changeset 1064:77564d4fff43 spectrogram-minor-refactor

Extend column logic to peak frequency display as well, and correct some scopes according to whether values are per source column or per target pixel
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 20 Jun 2016 12:00:32 +0100 (2016-06-20)
parents a0f234acd6e7
children 85e49aa7fe77
files layer/SpectrogramLayer.cpp
diffstat 1 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/layer/SpectrogramLayer.cpp	Mon Jun 20 11:30:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/layer/SpectrogramLayer.cpp	Mon Jun 20 12:00:32 2016 +0100
@@ -2212,15 +2212,10 @@
     if (!fft) return 0;
     FFTModel::PeakSet peakfreqs;
+    vector<float> preparedColumn;
     int psx = -1;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-    float values[maxbin - minbin + 1];
-    float *values = (float *)alloca((maxbin - minbin + 1) * sizeof(float));
     int minColumns = 4;
     bool haveTimeLimits = (softTimeLimit > 0.0);
     double hardTimeLimit = softTimeLimit * 2.0;
@@ -2252,75 +2247,72 @@
         if (sx0 < 0) continue;
         if (sx1 <= sx0) sx1 = sx0 + 1;
+        vector<float> pixelPeakColumn;
         for (int sx = sx0; sx < sx1; ++sx) {
-            if (sx < 0 || sx >= int(fft->getWidth())) continue;
-            MagnitudeRange mag;
+            if (sx < 0 || sx >= int(fft->getWidth())) {
+                continue;
+            }
             if (sx != psx) {
+                ColumnOp::Column column;
+                column = getColumnFromFFTModel(fft,
+                                               sx,
+                                               minbin,
+                                               maxbin - minbin + 1);
+                if (m_colourScale != PhaseColourScale) {
+                    column = ColumnOp::fftScale(column, m_fftSize);
+                }
+                recordColumnExtents(column,
+                                    sx,
+                                    overallMag,
+                                    overallMagChanged);
+                if (m_colourScale != PhaseColourScale) {
+                    column = ColumnOp::normalize(column, m_normalization);
+                }
+                preparedColumn = ColumnOp::applyGain(column, m_gain);
+                psx = sx;
+            }
+            if (sx == sx0) {
+                pixelPeakColumn = preparedColumn;
                 peakfreqs = fft->getPeakFrequencies(FFTModel::AllPeaks, sx,
                                                     minbin, maxbin - 1);
-                if (m_colourScale == PhaseColourScale) {
-                    fft->getPhasesAt(sx, values, minbin, maxbin - minbin + 1);
-                    /*!!!
-                } else if (m_normalization == ColumnOp::NormalizeColumns) {
-                    fft->getNormalizedMagnitudesAt(sx, values, minbin, maxbin - minbin + 1);
-                } else if (m_normalization == ColumnOp::NormalizeHybrid) {
-                    float max = fft->getNormalizedMagnitudesAt
-                        (sx, values, minbin, maxbin - minbin + 1);
-                    float scale = log10f(max + 1.f);
-                    for (int i = minbin; i <= maxbin; ++i) {
-                        values[i - minbin] *= scale;
-                        }*/
-                } else {
-                    fft->getMagnitudesAt(sx, values, minbin, maxbin - minbin + 1);
-                }
-                psx = sx;
-            }
-            for (FFTModel::PeakSet::const_iterator pi = peakfreqs.begin();
-                 pi != peakfreqs.end(); ++pi) {
-                int bin = pi->first;
-                double freq = pi->second;
-                if (bin < minbin) continue;
-                if (bin > maxbin) break;
-                double value = values[bin - minbin];
-                if (m_colourScale != PhaseColourScale) {
-                    if (m_normalization != ColumnOp::NormalizeColumns) {
-                        value /= (m_fftSize/2.0);
-                    }
-                    mag.sample(float(value));
-                    value *= m_gain;
-                }
-                double y = v->getYForFrequency
-                    (freq, displayMinFreq, displayMaxFreq, logarithmic);
-                int iy = int(y + 0.5);
-                if (iy < 0 || iy >= h) continue;
-                m_drawBuffer.setPixel(x, iy, getDisplayValue(v, value));
