view TempogramPlugin.cpp @ 47:cb79f27f0748

Clamp cyclic tempogram min and max BPM to the BPM equivalents of the actual underlying min and max tempogram bins, rather than the "input" min and max BPM (fixed root cause of #1054)
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:20:16 +0100
parents eafb3a7f80fb
children 8c151a9ca202
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

   Vamp Tempogram Plugin
   Carl Bussey, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
   Copyright 2014 Queen Mary University of London.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
   COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "TempogramPlugin.h"

using Vamp::FFT;
using Vamp::RealTime;
using namespace std;

TempogramPlugin::TempogramPlugin(float inputSampleRate) :
    m_inputBlockSize(0), //host parameter
    m_inputStepSize(0), //host parameter
    m_noveltyCurveMinDB(-74), //parameter
    m_noveltyCurveMinV(0), //set in initialise()
    m_noveltyCurveCompressionConstant(1000), //parameter
    m_tempogramLog2WindowLength(10), //parameter
    m_tempogramWindowLength(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramLog2FftLength(m_tempogramLog2WindowLength), //parameter
    m_tempogramFftLength(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramLog2HopSize(6), //parameter
    m_tempogramHopSize(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramMinBPM(30), //parameter
    m_tempogramMaxBPM(480), //parameter
    m_tempogramMinBin(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramMaxBin(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramMinLag(0), //set in initialise()
    m_tempogramMaxLag(0), //set in initialise()
    m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM(30), //reset in initialise()
    m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves(0), //set in initialise()
    m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider(30) //parameter

    // Also be sure to set your plugin parameters (presumably stored
    // in member variables) to their default values here -- the host
    // will not do that for you

    //delete stuff

TempogramPlugin::getIdentifier() const
    return "tempogram";

TempogramPlugin::getName() const
    return "Tempogram";

TempogramPlugin::getDescription() const
    return "Cyclic Tempogram as described by Peter Grosche and Meinard Muller";

TempogramPlugin::getMaker() const
    return "Carl Bussey";

TempogramPlugin::getPluginVersion() const
    return 1;

TempogramPlugin::getCopyright() const
    return "Copyright 2014 Queen Mary University of London. GPL licence.";

TempogramPlugin::getInputDomain() const
    return FrequencyDomain;

TempogramPlugin::getPreferredBlockSize() const
    return 2048; // 0 means "I can handle any block size"

TempogramPlugin::getPreferredStepSize() const
    return 1024; // 0 means "anything sensible"; in practice this
              // means the same as the block size for TimeDomain
              // plugins, or half of it for FrequencyDomain plugins

TempogramPlugin::getMinChannelCount() const
    return 1;

TempogramPlugin::getMaxChannelCount() const
    return 1;

TempogramPlugin::getParameterDescriptors() const
    ParameterList list;

    // If the plugin has no adjustable parameters, return an empty
    // list here (and there's no need to provide implementations of
    // getParameter and setParameter in that case either).

    // Note that it is your responsibility to make sure the parameters
    // start off having their default values (e.g. in the constructor
    // above).  The host needs to know the default value so it can do
    // things like provide a "reset to default" function, but it will
    // not explicitly set your parameters to their defaults for you if
    // they have not changed in the mean time.

    ParameterDescriptor d1;
    d1.identifier = "C"; = "Novelty Curve Spectrogram Compression Constant";
    d1.description = "Spectrogram compression constant, C, used when retrieving the novelty curve from the audio.";
    d1.unit = "";
    d1.minValue = 2;
    d1.maxValue = 10000;
    d1.defaultValue = 1000;
    d1.isQuantized = false;
    ParameterDescriptor d2;
    d2.identifier = "minDB"; = "Novelty Curve Minimum DB";
    d2.description = "Spectrogram minimum DB used when removing unwanted peaks in the Spectrogram when retrieving the novelty curve from the audio.";
    d2.unit = "";
    d2.minValue = -100;
    d2.maxValue = -50;
    d2.defaultValue = -74;
    d2.isQuantized = false;

