# HG changeset patch
# User Chris Cannam
# Date 1226586203 0
# Node ID 3ffce691c9bf5b67f419ea497f7f37019fbca894
# Parent  f933062a7f802e4936c1b5e87c311e308e7e0fbe
* Add Redland datastore support to SimpleSPARQLQuery

diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/PluginRDFDescription.cpp
--- a/rdf/PluginRDFDescription.cpp	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/PluginRDFDescription.cpp	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -201,21 +201,22 @@
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value v;
     v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-        (queryTemplate.arg("vamp:name").arg("name"), "name");
+        (url, queryTemplate.arg("vamp:name").arg("name"), "name");
     if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::LiteralValue && v.value != "") {
         m_pluginName = v.value;
     v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-        (queryTemplate.arg("dc:description").arg("description"), "description");
+        (url, queryTemplate.arg("dc:description").arg("description"), "description");
     if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::LiteralValue && v.value != "") {
         m_pluginDescription = v.value;
     v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-        (QString(
+        (url,
+         QString(
             " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
             " PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> "
             " SELECT ?name FROM <%1> "
@@ -239,7 +240,8 @@
     // perhaps that would be unwise
     v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-        (QString(
+        (url,
+         QString(
             " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
             " PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> "
             " SELECT ?page from <%1> "
@@ -258,7 +260,8 @@
     } else {
         v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (QString(
+            (url,
+             QString(
                 " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
                 " PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> "
                 " SELECT ?page from <%1> "
@@ -287,7 +290,8 @@
     Profiler profiler("PluginRDFDescription::indexOutputs");
     SimpleSPARQLQuery query
-        (QString
+        (url,
+         QString
              " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
@@ -361,7 +365,8 @@
         SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value v;
         v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (QString(" PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
+            (url, 
+             QString(" PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
                      " PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> "
                      " SELECT ?title FROM <%1> "
                      " WHERE { <%2> dc:title ?title } ")
@@ -378,21 +383,21 @@
         v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (queryTemplate.arg("event_type"), "event_type");
+            (url, queryTemplate.arg("event_type"), "event_type");
         if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::URIValue && v.value != "") {
             m_outputEventTypeURIMap[outputId] = v.value;
         v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (queryTemplate.arg("feature_attribute"), "feature_attribute");
+            (url, queryTemplate.arg("feature_attribute"), "feature_attribute");
         if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::URIValue && v.value != "") {
             m_outputFeatureAttributeURIMap[outputId] = v.value;
         v = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (queryTemplate.arg("signal_type"), "signal_type");
+            (url, queryTemplate.arg("signal_type"), "signal_type");
         if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::URIValue && v.value != "") {
             m_outputSignalTypeURIMap[outputId] = v.value;
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/PluginRDFIndexer.cpp
--- a/rdf/PluginRDFIndexer.cpp	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/PluginRDFIndexer.cpp	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -257,13 +257,14 @@
             return false;
-        localString = cf.getLocalFilename();
+        localString = "file://" + cf.getLocalFilename(); //!!! crud - fix!
 //    cerr << "PluginRDFIndexer::indexURL: url = <" << urlString.toStdString() << ">" << endl;
     SimpleSPARQLQuery query
-        (QString
+        (localString,
+         QString
              " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/RDFImporter.cpp
--- a/rdf/RDFImporter.cpp	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/RDFImporter.cpp	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -157,7 +157,8 @@
                                     ProgressReporter *reporter)
     SimpleSPARQLQuery query = SimpleSPARQLQuery
-        (QString
+        (m_uristring,
+         QString
              " PREFIX mo: <http://purl.org/ontology/mo/>"
              " PREFIX af: <http://purl.org/ontology/af/>"
@@ -288,7 +289,8 @@
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value dimensionsValue =
-        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(dimensionsQuery
+        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(m_uristring,
+                                             dimensionsQuery
@@ -329,7 +331,8 @@
     // multiple optionals properly
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value srValue = 
-        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(queryTemplate
+        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(m_uristring,
+                                             queryTemplate
@@ -338,7 +341,8 @@
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value hopValue = 
-        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(queryTemplate
+        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(m_uristring,
+                                             queryTemplate
@@ -347,7 +351,8 @@
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value winValue = 
-        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(queryTemplate
+        SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(m_uristring,
+                                             queryTemplate
@@ -455,7 +460,7 @@
-    SimpleSPARQLQuery query(queryString);
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery query(m_uristring, queryString);
     cerr << "Query will be: " << queryString.toStdString() << endl;
@@ -517,9 +522,9 @@
         bool haveDuration = false;
         QString label = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-            (labelQueryString.arg(thinguri), "label").value;
+            (m_uristring, labelQueryString.arg(thinguri), "label").value;
-        SimpleSPARQLQuery rangeQuery(rangeQueryString.arg(thinguri));
+        SimpleSPARQLQuery rangeQuery(m_uristring, rangeQueryString.arg(thinguri));
         SimpleSPARQLQuery::ResultList rangeResults = rangeQuery.execute();
         if (!rangeResults.empty()) {
 //                std::cerr << rangeResults.size() << " range results" << std::endl;
@@ -532,7 +537,7 @@
             haveDuration = true;
         } else {
             QString timestring = SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery
-                (timeQueryString.arg(thinguri), "time").value;
+                (m_uristring, timeQueryString.arg(thinguri), "time").value;
             if (timestring != "") {
                 time = RealTime::fromXsdDuration(timestring.toStdString());
                 haveTime = true;
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp
--- a/rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
         " } ";
     SimpleSPARQLQuery transformsQuery
-        (queryTemplate.arg("").arg(m_urlString).arg(""));
+        (m_urlString, queryTemplate.arg("").arg(m_urlString).arg(""));
     SimpleSPARQLQuery::ResultList transformResults = transformsQuery.execute();
@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@
         QString optional = optionals[i];
         SimpleSPARQLQuery query
-            (queryTemplate
+            (m_urlString,
+             queryTemplate
              .arg(QString("?transform vamp:%1 ?%2")
@@ -277,7 +278,8 @@
                                    QString pluginDescriptionURL)
     SimpleSPARQLQuery outputQuery
-        (QString
+        (m_urlString,
+         QString
              " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
@@ -322,7 +324,8 @@
                                        QString pluginDescriptionURL)
     SimpleSPARQLQuery paramQuery
-        (QString
+        (m_urlString,
+         QString
              " PREFIX vamp: <http://purl.org/ontology/vamp/> "
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp
--- a/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.cpp	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
 #include "SimpleSPARQLQuery.h"
 #include "base/ProgressReporter.h"
+#include "base/Profiler.h"
+#include <QMutex>
+#include <QMutexLocker>
+#include <set>
 #include <rasqal/rasqal.h>
@@ -22,6 +28,10 @@
 #include <rasqal.h>
+#include <redland.h>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -36,17 +46,115 @@
