view layer/Colour3DPlotRenderer.h @ 1363:bbeffb29bf09

Fix inconsistency between centre frame actually set and centre frame notified as set, which caused the start frame location to creep out of place gradually as you page through
author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 30 Oct 2018 14:00:20 +0000
parents a34a2a25907c
children 7d28e7522dbd
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006-2016 Chris Cannam and QMUL.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.


#include "ColourScale.h"
#include "ScrollableImageCache.h"
#include "ScrollableMagRangeCache.h"

#include "base/ColumnOp.h"
#include "base/MagnitudeRange.h"

#include <QRect>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>

class LayerGeometryProvider;
class VerticalBinLayer;
class DenseThreeDimensionalModel;
class Dense3DModelPeakCache;
class FFTModel;
class RenderTimer;

enum class BinDisplay {

enum class BinScale {

class Colour3DPlotRenderer
    struct Sources {
        Sources() : verticalBinLayer(0), source(0), fft(0) { }
        // These must all outlive this class
        const VerticalBinLayer *verticalBinLayer;  // always
        const DenseThreeDimensionalModel *source;  // always
        const FFTModel *fft;                       // optionally
        std::vector<Dense3DModelPeakCache *> peakCaches; // zero or more

    struct Parameters {
        Parameters() :
            colourRotation(0) { }

        /** A complete ColourScale object by value, used for colour
         *  map conversion. Note that the final display gain setting is
         *  also encapsulated here. */
        ColourScale colourScale;

        /** Type of column normalization. */
        ColumnNormalization normalization;

        /** Selection of bins to display. */
        BinDisplay binDisplay;

        /** Scale for vertical bin spacing (linear or logarithmic). */
        BinScale binScale;

        /** Whether cells should always be opaque. If false, then
         *  large cells (when zoomed in a long way) will be rendered
         *  translucent in order not to obscure anything in a layer
         *  beneath. */
        bool alwaysOpaque;

        /** Whether to apply smoothing when rendering cells at more
         *  than one pixel per cell.  !!! todo: decide about separating
         *  out x-interpolate and y-interpolate as the spectrogram
         *  actually does (or used to)
        bool interpolate;

        /** Whether to render the whole caboodle upside-down. */
        bool invertVertical;

        /** Initial scale factor (e.g. for FFT scaling). This factor
         *  is applied to all values read from the underlying model
         *  *before* magnitude ranges are calculated, in contrast to
         *  the display gain found in the ColourScale parameter. */
        double scaleFactor;

        /** Colourmap rotation, in the range 0-255. */
        int colourRotation;
    Colour3DPlotRenderer(Sources sources, Parameters parameters) :
    { }

    struct RenderResult {
         * The rect that was actually rendered. May be equal to the
         * rect that was requested to render, or may be smaller if
         * time ran out and the complete flag was not set.
        QRect rendered;

         * The magnitude range of the data in the rendered area, after
         * initial scaling (parameters.scaleFactor) and normalisation,
         * for use in displaying colour scale etc. (Note that the
         * magnitude range *before* normalisation would not be very
         * meaningful for this purpose, as the scale would need to be
         * different for every column if column or hybrid
         * normalisation was in use.)
        MagnitudeRange range;

     * Render the requested area using the given painter, obtaining
     * geometry (e.g. start frame) from the given
     * LayerGeometryProvider.
     * The whole of the supplied rect will be rendered and the
     * returned QRect will be equal to the supplied QRect. (See
     * renderTimeConstrained for an alternative that may render only
     * part of the rect in cases where obtaining source data is slow
     * and retaining responsiveness is important.)
     * Note that Colour3DPlotRenderer retains internal cache state
     * related to the size and position of the supplied
     * LayerGeometryProvider. Although it is valid to call render()
     * successively on the same Colour3DPlotRenderer with different
     * LayerGeometryProviders, it will be much faster to use a
     * dedicated Colour3DPlotRenderer for each LayerGeometryProvider.
     * If the model to render from is not ready, this will throw a
     * std::logic_error exception. The model must be ready and the
     * layer requesting the render must not be dormant in its view, so
     * that the LayerGeometryProvider returns valid results; it is the
     * caller's responsibility to ensure these.
    RenderResult render(const LayerGeometryProvider *v,
                        QPainter &paint, QRect rect);
     * Render the requested area using the given painter, obtaining
     * geometry (e.g. start frame) from the stored
     * LayerGeometryProvider.
     * As much of the rect will be rendered as can be managed given
     * internal time constraints (using a RenderTimer object
     * internally). The returned QRect (the rendered field in the
     * RenderResult struct) will contain the area that was
     * rendered. Note that we always render the full requested height,
     * it's only width that is time-constrained.
     * Note that Colour3DPlotRenderer retains internal cache state
     * related to the size and position of the supplied
     * LayerGeometryProvider. Although it is valid to call render()
     * successively on the same Colour3DPlotRenderer with different
     * LayerGeometryProviders, it will be much faster to use a
     * dedicated Colour3DPlotRenderer for each LayerGeometryProvider.
     * If the model to render from is not ready, this will throw a
     * std::logic_error exception. The model must be ready and the
     * layer requesting the render must not be dormant in its view, so
     * that the LayerGeometryProvider returns valid results; it is the
     * caller's responsibility to ensure these.
    RenderResult renderTimeConstrained(const LayerGeometryProvider *v,
                                       QPainter &paint, QRect rect);

