c@0: // c@0: // FIRFilter.cpp c@0: // Tempogram c@0: // c@0: // Created by Carl Bussey on 25/06/2014. c@0: // Copyright (c) 2014 Carl Bussey. All rights reserved. c@0: // c@0: c@0: #include "FIRFilter.h" c@7: c@0: using namespace std; c@0: using Vamp::FFT; c@0: c@13: FIRFilter::FIRFilter(const size_t &lengthInput, const size_t &numberOfCoefficients) : c@8: m_lengthInput(lengthInput), c@8: m_numberOfCoefficients(numberOfCoefficients), c@13: m_pFftInput(0), c@13: m_pFftCoefficients(0), c@13: m_pFftReal1(0), c@13: m_pFftImag1(0), c@13: m_pFftReal2(0), c@13: m_pFftImag2(0), c@13: m_pFftFilteredReal(0), c@13: m_pFftFilteredImag(0), c@13: m_pFftOutputReal(0), c@13: m_pFftOutputImag(0) c@0: { c@0: initialise(); c@0: } c@0: c@0: FIRFilter::~FIRFilter() c@0: { c@0: cleanup(); c@0: } c@0: c@9: //allocate memory c@0: void c@0: FIRFilter::initialise() c@0: { c@9: //next power of 2 c@8: m_lengthFIRFFT = pow(2,(ceil(log2(m_lengthInput+m_numberOfCoefficients-1)))); c@0: c@13: m_pFftInput = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftCoefficients = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftReal1 = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftImag1 = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftReal2 = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftImag2 = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftFilteredReal = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftFilteredImag = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftOutputReal = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@13: m_pFftOutputImag = new double[m_lengthFIRFFT]; c@0: c@13: for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lengthFIRFFT; i++){ c@13: m_pFftInput[i] = m_pFftCoefficients[i] = m_pFftReal1[i] = m_pFftImag1[i] = m_pFftReal2[i] = m_pFftImag2[i] = m_pFftFilteredReal[i] = m_pFftFilteredImag[i] = m_pFftOutputReal[i] = m_pFftOutputImag[i] = 0.0; c@0: } c@0: } c@0: c@0: void c@15: FIRFilter::process(const float* pInput, const float* pCoefficients, float* pOutput, OutputTypeArgument outputType) c@0: { c@15: c@9: //Copy to same length FFT buffers c@13: for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lengthFIRFFT; i++){ c@13: m_pFftInput[i] = i < m_lengthInput ? pInput[i] : 0.0; c@13: m_pFftCoefficients[i] = i < m_numberOfCoefficients ? pCoefficients[i] : 0.0; c@0: } c@0: c@13: FFT::forward(m_lengthFIRFFT, m_pFftInput, 0, m_pFftReal1, m_pFftImag1); c@13: FFT::forward(m_lengthFIRFFT, m_pFftCoefficients, 0, m_pFftReal2, m_pFftImag2); c@7: c@9: //Multiply FFT coefficients. Multiplication in freq domain is convolution in time domain. c@13: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lengthFIRFFT; i++){ c@13: m_pFftFilteredReal[i] = (m_pFftReal1[i] * m_pFftReal2[i]) - (m_pFftImag1[i] * m_pFftImag2[i]); c@13: m_pFftFilteredImag[i] = (m_pFftReal1[i] * m_pFftImag2[i]) + (m_pFftReal2[i] * m_pFftImag1[i]); c@0: } c@13: c@13: FFT::inverse(m_lengthFIRFFT, m_pFftFilteredReal, m_pFftFilteredImag, m_pFftOutputReal, m_pFftOutputImag); c@0: c@9: //copy to output c@15: int offset = 0; c@15: unsigned int outputLength = m_lengthInput; c@15: if (outputType == all) outputLength = m_lengthFIRFFT; c@15: else if (outputType == middle) offset = floor((float)m_numberOfCoefficients/2); c@15: else if (outputType != first) cerr << "FIRFilter::process(params) - " << outputType << " is not a valid argument. outputType is set to first." << endl; c@15: c@15: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outputLength; i++){ c@14: pOutput[i] = m_pFftOutputReal[i + offset]; c@0: } c@0: } c@0: c@9: //remove memory allocations c@0: void c@0: FIRFilter::cleanup() c@0: { c@13: delete []m_pFftInput; c@13: delete []m_pFftCoefficients; c@13: delete []m_pFftReal1; c@13: delete []m_pFftImag1; c@13: delete []m_pFftReal2; c@13: delete []m_pFftImag2; c@13: delete []m_pFftFilteredReal; c@13: delete []m_pFftFilteredImag; c@13: delete []m_pFftOutputReal; c@13: delete []m_pFftOutputImag; c@13: m_pFftInput = m_pFftCoefficients = m_pFftReal1 = m_pFftImag1 = m_pFftReal2 = m_pFftImag2 = m_pFftFilteredReal = m_pFftFilteredImag = m_pFftOutputReal = m_pFftOutputImag = 0; Chris@10: }