cannam@290: Version 2.1, 2009-09-22 (maintenance and minor feature release):
cannam@290:   * Add ProcessTimestampMethod to PluginInputDomainAdapter, offering
cannam@290:     the ability to decide how data buffering and timestamping works for
cannam@290:     frequency-domain plugins (whose process timestamps have to be at
cannam@290:     the centre of each processing block rather than the start)
cannam@290:   * Make PluginBufferingAdapter take into account any timestamp shift
cannam@290:     introduced by a PluginInputDomainAdapter that it wraps
cannam@290:   * Fix crash in PluginAdapter when plugin library getDescriptor fails
cannam@290:     on plugin construction
cannam@290:   * Add plugin skeleton files as starting point for new developers
cannam@290: Version 2.0, 2008-12-08 (major release):
cannam@249:   * Feature structure now has an optional duration (plugin API change)
cannam@249:   * Libraries reorganised into separate include and src directories for
cannam@249:     plugin and host SDKs; hosts should no longer include from vamp-sdk/
cannam@249:     but always from vamp-hostsdk/ instead (host source compatibility change)
cannam@249:   * OutputDescriptor now declares whether its features will have duration
cannam@249:   * Vamp RDF ontology now included for providing online (out-of-plugin)
cannam@249:     descriptions of plugins; program to generate skeleton RDF for a plugin
cannam@249:     set is included, and RDF for example plugins provided
cannam@249:   * New PluginSummarisingAdapter providing averages, min/max, count etc
cannam@249:     of returned features on request
cannam@249:   * New example plugins: Fixed Tempo Estimator and Power Spectrum
cannam@249:   * Command-line host now has a complete listing option, to print out
cannam@249:     all data reported by plugins
cannam@249:   * More complete Visual Studio project support
cannam@164: Version 1.3, 2008-07-09 (maintenance release):
cannam@164:   * PluginBufferingAdapter has several important fixes to bugs that
cannam@164:     could cause incorrect timings or output descriptors to be returned
cannam@164:   * Conversion between real-time and frames has been improved to avoid
cannam@164:     rounding error in round-trip calculations
cannam@164:   * Plugin lookup no longer relies on non-portable DT_REG
cannam@164:   * The SDK now compiles with gcc 4.3
cannam@164: Version 1.2, 2008-02-28 (feature release):
cannam@164:   * New PluginBufferingAdapter, which hosts may use to avoid having to
cannam@164:     negotiate the plugin's preferred input step and block sizes
cannam@164: Version 1.1, 2007-08-24 (feature release):
cannam@164:   * New Vamp::HostExt namespace
cannam@164:   * PluginLoader class, which handles enumeration, loading and category
cannam@164:     management for plugins on the local system
cannam@164:   * PluginInputDomainAdapter, which provides the capability for a host
cannam@164:     to support frequency-domain plugins without needing to worry about
cannam@164:     domain conversion
cannam@164:   * PluginChannelAdapter, which transparently deals with plugins that
cannam@164:     expect different numbers of audio channels from the number available
cannam@164:   * Minor beauty-and-truth updates and documentation fixes
cannam@164: Version 1.0, 2007-03-21:
cannam@164:   * First official release