- Tidy2018-05-08, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch horizontal-scale2018-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Provide linear horizontal scale in spectrum as well as log; fix bin positioning and colour scale property box updating; ensure proper background colour and visibility of peak lineshorizontal-scale 2018-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Mergehorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fix positioning of peak lines on spectrum layer (origin is already accounted for in the bin/frequency to x conversion functions)2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Tweaks to horizontal scalehorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Draw some tickshorizontal-scale 2018-05-01, by Chris Cannam
- Branch toward adding horizontal numerical scales to thingshorizontal-scale 2018-05-01, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy2018-04-26, by Chris Cannam
- Scale scalable icon2018-04-26, by Chris Cannam
- Adjust y-coord of text labels to accommodate larger scaled fonts2018-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Delete rows in reverse order for safety2018-04-23, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid crash when scrolling with an empty layer open2018-04-23, by Chris Cannam
- Make selection extents more visible on hi-dpi2018-04-19, by Chris Cannam
- Make the overlays at either end translucent, so they don't completely crop out any underlying text or necessary info (e.g. selection extents)2018-04-19, by Chris Cannam
- Formatting changes to align more with SV style conventions2018-04-17, by Lucas Thompson
- Accept optional modality in constructor and fix subsequent possible side effect (re-opening dialog when just cancelled)2018-04-17, by Lucas Thompson
- Untabify2018-03-01, by Chris Cannam
- Convert some cerrs to SVCERRs. Apart from anything else, this makes MSVC2017 happy2018-03-01, by Chris Cannam
- This was new in GCC 72017-12-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add fallthrough attribute2017-12-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix loading of should-not-auto-invert scalable icons2017-07-18, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "scale-ticks"2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Make use of ScaleTickIntervals in log scale as wellscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Rework log scale calculation, update to changed interfacescale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Make use of ScaleTickIntervals in linear numerical scale (not log yet)scale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Remove debug out2017-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Make some corrections to crosshair (measure cursor) positioning and feature descriptions. Needs review.2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix crash when changing window size in the spectrum layer2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix failure to respect saved linear-scale setting in layer when the model suggests it would prefer log scale2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Restrict colour 3d plot log scale range to 10 orders of magnitude2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Fix attribute name -- it's colourScale in the spectrogram, but it's just scale here2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Fix a couple of compiler warnings2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Emit2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Ctrl-click, and middle-button click, on level-pan widget reset to default (not implemented yet for level-pan tool button though)2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Explanatory comment2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Ensure threshold is equal to minValue; default of 0 is inadequate when minValue < 0 (fixes bug that made all negative values appear black)2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Remove unused function2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Use Range01 normalisation in Colour 3D Plot. This gives us the same column normalisation behaviour as in 2.5 (better than the Max1 option).2017-02-28, by Chris Cannam
- Debug notes, tidying2017-02-23, by Chris Cannam
- Merge2017-02-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fix various "model deleted with no aboutToDelete notification" warnings (and one associated potential memory leak)2017-02-22, by Chris Cannam
- Overrides2017-02-22, by Chris Cannam
- Add activity log output to debug log too2017-02-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fix #1792 measure tool crosshairs rendered in wrong colour. Also extend crosshairs over the no-man's-land at the left2017-02-21, by Chris Cannam
- Some work to make spectrum layers (and slice layers generally) zoomable in the frequency axis. Also fixes a number of view id mixups in SliceLayer which broke offset calculations for the x axis scale.2017-02-07, by Chris Cannam
- More tweaks to when to render from the middle2017-01-27, by Chris Cannam
- Looks like we can be a bit more relaxed here2017-01-27, by Chris Cannam
- Wire up normalise-visible-area mode in colour 3d plot2017-01-27, by Chris Cannam
- Untabify2017-01-27, by Chris Cannam
