changeset 492:23945cdd7161

* Update RDF query stuff again so as to set up a temporary datastore each time we want to query over an rdf file, instead of using rasqal against the file. Seems the only way to avoid threading and storage management issues when trying to load from a single-source file and perform queries against our main datastore at the same time. Maybe.
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 24 Nov 2008 16:26:11 +0000 (2008-11-24)
parents 6f8ee19984ad
children 3931711b5671
files rdf/RDFImporter.cpp rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h
diffstat 4 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 327 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rdf/RDFImporter.cpp	Mon Nov 24 12:26:21 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/RDFImporter.cpp	Mon Nov 24 16:26:11 2008 +0000
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
          (" PREFIX mo: <> "
           " SELECT ?url FROM <%1> "
           " WHERE { ?signal a mo:Signal ; mo:available_as ?url } "
-             ).arg(uri),
+             ).arg(m_uristring),
     if (value.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::URIValue) {
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery::closeSingleSource(m_uristring);
@@ -664,6 +665,8 @@
                            std::vector<float> &values,
                            QString label)
+    std::cerr << "RDFImporterImpl::fillModel: adding point at frame " << ftime << std::endl;
     SparseOneDimensionalModel *sodm =
         dynamic_cast<SparseOneDimensionalModel *>(model);
     if (sodm) {
@@ -802,6 +805,8 @@
             return OtherDocument;
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery::closeSingleSource(url);
--- a/rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp	Mon Nov 24 12:26:21 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp	Mon Nov 24 16:26:11 2008 +0000
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery::closeSingleSource(m_urlString);
--- a/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp	Mon Nov 24 12:26:21 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp	Mon Nov 24 16:26:11 2008 +0000
@@ -23,150 +23,204 @@
 #include <set>
-#include <rasqal/rasqal.h>
-#include <rasqal.h>
 #include <redland.h>
 #include <iostream>
 using std::cerr;
 using std::endl;
-class WrasqalWorldWrapper // wrong but wromantic, etc
-    WrasqalWorldWrapper() :
-        m_world(0)
-    {
-        m_world = rasqal_new_world();
-        if (!m_world) {
-            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to create RASQAL world!" << endl;
-            return;
-        }
-/*!!! This appears to be new for 0.9.17?
-        if (rasqal_world_open(m_world)) {
-            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to open RASQAL world!" << endl;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    ~WrasqalWorldWrapper()
-    {
-        rasqal_free_world(m_world);
-    }
-    bool isOK() const { return (m_world != 0); }
-    rasqal_world *getWorld() { return m_world; }
-    const rasqal_world *getWorld() const { return m_world; }
-    rasqal_world *m_world;
 class WredlandWorldWrapper
-    WredlandWorldWrapper() :
-        m_world(0), m_storage(0), m_model(0)
-    {
-        m_world = librdf_new_world();
-        if (!m_world) {
-            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to create LIBRDF world!" << endl;
-            return;
-        }
-        librdf_world_open(m_world);
-        m_storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, "trees", NULL, NULL);
-        if (!m_storage) {
-            std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland trees datastore, falling back to memory store" << std::endl;
-            m_storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-            if (!m_storage) {
-                std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland memory datastore" << std::endl;
-                return;
-            }                
-        }
-        m_model = librdf_new_model(m_world, m_storage, NULL);
-        if (!m_model) {
-            std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland data model" << std::endl;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
+    WredlandWorldWrapper();
+    ~WredlandWorldWrapper();
-    ~WredlandWorldWrapper()
-    {
-        while (!m_parsedUris.empty()) {
-            librdf_free_uri(m_parsedUris.begin()->second);
-            m_parsedUris.erase(m_parsedUris.begin());
-        }
-        if (m_model) librdf_free_model(m_model);
-        if (m_storage) librdf_free_storage(m_storage);
-        if (m_world) librdf_free_world(m_world);
-    }
+    bool isOK() const;
-    bool isOK() const { return (m_model != 0); }
-    librdf_uri *getUri(QString uriString, QString &errorString)
-    {
-        if (m_parsedUris.find(uriString) != m_parsedUris.end()) {
-            return m_parsedUris[uriString];
-        }
-        librdf_uri *uri = librdf_new_uri
-            (m_world, (const unsigned char *)uriString.toUtf8().data());
-        if (!uri) {
-            errorString = "Failed to construct librdf_uri!";
-            return 0;
-        }
-        librdf_parser *parser = librdf_new_parser(m_world, "guess", NULL, NULL);
-        if (!parser) {
-            errorString = "Failed to initialise Redland parser";
-            return 0;
-        }
-        std::cerr << "About to parse \"" << uriString.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
-        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Parse URI into LIBRDF model");
-        if (librdf_parser_parse_into_model(parser, uri, NULL, m_model)) {
-            errorString = QString("Failed to parse RDF from URI \"%1\"")
-                .arg(uriString);
-            librdf_free_parser(parser);
-//            librdf_free_uri(uri);
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            librdf_free_parser(parser);
-            m_parsedUris[uriString] = uri;
-            return uri;
-        }
-    }
+    bool loadUriIntoDefaultModel(QString uriString, QString &errorString);
     librdf_world *getWorld() { return m_world; }
     const librdf_world *getWorld() const { return m_world; }
-    librdf_model *getModel() { return m_model; }
-    const librdf_model *getModel() const { return m_model; }
+    librdf_model *getDefaultModel() { return m_defaultModel; }
+    const librdf_model *getDefaultModel() const { return m_defaultModel; }
+    librdf_model *getModel(QString fromUri);
+    void freeModel(QString forUri);
+    QMutex m_mutex;
     librdf_world *m_world;
-    librdf_storage *m_storage;
-    librdf_model *m_model;
+    librdf_storage *m_defaultStorage;
+    librdf_model *m_defaultModel;
-    QMutex m_mutex;
-    std::map<QString, librdf_uri *> m_parsedUris;
+    std::set<QString> m_defaultModelUris;
+    std::map<QString, librdf_storage *> m_ownStorageUris;
+    std::map<QString, librdf_model *> m_ownModelUris;
+    bool loadUri(librdf_model *model, QString uri, QString &errorString);
+WredlandWorldWrapper::WredlandWorldWrapper() :
+    m_world(0), m_defaultStorage(0), m_defaultModel(0)
+    m_world = librdf_new_world();
+    if (!m_world) {
+        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to create LIBRDF world!" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    librdf_world_open(m_world);
+    m_defaultStorage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, "trees", NULL, NULL);
+    if (!m_defaultStorage) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland trees datastore, falling back to memory store" << std::endl;
+        m_defaultStorage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+        if (!m_defaultStorage) {
+            std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland memory datastore" << std::endl;
+            return;
+        }                
+    }
+    m_defaultModel = librdf_new_model(m_world, m_defaultStorage, NULL);
+    if (!m_defaultModel) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland data model" << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    while (!m_ownModelUris.empty()) {
+        librdf_free_model(m_ownModelUris.begin()->second);
+        m_ownModelUris.erase(m_ownModelUris.begin());
+    }
+    while (!m_ownStorageUris.empty()) {
+        librdf_free_storage(m_ownStorageUris.begin()->second);
+        m_ownStorageUris.erase(m_ownStorageUris.begin());
+    }
+    if (m_defaultModel) librdf_free_model(m_defaultModel);
+    if (m_defaultStorage) librdf_free_storage(m_defaultStorage);
+    if (m_world) librdf_free_world(m_world);
+WredlandWorldWrapper::isOK() const {
+    return (m_defaultModel != 0); 
+WredlandWorldWrapper::loadUriIntoDefaultModel(QString uriString, QString &errorString)
+    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+    if (m_defaultModelUris.find(uriString) != m_defaultModelUris.end()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (loadUri(m_defaultModel, uriString, errorString)) {
+        m_defaultModelUris.insert(uriString);
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+librdf_model *
+WredlandWorldWrapper::getModel(QString fromUri)
+    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+    if (fromUri == "") {
+        return getDefaultModel();
+    }
+    if (m_ownModelUris.find(fromUri) != m_ownModelUris.end()) {
+        return m_ownModelUris[fromUri];
+    }
+    librdf_storage *storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, "trees", NULL, NULL);
+    if (!storage) { // don't warn here, we probably already did it in main ctor
+        storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    librdf_model *model = librdf_new_model(m_world, storage, NULL);
+    if (!model) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to create new model" << std::endl;
+        librdf_free_storage(storage);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    QString err;
+    if (!loadUri(model, fromUri, err)) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to parse into new model: " << err.toStdString() << std::endl;
+        librdf_free_model(model);
+        librdf_free_storage(storage);
+        m_ownModelUris[fromUri] = 0;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    m_ownModelUris[fromUri] = model;
+    m_ownStorageUris[fromUri] = storage;
+    return model;
+WredlandWorldWrapper::freeModel(QString forUri)
+    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+    if (forUri == "") {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::freeModel: ERROR: Can't free default model" << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (m_ownModelUris.find(forUri) == m_ownModelUris.end()) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::freeModel: ERROR: Never heard of this model (uri = \"" << forUri.toStdString() << "\")" << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    librdf_model *model = m_ownModelUris[forUri];
