Chris@172: /* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
Chris@172: /*
Chris@172:     Sonic Visualiser
Chris@172:     An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
Chris@172:     Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
Chris@182:     This file copyright 2006 QMUL.
Chris@172:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Chris@172:     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
Chris@172:     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
Chris@172:     License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
Chris@172:     COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
Chris@172: */
Chris@172: #ifndef _PANNER_H_
Chris@172: #define _PANNER_H_
Chris@172: #include <QWidget>
Chris@172: class Panner : public QWidget
Chris@172: {
Chris@172:     Q_OBJECT
Chris@172: public:
Chris@172:     Panner(QWidget *parent = 0);
Chris@172:     virtual ~Panner();
Chris@173:     void setDefaultRectCentre(float, float);
Chris@174:     void setThumbColour(QColor colour);
Chris@174:     void setAlpha(int backgroundAlpha, int thumbAlpha);
Chris@256:     /**
Chris@256:      * Set the amount the scroll() function or mouse wheel movement
Chris@256:      * makes the panner rectangle move by.  The default value of 0
Chris@256:      * means to select a value automatically based on the dimensions
Chris@256:      * of the panner rectangle.
Chris@256:      */
Chris@256:     void setScrollUnit(float unit);
Chris@188:     void getRectExtents(float &x0, float &y0, float &width, float &height);
Chris@172:     virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
Chris@172: signals:
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Emitted when the panned rectangle is dragged or otherwise
Chris@172:      * moved.  Arguments are x0, y0, width and height of the rectangle
Chris@172:      * in the range 0 -> 1 as proportions of the width and height of
Chris@172:      * the whole widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void rectExtentsChanged(float, float, float, float);
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Emitted when the rectangle is dragged or otherwise moved (as
Chris@172:      * well as extentsChanged).  Arguments are the centre coordinates
Chris@172:      * of the rectangle in the range 0 -> 1 as proportions of the
Chris@172:      * width and height of the whole widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void rectCentreMoved(float, float);
Chris@188:     /**
Chris@188:      * Emitted when the panner is double-clicked (for the "customer"
Chris@188:      * code to pop up a value editing dialog, for example).
Chris@188:      */
Chris@188:     void doubleClicked();
Chris@189:     void mouseEntered();
Chris@189:     void mouseLeft();
Chris@172: public slots:
Chris@172:     /** 
Chris@172:      * Set the extents of the panned rectangle within the overall
Chris@172:      * panner widget.  Coordinates are in the range 0 -> 1 in both axes,
Chris@172:      * with 0 at the top in the y axis.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void setRectExtents(float x0, float y0, float width, float height);
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Set the width of the panned rectangle as a fraction (0 -> 1) of
Chris@172:      * that of the whole panner widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void setRectWidth(float width);
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Set the height of the panned rectangle as a fraction (0 -> 1)
Chris@172:      * of that of the whole panner widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void setRectHeight(float height);
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Set the location of the centre of the panned rectangle on the x
Chris@172:      * axis, as a proportion (0 -> 1) of the width of the whole panner
Chris@172:      * widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void setRectCentreX(float x);
Chris@172:     /**
Chris@172:      * Set the location of the centre of the panned rectangle on the y
Chris@172:      * axis, as a proportion (0 -> 1) of the height of the whole panner
Chris@172:      * widget.
Chris@172:      */
Chris@172:     void setRectCentreY(float y);
Chris@256:     /**
Chris@256:      * Move up (if up is true) or down a bit.  This is basically the
Chris@256:      * same action as rolling the mouse wheel one notch.
Chris@256:      */
Chris@256:     void scroll(bool up);
Chris@188:     void resetToDefault();
Chris@172: protected:
Chris@189:     virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
Chris@189:     virtual void enterEvent(QEvent *);
Chris@189:     virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *);
Chris@172:     void normalise();
Chris@172:     void emitAndUpdate();
Chris@172:     float m_rectX;
Chris@172:     float m_rectY;
Chris@172:     float m_rectWidth;
Chris@172:     float m_rectHeight;
Chris@256:     float m_scrollUnit;
Chris@173:     float m_defaultCentreX;
Chris@173:     float m_defaultCentreY;
Chris@173:     bool m_defaultsSet;
Chris@174:     QColor m_thumbColour;
Chris@174:     int m_backgroundAlpha;
Chris@174:     int m_thumbAlpha;
Chris@173:     float centreX() const { return m_rectX + m_rectWidth/2; }
Chris@173:     float centreY() const { return m_rectY + m_rectHeight/2; }
Chris@173:     bool m_clicked;
Chris@173:     QPoint m_clickPos;
Chris@173:     float m_dragStartX;
Chris@173:     float m_dragStartY;
Chris@172: };
Chris@172: #endif