Chris@1086: /* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
Chris@1086: /*
Chris@1086:     Sonic Visualiser
Chris@1086:     An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
Chris@1086:     Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
Chris@1086:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Chris@1086:     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
Chris@1086:     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
Chris@1086:     License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
Chris@1086:     COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
Chris@1086: */
Chris@1086: #ifndef TEST_FFT_MODEL_H
Chris@1086: #define TEST_FFT_MODEL_H
Chris@1086: #include "../FFTModel.h"
Chris@1086: #include "MockWaveModel.h"
Chris@1086: #include "Compares.h"
Chris@1086: #include <QObject>
Chris@1086: #include <QtTest>
Chris@1086: #include <QDir>
Chris@1086: #include <iostream>
Chris@1088: #include <complex>
Chris@1086: using namespace std;
Chris@1086: class TestFFTModel : public QObject
Chris@1086: {
Chris@1086:     Q_OBJECT
Chris@1088: private:
Chris@1744:     void test(ModelId model, // a DenseTimeValueModel
Chris@1088:               WindowType window, int windowSize, int windowIncrement, int fftSize,
Chris@1088:               int columnNo, vector<vector<complex<float>>> expectedValues,
Chris@1088:               int expectedWidth) {
Chris@1088:         for (int ch = 0; in_range_for(expectedValues, ch); ++ch) {
Chris@1091:             FFTModel fftm(model, ch, window, windowSize, windowIncrement, fftSize);
Chris@1091:             QCOMPARE(fftm.getWidth(), expectedWidth);
Chris@1091:             int hs1 = fftSize/2 + 1;
Chris@1091:             QCOMPARE(fftm.getHeight(), hs1);
Chris@1091:             vector<float> reals(hs1 + 1, 0.f);
Chris@1091:             vector<float> imags(hs1 + 1, 0.f);
Chris@1091:             reals[hs1] = 999.f; // overrun guards
Chris@1091:             imags[hs1] = 999.f;
Chris@1099:             for (int stepThrough = 0; stepThrough <= 1; ++stepThrough) {
Chris@1099:                 if (stepThrough) {
Chris@1099:                     // Read through the columns in order instead of
Chris@1099:                     // randomly accessing the one we want. This is to
Chris@1099:                     // exercise the case where the FFT model saves
Chris@1099:                     // part of each input frame and moves along by
Chris@1099:                     // only the non-overlapping distance
Chris@1099:                     for (int sc = 0; sc < columnNo; ++sc) {
Chris@1099:                         fftm.getValuesAt(sc, &reals[0], &imags[0]);
Chris@1088:                     }
Chris@1099:                 }
Chris@1088:                 fftm.getValuesAt(columnNo, &reals[0], &imags[0]);
Chris@1088:                 for (int i = 0; i < hs1; ++i) {
Chris@1088:                     float eRe = expectedValues[ch][i].real();
Chris@1088:                     float eIm = expectedValues[ch][i].imag();
Chris@1099:                     float thresh = 1e-5f;
Chris@1099:                     if (abs(reals[i] - eRe) > thresh ||
Chris@1099:                         abs(imags[i] - eIm) > thresh) {
Chris@1428:                         SVCERR << "ERROR: output is not as expected for column "
Chris@1099:                              << i << " in channel " << ch << " (stepThrough = "
Chris@1099:                              << stepThrough << ")" << endl;
Chris@1428:                         SVCERR << "expected : ";
Chris@1088:                         for (int j = 0; j < hs1; ++j) {
Chris@1428:                             SVCERR << expectedValues[ch][j] << " ";
Chris@1088:                         }
Chris@1428:                         SVCERR << "\nactual   : ";
Chris@1088:                         for (int j = 0; j < hs1; ++j) {
Chris@1428:                             SVCERR << complex<float>(reals[j], imags[j]) << " ";
Chris@1088:                         }
Chris@1428:                         SVCERR << endl;
Chris@1088:                     }
Chris@1110:                     COMPARE_FUZZIER_F(reals[i], eRe);
Chris@1110:                     COMPARE_FUZZIER_F(imags[i], eIm);
Chris@1088:                 }
Chris@1088:                 QCOMPARE(reals[hs1], 999.f);
Chris@1088:                 QCOMPARE(imags[hs1], 999.f);
Chris@1088:             }
Chris@1088:         }
Chris@1088:     }
Chris@1744:     ModelId makeMock(std::vector<Sort> sorts, int length, int pad) {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = std::make_shared<MockWaveModel>(sorts, length, pad);
Chris@1752:         return ModelById::add(mwm);
Chris@1744:     }
Chris@1744:     void releaseMock(ModelId id) {
Chris@1744:         ModelById::release(id);
Chris@1744:     }
Chris@1086: private slots:
Chris@1088:     // NB. FFTModel columns are centred on the sample frame, and in
Chris@1088:     // particular this means column 0 is centred at sample 0 (i.e. it
Chris@1088:     // contains only half the window-size worth of real samples, the
Chris@1088:     // others are 0-valued from before the origin).  Generally in
Chris@1088:     // these tests we are padding our signal with half a window of
Chris@1088:     // zeros, in order that the result for column 0 is all zeros
Chris@1088:     // (rather than something with a step in it that is harder to
Chris@1088:     // reason about the FFT of) and the results for subsequent columns
Chris@1088:     // are those of our expected signal.
