view data/fft/FFTFileCacheReader.cpp @ 1008:d9e0e59a1581

When using an aggregate model to pass data to a transform, zero-pad the shorter input to the duration of the longer rather than truncating the longer. (This is better behaviour for e.g. MATCH, and in any case the code was previously truncating incorrectly and ending up with garbage data at the end.)
author Chris Cannam
date Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:51:33 +0000
parents 59e7fe1b1003
children cc27f35aa75c
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006-2009 Chris Cannam and QMUL.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "FFTFileCacheReader.h"
#include "FFTFileCacheWriter.h"

#include "fileio/MatrixFile.h"

#include "base/Profiler.h"
#include "base/Thread.h"
#include "base/Exceptions.h"

#include <iostream>

// The underlying matrix has height (m_height * 2 + 1).  In each
// column we store magnitude at [0], [2] etc and phase at [1], [3]
// etc, and then store the normalization factor (maximum magnitude) at
// [m_height * 2].  In compact mode, the factor takes two cells.

FFTFileCacheReader::FFTFileCacheReader(FFTFileCacheWriter *writer) :
    m_factorSize(m_storageType == FFTCache::Compact ? 2 : 1),
    m_mfc(new MatrixFile
           m_storageType == FFTCache::Compact ? sizeof(uint16_t) : sizeof(float),
           writer->getHeight() * 2 + m_factorSize))
//    cerr << "FFTFileCacheReader: storage type is " << (storageType == FFTCache::Compact ? "Compact" : storageType == Polar ? "Polar" : "Rectangular") << endl;

    if (m_readbuf) delete[] m_readbuf;
    delete m_mfc;

FFTFileCacheReader::getWidth() const
    return m_mfc->getWidth();

FFTFileCacheReader::getHeight() const
    int mh = m_mfc->getHeight();
    if (mh > m_factorSize) return (mh - m_factorSize) / 2;
    else return 0;

FFTFileCacheReader::getMagnitudeAt(int x, int y) const
    Profiler profiler("FFTFileCacheReader::getMagnitudeAt", false);

    float value = 0.f;

    switch (m_storageType) {

    case FFTCache::Compact:
        value = (getFromReadBufCompactUnsigned(x, y * 2) / 65535.0)
            * getNormalizationFactor(x);

    case FFTCache::Rectangular:
        float real, imag;
        getValuesAt(x, y, real, imag);
        value = sqrtf(real * real + imag * imag);

    case FFTCache::Polar:
        value = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2);

    return value;

FFTFileCacheReader::getNormalizedMagnitudeAt(int x, int y) const
    float value = 0.f;

    switch (m_storageType) {

    case FFTCache::Compact:
        value = getFromReadBufCompactUnsigned(x, y * 2) / 65535.0;

    case FFTCache::Rectangular:
    case FFTCache::Polar:
        float mag = getMagnitudeAt(x, y);
        float factor = getNormalizationFactor(x);
        if (factor != 0) value = mag / factor;
        else value = 0.f;

    return value;

FFTFileCacheReader::getMaximumMagnitudeAt(int x) const
    return getNormalizationFactor(x);

FFTFileCacheReader::getPhaseAt(int x, int y) const
    float value = 0.f;
    switch (m_storageType) {

    case FFTCache::Compact:
        value = (getFromReadBufCompactSigned(x, y * 2 + 1) / 32767.0) * M_PI;

    case FFTCache::Rectangular:
        float real, imag;
        getValuesAt(x, y, real, imag);
        value = atan2f(imag, real);

    case FFTCache::Polar:
        value = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2 + 1);

    return value;

FFTFileCacheReader::getValuesAt(int x, int y, float &real, float &imag) const
//    SVDEBUG << "FFTFileCacheReader::getValuesAt(" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;

    switch (m_storageType) {

    case FFTCache::Rectangular:
        real = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2);
        imag = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2 + 1);

    case FFTCache::Compact:
    case FFTCache::Polar:
        float mag = getMagnitudeAt(x, y);
        float phase = getPhaseAt(x, y);
        real = mag * cosf(phase);
        imag = mag * sinf(phase);

FFTFileCacheReader::getMagnitudesAt(int x, float *values, int minbin, int count, int step) const
    Profiler profiler("FFTFileCacheReader::getMagnitudesAt");

    switch (m_storageType) {

    case FFTCache::Compact:
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            int y = minbin + i * step;
            values[i] = (getFromReadBufCompactUnsigned(x, y * 2) / 65535.0)
                * getNormalizationFactor(x);

    case FFTCache::Rectangular:
        float real, imag;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            int y = minbin + i * step;
            real = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2);
            imag = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2 + 1);
            values[i] = sqrtf(real * real + imag * imag);

    case FFTCache::Polar:
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            int y = minbin + i * step;
            values[i] = getFromReadBufStandard(x, y * 2);

FFTFileCacheReader::haveSetColumnAt(int x) const
    if (m_readbuf && m_readbufGood &&
        (m_readbufCol == x || (m_readbufWidth > 1 && m_readbufCol+1 == x))) {
//        SVDEBUG << "FFTFileCacheReader::haveSetColumnAt: short-circuiting; we know about this one" << endl;
        return true;
    return m_mfc->haveSetColumnAt(x);

FFTFileCacheReader::getCacheSize(int width, int height,
                                 FFTCache::StorageType type)
    return (height * 2 + (type == FFTCache::Compact ? 2 : 1)) * width *
        (type == FFTCache::Compact ? sizeof(uint16_t) : sizeof(float)) +
        2 * sizeof(int); // matrix file header size

FFTFileCacheReader::populateReadBuf(int x) const
    Profiler profiler("FFTFileCacheReader::populateReadBuf", false);

//    SVDEBUG << "FFTFileCacheReader::populateReadBuf(" << x << ")" << endl;

    if (!m_readbuf) {
        m_readbuf = new char[m_mfc->getHeight() * 2 * m_mfc->getCellSize()];

    m_readbufGood = false;

    try {
        bool good = false;
        if (m_mfc->haveSetColumnAt(x)) {
            // If the column is not available, we have no obligation
            // to do anything with the readbuf -- we can cheerfully
            // return garbage.  It's the responsibility of the caller
            // to check haveSetColumnAt before trusting any retrieved
            // data.  However, we do record whether the data in the
            // readbuf is good or not, because we can use that to
            // return an immediate result for haveSetColumnAt if the
            // column is right.
            good = true;
            m_mfc->getColumnAt(x, m_readbuf);
        if (m_mfc->haveSetColumnAt(x + 1)) {
                (x + 1, m_readbuf + m_mfc->getCellSize() * m_mfc->getHeight());
            m_readbufWidth = 2;
        } else {
            m_readbufWidth = 1;
        m_readbufGood = good;
    } catch (FileReadFailed f) {
        cerr << "ERROR: FFTFileCacheReader::populateReadBuf: File read failed: "
                  << f.what() << endl;
        memset(m_readbuf, 0, m_mfc->getHeight() * 2 * m_mfc->getCellSize());
    m_readbufCol = x;