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view rdf/RDFImporter.cpp @ 878:a2689db084f4 tonioni
Add a callback for no models as well (so we know something has completed and can e.g. delete the handler)
author | Chris Cannam |
date | Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:32:08 +0000 |
parents | f5cd33909744 |
children | 06579b8ffb7b |
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/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Sonic Visualiser An audio file viewer and annotation editor. Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This file copyright 2008-2012 QMUL. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "RDFImporter.h" #include <map> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "base/ProgressReporter.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "data/model/SparseOneDimensionalModel.h" #include "data/model/SparseTimeValueModel.h" #include "data/model/EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel.h" #include "data/model/NoteModel.h" #include "data/model/TextModel.h" #include "data/model/RegionModel.h" #include "data/model/WaveFileModel.h" #include "data/fileio/FileSource.h" #include "data/fileio/CachedFile.h" #include "data/fileio/FileFinder.h" #include <dataquay/BasicStore.h> #include <dataquay/PropertyObject.h> using Dataquay::Uri; using Dataquay::Node; using Dataquay::Nodes; using Dataquay::Triple; using Dataquay::Triples; using Dataquay::BasicStore; using Dataquay::PropertyObject; class RDFImporterImpl { public: RDFImporterImpl(QString url, int sampleRate); virtual ~RDFImporterImpl(); void setSampleRate(int sampleRate) { m_sampleRate = sampleRate; } bool isOK(); QString getErrorString() const; std::vector<Model *> getDataModels(ProgressReporter *); protected: BasicStore *m_store; Uri expand(QString s) { return m_store->expand(s); } QString m_uristring; QString m_errorString; std::map<QString, Model *> m_audioModelMap; int m_sampleRate; std::map<Model *, std::map<QString, float> > m_labelValueMap; void getDataModelsAudio(std::vector<Model *> &, ProgressReporter *); void getDataModelsSparse(std::vector<Model *> &, ProgressReporter *); void getDataModelsDense(std::vector<Model *> &, ProgressReporter *); void getDenseModelTitle(Model *, QString, QString); void getDenseFeatureProperties(QString featureUri, int &sampleRate, int &windowLength, int &hopSize, int &width, int &height); void fillModel(Model *, long, long, bool, std::vector<float> &, QString); }; QString RDFImporter::getKnownExtensions() { return "*.rdf *.n3 *.ttl"; } RDFImporter::RDFImporter(QString url, int sampleRate) : m_d(new RDFImporterImpl(url, sampleRate)) { } RDFImporter::~RDFImporter() { delete m_d; } void RDFImporter::setSampleRate(int sampleRate) { m_d->setSampleRate(sampleRate); } bool RDFImporter::isOK() { return m_d->isOK(); } QString RDFImporter::getErrorString() const { return m_d->getErrorString(); } std::vector<Model *> RDFImporter::getDataModels(ProgressReporter *r) { return m_d->getDataModels(r); } RDFImporterImpl::RDFImporterImpl(QString uri, int sampleRate) : m_store(new BasicStore), m_uristring(uri), m_sampleRate(sampleRate) { //!!! retrieve data if remote... then m_store->addPrefix("mo", Uri("")); m_store->addPrefix("af", Uri("")); m_store->addPrefix("dc", Uri("")); m_store->addPrefix("tl", Uri("")); m_store->addPrefix("event", Uri("")); m_store->addPrefix("rdfs", Uri("")); try { QUrl url; if (uri.startsWith("file:")) { url = QUrl(uri); } else { url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(uri); } m_store->import(url, BasicStore::ImportIgnoreDuplicates); } catch (std::exception &e) { m_errorString = e.what(); } } RDFImporterImpl::~RDFImporterImpl() { delete m_store; } bool RDFImporterImpl::isOK() { return (m_errorString == ""); } QString RDFImporterImpl::getErrorString() const { return m_errorString; } std::vector<Model *> RDFImporterImpl::getDataModels(ProgressReporter *reporter) { std::vector<Model *> models; getDataModelsAudio(models, reporter); if (m_sampleRate == 0) { m_errorString = QString("Invalid audio data model (is audio file format supported?)"); cerr << m_errorString << endl; return models; } QString error; if (m_errorString != "") { error = m_errorString; } m_errorString = ""; getDataModelsDense(models, reporter); if (m_errorString != "") { error = m_errorString; } m_errorString = ""; getDataModelsSparse(models, reporter); if (m_errorString == "" && error != "") { m_errorString = error; } return models; } void RDFImporterImpl::getDataModelsAudio(std::vector<Model *> &models, ProgressReporter *reporter) { Nodes sigs = m_store->match (Triple(Node(), Uri("a"), expand("mo:Signal"))).subjects(); foreach (Node sig, sigs) { Node file = m_store->complete(Triple(Node(), expand("mo:encodes"), sig)); if (file == Node()) { file = m_store->complete(Triple(sig, expand("mo:available_as"), Node())); } if (file == Node()) { cerr << "RDFImporterImpl::getDataModelsAudio: ERROR: No source for signal " << sig << endl; continue; } QString signal = sig.value; QString source = file.value; SVDEBUG << "NOTE: Seeking signal source \"" << source << "\"..." << endl; FileSource *fs = new FileSource(source, reporter); if (fs->isAvailable()) { SVDEBUG << "NOTE: Source is available: Local filename is \"" << fs->getLocalFilename() << "\"..." << endl; } #ifdef NO_SV_GUI if (!fs->isAvailable()) { m_errorString = QString("Signal source \"%1\" is not available").arg(source); delete fs; continue; } #else if (!fs->isAvailable()) { SVDEBUG << "NOTE: Signal source \"" << source << "\" is not available, using file finder..." << endl; FileFinder *ff = FileFinder::getInstance(); if (ff) { QString path = ff->find(FileFinder::AudioFile, fs->getLocation(), m_uristring); if (path != "") { cerr << "File finder returns: \"" << path << "\"" << endl; delete fs; fs = new FileSource(path, reporter); if (!fs->isAvailable()) { delete fs; m_errorString = QString("Signal source \"%1\" is not available").arg(source); continue; } } } } #endif if (reporter) { reporter->setMessage(RDFImporter::tr("Importing audio referenced in RDF...")); } fs->waitForData(); WaveFileModel *newModel = new WaveFileModel(*fs, m_sampleRate); if (newModel->isOK()) { cerr << "Successfully created wave file model from source at \"" << source << "\"" << endl; models.push_back(newModel); m_audioModelMap[signal] = newModel; if (m_sampleRate == 0) { m_sampleRate = newModel->getSampleRate(); } } else { m_errorString = QString("Failed to create wave file model from source at \"%1\"").arg(source); delete newModel; } delete fs; } } void RDFImporterImpl::getDataModelsDense(std::vector<Model *> &models, ProgressReporter *reporter) { if (reporter) { reporter->setMessage(RDFImporter::tr("Importing dense signal data from RDF...")); } Nodes sigFeatures = m_store->match (Triple(Node(), expand("af:signal_feature"), Node())).objects(); foreach (Node sf, sigFeatures) { if (sf.type != Node::URI && sf.type != Node::Blank) continue; Node t = m_store->complete(Triple(sf, expand("a"), Node())); Node v = m_store->complete(Triple(sf, expand("af:value"), Node())); QString feature = sf.value; QString type = t.value; QString value = v.value; if (type == "" || value == "") continue; int sampleRate = 0; int windowLength = 0; int hopSize = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; getDenseFeatureProperties (feature, sampleRate, windowLength, hopSize, width, height); if (sampleRate != 0 && sampleRate != m_sampleRate) { cerr << "WARNING: Sample rate in dense feature description does not match our underlying rate -- using rate from feature description" << endl; } if (sampleRate == 0) sampleRate = m_sampleRate; if (hopSize == 0) { cerr << "WARNING: Dense feature description does not specify a hop size -- assuming 1" << endl; hopSize = 1; } if (height == 0) { cerr << "WARNING: Dense feature description does not specify feature signal dimensions -- assuming one-dimensional (height = 1)" << endl; height = 1; } QStringList values = value.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (values.empty()) { cerr << "WARNING: Dense feature description does not specify any values!" << endl; continue; } if (height == 1) { SparseTimeValueModel *m = new SparseTimeValueModel (sampleRate, hopSize, false); for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j) { float f = values[j].toFloat(); SparseTimeValueModel::Point point(j * hopSize, f, ""); m->addPoint(point); } getDenseModelTitle(m, feature, type); m->setRDFTypeURI(type); models.push_back(m); } else { EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel *m = new EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel (sampleRate, hopSize, height, EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel::NoCompression, false); EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel::Column column; int x = 0; for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j) { if (j % height == 0 && !column.empty()) { m->setColumn(x++, column); column.clear(); } column.push_back(values[j].toFloat()); } if (!column.empty()) { m->setColumn(x++, column); } getDenseModelTitle(m, feature, type); m->setRDFTypeURI(type); models.push_back(m); } } } void RDFImporterImpl::getDenseModelTitle(Model *m, QString featureUri, QString featureTypeUri) { Node n = m_store->complete (Triple(Uri(featureUri), expand("dc:title"), Node())); if (n.type == Node::Literal && n.value != "") { SVDEBUG << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseModelTitle: Title (from signal) \"" << n.value << "\"" << endl; m->setObjectName(n.value); return; } n = m_store->complete (Triple(Uri(featureTypeUri), expand("dc:title"), Node())); if (n.type == Node::Literal && n.value != "") { SVDEBUG << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseModelTitle: Title (from signal type) \"" << n.value << "\"" << endl; m->setObjectName(n.value); return; } SVDEBUG << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseModelTitle: No title available for feature <" << featureUri << ">" << endl; } void RDFImporterImpl::getDenseFeatureProperties(QString featureUri, int &sampleRate, int &windowLength, int &hopSize, int &width, int &height) { Node dim = m_store->complete (Triple(Uri(featureUri), expand("af:dimensions"), Node())); cerr << "Dimensions = \"" << dim.value << "\"" << endl; if (dim.type == Node::Literal && dim.value != "") { QStringList dl = dim.value.split(" "); if (dl.empty()) dl.push_back(dim.value); if (dl.size() > 0) height = dl[0].toInt(); if (dl.size() > 1) width = dl[1].toInt(); } // Looking for rate, hop, window from: // // ?feature mo:time ?time . // ?time a tl:Interval . // ?time tl:onTimeLine ?timeline . // ?map tl:rangeTimeLine ?timeline . // ?map tl:sampleRate ?rate . // ?map tl:hopSize ?hop . // ?map tl:windowLength ?window . Node interval = m_store->complete(Triple(Uri(featureUri), expand("mo:time"), Node())); if (!m_store->contains(Triple(interval, expand("a"), expand("tl:Interval")))) { cerr << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseFeatureProperties: Feature time node " << interval << " is not a tl:Interval" << endl; return; } Node tl = m_store->complete(Triple(interval, expand("tl:onTimeLine"), Node())); if (tl == Node()) { cerr << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseFeatureProperties: Interval node " << interval << " lacks tl:onTimeLine property" << endl; return; } Node map = m_store->complete(Triple(Node(), expand("tl:rangeTimeLine"), tl)); if (map == Node()) { cerr << "RDFImporterImpl::getDenseFeatureProperties: No map for " << "timeline node " << tl << endl; } PropertyObject po(m_store, "tl:", map); if (po.hasProperty("sampleRate")) { sampleRate = po.getProperty("sampleRate").toInt(); } if (po.hasProperty("hopSize")) { hopSize = po.getProperty("hopSize").toInt(); } if (po.hasProperty("windowLength")) { windowLength = po.getProperty("windowLength").toInt(); } cerr << "sr = " << sampleRate << ", hop = " << hopSize << ", win = " << windowLength << endl; } void RDFImporterImpl::getDataModelsSparse(std::vector<Model *> &models, ProgressReporter *reporter) { if (reporter) { reporter->setMessage(RDFImporter::tr("Importing event data from RDF...")); } /* This function is only used for sparse data (for dense data we would be in getDataModelsDense instead). Our query is intended to retrieve every thing that has a time, and every feature type and value associated with a thing that has a time. We will then need to refine this big bag of results into a set of data models. Results that have different source signals should go into different models. Results that have different feature types should go into different models. */ Nodes sigs = m_store->match (Triple(Node(), expand("a"), expand("mo:Signal"))).subjects(); // Map from timeline uri to event type to dimensionality to // presence of duration to model ptr. Whee! std::map<QString, std::map<QString, std::map<int, std::map<bool, Model *> > > > modelMap; foreach (Node sig, sigs) { Node interval = m_store->complete(Triple(sig, expand("mo:time"), Node())); if (interval == Node()) continue; Node tl = m_store->complete(Triple(interval, expand("tl:onTimeLine"), Node())); if (tl == Node()) continue; Nodes times = m_store->match(Triple(Node(), expand("tl:onTimeLine"), tl)).subjects(); foreach (Node tn, times) { Nodes timedThings = m_store->match(Triple(Node(), expand("event:time"), tn)).subjects(); foreach (Node thing, timedThings) { Node typ = m_store->complete(Triple(thing, expand("a"), Node())); if (typ == Node()) continue; Node