- Experiment with simple button logic for LevelPanWidget (separating out playback toggle again)tonioni 2015-03-30, by Chris Cannam
- changed rectangle in Overview: colour and roundednesstonioni 2015-03-30, by matthiasm
- Fix possible excess image sizetonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to enabled/disabled state in level-pan tool buttontonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Render direct to widget (necessary to avoid pixel doubling on OS/X)tonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to muting from level-pan tool buttontonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- A number of fixes to level-pan button (including mute toggle)tonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce level/pan toolbar buttonstonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Don't snap selections to time ruler -- it's never usefultonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Fix to pointer-pos-to-level logictonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Add missed includetonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Try using audio level fader logictonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- No, we'll not handle mute separately -- make bottom level be muted. Also add support for enable/disabletonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Try adding a combined simple level/pan widgettonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam