
age author description
2014-01-08 Chris Cannam Play these with a pitch now (since we support any frequency) tonioni
2014-01-07 Chris Cannam sampleId -> clipId tonioni
2014-01-07 Chris Cannam SV file compatibility etc for sample stuff tonioni
2014-01-07 Chris Cannam sample id instead of plugin data tonioni
2014-01-07 Chris Cannam Toward using a sample mixer (with arbitrary frequency target) instead of dssi player plugin tonioni
2013-12-11 Chris Cannam Fix handling of negative frame times in returned features from plugin -- we don't handle them, so don't insert them into the model (instead of blowing up)
2013-12-11 Chris Cannam Clarify
2013-12-11 Chris Cannam Remove obsolete files
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Use a settings setting for flexi/non-flexi determination -- this may not be the right thing in the long run but it's simpler and easier than passing through a random value that doesn't actually come from anywhere tonioni
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Add non-SV-preferred options tonioni
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Merge from default branch tonioni
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Merge from branch "tonioni_multi_transform" tonioni
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Merge from tonioni branch tonioni_multi_transform
2013-12-04 Chris Cannam Fix warning
2013-12-02 Chris Cannam Merge tonioni
2013-12-02 Chris Cannam Add NoteExportable base class, use it in MIDI export (and also elsewhere in playback) tonioni_multi_transform
2013-12-02 Chris Cannam Merge branch tonioni_multi_transform tonioni
2013-12-02 Chris Cannam Update the rest of the transforms stuff, so now it builds and runs again tonioni_multi_transform
2013-12-02 Chris Cannam More on multi-transform stuff tonioni_multi_transform
2013-11-29 Chris Cannam Toward running multiple transforms (from same plugin + params) at once tonioni_multi_transform
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam Merge from default branch tonioni
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam Avoid infinite loop in operator<< !
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam Likewise, but for toLocal8Bit().data()
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam Drop toStdString, with debug header we can stream QStrings
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam Drop std:: from cout, cerr, endl -- pull these in through Debug.h
2013-11-26 Chris Cannam WS -> OS
2013-11-22 Chris Cannam Merge from default branch tonioni
2013-11-04 Chris Cannam Fix error in break condition for csv file analysis -- was making csv file type guessing very slow for large files
2013-10-09 Chris Cannam Add writeSelection
2013-10-09 Chris Cannam Add toDelimitedDataString alternative with frame extents
2013-10-09 Chris Cannam Add CSVFile option
2013-10-09 Chris Cannam I don't think this optimisation is worth the loss of data fidelity any more
2013-09-16 Chris Cannam Memory barriers in ringbuffer
2013-07-30 Chris Cannam Merge
2013-07-19 Chris Cannam Use thread-local storage for network managers; otherwise we get "Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread" from nm.get()
2013-07-24 Chris Cannam Merge
2013-07-24 Chris Cannam When switching to "literal mode" for a local file path, use the original file path as passed to the FileSource ctor rather than going through QUrl. This avoids filename becoming encoded and QUrl::toString failing to decode it (as is happening with Windows paths using Qt5 currently).
2013-07-24 Chris Cannam Add resetCounters
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Merge tonioni
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Debug stuff tonioni
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Merge from default branch tonioni
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Line endings tonioni
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Merge from default branch tonioni
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Update project file for decoding reader
2013-07-17 Chris Cannam Rename Resampling- to DecodingWavFileReader, and use it whenever we have an audio file that is not quickly seekable using libsndfile. Avoids very slow performance when analysing ogg files.
2013-07-12 Chris Cannam Merge from the default branch tonioni
2013-07-08 Chris Cannam Merge
2013-07-08 Chris Cannam Qt4/5 compatibility fix