view view/View.h @ 1447:8afea53332f3 single-point

Add option to make pane sizes auto-resize-only (i.e. remove user control via a splitter); also place alignment views above panes instead of below, meaning the extra bit of space that we currently have for the pane without one at least goes to the primary pane
author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 30 Apr 2019 15:53:21 +0100 (2019-04-30)
parents 8d5bf4ab98ef
children 84c4ddb38415
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#ifndef SV_VIEW_H
#define SV_VIEW_H

#include <QFrame>
#include <QProgressBar>

#include "layer/LayerGeometryProvider.h"

#include "base/ZoomConstraint.h"
#include "base/PropertyContainer.h"
#include "ViewManager.h"
#include "base/XmlExportable.h"
#include "base/BaseTypes.h"


class Layer;
class ViewPropertyContainer;

class QPushButton;

#include <map>
#include <set>

 * View is the base class of widgets that display one or more
 * overlaid views of data against a horizontal time scale. 
 * A View may have any number of attached Layers, each of which
 * is expected to have one data Model (although multiple views may
 * share the same model).
 * A View may be panned in time and zoomed, although the
 * mechanisms for doing so (as well as any other operations and
 * properties available) depend on the subclass.

class View : public QFrame,
             public XmlExportable,
             public LayerGeometryProvider

     * Deleting a View does not delete any of its layers.  They should
     * be managed elsewhere (e.g. by the Document).
    virtual ~View();

     * Retrieve the id of this object. Views have their own unique
     * ids, but ViewProxy objects share the id of their View.
    int getId() const override { return m_id; }
     * Retrieve the first visible sample frame on the widget.
     * This is a calculated value based on the centre-frame, widget
     * width and zoom level.  The result may be negative.
    sv_frame_t getStartFrame() const override;

     * Set the widget pan based on the given first visible frame.  The
     * frame value may be negative.
    void setStartFrame(sv_frame_t);

     * Return the centre frame of the visible widget.  This is an
     * exact value that does not depend on the zoom block size.  Other
     * frame values (start, end) are calculated from this based on the
     * zoom and other factors.
    sv_frame_t getCentreFrame() const override { return m_centreFrame; }

     * Set the centre frame of the visible widget.
    void setCentreFrame(sv_frame_t f) { setCentreFrame(f, true); }

     * Retrieve the last visible sample frame on the widget.
     * This is a calculated value based on the centre-frame, widget
     * width and zoom level.
    sv_frame_t getEndFrame() const override;

     * Return the pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given sample
     * frame. The frame is permitted to be negative, and the result
     * may be outside the currently visible area. But this should not
     * be called with frame values very far away from the currently
     * visible area, as that could lead to overflow. In that situation
     * an error will be logged and 0 returned.
    int getXForFrame(sv_frame_t frame) const override;

     * Return the closest frame to the given pixel x-coordinate.
    sv_frame_t getFrameForX(int x) const override;

     * Return the closest pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given
     * view x-coordinate. Default is no scaling, ViewProxy handles
     * scaling case.
    int getXForViewX(int viewx) const override { return viewx; }

     * Return the closest view x-coordinate corresponding to a given
     * pixel x-coordinate. Default is no scaling, ViewProxy handles
     * scaling case.
    int getViewXForX(int x) const override { return x; }

     * Return the pixel y-coordinate corresponding to a given
     * frequency, if the frequency range is as specified.  This does
     * not imply any policy about layer frequency ranges, but it might
     * be useful for layers to match theirs up if desired.
     * Not thread-safe in logarithmic mode.  Call only from GUI thread.
    double getYForFrequency(double frequency, double minFreq, double maxFreq, 
                           bool logarithmic) const override;

     * Return the closest frequency to the given pixel y-coordinate,
     * if the frequency range is as specified.
     * Not thread-safe in logarithmic mode.  Call only from GUI thread.
    double getFrequencyForY(double y, double minFreq, double maxFreq,
                            bool logarithmic) const override;

     * Return the zoom level, i.e. the number of frames per pixel or
     * pixels per frame
    ZoomLevel getZoomLevel() const override;

     * Set the zoom level, i.e. the number of frames per pixel or
     * pixels per frame.  The centre frame will be unchanged; the
     * start and end frames will change.
    virtual void setZoomLevel(ZoomLevel z);

     * Zoom in or out.
    virtual void zoom(bool in);

     * Scroll left or right by a smallish or largish amount.
    virtual void scroll(bool right, bool lots, bool doEmit = true);