     WrasqalWorldWrapper() : m_world(rasqal_new_world()) { }
     ~WrasqalWorldWrapper() { rasqal_free_world(m_world); }
-    rasqal_world *getWorld() const { return m_world; }
+    rasqal_world *getWorld() { return m_world; }
+    const rasqal_world *getWorld() const { return m_world; }
     rasqal_world *m_world;
+class WredlandWorldWrapper
+    WredlandWorldWrapper() :
+        m_world(0), m_storage(0), m_model(0)
+    {
+        m_world = librdf_new_world();
+        librdf_world_open(m_world);
+            m_storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+//        m_storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, "hashes", NULL,
+//.                                       "hash-type='memory',indexes=1");
+        if (!m_storage) {
+            std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland hashes datastore, falling back to memory store" << std::endl;
+            m_storage = librdf_new_storage(m_world, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            if (!m_storage) {
+                std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland memory datastore" << std::endl;
+                return;
+            }                
+        }
+        m_model = librdf_new_model(m_world, m_storage, NULL);
+        if (!m_model) {
+            std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: ERROR: Failed to initialise Redland data model" << std::endl;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    ~WredlandWorldWrapper()
+    {
+        while (!m_parsedUris.empty()) {
+            librdf_free_uri(m_parsedUris.begin()->second);
+            m_parsedUris.erase(m_parsedUris.begin());
+        }
+        if (m_model) librdf_free_model(m_model);
+        if (m_storage) librdf_free_storage(m_storage);
+        if (m_world) librdf_free_world(m_world);
+    }
+    bool isOK() const { return (m_model != 0); }
+    librdf_uri *getUri(QString uriString, QString &errorString)
+    {
+        QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
+        if (m_parsedUris.find(uriString) != m_parsedUris.end()) {
+            return m_parsedUris[uriString];
+        }
+        librdf_uri *uri = librdf_new_uri
+            (m_world, (const unsigned char *)uriString.toUtf8().data());
+        if (!uri) {
+            errorString = "Failed to construct librdf_uri!";
+            return 0;
+        }
+        librdf_parser *parser = librdf_new_parser(m_world, "guess", NULL, NULL);
+        if (!parser) {
+            errorString = "Failed to initialise Redland parser";
+            return 0;
+        }
+        std::cerr << "About to parse \"" << uriString.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
+        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Parse URI into LIBRDF model");
+        if (librdf_parser_parse_into_model(parser, uri, NULL, m_model)) {
+            errorString = QString("Failed to parse RDF from URI \"%1\"")
+                .arg(uriString);
+            librdf_free_parser(parser);
+            librdf_free_uri(uri);
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            librdf_free_parser(parser);
+            m_parsedUris[uriString] = uri;
+            return uri;
+        }
+    }
+    librdf_world *getWorld() { return m_world; }
+    const librdf_world *getWorld() const { return m_world; }
+    librdf_model *getModel() { return m_model; }
+    const librdf_model *getModel() const { return m_model; }
+    librdf_world *m_world;
+    librdf_storage *m_storage;
+    librdf_model *m_model;
+    QMutex m_mutex;
+    std::map<QString, librdf_uri *> m_parsedUris;
 class SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl
-    Impl(QString query);
+    Impl(QString fromUri, QString query);
     void setProgressReporter(ProgressReporter *reporter) { m_reporter = reporter; }
@@ -57,15 +165,32 @@
     bool isOK() const;
     QString getErrorString() const;
+    static void setImplementationPreference
+    (SimpleSPARQLQuery::ImplementationPreference p) {
+        m_preference = p;
+    }
     static void errorHandler(void *, raptor_locator *, const char *);
+    static QMutex m_mutex;
-    static WrasqalWorldWrapper m_www;
+    static WrasqalWorldWrapper *m_rasqal;
-    static bool m_initialised;
+    static bool m_rasqalInitialised;
+    static WredlandWorldWrapper *m_redland;
+    static SimpleSPARQLQuery::ImplementationPreference m_preference;
+    ResultList executeDirectParser();
+    ResultList executeDatastore();
+    QString m_fromUri;
     QString m_query;
     QString m_errorString;
     ProgressReporter *m_reporter;
@@ -73,15 +198,24 @@
+WrasqalWorldWrapper *SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_rasqal = 0;
-SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_initialised = false;
+bool SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_rasqalInitialised = false;
