changeset 1114:a42e5a3c63ef spectrogram-minor-refactor

author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:50:39 +0100 (2016-07-19)
parents 261a00010918
children ee8e73dc5c8b
files layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.cpp layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.h
diffstat 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.cpp	Tue Jul 19 14:49:46 2016 +0100
+++ b/layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.cpp	Tue Jul 19 14:50:39 2016 +0100
@@ -1045,24 +1045,7 @@
     return values;
-/*!!! replace this    
-Colour3DPlotLayer::shouldPaintDenseIn(const LayerGeometryProvider *v) const
-    if (!m_model || !v || !(v->getViewManager())) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    double srRatio =
-        v->getViewManager()->getMainModelSampleRate() / m_model->getSampleRate();
-    if (m_opaque || 
-        m_smooth ||
-        m_model->getHeight() >= v->getPaintHeight() ||
-        ((m_model->getResolution() * srRatio) / v->getZoomLevel()) < 2) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
 Colour3DPlotRenderer *
 Colour3DPlotLayer::getRenderer(const LayerGeometryProvider *v) const
@@ -1167,151 +1150,6 @@
     paintWithRenderer(v, paint, rect);
-/*!!! This will be needed in some form still.
-    sv_frame_t modelStart = m_model->getStartFrame();
-    sv_frame_t modelEnd = m_model->getEndFrame();
-    int modelResolution = m_model->getResolution();
-    // The cache is from the model's start frame to the model's end
-    // frame at the model's window increment frames per pixel.  We
-    // want to draw from our start frame + x0 * zoomLevel to our start
-    // frame + x1 * zoomLevel at zoomLevel frames per pixel.
-    //  We have quite different paint mechanisms for rendering "large"
-    //  bins (more than one bin per pixel in both directions) and
-    //  "small".  This is "large"; see paintDense below for "small".
-    int x0 = rect.left();
-    int x1 = rect.right() + 1;
-    int h = v->getPaintHeight();
-    double srRatio =
-        v->getViewManager()->getMainModelSampleRate() / m_model->getSampleRate();
-    // the s-prefix values are source, i.e. model, column and bin numbers
-    int sx0 = int((double(v->getFrameForX(x0)) / srRatio - double(modelStart))
-                  / modelResolution);
-    int sx1 = int((double(v->getFrameForX(x1)) / srRatio - double(modelStart))
-                  / modelResolution);
-    int sh = m_model->getHeight();
-    int symin = m_miny;
-    int symax = m_maxy;
-    if (symax <= symin) {
-        symin = 0;
-        symax = sh;
-    }
-    if (symin < 0) symin = 0;
-    if (symax > sh) symax = sh;
-    if (sx0 > 0) --sx0;
-    fillCache(sx0 < 0 ? 0 : sx0,
-              sx1 < 0 ? 0 : sx1);
-    cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer::paint: height = "<< m_model->getHeight() << ", modelStart = " << modelStart << ", resolution = " << modelResolution << ", model rate = " << m_model->getSampleRate() << " (zoom level = " << v->getZoomLevel() << ", srRatio = " << srRatio << ")" << endl;
-    if (shouldPaintDenseIn(v)) {
-        cerr << "calling paintDense" << endl;
-        paintDense(v, paint, rect);
-        return;
-    }
-    cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer::paint: w " << x1-x0 << ", h " << h << ", sx0 " << sx0 << ", sx1 " << sx1 << ", sw " << sx1-sx0 << ", sh " << sh << endl;
-    cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer: sample rate is " << m_model->getSampleRate() << ", resolution " << m_model->getResolution() << endl;
-    QPoint illuminatePos;
-    bool illuminate = v->shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(this, illuminatePos);
-    const int buflen = 40;
-    char labelbuf[buflen];
-    for (int sx = sx0; sx <= sx1; ++sx) {
-	sv_frame_t fx = sx * modelResolution + modelStart;
-	if (fx + modelResolution <= modelStart || fx > modelEnd) continue;
-        int rx0 = v->getXForFrame(int(double(fx) * srRatio));
-	int rx1 = v->getXForFrame(int(double(fx + modelResolution + 1) * srRatio));
-	int rw = rx1 - rx0;
-	if (rw < 1) rw = 1;
-	bool showLabel = (rw > 10 &&
-			  paint.fontMetrics().width("0.000000") < rw - 3 &&
-			  paint.fontMetrics().height() < (h / sh));
-	for (int sy = symin; sy < symax; ++sy) {
-            int ry0 = getIYForBin(v, sy);
-            int ry1 = getIYForBin(v, sy + 1);
-            QRect r(rx0, ry1, rw, ry0 - ry1);
-	    QRgb pixel = qRgb(255, 255, 255);
-	    if (sx >= 0 && sx < m_cache->width() &&
-		sy >= 0 && sy < m_cache->height()) {
-		pixel = m_cache->pixel(sx, sy);
-	    }
-            if (rw == 1) {
-                paint.setPen(pixel);
-                paint.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-                paint.drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - 1);
-                continue;
-            }
-	    QColor pen(255, 255, 255, 80);
-	    QColor brush(pixel);
-            if (rw > 3 && r.height() > 3) {
-                brush.setAlpha(160);
-            }
-	    paint.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
-	    paint.setBrush(brush);
-	    if (illuminate) {
-		if (r.contains(illuminatePos)) {
-		    paint.setPen(v->getForeground());
-		}
-	    }
-//            cerr << "rect " << r.x() << "," << r.y() << " "
-//                      << r.width() << "x" << r.height() << endl;
-	    paint.drawRect(r);
-	    if (showLabel) {
-		if (sx >= 0 && sx < m_cache->width() &&
-		    sy >= 0 && sy < m_cache->height()) {
-		    double value = m_model->getValueAt(sx, sy);
-		    snprintf(labelbuf, buflen, "%06f", value);
-		    QString text(labelbuf);
-                    PaintAssistant::drawVisibleText
-                        (v,
-                         paint,
-                         rx0 + 2,
-                         ry0 - h / sh - 1 + 2 + paint.fontMetrics().ascent(),
-                         text,
-                         PaintAssistant::OutlinedText);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
 Colour3DPlotLayer::snapToFeatureFrame(LayerGeometryProvider *v, sv_frame_t &frame,
 				      int &resolution,
--- a/layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.h	Tue Jul 19 14:49:46 2016 +0100
+++ b/layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.h	Tue Jul 19 14:50:39 2016 +0100
@@ -208,13 +208,6 @@
     DenseThreeDimensionalModel::Column getColumn(int col) const;
-    /**
-     * True if we have the opaque or smooth flag set, or if the cells
-     * are so small you can't see their borders. False for big,
-     * translucent cells.
-     */
-//!!!    bool shouldPaintDenseIn(const LayerGeometryProvider *) const; 
     int getColourScaleWidth(QPainter &) const;
     void paintWithRenderer(LayerGeometryProvider *v, QPainter &paint, QRect rect) const;