    ParameterDescriptor d3;
    d3.identifier = "log2TN"; = "Tempogram Window Length";
    d3.description = "FFT window length when analysing the novelty curve and extracting the tempogram time-frequency function.";
    d3.unit = "";
    d3.minValue = 7;
    d3.maxValue = 12;
    d3.defaultValue = 10;
    d3.isQuantized = true;
    d3.quantizeStep = 1;
    for (int i = d3.minValue; i <= d3.maxValue; i++){
    ParameterDescriptor d4;
    d4.identifier = "log2HopSize"; = "Tempogram Hopsize";
    d4.description = "FFT hopsize when analysing the novelty curve and extracting the tempogram time-frequency function.";
    d4.unit = "";
    d4.minValue = 6;
    d4.maxValue = 12;
    d4.defaultValue = 6;
    d4.isQuantized = true;
    d4.quantizeStep = 1;
    for (int i = d4.minValue; i <= d4.maxValue; i++){
    ParameterDescriptor d5;
    d5.identifier = "log2FftLength"; = "Tempogram FFT Length";
    d5.description = "FFT length when analysing the novelty curve and extracting the tempogram time-frequency function. This parameter determines the amount of zero padding.";
    d5.unit = "";
    d5.minValue = 6;
    d5.maxValue = 12;
    d5.defaultValue = 10;
    d5.isQuantized = true;
    d5.quantizeStep = 1;
    for (int i = d5.minValue; i <= d5.maxValue; i++){
    ParameterDescriptor d6;
    d6.identifier = "minBPM"; = "(Cyclic) Tempogram Minimum BPM";
    d6.description = "The minimum BPM of the tempogram output bins.";
    d6.unit = "";
    d6.minValue = 0;
    d6.maxValue = 2000;
    d6.defaultValue = 30;
    d6.isQuantized = true;
    d6.quantizeStep = 5;
    ParameterDescriptor d7;
    d7.identifier = "maxBPM"; = "(Cyclic) Tempogram Maximum BPM";
    d7.description = "The maximum BPM of the tempogram output bins.";
    d7.unit = "";
    d7.minValue = 30;
    d7.maxValue = 2000;
    d7.defaultValue = 480;
    d7.isQuantized = true;
    d7.quantizeStep = 5;
    ParameterDescriptor d8;
    d8.identifier = "octDiv"; = "Cyclic Tempogram Octave Divider";
    d8.description = "The number bins within each octave.";
    d8.unit = "";
    d8.minValue = 5;
    d8.maxValue = 60;
    d8.defaultValue = 30;
    d8.isQuantized = true;
    d8.quantizeStep = 1;

    return list;

TempogramPlugin::getParameter(string identifier) const
    if (identifier == "C") {
        return m_noveltyCurveCompressionConstant; // return the ACTUAL current value of your parameter here!
    else if (identifier == "minDB"){
        return m_noveltyCurveMinDB;
    else if (identifier == "log2TN"){
        return m_tempogramLog2WindowLength;
    else if (identifier == "log2HopSize"){
        return m_tempogramLog2HopSize;
    else if (identifier == "log2FftLength"){
        return m_tempogramLog2FftLength;
    else if (identifier == "minBPM") {
        return m_tempogramMinBPM;
    else if (identifier == "maxBPM"){
        return m_tempogramMaxBPM;
    else if (identifier == "octDiv"){
        return m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider;
    return 0;

TempogramPlugin::setParameter(string identifier, float value) 
    if (identifier == "C") {
        m_noveltyCurveCompressionConstant = value; // set the actual value of your parameter
    else if (identifier == "minDB"){
        m_noveltyCurveMinDB = value;
    else if (identifier == "log2TN") {
        m_tempogramLog2WindowLength = value;
    else if (identifier == "log2HopSize"){
        m_tempogramLog2HopSize = value;
    else if (identifier == "log2FftLength"){
        m_tempogramLog2FftLength = value;
    else if (identifier == "minBPM") {
        m_tempogramMinBPM = value;
    else if (identifier == "maxBPM"){
        m_tempogramMaxBPM = value;
    else if (identifier == "octDiv"){
        m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider = value;

TempogramPlugin::getPrograms() const
    ProgramList list;

    // If you have no programs, return an empty list (or simply don't
    // implement this function or getCurrentProgram/selectProgram)

    return list;

TempogramPlugin::getCurrentProgram() const
    return ""; // no programs

TempogramPlugin::selectProgram(string name)

TempogramPlugin::getOutputDescriptors() const
    OutputList list;