     * Add a layer to the view. (Normally this should be handled
     * through some command abstraction instead of using this function
     * directly.)
    virtual void addLayer(Layer *v);

     * Remove a layer from the view. Does not delete the
     * layer. (Normally this should be handled through some command
     * abstraction instead of using this function directly.)
    virtual void removeLayer(Layer *v);

     * Return the number of layers, regardless of whether visible or
     * dormant, i.e. invisible, in this view.
    virtual int getLayerCount() const { return int(m_layerStack.size()); }

     * Return the nth layer, counted in stacking order.  That is,
     * layer 0 is the bottom layer and layer "getLayerCount()-1" is
     * the top one. The returned layer may be visible or it may be
     * dormant, i.e. invisible.
    virtual Layer *getLayer(int n) {
        if (in_range_for(m_layerStack, n)) return m_layerStack[n];
        else return 0;

     * Return the nth layer, counted in the order they were
     * added. Unlike the stacking order used in getLayer(), which
     * changes each time a layer is selected, this ordering remains
     * fixed. The returned layer may be visible or it may be dormant,
     * i.e. invisible.
    virtual Layer *getFixedOrderLayer(int n) {
        if (n < int(m_fixedOrderLayers.size())) return m_fixedOrderLayers[n];
        else return 0;

     * Return the layer currently active for tool interaction. This is
     * the topmost non-dormant (i.e. visible) layer in the view. If
     * there are no visible layers in the view, return 0.
    virtual Layer *getInteractionLayer();

    virtual const Layer *getInteractionLayer() const;

     * Return the layer most recently selected by the user. This is
     * the layer that any non-tool-driven commands should operate on,
     * in the case where this view is the "current" one.
     * If the user has selected the view itself more recently than any
     * of the layers on it, this function will return 0, and any
     * non-tool-driven layer commands should be deactivated while this
     * view is current. It will also return 0 if there are no layers
     * in the view.
     * Note that, unlike getInteractionLayer(), this could return an
     * invisible (dormant) layer.
    virtual Layer *getSelectedLayer();

    virtual const Layer *getSelectedLayer() const;

     * Return the "top" layer in the view, whether visible or dormant.
     * This is the same as getLayer(getLayerCount()-1) if there is at
     * least one layer, and 0 otherwise.
     * For most purposes involving interaction or commands, you
     * probably want either getInteractionLayer() or
     * getSelectedLayer() instead.
    virtual Layer *getTopLayer() {
        return m_layerStack.empty() ? 0 : m_layerStack[m_layerStack.size()-1];

    virtual void setViewManager(ViewManager *m);
    virtual void setViewManager(ViewManager *m, sv_frame_t initialFrame);
    ViewManager *getViewManager() const override { return m_manager; }

    virtual void setFollowGlobalPan(bool f);
    virtual bool getFollowGlobalPan() const { return m_followPan; }

    virtual void setFollowGlobalZoom(bool f);
    virtual bool getFollowGlobalZoom() const { return m_followZoom; }

    bool hasLightBackground() const override;
    QColor getForeground() const override;
    QColor getBackground() const override;

    void drawMeasurementRect(QPainter &p, const Layer *,
                                     QRect rect, bool focus) const override;

    bool shouldShowFeatureLabels() const override {
        return m_manager && m_manager->shouldShowFeatureLabels();
    bool shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(const Layer *, QPoint &) const override {
        return false;
    virtual bool shouldIlluminateLocalSelection(QPoint &, bool &, bool &) const {
        return false;

    virtual void setPlaybackFollow(PlaybackFollowMode m);
    virtual PlaybackFollowMode getPlaybackFollow() const { return m_followPlay; }

    typedef PropertyContainer::PropertyName PropertyName;

    // We implement the PropertyContainer API, although we don't
    // actually subclass PropertyContainer.  We have our own
    // PropertyContainer that we can return on request that just
    // delegates back to us.
    virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyList getProperties() const;
    virtual QString getPropertyLabel(const PropertyName &) const;
    virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyType getPropertyType(const PropertyName &) const;
    virtual int getPropertyRangeAndValue(const PropertyName &,
                                         int *min, int *max, int *deflt) const;
    virtual QString getPropertyValueLabel(const PropertyName &,
                                          int value) const;
    virtual void setProperty(const PropertyName &, int value);
    virtual QString getPropertyContainerName() const {
        return objectName();
    virtual QString getPropertyContainerIconName() const = 0;

    virtual int getPropertyContainerCount() const;