- Scale pen, place line ends in centres of bins, default to line mode2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Move this function into cpp file2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Scale piano keyboard height according to text size2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Fix silly definition that prevented spectrum scale from appearing2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Scale pens2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Add method to scale pen widths for hi-res screens2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Guard only2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Scale pen used for centre line2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Guard only2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Minor debug2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Switch widget type to one that gets mouseover notifications2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Randomise start offset for partial paints, it looks (I think) a little better2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Measure time taken to render per pixel, and use the time last time around to decide whether to be time constrained this time around2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Fix #1781 Running CQ Chromagram spits out stacks of "bin index out of range" warnings2017-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Fix incorrect call to getColumn() that broke the peak-frequency spectrogram and close zoom levels of the colour 3d plot2017-01-16, by Chris Cannam
- Debug toward tracking down strange peak-frequency spectrogram update problem2017-01-13, by Chris Cannam
- Make getPreferredPeakCache check the render mode itself2017-01-13, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch 3.0-integration2017-01-13, by Chris Cannam
- Fix memory leak of cache pixmaps in View3.0-integration 2017-01-13, by Chris Cannam
- More cache hit counts; make debug output from colour 3d plot renderer (even though it is to SVDEBUG) appear only with explicit debug flag3.0-integration 2017-01-05, by Chris Cannam
- Don't start in the middle when repainting the whole width while using a peak cache. It looks funny.3.0-integration 2017-01-05, by Chris Cannam
- Make the colour 3d plot renderer able to support more than one level of peak cache; introduce a second "peak" cache for the spectrogram layer that actually has a 1-1 column relationship with the underlying FFT model, and use it in addition to the existing peak cache if memory is plentiful. Makes spectrograms appear much faster in many common situations.3.0-integration 2017-01-05, by Chris Cannam
- Recreate FFT model when something changes, not the next time it's requested (avoids extra work when only retrieving the model)3.0-integration 2017-01-05, by Chris Cannam
- Wire up record monitoring3.0-integration 2017-01-04, by Chris Cannam
- Provisionally add labels for normalisation menu (sigh)3.0-integration 2017-01-03, by Chris Cannam
- Add help icon, + update subrepo3.0-integration 2017-01-03, by Chris Cannam
- Comment some debug output3.0-integration 2017-01-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some compiler warnings3.0-integration 2017-01-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix erroneous use of single-colour setting to determine dark/light background when in segmentation mode3.0-integration 2016-12-20, by Chris Cannam
- Further PropertyBox layout overhaul: avoid crash (/ assertion failure) when property type changes from e.g. colour to colourmap, by replacing the existing widget within the layout rather than trying to repopulate it3.0-integration 2016-12-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch svg, and thus (in some subrepos) from levelpanwidget3.0-integration 2016-12-19, by Chris Cannam
- Implement "Export SVG file..."svg 2016-12-19, by Chris Cannam
- Fix incorrect initial display levels in LevelPanWidgetlevelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Support mouse wheel on level-pan tool buttonlevelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Add swatches to colour map combo (optionally, as it turns out they are quite visually distracting)levelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce a colour map combo too. Doesn't yet have swatcheslevelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Take advantage of the fact that a group layout is now always used, to simplify codelevelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce colour combobox class, to replace ad-hoc code in property boxlevelpanwidget 2016-12-16, by Chris Cannam
- Adjust spacing in property boxlevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Record scale factor in loglevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Some adjustments to make view elements clearer and more correctly sized, especially on hidpi (non-pixel-doubling) systemslevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Retina thumbwheelslevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Tool tipslevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- An attempt to improve PropertyBox layout on the Mac. Make all rows consistent by always creating a group layout for each row, regardless of whether the item(s) in it are marked as grouped or not.levelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Make play params area of property box look a bit better on OSXlevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- As NotifyingPushButton, but a ToolButtonlevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Moving around some UI bitslevelpanwidget 2016-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch 3.0-integrationlevelpanwidget 2016-12-14, by Chris Cannam
- Minor debug tweaks3.0-integration 2016-12-14, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some compiler problems3.0-integration 2016-12-13, by Chris Cannam
- Some hackery toward having a zoomlevel typezoom 2016-12-12, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch bqresample3.0-integration 2016-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to sample rate and latency handlingbqresample 2016-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- Some work on play parameters and level controls in property boxlevelpanwidget 2016-12-06, by Chris Cannam
- Switch to level-pan tool button in property boxlevelpanwidget 2016-12-06, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce level-pan widget to property boxlevelpanwidget 2016-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Add monitoring to level-pan widget (though not well, yet)levelpanwidget 2016-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Another use of WidgetScalemore-hidpi 2016-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Some icon updatesmore-hidpi 2016-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Scale the sizes of a few more UI elementsmore-hidpi 2016-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Bigger colour swatches for bigger fonts3.0-integration 2016-11-30, by Chris Cannam