-SimpleSPARQLQuery::SimpleSPARQLQuery(QString query) :
-    m_impl(new Impl(query)) { }
+WredlandWorldWrapper *SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_redland = 0;
+QMutex SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_mutex;
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::m_preference = SimpleSPARQLQuery::UseDirectParser;
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::SimpleSPARQLQuery(QString fromUri, QString query) :
+    m_impl(new Impl(fromUri, query))
@@ -118,7 +252,14 @@
     return m_impl->getErrorString();
-SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::Impl(QString query) :
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::setImplementationPreference(ImplementationPreference p)
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::setImplementationPreference(p);
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::Impl::Impl(QString fromUri, QString query) :
+    m_fromUri(fromUri),
@@ -165,13 +306,57 @@
     ResultList list;
+    ImplementationPreference preference;
+    m_mutex.lock();
+    if (m_preference == UseDatastore) {
+        if (!m_redland) {
+            m_redland = new WredlandWorldWrapper();
+            if (!m_redland->isOK()) {
+                cerr << "WARNING: SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: Failed to initialise Redland datastore, falling back to direct parser implementation" << endl;
+                delete m_redland;
+                m_preference = UseDirectParser;
+            }
+        }
+        cerr << "WARNING: SimpleSPARQLQuery::execute: Datastore implementation preference indicated, but no datastore compiled in; using direct parser" << endl;
+        m_preference = UseDirectParser;
+    }
+    if (m_preference == UseDirectParser) {
-    rasqal_query *query = rasqal_new_query(m_www.getWorld(), "sparql", NULL);
+        if (!m_rasqal) m_rasqal = new WrasqalWorldWrapper();
-    if (!m_initialised) {
-        m_initialised = true;
-        rasqal_init();
+        if (!m_rasqalInitialised) {
+            rasqal_init();
+            m_rasqalInitialised = true;
+        }
+    preference = m_preference;
+    m_mutex.unlock();
+    if (preference == SimpleSPARQLQuery::UseDirectParser) {
+        return executeDirectParser();
+    } else {
+        return executeDatastore();
+    }
+    ResultList list;
+    Profiler profiler("SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDirectParser");
+    rasqal_query *query = rasqal_new_query(m_rasqal->getWorld(), "sparql", NULL);
     rasqal_query *query = rasqal_new_query("sparql", NULL);
     if (!query) {
@@ -183,14 +368,23 @@
     rasqal_query_set_error_handler(query, this, errorHandler);
     rasqal_query_set_fatal_error_handler(query, this, errorHandler);
-    if (rasqal_query_prepare
-        (query, (const unsigned char *)m_query.toUtf8().data(), NULL)) {
-        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: Failed to prepare query" << endl;
-        rasqal_free_query(query);
-        return list;
+    {
+        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Prepare RASQAL query");
+        if (rasqal_query_prepare
+            (query, (const unsigned char *)m_query.toUtf8().data(), NULL)) {
+            cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: Failed to prepare query" << endl;
+            rasqal_free_query(query);
+            return list;
+        }
-    rasqal_query_results *results = rasqal_query_execute(query);
+    rasqal_query_results *results;
+    {
+        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Execute RASQAL query");
+        results = rasqal_query_execute(query);
+    }
 //    cerr << "Query executed" << endl;
@@ -272,10 +466,143 @@
     return list;
+    ResultList list;
+    // This should have been caught by execute()
+    cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: INTERNAL ERROR: Datastore not compiled in" << endl;
+    return list;
+    Profiler profiler("SimpleSPARQLQuery::executeDatastore");
+    librdf_uri *uri = m_redland->getUri(m_fromUri, m_errorString);
+    if (!uri) return list;
+    std::cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: Query is: \"" << m_query.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;
+    static std::map<QString, int> counter;
+    if (counter.find(m_query) == counter.end()) counter[m_query] = 1;
+    else ++counter[m_query];
+    std::cerr << "Counter for this query: " << counter[m_query] << std::endl;
+    librdf_query *query;
+    {
+        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Prepare LIBRDF query");
+        query = librdf_new_query
+            (m_redland->getWorld(), "sparql", NULL,
+             (const unsigned char *)m_query.toUtf8().data(), uri);
+    }
+    std::cerr << "Prepared" << std::endl;
+    if (!query) {
+        m_errorString = "Failed to construct query";
