
age author description
2009-05-19 Chris Cannam * another minor improvement
2009-05-19 Chris Cannam * some improvements to log scale in colour 3d plot (still only in dense
2009-05-18 Chris Cannam * Make a start on logarithmic vertical scale in colour 3d plot
2009-03-30 Chris Cannam * fix to rounding problems in plugin parameter box
2009-03-27 Chris Cannam * Pull out the widgetry part of FileFinder into widgets/InteractiveFileFinder
2009-03-27 Chris Cannam * Move prf file to prf/ (so that it can be pulled in using externals in
2009-03-19 Chris Cannam * Fix crash when opening SV file when the audio data file can't be found
2009-03-19 Chris Cannam * fix incorrect default scale extents when loading layer from a file
2009-03-16 Chris Cannam * debug tidy sv-v1.5
2009-03-16 Chris Cannam * various minor bits
2009-03-13 Chris Cannam ...
2009-03-13 Chris Cannam ...!
2009-03-13 Chris Cannam ...
2009-03-13 Chris Cannam ...
2009-03-06 Chris Cannam ...
2009-03-06 Chris Cannam * fix unsigned overflow causing spectrogram to "disappear" in some
2009-03-03 Chris Cannam * "ffwd-similar"
2009-03-03 Chris Cannam * Attempt to pick more sensible default centre frame for newly created view
2009-02-27 Chris Cannam * Add icons for "show segment division lines" in time value layer and sv-v1.5pre1
2009-02-27 Chris Cannam * Activity log updates
2009-02-26 Chris Cannam * Make drawing segment divisions optional in segmentation plot style of
2009-02-26 Chris Cannam * Use QDialogButtonBox in format dialog (surprised I missed that one all
2009-02-26 Chris Cannam * Do a _slightly_ better job of ensuring new panes come up showing the
2009-02-26 Chris Cannam * Handle zero-velocity note ons as well as note offs (can't believe I
2009-02-25 Chris Cannam * Add Absolute plot scale, in colour 3d plot layer only for the moment
2009-02-25 Chris Cannam * Make ctrl-drag drag the view without updating anything else (in
2009-02-25 Chris Cannam * Make it possible to record live MIDI to a note layer.
2009-02-25 Chris Cannam ...
2009-02-25 Chris Cannam * Make Activity Log a bit more of a proper window
2009-02-24 Chris Cannam * rtmidi & activity updates