- Always accept wheel events3.0-integration 2016-11-30, by Chris Cannam
- More debug3.0-integration 2016-11-28, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid rounding error giving too few bins in column request3.0-integration 2016-11-23, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch bqfft3.0-integration 2016-11-21, by Chris Cannam
- Branch to use bqfft code and remove FFTapibqfft 2016-11-21, by Chris Cannam
- Backed out changeset d89e04b0eff3, thus un-backing-out changeset c036560a7205!3.0-integration 2016-11-17, by Chris Cannam
- Backed out changeset c036560a72053.0-integration 2016-11-17, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce our own scaleDrawBufferImage (though I think we probably won't actually want to use this, so I expect to back it out again)3.0-integration 2016-11-17, by Chris Cannam
- More timings and cache hit counts3.0-integration 2016-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Use peak cache at one zoom level lower (since it exists at that level already -- this is a >= vs > question) + make naming more uniform3.0-integration 2016-11-08, by Chris Cannam
- Fix omitted topmost bin3.0-integration 2016-11-04, by Chris Cannam
- Fix forehead-slapping failure to use the right model when rendering 3d plot in peaks cache mode (i.e. when zoomed quite far out)3.0-integration 2016-11-04, by Chris Cannam
- Make SVDEBUG always write to a log file -- formerly this was disabled in NDEBUG builds. I think there's little use to that, it just means that we keep adding more cerr debug output because we aren't getting the log we need. And SVDEBUG logging is not usually used in tight loops, I don't think the performance overhead is too serious.3.0-integration 2016-11-03, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch piper3.0-integration 2016-10-28, by Chris Cannam
- Tidyingproject-file-rework 2016-10-25, by Chris Cannam
- Minor build updatesproject-file-rework 2016-10-25, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch 3.0-integrationproject-file-rework 2016-10-25, by Chris Cannam
- Cut down vastly on the number of config.pri files and places where their contents has to be effectively duplicated without themproject-file-rework 2016-10-24, by Chris Cannam
- Add out-of-process execution to prefs dialog3.0-integration 2016-10-21, by Chris Cannam
- Fix completely bogus allocation that was only shown up because of a compiler warning for int->float conversion possibly restricting value range!3.0-integration 2016-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "msvc2015_64"3.0-integration 2016-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy and re-fix for Linuxmsvc2015_64 2016-10-19, by Chris Cannam
- MSVC build fixesmsvc2015_64 2016-10-18, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch tony-2.0-integration3.0-integration 2016-09-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge latest SV 3.0 branch codetony-2.0-integration 2016-08-19, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce labels in RangeMapper and use them in AudioDial, though only for tooltip at present. Make use of this for spectrogram magic -81dB/-Inf threshold. Also introduce static strings for inf/pi and use where appropriate.3.0-integration 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Merge work on unified spectrogram and colour 3d plot caching renderer3.0-integration 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Since 1d317e717fe4 we no longer want to fft scale in hybrid mode. (This might also restore compatibility with Tony and prior SV save sessions -- test this.)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Make text labels on vertical scale ticks visiblespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to phase display and colour scale for it; tidy up some debug outputspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Pull out paintDetailedScalespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Minor tidy, + go back to opaque-only spectrogram as intendedspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Restore illuminateLocalFeatures in spectrogramspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-05, by Chris Cannam
- Reconnect double-click region select in spectrogramspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-04, by Chris Cannam
- Restore phase displayspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-04, by Chris Cannam
- Re-implement dB^2 (log-power) spectrogram settingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-04, by Chris Cannam
- Re-enable (little-used) normalise-visible-range option in spectrogram layerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-03, by Chris Cannam
- Use a count of bins rather than min and max bins (because the name maxbin tells us nothing about whether the range is inclusive or not)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-03, by Chris Cannam
- Another small tidyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fix vertical zoom/scroll in colour 3d plot layerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- Minor tidyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- Sensible vertical scale and hybrid normalisation range in colour 3d plotspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- Minor tidyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- A threshold fixspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-02, by Chris Cannam
- Float/double conversion fixesspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-01, by Chris Cannam
- Fix threshold in spectrogram -- it wasn't working in the last release.spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-01, by Chris Cannam
- Must set range mappers before default values -- the presence of a range mapper alters the way the default is set upspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-01, by Chris Cannam