    // See OutputDescriptor documentation for the possibilities here.
    // Every plugin must have at least one output.
    float d_sampleRate;
    float tempogramInputSampleRate = (float)m_inputSampleRate/m_inputStepSize;
    OutputDescriptor d1;
    d1.identifier = "cyclicTempogram"; = "Cyclic Tempogram";
    d1.description = "Cyclic tempogram calculated by \"octave folding\" the DFT tempogram";
    d1.unit = "";
    d1.hasFixedBinCount = true;
    d1.binCount = m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider > 0 && !isnan(m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider) ? m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider : 0;
    d1.hasKnownExtents = false;
    d1.isQuantized = false;
    d1.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate;
    d_sampleRate = tempogramInputSampleRate/m_tempogramHopSize;
    d1.sampleRate = d_sampleRate > 0.0 && !isnan(d_sampleRate) ? d_sampleRate : 0;
    d1.hasDuration = false;
    OutputDescriptor d2;
    d2.identifier = "tempogramDFT"; = "Tempogram via DFT";
    d2.description = "Tempogram calculated using Discrete Fourier Transform method";
    d2.unit = ""; // unit of bin contents, not of "bin label", so not bpm
    d2.hasFixedBinCount = true;
    d2.binCount = m_tempogramMaxBin - m_tempogramMinBin + 1;
    d2.hasKnownExtents = false;
    d2.isQuantized = false;
    d2.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate;
    d_sampleRate = tempogramInputSampleRate/m_tempogramHopSize;
    d2.sampleRate = d_sampleRate > 0.0 && !isnan(d_sampleRate) ? d_sampleRate : 0.0;
    for(int i = m_tempogramMinBin; i <= (int)m_tempogramMaxBin; i++){
        float w = ((float)i/m_tempogramFftLength)*(tempogramInputSampleRate);
    d2.hasDuration = false;
    OutputDescriptor d3;
    d3.identifier = "tempogramACT"; = "Tempogram via ACT";
    d3.description = "Tempogram calculated using autocorrelation method";
    d3.unit = ""; // unit of bin contents, not of "bin label", so not bpm
    d3.hasFixedBinCount = true;
    d3.binCount = m_tempogramMaxLag - m_tempogramMinLag + 1;
    d3.hasKnownExtents = false;
    d3.isQuantized = false;
    d3.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate;
    d_sampleRate = tempogramInputSampleRate/m_tempogramHopSize;
    d3.sampleRate = d_sampleRate > 0.0 && !isnan(d_sampleRate) ? d_sampleRate : 0.0;
    for(int lag = m_tempogramMaxLag; lag >= (int)m_tempogramMinLag; lag--){
    d3.hasDuration = false;
    OutputDescriptor d4;
    d4.identifier = "nc"; = "Novelty Curve";
    d4.description = "Novelty curve underlying the tempogram calculations";
    d4.unit = "";
    d4.hasFixedBinCount = true;
    d4.binCount = 1;
    d4.hasKnownExtents = false;
    d4.isQuantized = false;
    d4.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate;
    d_sampleRate = tempogramInputSampleRate;
    d4.sampleRate = d_sampleRate > 0 && !isnan(d_sampleRate) ? d_sampleRate : 0;
    d4.hasDuration = false;
    return list;

TempogramPlugin::initialise(size_t channels, size_t stepSize, size_t blockSize)
    if (channels < getMinChannelCount() ||
	channels > getMaxChannelCount()) return false;
    // Real initialisation work goes here!
    m_inputBlockSize = blockSize;
    m_inputStepSize = stepSize;
    //m_spectrogram = Spectrogram(m_inputBlockSize/2 + 1);
    if (!handleParameterValues()) return false;
    //cout << m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider << endl;
    return true;

    // Clear buffers, reset stored values, etc

TempogramPlugin::process(const float *const *inputBuffers, Vamp::RealTime timestamp)
    int n = m_inputBlockSize/2 + 1;
    const float *in = inputBuffers[0];

    //calculate magnitude of FrequencyDomain input
    vector<float> fftCoefficients;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        float magnitude = sqrt(in[2*i] * in[2*i] + in[2*i + 1] * in[2*i + 1]);
        magnitude = magnitude > m_noveltyCurveMinV ? magnitude : m_noveltyCurveMinV;
    return FeatureSet();

