view Example VamPy plugins/examples.n3 @ 117:9333516e6656

Added tag vampy-2.3 for changeset c85d26cb9dab
author Chris Cannam
date Wed, 27 Feb 2019 17:00:33 +0000
parents f5b8646494d2
line wrap: on
line source
@prefix rdfs:     <> .
@prefix xsd:      <> .
@prefix vamp:     <> .
@prefix plugbase: <> .
@prefix owl:      <> .
@prefix dc:       <> .
@prefix af:       <> .
@prefix foaf:     <> .
@prefix doap:     <> .
@prefix cc:       <> .
@prefix :         <#> .

## Properties of this document

<> a vamp:PluginDescription ;
    foaf:maker         <> ;
    foaf:primaryTopic  <> .

## Maker of the whole plugin library

    foaf:name  "Vampy Example Plugins" ;
#   foaf:page  <> ;  # Place maker's homepage URL in here and uncomment
#   foaf:logo  <> ;  # URL of an image here, if you happen to have a logo

## Properties of the plugin library, and references to the plugins it contains

plugbase:library a vamp:PluginLibrary ;
    vamp:identifier        "vampy" ;
    foaf:maker             :library_maker ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-mfcc ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-sc3 ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-sf3 ; 
    vamp:available_plugin  plugbase:vampy-zc2 ; 
#   dc:title               "" ;  # Place library name here and uncomment
#   dc:description         "" ;  # Place library description here and uncomment
#   foaf:page              <> ;  # Place more-info HTML page URL here and uncomment
#   doap:download-page     <> ;  # Place download HTML page URL here and uncomment

## Properties of the Vampy MFCC Plugin plugin

plugbase:vampy-mfcc a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy MFCC Plugin" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy MFCC Plugin" ;
    dc:description        """A simple MFCC plugin""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-mfcc" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_melbands ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_minHz ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_maxHz ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_cnull ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_two_ch ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mfccs ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_warped-fft ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mel-filter-matrix ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_melbands a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "melbands" ;
    dc:title            "Number of bands (coefficients)" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       2 ;
    vamp:max_value       128 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   40 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_minHz a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "minHz" ;
    dc:title            "minimum frequency" ;
    dc:format           "Hz" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       24000 ;
    vamp:unit           "Hz" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_maxHz a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "maxHz" ;
    dc:title            "maximum frequency" ;
    dc:format           "Hz" ;
    vamp:min_value       100 ;
    vamp:max_value       24000 ;
    vamp:unit           "Hz" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   100  ;
    vamp:default_value   11025 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_cnull a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "cnull" ;
    dc:title            "Return C0" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_param_two_ch a  vamp:QuantizedParameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "two_ch" ;
    dc:title            "Process channels separately" ;
    dc:format           "" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "" ;
    vamp:quantize_step   1  ;
    vamp:default_value   0 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mfccs a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "mfccs" ;
    dc:title              "MFCCs" ;
    dc:description        """MFCC Coefficients"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        39 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "C 1" "C 2" "C 3" "C 4" "C 5" "C 6" "C 7" "C 8" "C 9" "C 10" "C 11" "C 12" "C 13" "C 14" "C 15" "C 16" "C 17" "C 18" "C 19" "C 20" "C 21" "C 22" "C 23" "C 24" "C 25" "C 26" "C 27" "C 28" "C 29" "C 30" "C 31" "C 32" "C 33" "C 34" "C 35" "C 36" "C 37" "C 38" "C 39");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_warped-fft a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "warped-fft" ;
    dc:title              "Mel Scaled Spectrum" ;
    dc:description        """Mel Scaled Magnitide Spectrum"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Mel" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        40 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-mfcc_output_mel-filter-matrix a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "mel-filter-matrix" ;
    dc:title              "Mel Filter Matrix" ;
    dc:description        """Returns the created filter matrix in getRemainingFeatures."""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    -2.14949e+08  ;
    vamp:bin_count        39 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface) plugin

plugbase:vampy-sc3 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface)" ;
    vamp:name             "Spectral Centroid (using legacy process interface)" ;
    dc:description        """Calculate the linear frequency centroid of the short-time Fourier spectrum""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc3" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-sc3_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sc3_output_vampy-sc3 ;
plugbase:vampy-sc3_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       0.5 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.05 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-sc3_output_vampy-sc3 a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc3" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Centroid (Brightness)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Vampy Spectral Features plugin

plugbase:vampy-sf3 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy Spectral Features" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy Spectral Features" ;
    dc:description        """A collection of low-level spectral descriptors.""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sf3" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-sf3_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sc ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-scf ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-bw ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sd ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.05 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sc a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sc" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Centroid (Brightness)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-scf a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-scf" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Crest Factor" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Crest (Tonality)"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "v" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-bw a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-bw" ;
    dc:title              "Band Width" ;
    dc:description        """Spectral Band Width"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-sf3_output_vampy-sd a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-sd" ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Difference" ;
    dc:description        """Eucledian distance of successive magnitude spectra."""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;

## Properties of the Vampy Zero Crossings plugin

plugbase:vampy-zc2 a vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Vampy Zero Crossings" ;
    vamp:name             "Vampy Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        """Count the number of simple zero-crossings for the signal within each processing block""" ;
    foaf:maker            :library_maker ;
    dc:rights             """Plugin By George Fazekas. Freely redistributable example plugin (BSD license)""" ;
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-zc2" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:TimeDomain ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:vampy-zc2_param_threshold ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-counts ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-crossings ;
plugbase:vampy-zc2_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Noise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "v" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       0.5 ;
    vamp:unit           "v"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.005 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-counts a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-counts" ;
    dc:title              "Number of Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        """Number of zero crossings per audio frame"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             " " ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:vampy-zc2_output_vampy-crossings a  vamp:SparseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "vampy-crossings" ;
    dc:title              "Zero Crossing Locations" ;
    dc:description        """The locations of zero crossing points"""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "discrete" ;
    vamp:bin_count        0 ;
    vamp:sample_type      vamp:VariableSampleRate ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;