view examples/vamp-example-plugins.n3 @ 211:caa9d07bb9bd

* Update VC project file to handle proper export of plugin lookup function, and use the right dll name to match the other platforms and the .cat file
author cannam
date Sat, 18 Oct 2008 16:51:51 +0000
parents b163946348b3
children 930b51de9c28
line wrap: on
line source
@prefix rdfs:     <> .
@prefix xsd:      <> .
@prefix vamp:     <> .
@prefix plugbase: <> .
@prefix owl:      <> .
@prefix dc:       <> .
@prefix af:       <> .
@prefix foaf:     <> .
@prefix cc:       <> .
@prefix :         <> .

<>  a   vamp:PluginDescription ;
    foaf:maker          <x> ;
    foaf:maker          <> ;
    foaf:primaryTopic   <> .

:vamp-example-plugins a  vamp:PluginLibrary ;
    vamp:identifier "vamp-example-plugins" ; 
    vamp:available_plugin plugbase:amplitudefollower; 
    vamp:available_plugin plugbase:percussiononsets; 
    vamp:available_plugin plugbase:spectralcentroid; 
    vamp:available_plugin plugbase:zerocrossing .

plugbase:amplitudefollower a   vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Amplitude Follower" ;
    vamp:name             "Amplitude Follower" ;
    dc:description        "Track the amplitude of the audio signal" ;
    foaf:maker            [ foaf:name "Vamp SDK Example Plugins" ] ; # FIXME could give plugin author's URI here
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "amplitudefollower" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_1 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "1" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:TimeDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:amplitudefollower_param_attack ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:amplitudefollower_param_release ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:amplitudefollower_output_amplitude ;
plugbase:amplitudefollower_param_attack a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "attack" ;
    dc:title            "Attack time" ;
    dc:format           "s" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "s"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.01 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:amplitudefollower_param_release a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "release" ;
    dc:title            "Release time" ;
    dc:format           "s" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       1 ;
    vamp:unit           "s"  ;
    vamp:default_value   0.01 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:amplitudefollower_output_amplitude a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "amplitude" ;
    dc:title              "Amplitude" ;
    dc:description        ""  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "V" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:percussiononsets a   vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Simple Percussion Onset Detector" ;
    vamp:name             "Simple Percussion Onset Detector" ;
    dc:description        "Detect percussive note onsets by identifying broadband energy rises" ;
    foaf:maker            [ foaf:name "Vamp SDK Example Plugins" ] ; # FIXME could give plugin author's URI here
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "percussiononsets" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_1 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:parameter   plugbase:percussiononsets_param_threshold ;
    vamp:parameter   plugbase:percussiononsets_param_sensitivity ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:percussiononsets_output_onsets ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:percussiononsets_output_detectionfunction ;
plugbase:percussiononsets_param_threshold a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "threshold" ;
    dc:title            "Energy rise threshold" ;
    dc:format           "dB" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       20 ;
    vamp:unit           "dB"  ;
    vamp:default_value   3 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:percussiononsets_param_sensitivity a  vamp:Parameter ;
    vamp:identifier     "sensitivity" ;
    dc:title            "Sensitivity" ;
    dc:format           "%" ;
    vamp:min_value       0 ;
    vamp:max_value       100 ;
    vamp:unit           "%"  ;
    vamp:default_value   40 ;
    vamp:value_names     ();
plugbase:percussiononsets_output_onsets a  vamp:SparseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "onsets" ;
    dc:title              "Onsets" ;
    dc:description        "Percussive note onset locations"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    vamp:bin_count        0 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ();
    vamp:sample_type      vamp:VariableSampleRate ;
    vamp:sample_rate      44100 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:percussiononsets_output_detectionfunction a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "detectionfunction" ;
    dc:title              "Detection Function" ;
    dc:description        "Broadband energy rise detection function"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:spectralcentroid a   vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Spectral Centroid" ;
    vamp:name             "Spectral Centroid" ;
    dc:description        "Calculate the centroid frequency of the spectrum of the input signal" ;
    foaf:maker            [ foaf:name "Vamp SDK Example Plugins" ] ; # FIXME could give plugin author's URI here
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "spectralcentroid" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_1 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:FrequencyDomain ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:spectralcentroid_output_logcentroid ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:spectralcentroid_output_linearcentroid ;
plugbase:spectralcentroid_output_logcentroid a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "logcentroid" ;
    dc:title              "Log Frequency Centroid" ;
    dc:description        "Centroid of the log weighted frequency spectrum"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:spectralcentroid_output_linearcentroid a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "linearcentroid" ;
    dc:title              "Linear Frequency Centroid" ;
    dc:description        "Centroid of the linear frequency spectrum"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "Hz" ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:zerocrossing a   vamp:Plugin ;
    dc:title              "Zero Crossings" ;
    vamp:name             "Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        "Detect and count zero crossing points" ;
    foaf:maker            [ foaf:name "Vamp SDK Example Plugins" ] ; # FIXME could give plugin author's URI here
#   cc:license            <Place plugin license URI here and uncomment> ; 
    vamp:identifier       "zerocrossing" ;
    vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_1 ;
    owl:versionInfo       "2" ;
    vamp:input_domain     vamp:TimeDomain ;

    vamp:output      plugbase:zerocrossing_output_counts ;
    vamp:output      plugbase:zerocrossing_output_zerocrossings ;
plugbase:zerocrossing_output_counts a  vamp:DenseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "counts" ;
    dc:title              "Zero Crossing Counts" ;
    dc:description        "The number of zero crossing points per processing block"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "crossings" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        1 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ( "");
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;
plugbase:zerocrossing_output_zerocrossings a  vamp:SparseOutput ;
    vamp:identifier       "zerocrossings" ;
    dc:title              "Zero Crossings" ;
    dc:description        "The locations of zero crossing points"  ;
    vamp:fixed_bin_count  "true" ;
    vamp:unit             "" ;
    a                     vamp:QuantizedOutput ;
    vamp:quantize_step    1  ;
    vamp:bin_count        0 ;
    vamp:bin_names        ();
    vamp:sample_type      vamp:VariableSampleRate ;
    vamp:sample_rate      44100 ;
#   vamp:computes_event_type   <Place event type URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_feature      <Place feature attribute URI here and uncomment> ;
#   vamp:computes_signal_type  <Place signal type URI here and uncomment> ;