+    if (model) librdf_free_model(model);
+    m_ownModelUris.erase(forUri);
+    if (m_ownStorageUris.find(forUri) != m_ownStorageUris.end()) {
+        librdf_storage *storage = m_ownStorageUris[forUri];
+        if (storage) librdf_free_storage(storage);
+        m_ownStorageUris.erase(forUri);
+    }        
+WredlandWorldWrapper::loadUri(librdf_model *model, QString uri, QString &errorString)
+    librdf_uri *luri = librdf_new_uri
+        (m_world, (const unsigned char *)uri.toUtf8().data());
+    if (!luri) {
+        errorString = "Failed to construct librdf_uri!";
+        return false;
+    }
+    librdf_parser *parser = librdf_new_parser(m_world, "guess", NULL, NULL);
+    if (!parser) {
+        errorString = "Failed to initialise Redland parser";
+        return false;
+    }
+    std::cerr << "About to parse \"" << uri.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
+    Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Parse URI into LIBRDF model");
+    if (librdf_parser_parse_into_model(parser, luri, NULL, model)) {
+        errorString = QString("Failed to parse RDF from URI \"%1\"")
+            .arg(uri);
+        librdf_free_parser(parser);
+        return false;
+    } else {
+        librdf_free_parser(parser);
+        return true;
+    }
 class SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl
@@ -174,6 +228,7 @@
     static bool addSourceToModel(QString sourceUri);
+    static void closeSingleSource(QString sourceUri);
     void setProgressReporter(ProgressReporter *reporter) { m_reporter = reporter; }
     bool wasCancelled() const { return m_cancelled; }
@@ -184,20 +239,13 @@
     QString getErrorString() const;
-    static void errorHandler(void *, raptor_locator *, const char *);
     static QMutex m_mutex;
-    static WrasqalWorldWrapper *m_rasqal;
-    static bool m_rasqalInitialised;
-    static WredlandWorldWrapper *m_redland;
+    static WredlandWorldWrapper m_redland;
     ResultList executeDirectParser();
     ResultList executeDatastore();
+    ResultList executeFor(QString modelUri);
     QueryType m_type;
     QString m_query;
@@ -206,13 +254,7 @@
     bool m_cancelled;
-WrasqalWorldWrapper *SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_rasqal = 0;
-bool SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_rasqalInitialised = false;
-WredlandWorldWrapper *SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_redland = 0;
+WredlandWorldWrapper SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_redland;
 QMutex SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_mutex;
@@ -262,15 +304,18 @@
     return SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::addSourceToModel(sourceUri);
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::closeSingleSource(QString sourceUri)
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::closeSingleSource(sourceUri);
 SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::Impl(QueryType type, QString query) :
-    std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl: Query is: \"" << query.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
@@ -289,25 +334,6 @@
     return m_errorString;
-SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::errorHandler(void *data, 
-                                      raptor_locator *locator,
-                                      const char *message) 
-    SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl *impl = (SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl *)data;
-    char buffer[256];
-    raptor_format_locator(buffer, 255, locator);
-    QString loc(buffer);
-    if (loc != "") {
-        impl->m_errorString = QString("%1 - %2").arg(loc).arg(message);
-    } else {
-        impl->m_errorString = message;
-    }
-    cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: " << impl->m_errorString.toStdString() << endl;
@@ -315,33 +341,9 @@
     QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
-    if (m_type == QueryFromModel) {
-        if (!m_redland) {
-            // There can be no results, because no sources have been
-            // added to the model yet (m_redland is only created when
-            // addSourceToModel is called)
-            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: NOTE: No sources have been added to data model yet, so no results are possible" << endl;
-            return list;
-        }
-    }
-    if (m_type == QueryFromSingleSource) {
-        if (!m_rasqal) {
-            m_rasqal = new WrasqalWorldWrapper();
-            if (!m_rasqal->isOK()) {
-                cerr << "ERROR: SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: Failed to initialise Rasqal query engine" << endl;
-                delete m_rasqal;
-                m_rasqal = 0;
-                return list;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!m_rasqalInitialised) {
-            rasqal_init();
-            m_rasqalInitialised = true;
-        }
+    if (!m_redland.isOK()) {
+        cerr << "ERROR: SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: Failed to initialise Redland datastore" << endl;
+        return list;
     if (m_type == QueryFromSingleSource) {
@@ -349,159 +351,73 @@
     } else {
         return executeDatastore();