     * Return the area of the largest rectangle within the entire area
     * of the cache that is unavailable in the cache. This is only
     * valid in relation to a preceding render() call which is
     * presumed to have set the area, start frame, and zoom level for
     * the cache. It could be used to establish a suitable region for
     * a subsequent paint request (because if an area is not in the
     * cache, it cannot have been rendered since the cache was
     * cleared).
     * Returns an empty QRect if the cache is entirely valid.
    QRect getLargestUncachedRect(const LayerGeometryProvider *v);

     * Return true if the provider's geometry differs from the cache,
     * or if we are not using a cache. i.e. if the cache will be
     * regenerated for the next render, or the next render performed
     * from scratch.
    bool geometryChanged(const LayerGeometryProvider *v);
     * Return true if the rendering will be opaque. This may be used
     * by the calling layer to determine whether it can scroll
     * directly without regard to any other layers beneath.
    bool willRenderOpaque(const LayerGeometryProvider *v) {
        return decideRenderType(v) != DirectTranslucent;
     * Return the colour corresponding to the given value.
     * \see ColourScale::getPixel
     * \see ColourScale::getColour
    QColor getColour(double value) const {
        return m_params.colourScale.getColour(value, m_params.colourRotation);

     * Return the enclosing rectangle for the region of similar colour
     * to the given point within the cache. Return an empty QRect if
     * this is not possible. \see ImageRegionFinder
    QRect findSimilarRegionExtents(QPoint point) const;
    Sources m_sources;
    Parameters m_params;

    // Draw buffer is the target of each partial repaint. It is always
    // at view height (not model height) and is cleared and repainted
    // on each fragment render. The only reason it's stored as a data
    // member is to avoid reallocation.
    QImage m_drawBuffer;

    // A temporary store of magnitude ranges per-column, used when
    // rendering to the draw buffer. This always has the same length
    // as the width of the draw buffer, and the x coordinates of the
    // two containers are equivalent.
    std::vector<MagnitudeRange> m_magRanges;
    // The image cache is our persistent record of the visible
    // area. It is always the same size as the view (i.e. the paint
    // size reported by the LayerGeometryProvider) and is scrolled and
    // partially repainted internally as appropriate. A render request
    // is carried out by repainting to cache (via the draw buffer) any
    // area that is being requested but is not valid in the cache, and
    // then repainting from cache to the requested painter.
    ScrollableImageCache m_cache;

    // The mag range cache is our record of the column magnitude
    // ranges for each of the columns in the cache. It always has the
    // same start frame and width as the image cache, and the column
    // indices match up across both. Our cache update mechanism
    // guarantees that every valid column in the image cache has a
    // valid range in the magnitude cache, but not necessarily vice
    // versa (as the image cache is limited to contiguous ranges).
    ScrollableMagRangeCache m_magCache;

    double m_secondsPerXPixel;
    bool m_secondsPerXPixelValid;
    RenderResult render(const LayerGeometryProvider *v,
                        QPainter &paint, QRect rect, bool timeConstrained);

    MagnitudeRange renderDirectTranslucent(const LayerGeometryProvider *v,
                                           QPainter &paint, QRect rect);
    void renderToCachePixelResolution(const LayerGeometryProvider *v, int x0,
                                      int repaintWidth, bool rightToLeft,
                                      bool timeConstrained);

    void renderToCacheBinResolution(const LayerGeometryProvider *v, int x0,
                                    int repaintWidth);

    int renderDrawBuffer(int w, int h,
                         const std::vector<int> &binforx,
                         const std::vector<double> &binfory,
                         int peakCacheIndex, // -1 => don't use a peak cache
                         bool rightToLeft,
                         bool timeConstrained);

    int renderDrawBufferPeakFrequencies(const LayerGeometryProvider *v,
                                        int w, int h,
                                        const std::vector<int> &binforx,
                                        const std::vector<double> &binfory,
                                        bool rightToLeft,
                                        bool timeConstrained);
    void recreateDrawBuffer(int w, int h);
    void clearDrawBuffer(int w, int h);

    enum RenderType {

    RenderType decideRenderType(const LayerGeometryProvider *) const;

    QImage scaleDrawBufferImage(QImage source, int targetWidth, int targetHeight)
    ColumnOp::Column getColumn(int sx, int minbin, int nbins,
                               int peakCacheIndex) const; // -1 => don't use cache

    void getPreferredPeakCache(const LayerGeometryProvider *,
                               int &peakCacheIndex, int &binsPerPeak) const;

    void updateTimings(const RenderTimer &timer, int xPixelCount);