    float * hannWindow = new float[m_tempogramWindowLength];
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_tempogramWindowLength; i++){
        hannWindow[i] = 0.0;
    FeatureSet featureSet;
    //initialise novelty curve processor
    int numberOfBlocks = m_spectrogram.size();
    //cerr << numberOfBlocks << endl;
    NoveltyCurveProcessor nc(m_inputSampleRate, m_inputBlockSize, m_noveltyCurveCompressionConstant);
    vector<float> noveltyCurve = nc.spectrogramToNoveltyCurve(m_spectrogram); //calculate novelty curvefrom magnitude data
    //push novelty curve data to featureset 1 and set timestamps
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++){
        Feature noveltyCurveFeature;
        noveltyCurveFeature.hasTimestamp = false;
    //window function for spectrogram
    WindowFunction::hanning(hannWindow, m_tempogramWindowLength);
    //initialise spectrogram processor
    SpectrogramProcessor spectrogramProcessor(m_tempogramWindowLength, m_tempogramFftLength, m_tempogramHopSize);
    //compute spectrogram from novelty curve data (i.e., tempogram)
    Tempogram tempogramDFT = spectrogramProcessor.process(&noveltyCurve[0], numberOfBlocks, hannWindow);
    delete []hannWindow;
    hannWindow = 0;
    int tempogramLength = tempogramDFT.size();
    //push tempogram data to featureset 0 and set timestamps.
    for (int block = 0; block < tempogramLength; block++){
        Feature tempogramDFTFeature;
        assert(tempogramDFT[block].size() == (m_tempogramFftLength/2 + 1));
        for(int k = m_tempogramMinBin; k <= (int)m_tempogramMaxBin; k++){
        tempogramDFTFeature.hasTimestamp = false;
    AutocorrelationProcessor autocorrelationProcessor(m_tempogramWindowLength, m_tempogramHopSize);
    Tempogram tempogramACT = autocorrelationProcessor.process(&noveltyCurve[0], numberOfBlocks);
    for (int block = 0; block < tempogramLength; block++){
        Feature tempogramACTFeature;

//	cerr << "block = " << block << ", window length = " << m_tempogramWindowLength << ", max lag = " << m_tempogramMaxLag << ", min lag = " << m_tempogramMinLag << endl;
        for(int k = m_tempogramMaxLag; k >= (int)m_tempogramMinLag; k--){
//	    cerr << "(" << block << "," << k << ") ";
//	cerr << endl;
        tempogramACTFeature.hasTimestamp = false;
    //Calculate cyclic tempogram
    vector< vector<unsigned int> > logBins = calculateTempogramNearestNeighbourLogBins();
    //assert((int)logBins.size() == m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider*m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves);
    for (int block = 0; block < tempogramLength; block++){
        Feature cyclicTempogramFeature;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider; i++){
            float sum = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves; j++){

		if (block >= tempogramDFT.size()) {
		    cerr << "ERROR: at block = " << block << ", i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ": block " << block << " >= tempogramDFT.size() " << tempogramDFT.size() << endl;
		} else if (j > logBins.size()) {
		    cerr << "ERROR: at block = " << block << ", i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ": j " << j << " >= logBins.size() " << logBins.size() << endl;
		} else if (i > logBins[j].size()) {
		    cerr << "ERROR: at block = " << block << ", i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ": i " << i << " >= logBins[j].size() " << logBins[j].size() << endl;
		} else if (logBins[j][i] >= tempogramDFT[block].size()) {
		    cerr << "ERROR: at block = " << block << ", i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ": logBins[j][i] " << logBins[j][i] << " >= tempogramDFT[block].size() " << tempogramDFT[block].size() << endl;
		} else {
		    sum += tempogramDFT[block][logBins[j][i]];

        cyclicTempogramFeature.hasTimestamp = false;
    return featureSet;

vector< vector<unsigned int> > TempogramPlugin::calculateTempogramNearestNeighbourLogBins() const
    vector< vector<unsigned int> > logBins;
    cerr << "calculateTempogramNearestNeighbourLogBins: octaves = "
         << m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves << endl;

    for (int octave = 0; octave < (int)m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves; octave++){
        vector<unsigned int> octaveBins;

        cerr << "octave " << octave << ":" << endl;

        for (int bin = 0; bin < (int)m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider; bin++){
            float bpm = m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM*pow(2.0f, octave+(float)bin/m_cyclicTempogramOctaveDivider);
            cerr << bpmToBin(bpm) << " ";
            //cout << octaveBins.back() << endl;
        cerr << endl;

    return logBins;

unsigned int TempogramPlugin::bpmToBin(const float &bpm) const
    float w = (float)bpm/60;
    float sampleRate = m_inputSampleRate/m_inputStepSize;
    int bin = floor((float)m_tempogramFftLength*w/sampleRate + 0.5);
    if(bin < 0) bin = 0;
    else if(bin > m_tempogramFftLength/2.0f) bin = m_tempogramFftLength/2.0f;
    return bin;

float TempogramPlugin::binToBPM(const int &bin) const
    float sampleRate = m_inputSampleRate/m_inputStepSize;
    return (bin*sampleRate/m_tempogramFftLength)*60;