- Scale range matchingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-01, by Chris Cannam
- Some notes on gainspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-08-01, by Chris Cannam
- Some tidyingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes and debug output for mag range calculationsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-22, by Chris Cannam
- Wiring through the magnitude range updatesspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-22, by Chris Cannam
- Toward updating mag cachespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-20, by Chris Cannam
- Inch toward using the mag cache (currently will crash with debug exception)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-20, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce ScrollableMagRangeCache, plus some tidying etcspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-20, by Chris Cannam
- Fix translucent mode for spectrogramspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Wire up invertVerticalspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Re-enable a couple more featuresspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Tidyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Consts and willRenderOpaquespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Colourmap rotation (inelegantly)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Comment onlyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Make VerticalBinLayer an actual Layer (via SliceableLayer)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-19, by Chris Cannam
- Start introducing translucent rendererspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-18, by Chris Cannam
- Fix failure to reinitialise m_peakCachespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Remove almost all of the "old" paint logic from Colour3DPlotLayerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Remove all of the "old" paint logic from SpectrogramLayer, even where it hasn't been completely replaced yetspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Convert ColourScaleType into an enum classspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Convert ColumnNormalization to an enum class, and separate out normalize-visiblespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Turn BinDisplay and BinScale into enum classesspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-14, by Chris Cannam
- Delete renderersspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Begin using renderer in colour 3d plot layerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Create, but don't yet use, a renderer in the colour 3d plot layerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Switch in "standard" colour scale, bin scale, normalisation -- not quite handled elegantly or correctly yetspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Minor build fixspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-11, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce peak frequency rendering (basics of)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-11, by Chris Cannam
- Far more pragmatic update strategyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-11, by Chris Cannam
- Fix draw buffer sizing problem in scaled renderingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-11, by Chris Cannam
- Split out cache rendering functions and some fixes to calculationsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Use enums from origin classesspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Colour scales (partly)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Time-constrained renderingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Cut over to using the renderer (though it's very incomplete) and fix some cache problems and pointer lifetime misunderstandingsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-05, by Chris Cannam
- Start to introduce renderer objectsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-05, by Chris Cannam
- One FFT model per spectrogram (again!) - but we do still need a magnitude range per view, as views could be showing different regionsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-05, by Chris Cannam
- One FFT size method, no member for itspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-02, by Chris Cannam
- Simplify the oversampling/zero-padding logic. FFT model selection no longer depends on the view.spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Add VerticalBinLayer to SpectrogramLayerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Scale and copyspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Start introducing render codespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- VerticalBinLayer for vertical mapping abstraction. Not totally sure about thisspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Commentsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Minor adjustmentsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- More filling in render & cache codespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Move drawVisibleText to PaintAssistantspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Move LayerGeometryProvider from view to layerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Two functions, rather than one with a boolean argspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Another tiny bitspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-29, by Chris Cannam
- Pull out render timerspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-29, by Chris Cannam
- More renderer stubbingspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-29, by Chris Cannam
- Commentsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Start stubbing Colour3DPlotRendererspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Use a params structurespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Add ColourScalespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce ColourScale to handle colour mapping for both spectrogram and colour 3d plot layersspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Commentspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Commentsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Fix possible crash when scrolling to endspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-23, by Chris Cannam