    // The 0th property container is the view's own; the rest are the
    // layers in fixed-order series
    virtual const PropertyContainer *getPropertyContainer(int i) const;
    virtual PropertyContainer *getPropertyContainer(int i);

     * Render the view contents to a new QImage (which may be wider
     * than the visible View).
    virtual QImage *renderToNewImage();

     * Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a
     * new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View).
    virtual QImage *renderPartToNewImage(sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1);

     * Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated
     * by renderToNewImage().
    virtual QSize getRenderedImageSize();

     * Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated
     * by renderPartToNewImage(f0, f1).
    virtual QSize getRenderedPartImageSize(sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1);

     * Render the view contents to a new SVG file.
    virtual bool renderToSvgFile(QString filename);

     * Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a
     * new SVG file.
    virtual bool renderPartToSvgFile(QString filename,
                                     sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1);
    int getTextLabelHeight(const Layer *layer, QPainter &) const override;

    bool getValueExtents(QString unit, double &min, double &max,
                                 bool &log) const override;

    void toXml(QTextStream &stream, QString indent = "",
                       QString extraAttributes = "") const override;

    // First frame actually in model, to right of scale, if present
    virtual sv_frame_t getFirstVisibleFrame() const;
    virtual sv_frame_t getLastVisibleFrame() const;

    sv_frame_t getModelsStartFrame() const override;
    sv_frame_t getModelsEndFrame() const override;

     * To be called from a layer, to obtain the extent of the surface
     * that the layer is currently painting to. This may be the extent
     * of the view (if 1x display scaling is in effect) or of a larger
     * cached pixmap (if greater display scaling is in effect).
    QRect getPaintRect() const override;

    QSize getPaintSize() const override { return getPaintRect().size(); }
    int getPaintWidth() const override { return getPaintRect().width(); }
    int getPaintHeight() const override { return getPaintRect().height(); }

    double scaleSize(double size) const override;
    int scalePixelSize(int size) const override;
    double scalePenWidth(double width) const override;
    QPen scalePen(QPen pen) const override;

    typedef std::set<Model *> ModelSet;
    ModelSet getModels();

    Model *getAligningModel() const;
    sv_frame_t alignFromReference(sv_frame_t) const;
    sv_frame_t alignToReference(sv_frame_t) const;
    sv_frame_t getAlignedPlaybackFrame() const;

    void updatePaintRect(QRect r) override { update(r); }
    View *getView() override { return this; } 
    const View *getView() const override { return this; } 
    void propertyContainerAdded(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyContainerRemoved(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyContainerPropertyChanged(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyContainerPropertyRangeChanged(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyContainerNameChanged(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyContainerSelected(PropertyContainer *pc);
    void propertyChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName);

    void layerModelChanged();

    void centreFrameChanged(sv_frame_t frame,
                            bool globalScroll,
                            PlaybackFollowMode followMode);

    void zoomLevelChanged(ZoomLevel level, bool locked);

    void contextHelpChanged(const QString &);

public slots:
    virtual void modelChanged();
    virtual void modelChangedWithin(sv_frame_t startFrame, sv_frame_t endFrame);
    virtual void modelCompletionChanged();
    virtual void modelAlignmentCompletionChanged();
    virtual void modelReplaced();
    virtual void layerParametersChanged();
    virtual void layerParameterRangesChanged();
    virtual void layerMeasurementRectsChanged();
    virtual void layerNameChanged();

    virtual void globalCentreFrameChanged(sv_frame_t);
    virtual void viewCentreFrameChanged(View *, sv_frame_t);
    virtual void viewManagerPlaybackFrameChanged(sv_frame_t);
    virtual void viewZoomLevelChanged(View *, ZoomLevel, bool);

     * A property container has been selected, for example in the
     * associated property stack. The property container may be a
     * layer, in which case the effect should be to raise that layer
     * to the front of the view and select it; or it may be the view's
     * own property container, in which case the effect is to switch
     * to a mode in which no layer is selected.
     * (This is the main slot for raising a layer.)
    virtual void propertyContainerSelected(View *, PropertyContainer *pc);

    virtual void selectionChanged();
    virtual void toolModeChanged();
    virtual void overlayModeChanged();
    virtual void zoomWheelsEnabledChanged();

    virtual void cancelClicked();

    virtual void progressCheckStalledTimerElapsed();