+    if (m_errorString != "") {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: error returned: \""
+                  << m_errorString.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
+    }
+    std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDirectParser: Query is: \"" << m_query.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
     ResultList list;
     Profiler profiler("SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDirectParser");
-    rasqal_query *query = rasqal_new_query(m_rasqal->getWorld(), "sparql", NULL);
-    rasqal_query *query = rasqal_new_query("sparql", NULL);
+    static QRegExp fromRE("from\\s+<([^>]+)>", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+    QString fromUri;
+    if (fromRE.indexIn(m_query) < 0) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDirectParser: Query contains no FROM clause, nothing to parse from" << std::endl;
+        return list;
+    } else {
+        fromUri = fromRE.cap(1);
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDirectParser: FROM URI is <"
+                  << fromUri.toStdString() << ">" << std::endl;
-    if (!query) {
-        m_errorString = "Failed to construct query";
-        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: " << m_errorString.toStdString() << endl;
-        return list;
-    rasqal_query_set_error_handler(query, this, errorHandler);
-    rasqal_query_set_fatal_error_handler(query, this, errorHandler);
-    {
-        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Prepare RASQAL query");
-        if (rasqal_query_prepare
-            (query, (const unsigned char *)m_query.toUtf8().data(), NULL)) {
-            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: Failed to prepare query" << endl;
-            rasqal_free_query(query);
-            return list;
-        }
-    }
-    rasqal_query_results *results;
-    {
-        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Execute RASQAL query");
-        results = rasqal_query_execute(query);
-    }
-//    cerr << "Query executed" << endl;
-    if (!results) {
-        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: RASQAL query failed" << endl;
-        rasqal_free_query(query);
-        return list;
-    }
-    if (!rasqal_query_results_is_bindings(results)) {
-        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: RASQAL query has wrong result type (not bindings)" << endl;
-        rasqal_free_query_results(results);
-        rasqal_free_query(query);
-        return list;
-    }
-    int resultCount = 0;
-    int resultTotal = rasqal_query_results_get_count(results); // probably wrong
-    m_cancelled = false;
-    while (!rasqal_query_results_finished(results)) {
-        int count = rasqal_query_results_get_bindings_count(results);
-        KeyValueMap resultmap;
-        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-            const unsigned char *name =
-                rasqal_query_results_get_binding_name(results, i);
-            if (!name) {
-                std::cerr << "WARNING: Result " << i << " of query has no name" << std::endl;
-                continue;
-            }
-            rasqal_literal *literal =
-                rasqal_query_results_get_binding_value(results, i);
-            QString key = (const char *)name;
-            if (!literal) {
-                resultmap[key] = Value();
-                continue;
-            }
-            ValueType type = LiteralValue;
-            if (literal->type == RASQAL_LITERAL_BLANK) type = BlankValue;
-            else if (literal->type == RASQAL_LITERAL_URI) type = URIValue;
-            QString text;
-            const char *lit = (const char *)rasqal_literal_as_string(literal);
-            if (!lit) {
-                std::cerr << "WARNING: Result " << i << " of query has null value" << std::endl;
-            } else {
-                text = lit;
-            }
-            std::cerr << i << ". " << key.toStdString() << " -> " << text.toStdString() << " (type " << type << ")" << std::endl;
-            resultmap[key] = Value(type, text);
-        }
-        list.push_back(resultmap);
-        rasqal_query_results_next(results);
-        resultCount++;
-        if (m_reporter) {
-            if (resultCount >= resultTotal) {
-                if (m_reporter->isDefinite()) m_reporter->setDefinite(false);
-                m_reporter->setProgress(resultCount);
-            } else {
-                m_reporter->setProgress((resultCount * 100) / resultTotal);
-            }
-            if (m_reporter->wasCancelled()) {
-                m_cancelled = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    rasqal_free_query_results(results);
-    rasqal_free_query(query);
-    return list;
+    return executeFor(fromUri);
+    std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDatastore: Query is: \"" << m_query.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
     ResultList list;
     Profiler profiler("SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDatastore");
+    return executeFor("");
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::executeFor(QString modelUri)
+    ResultList list;
+    librdf_query *query;
     static std::map<QString, int> counter;
     if (counter.find(m_query) == counter.end()) counter[m_query] = 1;
     else ++counter[m_query];