-            }
-            if (mag.isSet()) {
-                if (sx >= int(m_columnMags.size())) {
-                    cerr << "INTERNAL ERROR: " << sx << " >= "
-                              << m_columnMags.size()
-                              << " at SpectrogramLayer.cpp::paintDrawBuffer"
-                              << endl;
-                } else {
-                    m_columnMags[sx].sample(mag);
-                    if (overallMag.sample(mag)) overallMagChanged = true;
+            } else {
+                for (int i = 0; in_range_for(pixelPeakColumn, i); ++i) {
+                    pixelPeakColumn[i] = std::max(pixelPeakColumn[i],
+                                                  preparedColumn[i]);
+        for (FFTModel::PeakSet::const_iterator pi = peakfreqs.begin();
+             pi != peakfreqs.end(); ++pi) {
+            int bin = pi->first;
+            double freq = pi->second;
+            if (bin < minbin) continue;
+            if (bin > maxbin) break;
+            double value = pixelPeakColumn[bin - minbin];
+            double y = v->getYForFrequency
+                (freq, displayMinFreq, displayMaxFreq, logarithmic);
+            int iy = int(y + 0.5);
+            if (iy < 0 || iy >= h) continue;
+            m_drawBuffer.setPixel(x, iy, getDisplayValue(v, value));
+        }
         if (haveTimeLimits) {
             if (columnCount >= minColumns) {
@@ -2491,8 +2483,6 @@
         if (binforx[x] < 0) continue;
-        float columnMax = 0.f;
         int sx0 = binforx[x] / divisor;
         int sx1 = sx0;
         if (x+1 < w) sx1 = binforx[x+1] / divisor;
@@ -2500,19 +2490,22 @@
         if (sx0 < 0) continue;
         if (sx1 <= sx0) sx1 = sx0 + 1;
+        vector<float> pixelPeakColumn;
         for (int sx = sx0; sx < sx1; ++sx) {
 //            cerr << "sx = " << sx << endl;
-            if (sx < 0 || sx >= sourceModel->getWidth()) continue;
-            MagnitudeRange mag;
+            if (sx < 0 || sx >= sourceModel->getWidth()) {
+                continue;
+            }
             if (sx != psx) {
-                // order: get column -> scale -> record extents ->
+                // order:
+                // get column -> scale -> record extents ->
                 // normalise -> peak pick -> apply display gain ->
                 // distribute/interpolate
@@ -2530,36 +2523,47 @@
                                                    maxbin - minbin + 1);
-                column = ColumnOp::fftScale(column, m_fftSize);
+                if (m_colourScale != PhaseColourScale) {
+                    column = ColumnOp::fftScale(column, m_fftSize);
+                }
-                column = ColumnOp::normalize(column, m_normalization);
+                if (m_colourScale != PhaseColourScale) {
+                    column = ColumnOp::normalize(column, m_normalization);
+                }
                 if (m_binDisplay == PeakBins) {
                     column = ColumnOp::peakPick(column);
                 preparedColumn =
-                    ColumnOp::distribute
-                    (ColumnOp::applyGain(column, m_gain),
-                     h,
-                     binfory,
-                     minbin,
-                     interpolate);
+                    ColumnOp::distribute(ColumnOp::applyGain(column, m_gain),
+                                         h,
+                                         binfory,
+                                         minbin,
+                                         interpolate);
                 psx = sx;
-            //!!! now peak of all preparedColumns for this pixel
+            if (sx == sx0) {
+                pixelPeakColumn = preparedColumn;
+            } else {
+                for (int i = 0; in_range_for(pixelPeakColumn, i); ++i) {
+                    pixelPeakColumn[i] = std::max(pixelPeakColumn[i],
+                                                  preparedColumn[i]);
+                }
+            }
         for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-            unsigned char pixel = getDisplayValue(v, preparedColumn[y]);
-            m_drawBuffer.setPixel(x, h-y-1, pixel);
+            m_drawBuffer.setPixel(x,
+                                  h-y-1,
+                                  getDisplayValue(v, pixelPeakColumn[y]));
         if (haveTimeLimits) {