diff vampy-main.cpp @ 31:4f1894c7591b vampy2

Created Vampy2 branch
author fazekasgy
date Sun, 20 Sep 2009 17:31:20 +0000
children c905122f79e7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vampy-main.cpp	Sun Sep 20 17:31:20 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ * This Vamp plugin is a wrapper for Python Scripts. (VamPy)
+ * Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
+ * Copyright 2008, George Fazekas.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "vamp/vamp.h"
+#include "vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.h"
+#include "PyPlugScanner.h"
+#include "PyPlugin.h"
+// #include "host/pyRealTime.h"
+#include "PyExtensionModule.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define pathsep ('\\')
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <tchar.h>
+#define pathsep ('/')
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+//volatile bool mutex = false;
+static int adinstcount;
+static int totinstcount;
+class PyPluginAdapter : public Vamp::PluginAdapterBase
+    PyPluginAdapter(std::string pyPlugId, PyObject* pyClass) :
+        PluginAdapterBase(),
+        m_plug(pyPlugId),		
+        m_pyClass(pyClass)
+    { 
+        cerr << "PyPluginAdapter:ctor:"<< adinstcount << ": " << m_plug << endl; 
+        adinstcount++;
+        m_instanceCount = 0;
+    }
+    ~PyPluginAdapter() 
+    {
+    }
+    Vamp::Plugin *createPlugin(float inputSampleRate)
+    {
+        try {
+            PyPlugin *plugin = new PyPlugin(m_plug, inputSampleRate, m_pyClass, totinstcount);
+            // m_instanceCount++; /// do this in the ctors
+            return plugin;
+        } catch (...) {
+            cerr << "PyPluginAdapter::createPlugin: Failed to construct PyPlugin" << endl;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    std::string m_plug;
+    bool m_haveInitialized;
+    PyObject *m_pyClass;
+    int m_instanceCount;
+static std::vector<PyPluginAdapter *> adapters;
+static bool haveScannedPlugins = false;
+static bool haveVampyInitialised = false;
+static bool tryPreload(string name)
+    cerr << "Trying to load Python interpreter library \"" << name << "\"...";
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    void *lib = LoadLibrary(name.c_str());
+    if (!lib) {
+        cerr << " failed" << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    void *lib = dlopen(name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
+    if (!lib) {
+        cerr << " failed" << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    cerr << " succeeded" << endl;
+    return true;
+static bool preloadPython()
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    // this doesn't seem to be necessary at all on Windows
+    return true;
+    string pyver = Py_GetVersion();
+    int dots = 2;
+    string shortver;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < pyver.length(); ++i) {
+        if (pyver[i] == '.') {
+            if (--dots == 0) {
+                shortver = pyver.substr(0, i);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    cerr << "Short version: " << shortver << endl;
+    vector<string> pfxs;
+    pfxs.push_back("");
+    pfxs.push_back(string(Py_GetExecPrefix()) + "/lib/");
+    pfxs.push_back(string(Py_GetExecPrefix()) + "/");
+    pfxs.push_back("/usr/lib/");
+    pfxs.push_back("/usr/local/lib/");
+    char buffer[5];
+    // hahaha! grossness is like a brother to us
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+    for (size_t pfxidx = 0; pfxidx < pfxs.size(); ++pfxidx) {
+        for (int minor = 8; minor >= 0; --minor) {
+            sprintf(buffer, "%d", minor);
+            if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython") + shortver + ".dylib." + buffer)) return true;
+        }
+        if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython") + shortver + ".dylib")) return true;
+        if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython.dylib"))) return true;
+    }
+    for (size_t pfxidx = 0; pfxidx < pfxs.size(); ++pfxidx) {
+        for (int minor = 8; minor >= 0; --minor) {
+            sprintf(buffer, "%d", minor);
+            if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython") + shortver + ".so." + buffer)) return true;
+        }
+        if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython") + shortver + ".so")) return true;
+        if (tryPreload(pfxs[pfxidx] + string("libpython.so"))) return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/* This doesn't work: don't try it again.
+static bool initPython()
+	// preloadPython();
+	Py_Initialize();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+	//set dlopen flags form Python 
+	string pyCmd = "from sys import setdlopenflags\nimport dl\nsetdlopenflags(dl.RTLD_NOW|dl.RTLD_GLOBAL)\n";
+	if (PyRun_SimpleString(pyCmd.c_str()) == -1) 
+	{   
+	    cerr << "Warning: Could not set dlopen flasgs. Dynamic loading in scripts will fail." << endl;
+		return false;
+	}
+	PyEval_InitThreads();			
+	return Py_IsInitialized();
+const VampPluginDescriptor 
+*vampGetPluginDescriptor(unsigned int version,unsigned int index)
+    if (version < 1) return 0;
+	int isPythonInitialized = Py_IsInitialized();
+	cerr << "# isPythonInitialized: " << isPythonInitialized << endl;
+	cerr << "# haveScannedPlugins: " << haveScannedPlugins << endl;
+	if (!haveScannedPlugins) {
+		if (!isPythonInitialized){
+			if (!preloadPython())
+				cerr << "Warning: Could not preload Python. Dynamic loading in scripts will fail." << endl;
+			int ext = PyImport_AppendInittab("vampy",initvampy);
+			if (ext == -1) cerr << "Extension unsuccessful." << endl;
+			else cerr << "Extension successful." << endl;
+			Py_Initialize();
+			initvampy();
+			// if (!PyImport_ImportModule("vampy"))
+			// 	cerr << "Could not import extension." << endl;
+			// Py_InitModule("vampy", VampyMethods);
+			// initpyRealTime();
+		    cerr << "# isPythonInitialized after initialize: " << Py_IsInitialized() << endl;
+			// PyEval_InitThreads(); //not sure why this was needed
+		}
+		vector<string> pyPlugs;
+		vector<string> pyPath;
+		vector<PyObject *> pyClasses;
+		static PyPlugScanner *scanner;
+		//Scanning Plugins
+		cerr << "Scanning PyPlugins" << endl;
+		scanner = PyPlugScanner::getInstance();
+		pyPath=scanner->getAllValidPath();
+		//add this as extra path for development
+		//pyPath.push_back("/Users/Shared/Development/vamp-experiments");
+		scanner->setPath(pyPath);
+		pyPlugs = scanner->getPyPlugs();
+		cerr << "Found " << pyPlugs.size() << " Scripts ...OK" << endl;
+		//TODO: this should support multiple classes per script (?)
+		pyClasses = scanner->getPyClasses();
+		cerr << "Found " << pyClasses.size() << " Classes ...OK" << endl;
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < pyPlugs.size(); ++i) {
+			adapters.push_back( new PyPluginAdapter(pyPlugs[i],pyClasses[i]));
+		} 
+		haveScannedPlugins=true;
+		// if (!haveVampyInitialised) {
+		// 	// PyImport_AddModule("vampy");
+		// 	// if (!PyImport_ImportModule("vampy")) 
+		// 	cerr << "Could not import extension." << endl;
+		// 	initvampy();
+		// 	haveVampyInitialised = true;
+		// 	cerr << "Extension initialised from main." << endl;
+		// }
+	}
+	cerr << "Accessing adapter index: " << index << " (adapters: " << adapters.size() << ")" << endl;
+	if (index<adapters.size()) {
+		const VampPluginDescriptor *tmp = adapters[index]->getDescriptor();
+		return tmp;
+	} else return 0;