view PyRealTime.cpp @ 53:7e59caea821b

* Make a better job of preloading Python, especially when it's in a framework. Go for the Python file in the frameworks directory in preference to any libpythonX.Y.dylib. Particularly, don't try to preload any library without an absolute path until we've exhausted all our framework possibilities (so as to avoid picking up an ancient system library).
author cannam
date Fri, 09 Oct 2009 13:48:25 +0000
parents 27bab3a16c9a
children 62dcaa5fe6f8
line wrap: on
line source

 * Vampy : This plugin is a wrapper around the Vamp plugin API.
 * It allows for writing Vamp plugins in Python.

 * Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London.
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gyorgy Fazekas, QMUL. (See Vamp sources 
 * for licence information.)


#include <Python.h>
#include "PyRealTime.h"
#include "vamp-sdk/Plugin.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;
using namespace Vamp;
using Vamp::Plugin;
using Vamp::RealTime;

/* CONSTRUCTOR: New RealTime object from sec and nsec */
static PyObject*
RealTime_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
	unsigned int sec = 0;
	unsigned int nsec = 0;
	double unary = 0;
	const char *fmt = NULL;

	if (
	/// new RealTime from ('format',float) e.g. ('seconds',2.34123)   
	!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "| ", 
	(const char *) &fmt, 
	(double *) &unary) 	&&

	/// new RealTime from (sec{int},nsec{int}) e.g. (2,34)
	!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "| ", 
	(unsigned int*) &sec, 
	(unsigned int*) &nsec) 
	) { 
		"RealTime initialised with wrong arguments.");
		return NULL; 

	// PyErr_Clear();

	// RealTimeObject *self = PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	RealTimeObject *self = (RealTimeObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
	if (self == NULL) return NULL;

	self->rt = NULL;

	if (sec == 0 && nsec == 0 && fmt == 0) 
		self->rt = new RealTime();
	else if (fmt == 0)
		self->rt = new RealTime(sec,nsec);
	else { 
        /// new RealTime from seconds or milliseconds: i.e. >>>RealTime('seconds',12.3)
		if (!string(fmt).compare("float") ||
			self->rt = new RealTime( 
			RealTime::fromSeconds((double) unary)); 

		if (!string(fmt).compare("milliseconds")) {
			self->rt = new RealTime( 
			RealTime::fromSeconds((double) unary / 1000.0)); }

	if (!self->rt) { 
		"RealTime initialised with wrong arguments.");
		return NULL; 

	return (PyObject *) self;

/* DESTRUCTOR: delete type object */
static void
RealTimeObject_dealloc(RealTimeObject *self)
	if (self->rt) delete self->rt; 	//delete the C object
	PyObject_Del(self); //delete the Python object (original)
	/// this requires PyType_Ready() which fills ob_type
	// self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self); 

/*					 RealTime Object's Methods 					*/ 
//these are internals not exposed by the module but the object

/* Returns a Tuple containing sec and nsec values */
static PyObject *
RealTime_values(RealTimeObject *self)
	return Py_BuildValue("(ii)",self->rt->sec,self->rt->nsec);

/* Returns a Text representation */
static PyObject *
RealTime_toString(RealTimeObject *self, PyObject *args)
	return Py_BuildValue("s",self->rt->toText().c_str());

/* Frame representation */
static PyObject *
RealTime_toFrame(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	unsigned int samplerate;
	if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "I:realtime.toFrame object ", 
	(unsigned int *) &samplerate )) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"Integer Sample Rate Required.");
		return NULL;
	return Py_BuildValue("k", 
	*(const RealTime*) ((RealTimeObject*)self)->rt, 
	(unsigned int) samplerate));

/* Conversion of realtime to a double precision floating point value */
/* Python called by e.g. float(realtime) */
static PyObject *
RealTime_float(PyObject *s)
	double drt = ((double) ((RealTimeObject*)s)->rt->sec + 
	(double)((double) ((RealTimeObject*)s)->rt->nsec)/1000000000);
	return PyFloat_FromDouble(drt);	

/* Type object's (RealTime) methods table */
static PyMethodDef RealTime_methods[] = 
	{"values",	(PyCFunction)RealTime_values,	METH_NOARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("values() -> Tuple of sec,nsec representation.")},

	{"toString",	(PyCFunction)RealTime_toString,	METH_NOARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("toString() -> Return a user-readable string to the nearest millisecond in a form like HH:MM:SS.mmm")},

	{"toFrame",	(PyCFunction)RealTime_toFrame,	METH_VARARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("toFrame(samplerate) -> Sample count for given sample rate.")},

	{"toFloat",	(PyCFunction)RealTime_float,	METH_NOARGS,
		PyDoc_STR("toFloat() -> Floating point representation.")},
	{NULL,		NULL}		/* sentinel */

/*		   			 Methods implementing protocols 		   	     */ 
// these functions are called by the interpreter 

/*					 Object Protocol 					*/

static int
RealTime_setattr(RealTimeObject *self, char *name, PyObject *value)

	if ( !string(name).compare("sec")) { 
		self->rt->sec= (int) PyInt_AS_LONG(value);
		return 0;

	if ( !string(name).compare("nsec")) { 
		self->rt->nsec= (int) PyInt_AS_LONG(value);
		return 0;

	return -1;

static PyObject *
RealTime_getattr(RealTimeObject *self, char *name)

	if ( !string(name).compare("sec") ) { 
		return PyInt_FromSsize_t(
		(Py_ssize_t) self->rt->sec); 

	if ( !string(name).compare("nsec") ) { 
		return PyInt_FromSsize_t(
		(Py_ssize_t) self->rt->nsec); 

	return Py_FindMethod(RealTime_methods, 
	(PyObject *)self, name);

