diff README @ 239:cc467e52da4c

* Add platform README files
author cannam
date Mon, 10 Nov 2008 12:39:19 +0000
parents 3ad28b1e2150
children 7f3a806ed1df
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/README	Sun Nov 09 17:42:37 2008 +0000
+++ b/README	Mon Nov 10 12:39:19 2008 +0000
@@ -9,57 +9,35 @@
 Vamp is an API for C and C++ plugins that process sampled audio data
 to produce descriptive output (measurements or semantic observations).
-The principal differences between Vamp and a real-time audio
-processing plugin system such as VST are:
- * Vamp plugins may output complex multidimensional data with labels.
-   As a consequence, they are likely to work best when the output
-   data has a much lower sampling rate than the input.  (This also
-   means it is usually desirable to implement them in C++ using the
-   high-level base class provided rather than use the raw C API.)
- * While Vamp plugins receive data block-by-block, they are not
-   required to return output immediately on receiving the input.
-   A Vamp plugin may be non-causal, preferring to store up data
-   based on its input until the end of a processing run and then
-   return all results at once.
- * Vamp plugins have more control over their inputs than a typical
-   real-time processing plugin.  For example, they can indicate to
-   the host their preferred processing block and step sizes, and these
-   may differ.
- * Vamp plugins may ask to receive data in the frequency domain
-   instead of the time domain.  The host takes the responsibility
-   for converting the input data using an FFT of windowed frames.
-   This simplifies plugins that do straightforward frequency-domain
-   processing and permits the host to cache frequency-domain data
-   when possible.
- * A Vamp plugin is configured once before each processing run, and
-   receives no further parameter changes during use -- unlike real-
-   time plugin APIs in which the input parameters may change at any
-   time.  This also means that fundamental properties such as the
-   number of values per output or the preferred processing block
-   size may depend on the input parameters.
- * Vamp plugins do not have to be able to run in real time.
-About this SDK
 This is version 2.0 of the Vamp plugin Software Development Kit.
 Plugins and hosts built with this SDK are binary compatible with those
-built using version 1.0 of the SDK.
+built using version 1.0 of the SDK.  See CHANGELOG for a list of the
+changes in this release.
 A documentation guide to writing plugins using the Vamp SDK can be
 found at http://www.vamp-plugins.org/guide.pdf .
+Compiling and Installing the SDK and Examples
+This SDK is intended for use on Windows, OS/X, Linux, and other POSIX
+and GNU platforms.
+Please see the platform-specific README file (README.msvc, README.osx,
+README.linux) in the build/ directory for details about how to compile
+and install the SDK, how to build plugin libraries using it, and how
+to install the example plugins so you can use them in a host.
+What's In This SDK
 This SDK contains the following:
- * vamp/vamp.h
 The formal C language plugin API for Vamp plugins.
@@ -68,81 +46,110 @@
 which returns data defined in the rest of this C header.
 Although the C API is the official API for Vamp, we don't recommend
-that you program directly to it.  The C++ abstraction found in the
-vamp-sdk directory (below) is preferable for most purposes and is
-more thoroughly documented.
+that you program directly to it.  The C++ abstractions found in the
+vamp-sdk and vamp-hostsdk directories (below) are preferable for most
+purposes and are more thoroughly documented.
- * vamp-sdk
 C++ classes for implementing Vamp plugins.
 Plugins should subclass Vamp::Plugin and then use Vamp::PluginAdapter
 to expose the correct C API for the plugin.  Plugin authors should
-read vamp-sdk/PluginBase.h and Plugin.h for code documentation, and
-refer to the example plugin code in the examples directory.  Plugins
-should link with -lvamp-sdk.
+read vamp-sdk/PluginBase.h and Plugin.h for code documentation.
- * vamp-hostsdk
+See "examples" below for details of the example plugins in the SDK,
+from which you are welcome to take code and inspiration.
+Plugins should link with -lvamp-sdk.
 C++ classes for implementing Vamp hosts.
-Hosts can use the Vamp::PluginHostAdapter to convert the loaded
-plugin's C API back into a Vamp::Plugin object.
-Host authors should refer to the example host code in the host
-directory.  Hosts should link with -lvamp-hostsdk.
+Hosts will normally use a Vamp::PluginHostAdapter to convert each
+plugin's exposed C API back into a useful Vamp::Plugin C++ object.
 The Vamp::HostExt namespace contains several additional C++ classes to
-make a host's life easier:
+do this work for them, and make the host's life easier:
-Vamp::HostExt::PluginLoader provides a very easy interface for a host
-to discover, load, and find out category information about the
-available plugins.  Most "casual" Vamp hosts will probably want to use
-this class.
+ - Vamp::HostExt::PluginLoader provides a very easy interface for a
+ host to discover, load, and find out category information about the
+ available plugins.  Most Vamp hosts will probably want to use this
+ class.
-Vamp::HostExt::PluginInputDomainAdapter provides a means for hosts to
-handle plugins that expect frequency-domain input, without having to
-convert the input themselves.
+ - Vamp::HostExt::PluginInputDomainAdapter provides a simple means for
+ hosts to handle plugins that want frequency-domain input, without
+ having to convert the input themselves.
-Vamp::HostExt::PluginChannelAdapter provides a means for hosts to use
-plugins that do not necessarily support the same number of audio
-channels as they have available, without having to worry about
-applying a channel management / mixdown policy themselves.
+ - Vamp::HostExt::PluginChannelAdapter provides a simple means for
+ hosts to use plugins that do not necessarily support the same number
+ of audio channels as they have available, without having to apply a
+ channel management / mixdown policy themselves.