- Extend column logic to peak frequency display as well, and correct some scopes according to whether values are per source column or per target pixelspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Pull out column ops into ColumnOpspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- A more sensible order for column operationsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-17, by Chris Cannam
- Don't need thesespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-15, by Chris Cannam
- Replace old logic with calls to new functions; basic refactor part A done, the code now compiles againspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-15, by Chris Cannam
- A couple more helper functionsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-15, by Chris Cannam
- Mid-refactor to pull out the bulk of paintDrawBuffer into chunksspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-13, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-06-13, by Chris Cannam
- Comments and minor tidy3.0-integration 2016-06-13, by Chris Cannam
- Make normalise-hybrid logic the same in both draw methods3.0-integration 2016-06-13, by Chris Cannam
- Make peak cache divisor a member3.0-integration 2016-06-13, by Chris Cannam
- Don't paint if model has zero width3.0-integration 2016-05-26, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "alignment-simple"3.0-integration 2016-04-21, by Chris Cannam
- Merge branches 3.0-integration and imaf_enc to 3.0-plus-imaf3.0-plus-imaf 2016-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Start including Vamp SDK into main build, as we do with Sonic Annotator3.0-integration 2016-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branch3.0-integration 2016-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Use drawVisibleText for box labels2016-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Fix incorrect handling of model start frame2016-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Fix confusion between model columns and painted columns, and document the difference2016-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Merge in from SV 3.0-integration branchesalignment-simple 2016-03-02, by Chris Cannam
- Make ViewProxy objects share the ids of their Views; fixes incorrect colour scale drawing3.0-integration 2016-02-09, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "spectrogram-minor-refactor"3.0-integration 2016-02-04, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from the default branch3.0-integration 2016-02-04, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "tony-2.0-integration"3.0-integration 2016-02-04, by Chris Cannam
- Truncate edges when about to paint beyond limits of cachespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-03, by Chris Cannam
- Don't use partial paints when zoomed in far enough to have boundary alignment concerns. (But boundary calculations are still wrong, leading to a logic error exception.)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Commentspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Timing tweaks to reduce the number of repaintsspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fix cache validity boundary conditionspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- *Really* add overlooked file!spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Revert last commit (wrong branch)2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Add overlooked file!2016-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Update acinclude files to look for qt5-qmake as well as qmake-qt52016-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- Further fixes to the scrollable cache logicspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-29, by Chris Cannam
- Start refactoring out the spectrogram image cachespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-29, by Chris Cannam
- Fix calculation of repaint area when we haven't scrolled but cache is not completespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-27, by Chris Cannam
- Start repainting from the middle -- but this is quite unreliablespectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Fix return value from paintDrawBuffer in rightToLeft case; propagate timing change to PeakFrequencies version as wellspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Draw right-to-left when adjoining an existing cache valid area on the rightspectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-26, by Chris Cannam
- Make paint method do its own timing and abandon if it's taking too long (still needs some work on queueing correct repaints of the remainder)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-25, by Chris Cannam
- Rearrange cache update calculations so as to use the actual painted width returned by paint functions (though they only ever return the same width as requested, at this point)spectrogram-minor-refactor 2016-01-25, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid reusing a large paint width if the zoom level has changed (in case it has changed dramatically, as for example when the user hits the F key). Also some tidying and adjustment to timing stuffcolourschemes 2016-01-22, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy a bitcolourschemes 2016-01-22, by Chris Cannam
- Some debugcolourschemes 2016-01-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fix integer overflow in getFrameForXcolourschemes 2016-01-22, by Chris Cannam
- Convert 3d model column type from QVector to std::vector; replace another user of ResizeableBitsetcolourschemes 2016-01-22, by Chris Cannam
- Make colour 3d plot layer colour a preference as wellcolourschemes 2016-01-21, by Chris Cannam