valu = m_store->complete(Triple(thing, expand("af:feature"), Node())); QString source = sig.value; QString timeline = tl.value; QString type = typ.value; QString thinguri = thing.value; /* For sparse data, the determining factors in deciding what model to use are: Do the features have values? and Do the features have duration? We can run through the results and check off whether we find values and duration for each of the source+type keys, and then run through the source+type keys pushing each of the results into a suitable model. Unfortunately, at this point we do not yet have any actual timing data (time/duration) -- just the time URI. What we _could_ do is to create one of each type of model at the start, for each of the source+type keys, and then push each feature into the relevant model depending on what we find out about it. Then return only non-empty models. */ QString label = ""; bool text = (type.contains("Text") || type.contains("text")); // Ha, ha bool note = (type.contains("Note") || type.contains("note")); // Guffaw if (text) { label = m_store->complete(Triple(thing, expand("af:text"), Node())).value; } if (label == "") { label = m_store->complete(Triple(thing, expand("rdfs:label"), Node())).value; } RealTime time; RealTime duration; bool haveTime = false; bool haveDuration = false; Node at = m_store->complete(Triple(tn, expand("tl:at"), Node())); if (at != Node()) { time = RealTime::fromXsdDuration(at.value.toStdString()); haveTime = true; } else { //!!! NB we're using rather old terminology for these things, apparently: // beginsAt -> start // onTimeLine -> timeline Node start = m_store->complete(Triple(tn, expand("tl:beginsAt"), Node())); Node dur = m_store->complete(Triple(tn, expand("tl:duration"), Node())); if (start != Node() && dur != Node()) { time = RealTime::fromXsdDuration (start.value.toStdString()); duration = RealTime::fromXsdDuration (dur.value.toStdString()); haveTime = haveDuration = true; } } QString valuestring = valu.value; std::vector<float> values; if (valuestring != "") { QStringList vsl = valuestring.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int j = 0; j < vsl.size(); ++j) { bool success = false; float v = vsl[j].toFloat(&success); if (success) values.push_back(v); } } int dimensions = 1; if (values.size() == 1) dimensions = 2; else if (values.size() > 1) dimensions = 3; Model *model = 0; if (modelMap[timeline][type][dimensions].find(haveDuration) == modelMap[timeline][type][dimensions].end()) { /* SVDEBUG << "Creating new model: source = " << source << ", type = " << type << ", dimensions = " << dimensions << ", haveDuration = " << haveDuration << ", time = " << time << ", duration = " << duration << endl; */ if (!haveDuration) { if (dimensions == 1) { if (text) { model = new TextModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } else { model = new SparseOneDimensionalModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } } else if (dimensions == 2) { if (text) { model = new TextModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } else { model = new SparseTimeValueModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } } else { // We don't have a three-dimensional sparse model, // so use a note model. We do have some logic (in // extractStructure below) for guessing whether // this should after all have been a dense model, // but it's hard to apply it because we don't have // all the necessary timing data yet... hmm model = new NoteModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } } else { // haveDuration if (note || (dimensions > 2)) { model = new NoteModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } else { // If our units are frequency or midi pitch, we // should be using a note model... hm model = new RegionModel(m_sampleRate, 1, false); } } model->setRDFTypeURI(type); if (m_audioModelMap.find(source) != m_audioModelMap.end()) { cerr << "source model for " << model << " is " << m_audioModelMap[source] << endl; model->setSourceModel(m_audioModelMap[source]); } QString title = m_store->complete (Triple(typ, expand("dc:title"), Node())).value; if (title == "") { // take it from the end of the event type title = type; title.replace(QRegExp("^.