mdict, "OneSamplePerStep", Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "FixedSampleRate", Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "VariableSampleRate", Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor::VariableSampleRate) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "TimeDomain", Vamp::Plugin::TimeDomain) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "FrequencyDomain", Vamp::Plugin::FrequencyDomain) < 0) goto failure;

	/// module attributes
	if (setstr(mdict, "__name__", "vampy") < 0) goto failure;
	if (setdbl(mdict, "__version__", 2.0) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setdbl(mdict, "__VAMP_API_VERSION__", (double) VAMP_API_VERSION) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "__numpy__", 1) < 0) goto failure;
	if (setint(mdict, "__numpy__", 0) < 0) goto failure;
	/// type objects
	if (PyModule_AddObject(module,"RealTime",(PyObject*)&RealTime_Type) !=0) goto failure;

	if (PyModule_AddObject(module,"Feature",(PyObject*)&Feature_Type) !=0) goto failure;

	if (PyModule_AddObject(module,"FeatureSet",(PyObject*)&FeatureSet_Type) !=0) goto failure;

	if (PyModule_AddObject(module,"OutputDescriptor",(PyObject*)&OutputDescriptor_Type) !=0) goto failure;

	if (PyModule_AddObject(module,"ParameterDescriptor",(PyObject*)&ParameterDescriptor_Type) !=0) goto failure;
#ifdef _DEBUG	
	cerr << "Vampy: extension module initialised." << endl;

failure :
	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear();}
	cerr << "Vampy::PyExtensionModule::initvampy: Failed to initialise extension module." << endl;