- Test & fixes for getEventsStartingAtsingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes: completion should default to 100 (it never gets set if we aren't a transform target); events added to time-value model should be denied durations; forward the overspill and matching search functionssingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Add overspill to events-within searchsingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Add nearest-event-matching searchsingle-point 2019-03-19, by Chris Cannam
- Update Labeller to new event API + fewer magical side-effectssingle-point 2019-03-19, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce deferred notifier, + start converting sparse time-value model (perhaps we should rename it too)single-point 2019-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Make MagnitudeRange generic, in the form of Extentssingle-point 2019-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Update RegionModel following NoteModel, er, model. They have quite a bit in common that we should now pull out some ofsingle-point 2019-03-15, by Chris Cannam
- Switch to a single external set of commands for modifying editables with eventssingle-point 2019-03-15, by Chris Cannam
- Rework NoteModel commands (not entirely successfully); remove FlexiNoteModel as it has always been almost entirely identical to NoteModel (unlike its layer counterpart)single-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Command tweaks, including executing it!single-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Add getDuratioNsingle-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Further API updatessingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Update NoteModel to use EventSeries. This is incomplete and won't provide enough to update svgui for it yet; must also refactor to avoid duplication of nasty APIs when updating the rest of the modelssingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compiler warningsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Fix XMLsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add and test getEndFrame (and getStartFrame)single-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Test getEventsStartingWithin (briefly)single-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsStartingWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Make constsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Always return consistent defaults for absent elementssingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Further test & fixessingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add some more handy methodssingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Switch EventSeries to using a vector for m_events, so as to allow indexed accesssingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add operator!=single-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add toDelimitedDataString; also requires reinstating m_haveDurationsingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Another timing notesingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Seems we can do just as well with a vector of events themselvessingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with storing vectors of event ids in seam map for compactnesssingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- That last change didn't seem worthwhilesingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Try out Qt containerssingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Permit hashingsingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Add (disabled by default) stress test for EventSeriessingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Mergesingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Add this method back again; it is usefulsingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Further testssingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Performance notessingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Minor tweaks, comments, span testssingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Rework EventSeries to explicitly store counts of events (+ add comments explaining, among other things, why)single-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Rename a number of classes and methods (including Point -> Event); commentssingle-point 2019-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes and tests for PointSeriessingle-point 2019-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compiler warningsingle-point 2019-03-06, by Chris Cannam
- Start implementing & testing PointSeriessingle-point 2019-03-06, by Chris Cannam
- Pull out the Point class, plus start testing NoteModel, plus actually add the tests...single-point 2019-03-05, by Chris Cannam
- Bitfield + reorder for packingsingle-point 2019-03-05, by Chris Cannam
- Start some sparse model testssingle-point 2019-03-05, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compiler warnings2019-02-27, by Chris Cannam
- Try to avoid interference with QtTest's own arg handling2019-02-18, by Chris Cannam
- Fix encoding that Mac fs rejects2019-02-12, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch bqaudiostream2019-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- Be a tiny bit discriminating about content types!bqaudiostream 2019-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- WMA test casesbqaudiostream 2019-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- Mergebqaudiostream 2019-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- Fix incorrect number formatting results for 32-bit MinGW buildbqaudiostream 2019-01-30, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compile error when checker not enabledbqaudiostream 2019-01-24, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchbqaudiostream 2019-01-23, by Chris Cannam
- Adjust limits for Opus testbqaudiostream 2019-01-23, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid compiler warningbqaudiostream 2019-01-23, by Chris Cannam