- Add default spectrogram colours to prefscolourschemes 2016-01-20, by Chris Cannam
- Tidycolourschemes 2016-01-19, by Chris Cannam
- Rearrange colours, make some of them more attractive, give some of them nicer namescolourschemes 2016-01-19, by Chris Cannam
- Remove debug outcolourschemes 2016-01-19, by Chris Cannam
- Provide a sensible name for this colour schemecolourschemes 2016-01-19, by Chris Cannam
- Experimentation with colour schemes and mappingscolourschemes 2015-12-02, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branch3.0-integration 2015-11-18, by Chris Cannam
- Back out 1c37aa13bfd8 (which added half-wave rectification to colour 3d plot). Too specific.2015-10-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fix incorrect reload of old Tony v1.0 filestony-2.0-integration 2015-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Use max value returned directly from api calltony-2.0-integration 2015-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Minor adjustment for higher-res screenstony-2.0-integration 2015-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branch3.0-integration 2015-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Fix embarrassing failure to reload Note layers2015-10-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "3.0-integration"tony-2.0-integration 2015-10-14, by Chris Cannam
- Remove some debug3.0-integration 2015-10-14, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "tony-2.0-integration"3.0-integration 2015-10-14, by Chris Cannam
- Repaint fixtony-2.0-integration 2015-10-13, by Chris Cannam
- Remove some debug outtony-2.0-integration 2015-10-12, by Chris Cannam
- At least avoid crashing if scaled zoom level reaches 0!tony-2.0-integration 2015-08-20, by Chris Cannam
- Some minor tweaks to make behaviour more like prior Tonytony-2.0-integration 2015-08-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge through to branch for Tony 2.0tony-2.0-integration 2015-08-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch bqaudioio3.0-integration 2015-08-04, by Chris Cannam
- Initial work toward switching to bqaudioio library (so as to get I/O, not just O)bqaudioio 2015-08-04, by Chris Cannam
- removed imaf slidersimaf_enc 2015-07-14, by alo
- Merge from default branch3.0-integration 2015-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Major fix to bug in handling of fuzzy column in CSV import (introduced since the last release) which meant that col 6 of a wide CSV would go missing completely!2015-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch simple-fft-model3.0-integration 2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchsimple-fft-model 2015-01-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix a number of warnings in the 32-bit build2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch simple-fft-model3.0-integration 2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch osx-retina3.0-integration 2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Switch off debug againsimple-fft-model 2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Fill extent is not relevant in simple-fft-model code, as it's always the full extentsimple-fft-model 2015-07-01, by Chris Cannam
- Fix dark point at highlight of LED buttonosx-retina 2015-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Render LED button direct to widget, making it look OK on retina screenosx-retina 2015-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Use a more sensible min height for OS/Xosx-retina 2015-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Mergeosx-retina 2015-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Tighten spacing around sides of property box on OS/Xosx-retina 2015-06-30, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch normalize_hybrid_option3.0-integration 2015-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch osx-retina3.0-integration 2015-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch simple-fft-model3.0-integration 2015-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Branch to test simple FFT model codealignment-simple 2015-06-15, by Chris Cannam
- Gut the old code, but don't replace it yet (so nothing will link yet)simple-fft-model 2015-06-12, by Chris Cannam
- Fix failure to show window shape when Analysis tab in preferences is first opened2015-06-12, by Chris Cannam
- Roundingosx-retina 2015-06-10, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchosx-retina 2015-06-10, by Chris Cannam
- Fix crash when importing wide CSV file2015-05-22, by Chris Cannam
- Add half-wave rectification option to Colour 3D Plot layer2015-05-22, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to font sizing in colour 3d plot layer (for #1221)osx-retina 2015-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid going pop when setting play head to before time 02015-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Fix arithmetic precedence misreading goof which led to scrolling the wrong way when dragging past the right edge2015-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Prevent selection being dragged beyond start/end of content2015-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Box colour a darker grey by default (but also changeable now)2015-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch scalable-iconsosx-retina 2015-05-14, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchosx-retina 2015-05-14, by Chris Cannam
- Fix #1220 Flexi-note layer appears in Layers menu2015-05-14, by Chris Cannam
- Icon updatescalable-icons 2015-05-13, by Chris Cannam
- Display note name derived from value, when hovering over time-value feature if the scale unit is Hz2015-05-12, by Chris Cannam
- Address #1214, layer import produces wrong layer type. We needed a more principled approach to making sure the format gets updated properly and the dialog elements are consistent (basically separating making the dialog elements consistent from subsequently updating the format). This change should provide that, though there may be gotchas still.2015-05-12, by Chris Cannam
- Various fixes to scalable renderingscalable-icons 2015-05-06, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with loading SVGsscalable-icons 2015-05-06, by Chris Cannam
- Make Retina layer rendering selectable in settingsosx-retina 2015-04-29, by Chris Cannam
- Fix font size for painter when rendering scaledosx-retina 2015-04-29, by Chris Cannam
- Fix positioning of local feature illumination rectangleosx-retina 2015-04-29, by Chris Cannam
- Fix rendering of selectionsosx-retina 2015-04-29, by Chris Cannam
- Always render to a buffer, then from that to the widgetosx-retina 2015-04-27, by Chris Cannam
- Painting off-cache means we shouldn't use proxy (we aren't scaling.. yet)osx-retina 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Some scaling & zoom bitsosx-retina 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchosx-retina 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Build fixosx-retina 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Allow layers to be loaded without models if their layer class explicitly says it's OK (otherwise default template won't load, as it has an empty waveform layer)2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchalignment_view 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchosx-retina 2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch tonioni2015-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Revert to -Werror in debug onlytonioni 2015-04-13, by Chris Cannam
- Allow setting big-image size directlytonioni 2015-03-31, by Chris Cannam
- Simpler colours in level pan widgettonioni 2015-03-31, by Chris Cannam
- LevelPanWidget alternative without including mutingtonioni 2015-03-31, by Chris Cannam
- Remove some debug; set some gain valuestonioni 2015-03-31, by Chris Cannam
- Signal/slot compatibility fixestonioni 2015-03-30, by Chris Cannam
- Mergetonioni 2015-03-30, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with simple button logic for LevelPanWidget (separating out playback toggle again)tonioni 2015-03-30, by Chris Cannam
- changed rectangle in Overview: colour and roundednesstonioni 2015-03-30, by matthiasm
- Fix possible excess image sizetonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to enabled/disabled state in level-pan tool buttontonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Render direct to widget (necessary to avoid pixel doubling on OS/X)tonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to muting from level-pan tool buttontonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- A number of fixes to level-pan button (including mute toggle)tonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce level/pan toolbar buttonstonioni 2015-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Don't snap selections to time ruler -- it's never usefultonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Fix to pointer-pos-to-level logictonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Add missed includetonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Try using audio level fader logictonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- No, we'll not handle mute separately -- make bottom level be muted. Also add support for enable/disabletonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Try adding a combined simple level/pan widgettonioni 2015-03-24, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from cxx11 branchtonioni 2015-03-23, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchtonioni 2015-03-23, by Chris Cannam
- Fix crash caused by using proxy (of unknown lifecycle) instead of view as cache keyosx-retina 2015-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Pass proxy to layer for paintingosx-retina 2015-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Many fixes for the previous stuffosx-retina 2015-03-17, by Chris Cannam
- Another small replacementosx-retina 2015-03-17, by Chris Cannam
- Start trying to introduce LayerGeometryProvider as proxyable interface for View methods that the Layer wants to useosx-retina 2015-03-17, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with querying paint rect separately from view rectosx-retina 2015-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- First steps toward high-res rendering on retina Mac -- quite a bit more to be doneosx-retina 2015-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Build fixes for OS/Xcxx11 2015-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- c++11 flag in qmake projectcxx11 2015-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Type correctioncxx11 2015-03-10, by Chris Cannam
- Nothing of consequencecxx11 2015-03-10, by Chris Cannam
- More type fixes. We now build with -Wconversion, on this platform (64-bit Linux) at least.cxx11 2015-03-10, by Chris Cannam
- More type fixescxx11 2015-03-10, by Chris Cannam
- More type fixes, primarily in the spectrogramcxx11 2015-03-10, by Chris Cannam
- A few more fixescxx11 2015-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Working through the float/double and int/sv_frame_t fixescxx11 2015-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Move to using double rather than float for floating-point calculations (float only for storage); more build fixescxx11 2015-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- More conversion fixescxx11 2015-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Toward building with new sv typescxx11 2015-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to go with latest svcorecxx11 2015-03-04, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchcxx11 2015-03-03, by Chris Cannam
- Enable ThreadSanitizerdatarace 2015-02-24, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchcxx11 2015-02-09, by Chris Cannam
- Always resist vertical drag -- it's just too annoying if it happens accidentally while playingalignment_view 2015-01-15, by Chris Cannam
- Scale drag thresholds according to actual display resolution2015-01-15, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchalignment_view 2015-01-15, by Chris Cannam
- Scale drag thresholds according to actual display resolutionalignment_view 2015-01-15, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy up layout and ranges for unit conversion dialog, highlight in red any out-of-range values2014-12-15, by Chris Cannam
- Start connecting up tempo bits2014-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update units when prefs change2014-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- Oops, included some unintended cruft2014-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- hz -> freq, and some layout rearrangement2014-12-09, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to limits etc in unit converter2014-12-08, by Chris Cannam
- Wire up note/octave stuff2014-12-02, by Chris Cannam
- Start adding piano note2014-12-02, by Chris Cannam
- Adding the unit converter code might have enhanced the previous commit a little2014-12-02, by Chris Cannam
- Start work on unit converter2014-12-01, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid completely smoothing out a curve if it alternates high/low, when zooming out far enough to use lines instead2014-11-27, by Chris Cannam
- Fix misalignment in alignment viewalignment_view 2014-11-21, by Chris Cannam
- Grey lines in alignment view; chords for salient featuresalignment_view 2014-11-21, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid drawing a single lonesome 0 if nothing is loaded at allalignment_view 2014-11-21, by Chris Cannam
- CXX11 (-std=c++11) branch, to test build environments before making any code adaptationscxx11 2014-11-17, by Chris Cannam
- Discard wildly excessive wheel events2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Wheel event thingalignment_view 2014-11-14, by Chris Cannam
- Make the dragged pitch take effect when releasing drag on a notetonioni 2014-11-11, by Chris Cannam
- (Very slowly) perform local reanalysis when dragging a note up or downtonioni 2014-11-11, by Chris Cannam
- Tidytonioni 2014-11-11, by Chris Cannam
- Be more ruthlesstonioni 2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Mergetonioni 2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Make overview area easier to seetonioni 2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Discard wildly excessive wheel eventstonioni 2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchtonioni 2014-11-10, by Chris Cannam
- Don't hide time-instant layers when switching modes; use them as source of key frames in alignment viewalignment_view 2014-10-17, by Chris Cannam
- First sketch at alignment view (between panes in stack)alignment_view 2014-10-17, by Chris Cannam
- Handle variable columns by importing all of them (not just the minimum number)2014-10-03, by Chris Cannam
- Add milliseconds as CSV import timing option2014-10-03, by Chris Cannam
- Correct some really stupid fixed-length string stuff, including a genuine stack overflow that causes a crash on OS/X for certain colour 3d plot data.2014-09-29, by Chris Cannam
- Don't print activity2014-09-12, by Chris Cannam
- Experimentally add the hybrid normalisation as an option (not working well either in UI or implementation)normalize_hybrid_option 2014-09-12, by Chris Cannam
- Do not draw the model time extents if the top layer does not have time as its x axis (fixing #1057)2014-09-11, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchtonioni 2014-09-09, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid complaint about unused return value2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some (probably benign) uninitialised members (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some (probably benign) uninitialised members (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix a couple of not-very-realistic potential null-pointer derefs (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Simplify some logic where loop was used with an unconditional "break" that meant it could only happen once (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some potential null-pointer derefs, and simplify some logic where loops were used with an unconditional "break" that meant they could only happen once (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some potential divide by zeros (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix minor resource leak (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Clarify some sneaky logic2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix uninitialised variable (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix a couple of inadvertant integer divisions (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Remove redundant code (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix potential divide by zero2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Clarify some sneaky logic2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some (probably benign) uninitialised members (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some (probably benign) uninitialised members (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some (probably benign) uninitialised members (from coverity scan)2014-09-03, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos and merge from default branchtonioni 2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Add const version of this accessor2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Use getInteractionLayer for immediate interactions, rather than getSelectedLayer (which may be invisible)2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Return getSelectedLayer to being able to return a dormant layer -- if that isn't allowed, then getInteractionLayer is what you want2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Use fixed-order when exporting layers to a session2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Use fixed-order layer list for property container enumeration. Fixes habit of the layer property tabs to jump about when adding a new layer.2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam
- Populate the fixed order layer list2014-09-02, by Chris Cannam