    View(QWidget *, bool showProgress);

    int m_id;
    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
    virtual void drawSelections(QPainter &);
    virtual bool shouldLabelSelections() const { return true; }
    virtual void drawPlayPointer(QPainter &);
    virtual bool render(QPainter &paint, int x0, sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1);
    virtual void setPaintFont(QPainter &paint);

    QSize scaledSize(const QSize &s, int factor) {
        return QSize(s.width() * factor, s.height() * factor);
    QRect scaledRect(const QRect &r, int factor) {
        return QRect(r.x() * factor, r.y() * factor,
                     r.width() * factor, r.height() * factor);
    typedef std::vector<Layer *> LayerList;

    sv_samplerate_t getModelsSampleRate() const;
    bool areLayersScrollable() const;
    LayerList getScrollableBackLayers(bool testChanged, bool &changed) const;
    LayerList getNonScrollableFrontLayers(bool testChanged, bool &changed) const;

    ZoomLevel getZoomConstraintLevel(ZoomLevel level,
                                     ZoomConstraint::RoundingDirection dir =
                                     ZoomConstraint::RoundNearest) const;

    // These three are slow, intended for indexing GUI thumbwheel stuff
    int countZoomLevels() const;
    int getZoomLevelIndex(ZoomLevel level) const;
    ZoomLevel getZoomLevelByIndex(int ix) const;
    // True if the top layer(s) use colours for meaningful things.  If
    // this is the case, selections will be shown using unfilled boxes
    // rather than with a translucent fill.
    bool areLayerColoursSignificant() const;

    // True if the top layer has a time axis on the x coordinate (this
    // is generally the case except for spectrum/slice layers).  It
    // will not be possible to make or display selections if this is
    // false.
    bool hasTopLayerTimeXAxis() const;

    bool setCentreFrame(sv_frame_t f, bool doEmit);

    void movePlayPointer(sv_frame_t f);

    void checkProgress(void *object);
    int getProgressBarWidth() const; // if visible

    int effectiveDevicePixelRatio() const;

    sv_frame_t          m_centreFrame;
    ZoomLevel           m_zoomLevel;
    bool                m_followPan;
    bool                m_followZoom;
    PlaybackFollowMode  m_followPlay;
    bool                m_followPlayIsDetached;
    sv_frame_t          m_playPointerFrame;
    bool                m_lightBackground;
    bool                m_showProgress;

    QPixmap            *m_cache;  // I own this
    QPixmap            *m_buffer; // I own this
    bool                m_cacheValid;
    sv_frame_t          m_cacheCentreFrame;
    ZoomLevel           m_cacheZoomLevel;
    bool                m_selectionCached;

    bool                m_deleting;

    LayerList           m_layerStack; // I don't own these, but see dtor note above
    LayerList           m_fixedOrderLayers;
    bool                m_haveSelectedLayer;

    QString             m_lastError;

    // caches for use in getScrollableBackLayers, getNonScrollableFrontLayers
    mutable LayerList m_lastScrollableBackLayers;
    mutable LayerList m_lastNonScrollableBackLayers;

    struct ProgressBarRec {
        QPushButton *cancel;
        QProgressBar *bar;
        int lastCheck;
        QTimer *checkTimer;
    typedef std::map<Layer *, ProgressBarRec> ProgressMap;
    ProgressMap m_progressBars; // I own the ProgressBars

    ViewManager *m_manager; // I don't own this
    ViewPropertyContainer *m_propertyContainer; // I own this

// Use this for delegation, because we can't subclass from
// PropertyContainer (which is a QObject) ourselves because of
// ambiguity with QFrame parent

class ViewPropertyContainer : public PropertyContainer

    ViewPropertyContainer(View *v);
    virtual ~ViewPropertyContainer();

    PropertyList getProperties() const override { return m_v->getProperties(); }
    QString getPropertyLabel(const PropertyName &n) const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyLabel(n);
    PropertyType getPropertyType(const PropertyName &n) const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyType(n);
    int getPropertyRangeAndValue(const PropertyName &n, int *min, int *max,
                                 int *deflt) const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyRangeAndValue(n, min, max, deflt);
    QString getPropertyValueLabel(const PropertyName &n, int value) const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyValueLabel(n, value);
    QString getPropertyContainerName() const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyContainerName();
    QString getPropertyContainerIconName() const override {
        return m_v->getPropertyContainerIconName();

public slots:
    void setProperty(const PropertyName &n, int value) override {
        m_v->setProperty(n, value);

    View *m_v;
