
age author description
2019-03-20 Chris Cannam Add overspill to events-within search single-point
2019-03-19 Chris Cannam Add nearest-event-matching search single-point
2019-03-19 Chris Cannam Update Labeller to new event API + fewer magical side-effects single-point
2019-03-18 Chris Cannam Introduce deferred notifier, + start converting sparse time-value model (perhaps we should rename it too) single-point
2019-03-18 Chris Cannam Make MagnitudeRange generic, in the form of Extents single-point
2019-03-15 Chris Cannam Update RegionModel following NoteModel, er, model. They have quite a bit in common that we should now pull out some of single-point
2019-03-15 Chris Cannam Switch to a single external set of commands for modifying editables with events single-point
2019-03-14 Chris Cannam Rework NoteModel commands (not entirely successfully); remove FlexiNoteModel as it has always been almost entirely identical to NoteModel (unlike its layer counterpart) single-point
2019-03-14 Chris Cannam Command tweaks, including executing it! single-point
2019-03-14 Chris Cannam Add getDuratioN single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Further API updates single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Update NoteModel to use EventSeries. This is incomplete and won't provide enough to update svgui for it yet; must also refactor to avoid duplication of nasty APIs when updating the rest of the models single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Fix compiler warning single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Fix XML single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Add and test getEndFrame (and getStartFrame) single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Test getEventsStartingWithin (briefly) single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Add getEventsStartingWithin single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Make const single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Add getEventsWithin single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Add getEventsWithin single-point
2019-03-13 Chris Cannam Always return consistent defaults for absent elements single-point
2019-03-12 Chris Cannam Further test & fixes single-point
2019-03-12 Chris Cannam Add some more handy methods single-point
2019-03-12 Chris Cannam Switch EventSeries to using a vector for m_events, so as to allow indexed access single-point
2019-03-12 Chris Cannam Add operator!= single-point
2019-03-11 Chris Cannam Add toDelimitedDataString; also requires reinstating m_haveDuration single-point
2019-03-11 Chris Cannam Another timing note single-point
2019-03-11 Chris Cannam Seems we can do just as well with a vector of events themselves single-point