/* String representation called by e.g. str(realtime), print realtime*/
static PyObject *
RealTime_repr(PyObject *self)
	return Py_BuildValue("s",

/*					 Number Protocol 					*/
/// Only add and substract make sense, or what about the
/// square root of Monday morning?
/// Divide by integer maybe for durations?

static PyObject *
RealTime_add(PyObject *s, PyObject *w)
	RealTimeObject *result = 
    PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	if (result == NULL) return NULL;

	result->rt = new RealTime(
	*((RealTimeObject*)s)->rt + *((RealTimeObject*)w)->rt);
	return (PyObject*)result;

static PyObject *
RealTime_subtract(PyObject *s, PyObject *w)
	RealTimeObject *result = 
    PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	if (result == NULL) return NULL;

	result->rt = new RealTime(
	*((RealTimeObject*)s)->rt - *((RealTimeObject*)w)->rt);
	return (PyObject*)result;

static PyNumberMethods realtime_as_number = 
	RealTime_add,			/*nb_add*/
	RealTime_subtract,		/*nb_subtract*/
	0,						/*nb_multiply*/
	0,				 		/*nb_divide*/
    0,						/*nb_remainder*/
    0,      	            /*nb_divmod*/
    0,                   	/*nb_power*/
    0,                  	/*nb_neg*/
    0,                		/*nb_pos*/
    0,                  	/*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
    0,                    	/*nb_nonzero*/
    0,                    	/*nb_invert*/
    0,       				/*nb_lshift*/
    0,      				/*nb_rshift*/
    0,      				/*nb_and*/
    0,      				/*nb_xor*/
    0,       				/*nb_or*/
    0,                      /*nb_coerce*/
    0,						/*nb_int*/
    0,				        /*nb_long*/
    0,               		/*nb_oct*/
    0,               		/*nb_hex*/

/*						REAL-TIME TYPE OBJECT						*/

#define RealTime_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
#define RealTime_free PyObject_Del

/* Doc:: 10.3 Type Objects */ /* static */ 
PyTypeObject RealTime_Type = 
	0,						/*ob_size*/
	"vampy.RealTime",				/*tp_name*/
	sizeof(RealTimeObject),	/*tp_basicsize*/
	0,//sizeof(RealTime),		/*tp_itemsize*/
	/*	 	methods	 	*/
	(destructor)RealTimeObject_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
	0,						/*tp_print*/
	(getattrfunc)RealTime_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
	(setattrfunc)RealTime_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
	0,						/*tp_compare*/
	RealTime_repr,			/*tp_repr*/
	&realtime_as_number,	/*tp_as_number*/
	0,						/*tp_as_sequence*/
	0,						/*tp_as_mapping*/
	0,						/*tp_hash*/
	0,//(ternaryfunc)RealTime_new,                      /*tp_call*/
    0,                      /*tp_str*/
    0,                      /*tp_getattro*/
    0,                      /*tp_setattro*/
    0,                      /*tp_as_buffer*/
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,     /*tp_flags*/
    "RealTime Object",      /*tp_doc*/
    0,                      /*tp_traverse*/
    0,                      /*tp_clear*/
    0,                      /*tp_richcompare*/
    0,                      /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
    0,                      /*tp_iter*/
    0,                      /*tp_iternext*/
    RealTime_methods,       /*tp_methods*/ //TypeObject Methods
    0,                      /*tp_members*/
    0,                      /*tp_getset*/
    0,                      /*tp_base*/
    0,                      /*tp_dict*/
    0,                      /*tp_descr_get*/
    0,                      /*tp_descr_set*/
    0,                      /*tp_dictoffset*/
    0,                      /*tp_init*/
    RealTime_alloc,         /*tp_alloc*/
	RealTime_new,           /*tp_new*/
    RealTime_free,			/*tp_free*/
    0,                      /*tp_is_gc*/

/*		  		 	  PyRealTime C++ API  	  		  				*/

/*PyRealTime from RealTime pointer
PyRealTime_FromRealTime(Vamp::RealTime *rt) {

	RealTimeObject *self =
	PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	if (self == NULL) return NULL;

	self->rt = new RealTime(*rt);
	return (PyObject*) self;

/*PyRealTime from RealTime*/
PyRealTime_FromRealTime(Vamp::RealTime& rt) {

	RealTimeObject *self =
	PyObject_New(RealTimeObject, &RealTime_Type); 
	if (self == NULL) return NULL;

	self->rt = new RealTime(rt);
	return (PyObject*) self;

/*RealTime* from PyRealTime*/
const Vamp::RealTime*
PyRealTime_AsRealTime (PyObject *self) { 

	RealTimeObject *s = (RealTimeObject*) self; 

	if (!PyRealTime_Check(s)) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "RealTime Object Expected.");
		cerr << "in call PyRealTime_AsPointer(): RealTime Object Expected. " << endl;
		return NULL; }
	return s->rt; 