view data/model/Model.cpp @ 360:ac300d385ab2

* Various fixes to object lifetime management, particularly in the spectrum layer and for notification of main model deletion. The main purpose of this is to improve the behaviour of the spectrum, but I think it may also help with #1840922 Various crashes in Layer Summary window.
author Chris Cannam
date Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:43:27 +0000
parents 700cd3350391
children d77e1fa49e26
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "Model.h"
#include "AlignmentModel.h"
#include "base/PlayParameterRepository.h"

#include <QTextStream>

#include <iostream>

const int Model::COMPLETION_UNKNOWN = -1;

    std::cerr << "Model::~Model(" << this << ")" << std::endl;

    if (!m_aboutToDelete) {
        std::cerr << "NOTE: Model::~Model(" << this << ", \""
                  << objectName().toStdString() << "\"): Model deleted "
                  << "with no aboutToDelete notification" << std::endl;

    if (m_alignment) {
        delete m_alignment;

    // Subclasses have to handle adding themselves to the repository,
    // if they want to be played.  We can't do it from here because
    // the repository would be unable to tell whether we were playable
    // or not (because dynamic_cast won't work from the base class ctor)

Model::setSourceModel(Model *model)
    if (m_sourceModel) {
        disconnect(m_sourceModel, SIGNAL(aboutToBeDeleted()),
                   this, SLOT(sourceModelAboutToBeDeleted()));

    m_sourceModel = model;

    if (m_sourceModel) {
        connect(m_sourceModel, SIGNAL(alignmentCompletionChanged()),
                this, SIGNAL(alignmentCompletionChanged()));
        connect(m_sourceModel, SIGNAL(aboutToBeDeleted()),
                this, SLOT(sourceModelAboutToBeDeleted()));

    std::cerr << "Model(" << this << ")::aboutToDelete()" << std::endl;

    if (m_aboutToDelete) {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: Model(" << this << ", \""
                  << objectName().toStdString() << "\")::aboutToDelete: "
                  << "aboutToDelete called more than once for the same model"
                  << std::endl;

    emit aboutToBeDeleted();
    m_aboutToDelete = true;

    m_sourceModel = 0;

Model::setAlignment(AlignmentModel *alignment)
    if (m_alignment) {
        delete m_alignment;
    m_alignment = alignment;
    connect(m_alignment, SIGNAL(completionChanged()),
            this, SIGNAL(alignmentCompletionChanged()));

const Model *
Model::getAlignmentReference() const
    if (!m_alignment) {
        if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->getAlignmentReference();
        return this;
    return m_alignment->getReferenceModel();

Model::alignToReference(size_t frame) const
    if (!m_alignment) {
        if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->alignToReference(frame);
        else return frame;
    size_t refFrame = m_alignment->toReference(frame);
    const Model *m = m_alignment->getReferenceModel();
    if (m && refFrame > m->getEndFrame()) refFrame = m->getEndFrame();
    return refFrame;

Model::alignFromReference(size_t refFrame) const
    if (!m_alignment) {
        if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->alignFromReference(refFrame);
        else return refFrame;
    size_t frame = m_alignment->fromReference(refFrame);
    if (frame > getEndFrame()) frame = getEndFrame();
    return frame;

Model::getAlignmentCompletion() const
//    std::cerr << "Model::getAlignmentCompletion" << std::endl;
    if (!m_alignment) {
        if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->getAlignmentCompletion();
        else return 100;
    int completion = 0;
//    std::cerr << " -> " << completion << std::endl;
    return completion;

Model::getTitle() const
    if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->getTitle();
    else return "";

Model::getMaker() const
    if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->getMaker();
    else return "";

Model::getLocation() const
    if (m_sourceModel) return m_sourceModel->getLocation();
    else return "";

Model::toXml(QTextStream &stream, QString indent,
             QString extraAttributes) const
    stream << indent;
    stream << QString("<model id=\"%1\" name=\"%2\" sampleRate=\"%3\" start=\"%4\" end=\"%5\" %6/>\n")