- Merge from branch single-pointosc-script 2019-03-27, by Chris Cannam
- Remove no-longer-used model base classessingle-point 2019-03-27, by Chris Cannam
- Rework isReady()/getCompletion() on models. Previously the new overhauled models were implementing getCompletion() but inheriting a version of isReady() (from the Model base) that didn't call it, referring only to isOK(). So they were reporting completion as soon as they had begun. Instead hoist getCompletion() to abstract base and call it from Model::isReady().single-point 2019-03-27, by Chris Cannam
- Add getPointCount, used in debug mode by AlignmentModelsingle-point 2019-03-27, by Chris Cannam
- Remove COMPLETION_UNKNOWN, which is never used (and never handled)single-point 2019-03-27, by Chris Cannam
- A bit more debug outputosc-script 2019-03-26, by Chris Cannam
- Fix typoosc-script 2019-03-26, by Chris Cannam
- Debug outputosc-script 2019-03-26, by Chris Cannam
- Debug outputosc-script 2019-03-26, by Chris Cannam
- Toward running an OSC script in batchosc-script 2019-03-25, by Chris Cannam
- Update ImageModelsingle-point 2019-03-22, by Chris Cannam
- Update PathModel - doesn't use new EventSeries, but doesn't use SparseModel either - it's simpler than thatsingle-point 2019-03-22, by Chris Cannam
- Update TextModelsingle-point 2019-03-22, by Chris Cannam
- We do need haveTextLabels; restore itsingle-point 2019-03-21, by Chris Cannam
- Work on start/end frame stuff to match API descriptionsingle-point 2019-03-21, by Chris Cannam
- Start updating SparseOneDimensionalModelsingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Forward the matching-event functionssingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Test & fixes for getEventsStartingAtsingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes: completion should default to 100 (it never gets set if we aren't a transform target); events added to time-value model should be denied durations; forward the overspill and matching search functionssingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Add overspill to events-within searchsingle-point 2019-03-20, by Chris Cannam
- Add nearest-event-matching searchsingle-point 2019-03-19, by Chris Cannam
- Update Labeller to new event API + fewer magical side-effectssingle-point 2019-03-19, by Chris Cannam
- Introduce deferred notifier, + start converting sparse time-value model (perhaps we should rename it too)single-point 2019-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Make MagnitudeRange generic, in the form of Extentssingle-point 2019-03-18, by Chris Cannam
- Update RegionModel following NoteModel, er, model. They have quite a bit in common that we should now pull out some ofsingle-point 2019-03-15, by Chris Cannam
- Switch to a single external set of commands for modifying editables with eventssingle-point 2019-03-15, by Chris Cannam
- Rework NoteModel commands (not entirely successfully); remove FlexiNoteModel as it has always been almost entirely identical to NoteModel (unlike its layer counterpart)single-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Command tweaks, including executing it!single-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Add getDuratioNsingle-point 2019-03-14, by Chris Cannam
- Further API updatessingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Update NoteModel to use EventSeries. This is incomplete and won't provide enough to update svgui for it yet; must also refactor to avoid duplication of nasty APIs when updating the rest of the modelssingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compiler warningsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Fix XMLsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add and test getEndFrame (and getStartFrame)single-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Test getEventsStartingWithin (briefly)single-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsStartingWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Make constsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Add getEventsWithinsingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Always return consistent defaults for absent elementssingle-point 2019-03-13, by Chris Cannam
- Further test & fixessingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add some more handy methodssingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Switch EventSeries to using a vector for m_events, so as to allow indexed accesssingle-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add operator!=single-point 2019-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Add toDelimitedDataString; also requires reinstating m_haveDurationsingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Another timing notesingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Seems we can do just as well with a vector of events themselvessingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with storing vectors of event ids in seam map for compactnesssingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- That last change didn't seem worthwhilesingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Try out Qt containerssingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Permit hashingsingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Add (disabled by default) stress test for EventSeriessingle-point 2019-03-11, by Chris Cannam
- Mergesingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Add this method back again; it is usefulsingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Further testssingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Performance notessingle-point 2019-03-08, by Chris Cannam