view Example VamPy plugins/examples.n3 @ 92:a6718f9fe942

If a module appears to redefine one of our own types, refuse to load it. Also clear out the class dict for all refused modules now, so that we don't get stale names on the next scan due to not having cleared the module on unload
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:19:44 +0000
parents f5b8646494d2
line wrap: on
line source
@prefix rdfs:     <> .
@prefix xsd:      <> .
@prefix vamp:     <> .
@prefix plugbase: <> .
@prefix owl:      <> .
@prefix dc:       <> .
@prefix af:       <> .
@prefix foaf:     <> .
@prefix doap:     <> .
@prefix cc:       <> .
@prefix :         <#> .

## Properties of this document

<> a vamp:PluginDescription ;
    foaf:maker         <> ;
    foaf:primaryTopic  <> .

## Maker of the whole plugin library

    foaf:name  "Vampy Example Plugins" ;
#   foaf:page  <> ;  # Place maker's homepage URL in here and uncomment
#   foaf:logo  <> ;  # URL of an image here, if you happen to have a logo

## Properties of the plugin library, and references to the plugins it contains

plugbase:library a vamp:PluginLibrary ;
    vamp:identifier        "vampy" ;
    foaf:maker             :library_maker ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-mfcc ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-sc3 ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-sf3 ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-zc2 ; 
#   dc:title               "" ;  # Place library name here and uncomment
#   dc:description         "" ;  # Place library description here and uncomment
#   foaf:page              <> ;  # Place more-info HTML page URL here and uncomment
#   doap:download-page     <> ;  # Place download HTML page URL here and uncomment

## Properties of the Vampy MFCC Plugin plugin

plugbase:vampy-mfcc a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy MFCC Plugin" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy MFCC Plugin" ;
    dc:description        """A simple MFCC plugin""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-mfcc" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_melbands ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_minHz ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_maxHz ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_cnull ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_two_ch ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mfccs ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_warped-fft ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mel-filter-matrix ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_melbands a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "melbands" ;
    dc:title            "Number of bands (coefficients)" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       2 ;
    vamp:max_value       128 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   40 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_minHz a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "minHz" ;
    dc:title            "minimum frequency" ;
    dc:format           "Hz" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       24000 ;
    vamp:unit           "Hz" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_maxHz a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "maxHz" ;
    dc:title            "maximum frequency" ;
    dc:format           "Hz" ;
    vamp:min_value       100 ;
    vamp:max_value       24000 ;
    vamp:unit           "Hz" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   100  ;
    vamp:default_value   11025 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_cnull a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "cnull" ;
    dc:title            "Return C0" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_two_ch a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "two_ch" ;
    dc:title            "Process channels separately" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mfccs a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "mfccs" ;
    dc:title              "MFCCs" ;
    dc:description        """MFCC Coefficients"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        39 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "C 1" "C 2" "C 3" "C 4" "C 5" "C 6" "C 7" "C 8" "C 9" "C 10" "C 11" "C 12" "C 13" "C 14" "C 15" "C 16" "C 17" "C 18" "C 19" "C 20" "C 21" "C 22" "C 23" "C 24" "C 25" "C 26" "C 27" "C 28" "C 29" "C 30" "C 31" "C 32" "C 33" "C 34" "C 35" "C 36" "C 37" "C 38" "C 39");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_warped-fft a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "warped-fft" ;
    dc:title              "Mel Scaled Spectrum" ;
    dc:description        """Mel Scaled Magnitide Spectrum"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Mel" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        40 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mel-filter-matrix a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "mel-filter-matrix" ;
    dc:title              "Mel Filter Matrix" ;
    dc:description        """Returns the created filter matrix in getRemainingFeatures."""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        39 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface) plugin

plugbase:vampy-sc3 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface)" ;
    vamp:name             "Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface)" ;
    dc:description        """Calculate the linear frequency centroid of the short-time Fourier spectrum""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc3" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-sc3_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sc3_output_vampy-sc3 ;
plugbase:vampy-sc3_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       0.5 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.05 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-sc3_output_vampy-sc3 a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc3" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Centroid (Brightness)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Vampy Spectral Features plugin

plugbase:vampy-sf3 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy Spectral Features" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy Spectral Features" ;
    dc:description        """A collection of low-level spectral descriptors.""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sf3" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-sf3_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sc ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-scf ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-bw ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sd ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.05 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sc a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Centroid (Brightness)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-scf a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-scf" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Crest Factor" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Crest (Tonality)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "v" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-bw a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-bw" ;
    dc:title              "Band Width" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Band Width"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sd a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sd" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Difference" ;
    dc:description        """Eucledian distance of successive magnitude spectra."""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Vampy Zero Crossings plugin

plugbase:vampy-zc2 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy Zero Crossings" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        """Count the number of simple zero-crossings for the signal within each processing block""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-zc2" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:TimeDomain ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-zc2_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-counts ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-crossings ;
plugbase:vampy-zc2_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       0.5 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.005 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-counts a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-counts" ;
    dc:title              "Number of Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        """Number of zero crossings per audio frame"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             " " ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-crossings a  vamp:SparseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-crossings" ;
    dc:title              "Zero Crossing Locations" ;
    dc:description        """The locations of zero crossing points"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "discrete" ;
    vamp:bin_count        0 ;
    vamp:sample_type      vamp:VariableSampleRate ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;