bool TempogramPlugin::handleParameterValues(){
    if (m_tempogramLog2HopSize <= 0) {
	cerr << "Tempogram log2 hop size " << m_tempogramLog2HopSize
	     << " <= 0, failing initialise" << endl;
	return false;
    if (m_tempogramLog2FftLength <= 0) {
	cerr << "Tempogram log2 fft length " << m_tempogramLog2FftLength
	     << " <= 0, failing initialise" << endl;
	return false;
    if (m_tempogramMinBPM < 1) {
	m_tempogramMinBPM = 1;
    if (m_tempogramMinBPM >= m_tempogramMaxBPM){
        m_tempogramMinBPM = 30;
        m_tempogramMaxBPM = 480;
    m_noveltyCurveMinV = pow(10,(float)m_noveltyCurveMinDB/20);
    m_tempogramWindowLength = pow(2,m_tempogramLog2WindowLength);
    m_tempogramHopSize = pow(2,m_tempogramLog2HopSize);
    m_tempogramFftLength = pow(2,m_tempogramLog2FftLength);
    if (m_tempogramFftLength < m_tempogramWindowLength){
        m_tempogramFftLength = m_tempogramWindowLength;
    float tempogramInputSampleRate = (float)m_inputSampleRate/m_inputStepSize;
    m_tempogramMinBin = (max((int)floor(((m_tempogramMinBPM/60)/tempogramInputSampleRate)*m_tempogramFftLength), 0));
    m_tempogramMaxBin = (min((int)ceil(((m_tempogramMaxBPM/60)/tempogramInputSampleRate)*m_tempogramFftLength), (int)(m_tempogramFftLength/2)));

    if (m_tempogramMaxBin < m_tempogramMinBin) {
	cerr << "At audio sample rate " << m_inputSampleRate
	     << ", tempogram sample rate " << tempogramInputSampleRate
	     << " with bpm range " << m_tempogramMinBPM << " -> "
	     << m_tempogramMaxBPM << ", min bin = " << m_tempogramMinBin 
	     << " > max bin " << m_tempogramMaxBin
	     << ": can't proceed, failing initialise" << endl;
	return false;
    m_tempogramMinLag = max((int)ceil((60/(m_inputStepSize * m_tempogramMaxBPM))*m_inputSampleRate), 0);
    m_tempogramMaxLag = min((int)floor((60/(m_inputStepSize * m_tempogramMinBPM))*m_inputSampleRate), (int)m_tempogramWindowLength-1);

    if (m_tempogramMaxLag < m_tempogramMinLag) {
	cerr << "At audio sample rate " << m_inputSampleRate
	     << ", tempogram sample rate " << tempogramInputSampleRate
	     << ", window length " << m_tempogramWindowLength
	     << " with bpm range " << m_tempogramMinBPM << " -> "
	     << m_tempogramMaxBPM << ", min lag = " << m_tempogramMinLag 
	     << " > max lag " << m_tempogramMaxLag
	     << ": can't proceed, failing initialise" << endl;
	return false;
    m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM = max(binToBPM(m_tempogramMinBin), m_tempogramMinBPM);
    float cyclicTempogramMaxBPM = min(binToBPM(m_tempogramMaxBin), m_tempogramMaxBPM);

    cerr << "tempogram min bpm = " << m_tempogramMinBPM << ", cyclic min = "
         << m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM << endl;
    cerr << "tempogram max bpm = " << m_tempogramMaxBPM << ", cyclic max = "
         << cyclicTempogramMaxBPM << endl;

    m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves = floor(log2(cyclicTempogramMaxBPM/m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM));

    if (m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves < 1) {
	cerr << "At audio sample rate " << m_inputSampleRate
	     << ", tempogram sample rate " << tempogramInputSampleRate
	     << " with bpm range " << m_tempogramMinBPM << " -> "
	     << m_tempogramMaxBPM << ", cyclic tempogram min bpm = "
	     << m_cyclicTempogramMinBPM << " and max bpm = "
	     << cyclicTempogramMaxBPM << " giving number of octaves = "
	     << m_cyclicTempogramNumberOfOctaves
	     << ": can't proceed, failing initialise" << endl;
	return false;
    return true;

string TempogramPlugin::floatToString(float value) const
    ostringstream ss;
    if(!(ss << value)) throw runtime_error("TempogramPlugin::floatToString(): invalid conversion from float to string");
    return ss.str();