*[/#]"), ""); } model->setObjectName(title); modelMap[timeline][type][dimensions][haveDuration] = model; models.push_back(model); } model = modelMap[timeline][type][dimensions][haveDuration]; if (model) { long ftime = RealTime::realTime2Frame(time, m_sampleRate); long fduration = RealTime::realTime2Frame(duration, m_sampleRate); fillModel(model, ftime, fduration, haveDuration, values, label); } } } } } void RDFImporterImpl::fillModel(Model *model, long ftime, long fduration, bool haveDuration, std::vector<float> &values, QString label) { // SVDEBUG << "RDFImporterImpl::fillModel: adding point at frame " << ftime << endl; SparseOneDimensionalModel *sodm = dynamic_cast<SparseOneDimensionalModel *>(model); if (sodm) { SparseOneDimensionalModel::Point point(ftime, label); sodm->addPoint(point); return; } TextModel *tm = dynamic_cast<TextModel *>(model); if (tm) { TextModel::Point point (ftime, values.empty() ? 0.5f : values[0] < 0.f ? 0.f : values[0] > 1.f ? 1.f : values[0], // I was young and feckless once too label); tm->addPoint(point); return; } SparseTimeValueModel *stvm = dynamic_cast<SparseTimeValueModel *>(model); if (stvm) { SparseTimeValueModel::Point point (ftime, values.empty() ? 0.f : values[0], label); stvm->addPoint(point); return; } NoteModel *nm = dynamic_cast<NoteModel *>(model); if (nm) { if (haveDuration) { float value = 0.f, level = 1.f; if (!values.empty()) { value = values[0]; if (values.size() > 1) { level = values[1]; } } NoteModel::Point point(ftime, value, fduration, level, label); nm->addPoint(point); } else { float value = 0.f, duration = 1.f, level = 1.f; if (!values.empty()) { value = values[0]; if (values.size() > 1) { duration = values[1]; if (values.size() > 2) { level = values[2]; } } } NoteModel::Point point(ftime, value, duration, level, label); nm->addPoint(point); } return; } RegionModel *rm = dynamic_cast<RegionModel *>(model); if (rm) { float value = 0.f; if (values.empty()) { // no values? map each unique label to a distinct value if (m_labelValueMap[model].find(label) == m_labelValueMap[model].end()) { m_labelValueMap[model][label] = rm->getValueMaximum() + 1.f; } value = m_labelValueMap[model][label]; } else { value = values[0]; } if (haveDuration) { RegionModel::Point point(ftime, value, fduration, label); rm->addPoint(point); } else { // This won't actually happen -- we only create region models // if we do have duration -- but just for completeness float duration = 1.f; if (!values.empty()) { value = values[0]; if (values.size() > 1) { duration = values[1]; } } RegionModel::Point point(ftime, value, duration, label); rm->addPoint(point); } return; } cerr << "WARNING: RDFImporterImpl::fillModel: Unknown or unexpected model type" << endl; return; } RDFImporter::RDFDocumentType RDFImporter::identifyDocumentType(QString url) { bool haveAudio = false; bool haveAnnotations = false; bool haveRDF = false; BasicStore *store = 0; // This is not expected to return anything useful, but if it does // anything at all then we know we have RDF try { //!!! non-local document? store = BasicStore::load(QUrl(url)); Triple t = store->matchOnce(Triple()); if (t != Triple()) haveRDF = true; } catch (std::exception &e) { // nothing; haveRDF will be false so the next bit catches it } if (!haveRDF) { delete store; return NotRDF; } store->addPrefix("mo", Uri("")); store->addPrefix("event", Uri("")); store->addPrefix("af", Uri("")); // "MO-conformant" structure for audio files Node n = store->complete(Triple(Node(), Uri("a"), store->expand("mo:AudioFile"))); if (n != Node() && n.type == Node::URI) { haveAudio = true; } else { // Sonic Annotator v0.2 and below used to write this structure // (which is not properly in conformance with the Music // Ontology) Nodes sigs = store->match(Triple(Node(), Uri("a"), store->expand("mo:Signal"))).subjects(); foreach (Node sig, sigs) { Node aa = store->complete(Triple(sig, store->expand("mo:available_as"), Node())); if (aa != Node()) { haveAudio = true; break; } } } SVDEBUG << "NOTE: RDFImporter::identifyDocumentType: haveAudio = " << haveAudio << endl; // can't call complete() with two Nothing nodes n = store->matchOnce(Triple(Node(), store->expand("event:time"), Node())).c; if (n != Node()) { haveAnnotations = true; } if (!haveAnnotations) { // can't call complete() with two Nothing nodes n = store->matchOnce(Triple(Node(), store->expand("af:signal_feature"), Node())).c; if (n != Node()) { haveAnnotations = true; } } SVDEBUG << "NOTE: RDFImporter::identifyDocumentType: haveAnnotations = " << haveAnnotations << endl; delete store; if (haveAudio) { if (haveAnnotations) { return AudioRefAndAnnotations; } else { return AudioRef; } } else { if (haveAnnotations) { return Annotations; } else { return OtherRDFDocument; } } return OtherRDFDocument; }