-Vamp::HostExt::PluginBufferingAdapter provides a means for hosts to
-avoid having to negotiate the input step and block size, instead
-permitting the host to use any block size they desire (and a step size
-equal to it).  This is particularly useful for "streaming" hosts that
-cannot seek backwards in the input audio stream and so would otherwise
-need to implement an additional buffer to support step sizes smaller
-than the block size.
+ - Vamp::HostExt::PluginBufferingAdapter provides a means for hosts to
+ avoid having to negotiate the input step and block size, instead
+ permitting the host to use any block size they desire (and a step
+ size equal to it).  This is particularly useful for "streaming" hosts
+ that cannot seek backwards in the input audio stream and so would
+ otherwise need to implement an additional buffer to support step
+ sizes smaller than the block size.
-The PluginLoader class can also use the input domain and channel
-adapters automatically to make the entire conversion process
-transparent to the host if required.
+ - Vamp::HostExt::PluginSummarisingAdapter provides summarisation
+ methods such as mean and median averages of output features, for use
+ in any context where an available plugin produces individual values
+ but the result that is actually needed is some sort of aggregate.
- * examples
+The PluginLoader class can also use the input domain, channel, and
+buffering adapters automatically to make these conversions transparent
+to the host if required.
-Example plugins implemented using the C++ classes.  ZeroCrossing
-calculates the positions and density of zero-crossing points in an
-audio waveform.  SpectralCentroid calculates the centre of gravity of
-the frequency domain representation of each block of audio.
-AmplitudeFollower tracks the amplitude of a signal based on a method
-from the SuperCollider real-time audio system.
-PercussionOnsetDetector estimates the locations of percussive onsets
-using a simple method described in "Drum Source Separation using
-Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation" by Dan Barry,
-Derry Fitzgerald, Eugene Coyle and Bob Lawlor, ISSC 2005.
+Host authors should also refer to the example host code in the host
+directory of the SDK.
- * host
+Hosts should link with -lvamp-hostsdk.
+Example plugins implemented using the C++ classes.
+These plugins are intended to be useful examples you can draw code
+from in order to provide the basic shape and structure of a Vamp
+plugin.  They are also intended to be correct and useful, if simple.
+ - ZeroCrossing calculates the positions and density of zero-crossing
+ points in an audio waveform.
+ - SpectralCentroid calculates the centre of gravity of the frequency
+ domain representation of each block of audio.
+ - AmplitudeFollower is a simple implementation of SuperCollider's
+ amplitude-follower algorithm.
+ - PercussionOnsetDetector estimates the locations of percussive
+ onsets using a simple method described in "Drum Source Separation
+ using Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation" by Dan
+ Barry, Derry Fitzgerald, Eugene Coyle and Bob Lawlor, ISSC 2005.
+ - FixedTempoEstimator calculates a single beats-per-minute value
+ which is an estimate of the tempo of a piece of music that is assumed
+ to be of fixed tempo, using autocorrelation of a frequency domain
+ energy rise metric.  It has several outputs that return intermediate
+ results used in the calculation, and may be a useful example of a
+ plugin having several outputs with varying feature structures.
 A simple command-line Vamp host, capable of loading a plugin and using
 it to process a complete audio file, with its default parameters.
-Requires libsndfile (http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/).
-If you don't have libsndfile, you may want to edit the Makefile to
-change the default build target from "all" to "sdk", so as to compile
-only the SDK and not the host.
 Plugin Lookup and Categorisation
@@ -183,88 +190,6 @@
 provides support for plugin category lookup using this scheme.
-Compiling the SDK and Examples
-This SDK is intended for use on Windows, OS/X, Linux, and other POSIX
- * Windows
-Two Visual C++ project files are included:
-   VampPluginSDK.vcproj -- builds the SDK into a single static
-   library, but does not build the example plugins or host
-   VampExamplePlugins.vcproj -- builds the example plugins DLL, but
-   does not build the library or host
-Alternatively, when using Visual Studio or another IDE to build a
-plugin or host using the SDK, you may prefer to simply add the .h and
-.cpp files in the vamp-sdk and vamp-sdk/hostext directories to your
-existing project.
-As the command-line host has additional library dependencies (namely
-libsndfile), no pre-packaged project is included to build it.
-When using Visual C++ to build plugins, you will need to ensure that
-the plugin entry point (vampGetPluginDescriptor) is exported from the
-DLL so that the plugins can be loaded.  One way to achieve this is to
-add the linker option /EXPORT:vampGetPluginDescriptor to your project.
-The included VampExamplePlugins.vcproj does this.
-If you are using a Cygwin or MinGW GNU toolchain, use the included
-Makefile (see Linux and other POSIX platforms below).
- * OS/X
-Run "make -f Makefile.osx" to build the SDK, example plugins, and
-command-line host.
-Note that the host requires that you have libsndfile
-(http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/) installed.  To build only the
-SDK and examples, "make -f Makefile.osx sdk examples".
-If you are using an IDE, you may prefer to simply add the .h and .cpp
-files in the vamp-sdk and vamp-sdk/hostext directories to your
-existing project.
- * Linux and other Unixesque platforms
-To build the SDK, example plugins, and command-line host, edit the
-Makefile to suit your platform according to the comments in it, then
-run "make".
-Note that the host requires that you have libsndfile
-(http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/) installed.  To build only the
-SDK and examples, edit the Makefile then run "make sdk examples".
-Installing the Example Plugins
-Installing the example plugins so that they can be found by other Vamp
-hosts depends on your platform:
- * Windows: copy the files
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.dll
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.cat
-   to
-      C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins
- * Linux: copy the files
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.so
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.cat
-   to
-      /usr/local/lib/vamp/
- * OS/X: copy the files
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.dylib
-      examples/vamp-example-plugins.cat
-   to
-      /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp