view layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.cpp @ 77:fd348f36c0d3

* Implement harmonic cursor in spectrogram * Implement layer export. This doesn't quite do the right thing for the SV XML layer export yet -- it doesn't include layer display information, so when imported, it only creates an invisible model. Could also do with fixing CSV file import so as to work correctly for note and text layers.
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:22:59 +0000
parents 45ba0b381c5d
children 2be85befe873
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "Colour3DPlotLayer.h"

#include "base/View.h"
#include "base/Profiler.h"

#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>
#include <QRect>

#include <iostream>

#include <cassert>

Colour3DPlotLayer::Colour3DPlotLayer() :


Colour3DPlotLayer::setModel(const DenseThreeDimensionalModel *model)
    m_model = model;
    if (!m_model || !m_model->isOK()) return;

    connect(m_model, SIGNAL(modelChanged()), this, SIGNAL(modelChanged()));
    connect(m_model, SIGNAL(modelChanged(size_t, size_t)),
	    this, SIGNAL(modelChanged(size_t, size_t)));

    connect(m_model, SIGNAL(completionChanged()),
	    this, SIGNAL(modelCompletionChanged()));

    connect(m_model, SIGNAL(modelChanged()), this, SLOT(cacheInvalid()));
    connect(m_model, SIGNAL(modelChanged(size_t, size_t)),
	    this, SLOT(cacheInvalid(size_t, size_t)));

    emit modelReplaced();

    delete m_cache; 
    m_cache = 0;

Colour3DPlotLayer::cacheInvalid(size_t, size_t)

Colour3DPlotLayer::isLayerScrollable(const View *v) const
    QPoint discard;
    return !v->shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(this, discard);

Colour3DPlotLayer::getFeatureDescription(View *v, QPoint &pos) const
    if (!m_model) return "";

    int x = pos.x();
    int y = pos.y();

    size_t modelStart = m_model->getStartFrame();
    size_t modelWindow = m_model->getWindowSize();

    int sx0 = modelWindow *
	int((v->getFrameForX(x) - long(modelStart)) / long(modelWindow));
    int sx1 = sx0 + modelWindow;

    float binHeight = float(v->height()) / m_model->getYBinCount();
    int sy = (v->height() - y) / binHeight;

    float value = m_model->getBinValue(sx0, sy);
    QString binName = m_model->getBinName(sy);
    if (binName == "") binName = QString("[%1]").arg(sy + 1);
    else binName = QString("%1 [%2]").arg(binName).arg(sy + 1);

    QString text = tr("Time:\t%1 - %2\nBin:\t%3\nValue:\t%4")
	.arg(RealTime::frame2RealTime(sx0, m_model->getSampleRate())
	.arg(RealTime::frame2RealTime(sx1, m_model->getSampleRate())

    return text;

Colour3DPlotLayer::getVerticalScaleWidth(View *v, QPainter &paint) const
    if (!m_model) return 0;

    QString sampleText("123");
    int tw = paint.fontMetrics().width(sampleText);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_model->getYBinCount(); ++i) {
	if (m_model->getBinName(i).length() > sampleText.length()) {
	    sampleText = m_model->getBinName(i);
    if (sampleText != "123") {
	tw = std::max(tw, paint.fontMetrics().width(sampleText));

    return tw + 13;

Colour3DPlotLayer::paintVerticalScale(View *v, QPainter &paint, QRect rect) const
    if (!m_model) return;

    int h = rect.height(), w = rect.width();
    float binHeight = float(v->height()) / m_model->getYBinCount();

//    int textHeight = paint.fontMetrics().height();
//    int toff = -textHeight + paint.fontMetrics().ascent() + 2;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_model->getYBinCount(); ++i) {

	int y0 = v->height() - (i * binHeight) - 1;
	QString text = m_model->getBinName(i);
	if (text == "") text = QString("[%1]").arg(i + 1);

	paint.drawLine(0, y0, w, y0);

	int cy = y0 - binHeight/2;
	int ty = cy + paint.fontMetrics().ascent()/2;

//	int tx = w - 10 - paint.fontMetrics().width(text);
	paint.drawText(10, ty, text);

Colour3DPlotLayer::paint(View *v, QPainter &paint, QRect rect) const
//    Profiler profiler("Colour3DPlotLayer::paint");
//    std::cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer::paint(): m_model is " << m_model << ", zoom level is " << v->getZoomLevel() << std::endl;

    //!!! This doesn't yet accommodate the fact that the model may
    //have a different sample rate from an underlying model.  At the
    //moment our paint mechanism assumes all models have the same
    //sample rate.  If that isn't the case, they won't align and the
    //time ruler will match whichever model was used to construct it.
    //Obviously it is not going to be the case in general that models
    //will have the same samplerate, so we need a pane samplerate as
    //well which we trivially realign to.  (We can probably require
    //the waveform and spectrogram layers to display at the pane

    int completion = 0;
    if (!m_model || !m_model->isOK() || !m_model->isReady(&completion)) {
	if (completion > 0) {
	    paint.fillRect(0, 10, v->width() * completion / 100,
			   10, QColor(120, 120, 120));

    long startFrame = v->getStartFrame();
    int zoomLevel = v->getZoomLevel();

    size_t modelStart = m_model->getStartFrame();
    size_t modelEnd = m_model->getEndFrame();
    size_t modelWindow = m_model->getWindowSize();

    size_t cacheWidth = (modelEnd - modelStart) / modelWindow + 1;
    size_t cacheHeight = m_model->getYBinCount();

    if (m_cache &&
	(m_cache->width() != cacheWidth ||
	 m_cache->height() != cacheHeight)) {

	delete m_cache;
	m_cache = 0;

    if (!m_cache) {

	m_cache = new QImage(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, QImage::Format_Indexed8);

	DenseThreeDimensionalModel::BinValueSet values;
	for (int pixel = 0; pixel < 256; ++pixel) {
	    int hue = 256 - pixel;
//	    int hue = 220 - pixel;
//	    if (hue < 0) hue += 360;
	    QColor color = QColor::fromHsv(hue, pixel/2 + 128, pixel);
	    m_cache->setColor(pixel, qRgb(,,;

	float min = m_model->getMinimumLevel();
	float max = m_model->getMaximumLevel();

	if (max == min) max = min + 1.0;

//	int min = lrintf(m_model->getMinimumLevel());
//	int max = lrintf(m_model->getMaximumLevel());
	for (int value = 0; value < 256; ++value) {
//	    int spread = ((value - min) * 256) / (max - min);
//	    int hue = 256 - spread;
//	    QColor color = QColor::fromHsv(hue, spread/2 + 128, spread);
	    int hue = 256 - value;
	    QColor colour = QColor::fromHsv(hue, value/2 + 128, value);
	    m_cache->setColor(value, qRgba(,,, 80));
//	    std::cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer: Index " << value << ": hue " << hue << std::endl;


	for (size_t f = modelStart; f <= modelEnd; f += modelWindow) {
	    m_model->getBinValues(f, values);
	    for (size_t y = 0; y < m_model->getYBinCount(); ++y) {

		float value = min;
		if (y < values.size()) value = values[y];

		//!!! divide-by-zero!
		int pixel = int(((value - min) * 256) / (max - min));

		if (pixel == 256) pixel = 255;

		m_cache->setPixel(f / modelWindow, y, pixel);

    int x0 = rect.left();
    int x1 = rect.right() + 1;

//    int y0 =;
//    int y1 = rect.bottom();
    int w = x1 - x0;
    int h = v->height();

    // The cache is from the model's start frame to the model's end
    // frame at the model's window increment frames per pixel.  We
    // want to draw from our start frame + x0 * zoomLevel to our start
    // frame + x1 * zoomLevel at zoomLevel frames per pixel.

    //!!! Strictly speaking we want quite different paint mechanisms
    //for models that have more than one bin per pixel in either
    //direction.  This one is only really appropriate for models with
    //far fewer bins in both directions.

    int sx0 = int((v->getFrameForX(x0) - long(modelStart)) / long(modelWindow));
    int sx1 = int((v->getFrameForX(x1) - long(modelStart)) / long(modelWindow));
    int sw = sx1 - sx0;
    int sh = m_model->getYBinCount();

    std::cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer::paint: w " << w << ", h " << h << ", sx0 " << sx0 << ", sx1 " << sx1 << ", sw " << sw << ", sh " << sh << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer: sample rate is " << m_model->getSampleRate() << ", window size " << m_model->getWindowSize() << std::endl;

    QPoint illuminatePos;
    bool illuminate = v->shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(this, illuminatePos);
    char labelbuf[10];

    for (int sx = sx0 - 1; sx <= sx1; ++sx) {

	int fx = sx * int(modelWindow);

	if (fx + modelWindow < int(modelStart) ||
	    fx > int(modelEnd)) continue;

	int rx0 = v->getXForFrame(fx + int(modelStart));
	int rx1 = v->getXForFrame(fx + int(modelStart) + int(modelWindow));

	int w = rx1 - rx0;
	if (w < 1) w = 1;

	bool showLabel = (w > 10 &&
			  paint.fontMetrics().width("0.000000") < w - 3 &&
			  paint.fontMetrics().height() < (h / sh));

	for (int sy = 0; sy < sh; ++sy) {

	    int ry0 = h - (sy * h) / sh - 1;
	    int ry1 = h - ((sy + 1) * h) / sh - 2;
	    QRgb pixel = qRgb(255, 255, 255);
	    if (sx >= 0 && sx < m_cache->width() &&
		sy >= 0 && sy < m_cache->height()) {
		pixel = m_cache->pixel(sx, sy);

	    QColor pen(255, 255, 255, 80);
	    QColor brush(pixel);

	    QRect r(rx0, ry0 - h / sh - 1, w, h / sh + 1);

	    if (illuminate) {
		if (r.contains(illuminatePos)) {
//            std::cout << "rect " << rx0 << "," << (ry0 - h / sh - 1) << " "
//                      << w << "x" << (h / sh + 1) << std::endl;


	    if (showLabel) {
		if (sx >= 0 && sx < m_cache->width() &&
		    sy >= 0 && sy < m_cache->height()) {
		    int dv = m_cache->pixelIndex(sx, sy);
		    float value = m_model->getBinValue(fx, sy);
		    sprintf(labelbuf, "%06f", value);
		    QString text(labelbuf);
		    paint.drawText(rx0 + 2,
				   ry0 - h / sh - 1 + 2 + paint.fontMetrics().ascent(),
    QRect targetRect(x0, 0, w, h);
    QRect sourceRect(sx0, 0, sw, sh);

    QImage scaled(w, h, QImage::Format_RGB32);

    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {


	    int sx = sx0 + (x * sw) / w;
	    int sy = sh - (y * sh) / h - 1;
//	    std::cerr << "Colour3DPlotLayer::paint: sx " << sx << ", sy " << sy << ", cache w " << m_cache->width() << ", cache h " << m_cache->height() << std::endl;
	    if (sx >= 0 && sy >= 0 &&
		sx < m_cache->width() && sy < m_cache->height()) {
		scaled.setPixel(x, y, m_cache->pixel(sx, sy));
	    } else {
		scaled.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(255, 255, 255, 80));

    paint.drawImage(x0, 0, scaled);

Colour3DPlotLayer::snapToFeatureFrame(View *v, int &frame,
				      size_t &resolution,
				      SnapType snap) const
    if (!m_model) {
	return Layer::snapToFeatureFrame(v, frame, resolution, snap);

    resolution = m_model->getWindowSize();
    int left = (frame / resolution) * resolution;
    int right = left + resolution;

    switch (snap) {
    case SnapLeft:  frame = left;  break;
    case SnapRight: frame = right; break;
    case SnapNearest:
    case SnapNeighbouring:
	if (frame - left > right - frame) frame = right;
	else frame = left;
    return true;

#include "Colour3DPlotLayer.moc.cpp"