2006-09-27 |
Chris Cannam |
* Some work on SpectrumLayer properties etc
2006-09-14 |
Chris Cannam |
2006-09-05 |
Chris Cannam |
* revert to using averages
2006-08-22 |
Chris Cannam |
* experiment with finer zoom level changes when using h thumbwheel
2006-08-21 |
Chris Cannam |
* beginnings of drag up/down in layers as appropriate
2006-08-21 |
Chris Cannam |
* Sensible default for vertical thumbwheel on spectrogram layer
2006-08-16 |
Chris Cannam |
* Use peaks instead of means for calculating display values in pixels that
2006-08-04 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add zoom thumbwheels to Pane. Implement horizontal thumbwheel, and
2006-08-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add Thumbwheel widget for all our zooming needs
2006-08-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Suspend/resume fft data server write activity while reading from a server
2006-07-31 |
Chris Cannam |
* Move the current DenseThreeDimensionalModel to EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel
2006-07-31 |
Chris Cannam |
* Reorganising code base. This revision probably should compile once more.
2006-07-26 |
Chris Cannam |
* Avoid note layer erasing notes as cursor passes over them
2006-07-21 |
Chris Cannam |
* Finish preferences dialog (as far as it's going at the moment) and connect it up
2006-07-20 |
Chris Cannam |
* start work on prefs dialog
2006-07-19 |
Chris Cannam |
* some work on scaling and zooming for spectrogram
2006-07-14 |
Chris Cannam |
* Various experiments in spectrogram colour scaling, etc. Nothing final
2006-07-10 |
Chris Cannam |
* fledgling preferences stuff
2006-07-07 |
Chris Cannam |
* towards optimising spectrogram refresh with new file cache
2006-07-05 |
Chris Cannam |
* Restore progress updates to spectrogram
2006-06-30 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add fuzzy-adapter class to pick out subset data from FFT data server, instead
2006-06-29 |
Chris Cannam |
* Various fft server improvements, including the ability to pick out data from
2006-06-28 |
Chris Cannam |
* Exceptions for file read etc
2006-06-28 |
Chris Cannam |
* Split large FFT caches up into several files. Ongoing.
2006-06-27 |
Chris Cannam |
* Update SpectrogramLayer to use new FFTDataServer
2006-06-26 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add FFT data server class to provide a file cache mapping for each
2006-06-19 |
Chris Cannam |
* Separate out window and FFT size variables. Not necessarily correct
2006-06-15 |
Chris Cannam |
* Switch from fftw3 to fftw3f. I think the efficiency improvement is probably
2006-05-12 |
Chris Cannam |
* I wonder if the fftw_ functions are not as thread-safe as I'd hoped?
2006-05-12 |
Chris Cannam |
* Make vertical scale alignment modes work in note layer as well as time-value
2006-05-10 |
Chris Cannam |
* Use fractional window overlaps in the spectrogram, instead of percentages
2006-05-09 |
Chris Cannam |
* tuning tweaks
2006-05-09 |
Chris Cannam |
* Incremental refresh of spectrogram layer
2006-05-09 |
Chris Cannam |
* a bit of tidying, and another improvement to cache hit ratio in FFTCache
2006-05-08 |
Chris Cannam |
* Make a single base Thread class for RT and non-RT threads
2006-05-08 |
Chris Cannam |
* add a column bitmap to the matrix file object to record which columns
2006-05-05 |
Chris Cannam |
* adjustments to facilitate debugging on win32, and some minor fixes
2006-05-05 |
Chris Cannam |
* Move matrix/fft file code to fileio (from base)
2006-05-04 |
Chris Cannam |
* Introduce simple non-RT thread base class
2006-05-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add property labels to property containers (so i18n() won't affect file format)
2006-05-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Switch spectrogram layer over to using the new rudimentary disk-backed
2006-05-02 |
Chris Cannam |
* Start factoring out the spectrogram's FFT cache into a separate set of
2006-04-27 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add file open/save operations to main toolbar
2006-04-26 |
Chris Cannam |
* Fix crash in spectrogram layer when replacing model
2006-04-13 |
Chris Cannam |
* Replace crash with warning when a transform could not be automatically
2006-04-10 |
Chris Cannam |
* Implement harmonic cursor in spectrogram
2006-04-06 |
Chris Cannam |
* Remove dsp directory. This is now the qm-dsp library used by
2006-03-31 |
Chris Cannam |
* Modify to use Vamp SDK for proper feature extraction plugins.
2006-03-27 |
Chris Cannam |
* More structural work on feature extraction plugin C <-> C++ adapter
2006-03-20 |
Chris Cannam |
* Update licensing rubric for GPL
2006-03-20 |
Chris Cannam |
* Set indent-tabs-mode to nil in Emacs mode direction
2006-03-16 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add Insert Instant function in main window
2006-03-06 |
Chris Cannam |
* A bit more work on main window / document / commands stuff. This is still
2006-03-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Fix a crash in PortAudio output for mono data
2006-03-03 |
Chris Cannam |
* Continue MainWindow refactoring by making MainWindow actually use the new
2006-03-02 |
Chris Cannam |
* Refactor Layer classes so as no longer to store a single View pointer;
2006-03-01 |
Chris Cannam |
* Rejig project file a bit to do pkg-config detection &c
2006-02-27 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add "Export Audio File" option
2006-02-24 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add time/Hz description for waveform model to the bottom right of a pane
2006-02-24 |
Chris Cannam |
* More fixes, tidying etc in spectrogram layer. Added a piano keyboard
2006-02-23 |
Chris Cannam |
* Rearrange spectrogram cacheing so that gain, normalization, instantaneous
2006-02-22 |
Chris Cannam |
* Make the frequency estimation mode in the spectrogram layer actually useful,
2006-02-20 |
Chris Cannam |
* Improvements to text layer editing, and implement file I/O for it
2006-02-20 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add TextModel and TextLayer types
2006-02-17 |
Chris Cannam |
* As previous commit
2006-02-17 |
Chris Cannam |
* Implement play mute, level and pan controls and a layer visibility control
2006-02-14 |
Chris Cannam |
* Change SpectrogramLayer to use its own cache type instead of a QImage
2006-02-08 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add ffwd/rewind
2006-02-06 |
Chris Cannam |
* Rationalise the local feature identification API in Layer subclasses
2006-02-02 |
Chris Cannam |
* Refactor sparse models. Previously the 1D and time-value models duplicated
2006-02-01 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add Chromagram plugin, and make a number of fixes to the dense 3d model
2006-01-30 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add command history class, and basic undo/redo menus. No actual commands
2006-01-30 |
Chris Cannam |
* Add getXForFrame / getFrameForX in preference to using the zoom level everywhere
2006-01-23 |
Chris Cannam |
* Hook up tool selection buttons to switch the cursor mode
2006-01-19 |
Chris Cannam |
* Rework handling of layer properties in file I/O -- we now get the individual
2006-01-17 |
Chris Cannam |
* Hook up SV file i/o. You can now save and load sessions.
2006-01-16 |
Chris Cannam |
* Tweaked up spectrogram and added a colourmap rotation option
2006-01-12 |
Chris Cannam |
* Beginnings of session save code
2006-01-12 |
Chris Cannam |
* Update copyrights to 2006
2006-01-10 |
Chris Cannam |
* Backed out partially complete changes to make the spectrogram only
2006-01-10 |
Chris Cannam |
initial import