+        return list;
+    }
+    librdf_query_results *results;
+    {
+        Profiler p("SimpleSPARQLQuery: Execute LIBRDF query");
+        results = librdf_query_execute(query, m_redland->getModel());
+    }
+    std::cerr << "Executed" << std::endl;
+    if (!results) {
+        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: LIBRDF query failed" << endl;
+        librdf_free_query(query);
+        return list;
+    }
+    if (!librdf_query_results_is_bindings(results)) {
+        cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: LIBRDF query has wrong result type (not bindings)" << endl;
+        librdf_free_query_results(results);
+        librdf_free_query(query);
+        return list;
+    }
+    int resultCount = 0;
+    int resultTotal = librdf_query_results_get_count(results); // probably wrong
+    m_cancelled = false;
+    while (!librdf_query_results_finished(results)) {
+        int count = librdf_query_results_get_bindings_count(results);
+        KeyValueMap resultmap;
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+            const char *name =
+                librdf_query_results_get_binding_name(results, i);
+            librdf_node *node =
+                librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, i);
+            QString key = (const char *)name;
+            if (!node) {
+                resultmap[key] = Value();
+                continue;
+            }
+            ValueType type = LiteralValue;
+            if (librdf_node_is_resource(node)) type = URIValue;
+            else if (librdf_node_is_literal(node)) type = LiteralValue;
+            else if (librdf_node_is_blank(node)) type = BlankValue;
+            else {
+                cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery: LIBRDF query returned unknown node type (not resource, literal, or blank)" << endl;
+                resultmap[key] = Value();
+                librdf_free_node(node);
+                continue;
+            }
+            QString text = (const char *)librdf_node_get_literal_value(node);
+            std::cerr << i << ". " << key.toStdString() << " -> " << text.toStdString() << " (type " << type << ")" << std::endl;
+            resultmap[key] = Value(type, text);
+            librdf_free_node(node);
+        }
+        list.push_back(resultmap);
+        librdf_query_results_next(results);
+        resultCount++;
+        if (m_reporter) {
+            if (resultCount >= resultTotal) {
+                if (m_reporter->isDefinite()) m_reporter->setDefinite(false);
+                m_reporter->setProgress(resultCount);
+            } else {
+                m_reporter->setProgress((resultCount * 100) / resultTotal);
+            }
+            if (m_reporter->wasCancelled()) {
+                m_cancelled = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    librdf_free_query_results(results);
+    librdf_free_query(query);
+    std::cerr << "All results retrieved" << std::endl;
+    return list;
-SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(QString query, QString binding)
+SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery(QString fromUri,
+                                     QString query, QString binding)
-    SimpleSPARQLQuery q(query);
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery q(fromUri, query);
     ResultList results = q.execute();
     if (!q.isOK()) {
         cerr << "SimpleSPARQLQuery::singleResultQuery: ERROR: "
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h
--- a/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/SimpleSPARQLQuery.h	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     typedef std::map<QString, Value> KeyValueMap;
     typedef std::vector<KeyValueMap> ResultList;
-    SimpleSPARQLQuery(QString query);
+    SimpleSPARQLQuery(QString fromUri, QString query);
     void setProgressReporter(ProgressReporter *reporter);
@@ -50,7 +50,15 @@
     // Do a query and return the value for the given binding, from the
     // first result that has a value for it
-    static Value singleResultQuery(QString query, QString binding);
+    static Value singleResultQuery(QString fromUri,
+                                   QString query,
+                                   QString binding);
+    enum ImplementationPreference {
+        UseDirectParser, // rasqal (default because it's simpler if seldom used)
+        UseDatastore     // redland
+    };
+    static void setImplementationPreference(ImplementationPreference);
     class Impl;
diff -r f933062a7f80 -r 3ffce691c9bf rdf/rdf.pro
--- a/rdf/rdf.pro	Wed Nov 12 16:39:29 2008 +0000
+++ b/rdf/rdf.pro	Thu Nov 13 14:23:23 2008 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-SV_UNIT_PACKAGES = rasqal raptor
+SV_UNIT_PACKAGES = redland rasqal raptor
 CONFIG += sv staticlib qt thread warn_on stl rtti exceptions