     std::cerr << "Counter for this query: " << counter[m_query] << std::endl;
-    std::cerr << "Base URI is: \"" << m_fromUri.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
-    librdf_query *query;
+    std::cerr << "Base URI is: \"" << modelUri.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
         Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Prepare LIBRDF query");
         query = librdf_new_query
-            (m_redland->getWorld(), "sparql", NULL,
+            (m_redland.getWorld(), "sparql", NULL,
              (const unsigned char *)m_query.toUtf8().data(), NULL);
@@ -513,7 +429,7 @@
     librdf_query_results *results;
         Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Execute LIBRDF query");
-        results = librdf_query_execute(query, m_redland->getModel());
+        results = librdf_query_execute(query, m_redland.getModel(modelUri));
     if (!results) {
@@ -555,6 +471,9 @@
             QString key = (const char *)name;
             if (!node) {
+                std::cerr << i << ". " << key.toStdString() << " -> (nil)" << std::endl;
                 resultmap[key] = Value();
@@ -600,7 +519,7 @@
             resultmap[key] = Value(type, text);
-            librdf_free_node(node);
+//            librdf_free_node(node);
@@ -628,7 +547,7 @@
-    cerr << "All results retrieved (" << resultCount << " of them)" << endl;
+    cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDatastore: All results retrieved (" << resultCount << " of them)" << endl;
     return list;
@@ -641,25 +560,26 @@
     QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
-    if (!m_redland) {
-        m_redland = new WredlandWorldWrapper();
-        if (!m_redland->isOK()) {
-            cerr << "ERROR: SimpleSPARQLQuery::addSourceToModel: Failed to initialise Redland datastore" << endl;
-            delete m_redland;
-            m_redland = 0;
-            return false;
-        }
+    if (!m_redland.isOK()) {
+        std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::addSourceToModel: Failed to initialise Redland datastore" << std::endl;
+        return false;
-    librdf_uri *uri = m_redland->getUri(sourceUri, err);
-    if (!uri) {
+    if (!m_redland.loadUriIntoDefaultModel(sourceUri, err)) {
         std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::addSourceToModel: Failed to add source URI \"" << sourceUri.toStdString() << ": " << err.toStdString() << std::endl;
         return false;
     return true;
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::closeSingleSource(QString sourceUri)
+    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+    m_redland.freeModel(sourceUri);
 SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(QueryType type,
                                      QString query, QString binding)
--- a/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h	Mon Nov 24 12:26:21 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h	Mon Nov 24 16:26:11 2008 +0000
@@ -37,16 +37,52 @@
     typedef std::map<QString, Value> KeyValueMap;
     typedef std::vector<KeyValueMap> ResultList;
+    /**
+     * QueryType specifies the context in which the query will be
+     * evaluated.  SimpleSPARQLQuery maintains a general global data
+     * model, into which data can be loaded using addSourceToModel(),
+     * as well as permitting one-time queries directly on data sources
+     * identified by URL.
+     *
+     * The query type QueryFromModel indicates a query to be evaluated
+     * over the general global model; the query type
+     * QueryFromSingleSource indicates that the query should be
+     * evaluated in the context of a model generated solely by parsing
+     * the FROM url found in the query.
+     *
+     * Even in QueryFromSingleSource mode, the parsed data remains in
+     * memory and will be reused in subsequent queries with the same
+     * mode and FROM url.  To release data loaded in this way once all
+     * queries across it are complete, pass the said FROM url to
+     * closeSingleSource().
+     */
     enum QueryType {
+    /**
+     * Construct a query of the given type (indicating the data model
+     * context for the query) using the given SPARQL query content.
+     */
     SimpleSPARQLQuery(QueryType type, QString query);
+    /**
+     * Add the given URI to the general global model used for
+     * QueryFromModel queries.
+     */
     static bool addSourceToModel(QString sourceUri);
+    /**
+     * Release any data that has been loaded from the given source as
+     * part of a QueryFromSingleSource query with this source in the
+     * FROM clause.  Note this will not prevent any subsequent queries
+     * on the source from working -- it will just make them slower as
+     * the data will need to be re-parsed.
+     */
+    static void closeSingleSource(QString sourceUri);
     void setProgressReporter(ProgressReporter *reporter);
     bool wasCancelled() const;
@@ -55,8 +91,10 @@
     bool isOK() const;
     QString getErrorString() const;
-    // Do a query and return the value for the given binding, from the
-    // first result that has a value for it
+    /**
+     * Construct and execute a query, and return the first result
+     * value for the given binding.
+     */
     static Value singleResultQuery(QueryType type,
                                    QString query,
                                    QString binding);