Chris@1088:     void dc_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ DC }, 16, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1088:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1088:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1088:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1088:     }
Chris@1088:     void dc_simple_hann() {
Chris@1088:         // The Hann window function is a simple sinusoid with period
Chris@1088:         // equal to twice the window size, and it halves the DC energy
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ DC }, 16, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1088:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1088:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, { 2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1088:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, { 2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1088:     }
Chris@1099:     void dc_simple_hann_halfoverlap() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ DC }, 16, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 4, 8, 0,
Chris@1099:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 4, 8, 2,
Chris@1099:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, { 2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 4, 8, 3,
Chris@1099:              { { { 4.f, 0.f }, { 2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, HanningWindow, 8, 4, 8, 6,
Chris@1099:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1099:     }
Chris@1089:     void sine_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Sine }, 16, 4);
Chris@1091:         // Sine: output is purely imaginary. Note the sign is flipped
Chris@1091:         // (normally the first half of the output would have negative
Chris@1091:         // sign for a sine starting at 0) because the model does an
Chris@1091:         // FFT shift to centre the phase
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, { 0.f, 2.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, { 0.f, 2.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1089:     }
Chris@1089:     void cosine_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Cosine }, 16, 4);
Chris@1091:         // Cosine: output is purely real. Note the sign is flipped
Chris@1091:         // because the model does an FFT shift to centre the phase
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, { -2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, { -2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1089:     }
Chris@1104:     void twochan_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Sine, Cosine }, 16, 4);
Chris@1104:         // Test that the two channels are read and converted separately
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1104:              {
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} },
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} }
Chris@1104:              }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1104:              {
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {  0.f, 2.f }, {}, {}, {} },
Chris@1104:                  { {}, { -2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} }
Chris@1104:              }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1104:              {
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {  0.f, 2.f }, {}, {}, {} },
Chris@1104:                  { {}, { -2.f, 0.f }, {}, {}, {} }
Chris@1104:              }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1104:              {
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} },
Chris@1104:                  { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} }
Chris@1104:              }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1104:     }
Chris@1089:     void nyquist_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Nyquist }, 16, 4);
Chris@1091:         // Again, the sign is flipped. This has the same amount of
Chris@1091:         // energy as the DC example
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, { -4.f, 0.f } } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, { -4.f, 0.f } } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1089:     }
Chris@1089:     void dirac_simple_rect() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Dirac }, 16, 4);
Chris@1091:         // The window scales by 0.5 and some signs are flipped. Only
Chris@1091:         // column 1 has any data (the single impulse).
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1091:              { { { 0.5f, 0.f }, { -0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { -0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f } } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1089:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 4);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1089:     }
Chris@1091:     void dirac_simple_rect_2() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Dirac }, 16, 8);
Chris@1091:         // With 8 samples padding, the FFT shift places the first
Chris@1091:         // Dirac impulse at the start of column 1, thus giving all
Chris@1091:         // positive values
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 0,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 5);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 1,
Chris@1091:              { { { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f } } }, 5);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 2,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 5);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 3,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 5);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 8, 8, 4,
Chris@1091:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 5);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1091:     }
Chris@1099:     void dirac_simple_rect_halfoverlap() {
Chris@1744:         auto mwm = makeMock({ Dirac }, 16, 4);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 4, 8, 0,
Chris@1099:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 4, 8, 1,
Chris@1099:              { { { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f } } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 4, 8, 2,
Chris@1099:              { { { 0.5f, 0.f }, { -0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f }, { -0.5f, 0.f }, { 0.5f, 0.f } } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         test(mwm, RectangularWindow, 8, 4, 8, 3,
Chris@1099:              { { {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } }, 7);
Chris@1744:         releaseMock(mwm);
Chris@1086:     }
Chris@1086: };
Chris@1086: #endif