view base/ScaleTickIntervals.h @ 1671:82d03c9661f9 single-point

Rework isReady()/getCompletion() on models. Previously the new overhauled models were implementing getCompletion() but inheriting a version of isReady() (from the Model base) that didn't call it, referring only to isOK(). So they were reporting completion as soon as they had begun. Instead hoist getCompletion() to abstract base and call it from Model::isReady().
author Chris Cannam
date Wed, 27 Mar 2019 13:15:16 +0000
parents 7d9b537b6a1e
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006-2017 Chris Cannam and QMUL.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>

#include "LogRange.h"
#include "Debug.h"

// Can't have this on by default, as we're called on every refresh

class ScaleTickIntervals
    struct Range {
        double min;        // start of value range
        double max;        // end of value range
        int n;             // number of divisions (approximate only)

    struct Tick {
        double value;      // value this tick represents
        std::string label; // value as written 

    typedef std::vector<Tick> Ticks;

     * Return a set of ticks that divide the range r linearly into
     * roughly r.n equal divisions, in such a way as to yield
     * reasonably human-readable labels.
    static Ticks linear(Range r) {
        return linearTicks(r);

     * Return a set of ticks that divide the range r into roughly r.n
     * logarithmic divisions, in such a way as to yield reasonably
     * human-readable labels.
    static Ticks logarithmic(Range r) {
        LogRange::mapRange(r.min, r.max);
        return logarithmicAlready(r);

     * Return a set of ticks that divide the range r into roughly r.n
     * logarithmic divisions, on the asssumption that r.min and r.max
     * already represent the logarithms of the boundary values rather
     * than the values themselves.
    static Ticks logarithmicAlready(Range r) {
        return logTicks(r);
    enum Display {
    struct Instruction {
        double initial;    // value of first tick
        double limit;      // max from original range
        double spacing;    // increment between ticks
        double roundTo;    // what all displayed values should be rounded to
                           // (if 0.0, then calculate based on precision)
        Display display;   // whether to use fixed precision (%e, %f, or %g)
        int precision;     // number of dp (%f) or sf (%e)
        bool logUnmap;     // true if values represent logs of display values
    static Instruction linearInstruction(Range r)
        Display display = Auto;

        if (r.max < r.min) {
            return linearInstruction({ r.max, r.min, r.n });
        if (r.n < 1 || r.max == r.min) {
            return { r.min, r.min, 1.0, r.min, display, 1, false };
        double inc = (r.max - r.min) / r.n;

        double digInc = log10(inc);
        double digMax = log10(fabs(r.max));
        double digMin = log10(fabs(r.min));

        int precInc = int(floor(digInc));
        double roundTo = pow(10.0, precInc);

        if (precInc > -4 && precInc < 4) {
            display = Fixed;
        } else if ((digMax >= -2.0 && digMax <= 3.0) &&
                   (digMin >= -3.0 && digMin <= 3.0)) {
            display = Fixed;
        } else {
            display = Scientific;
        int precRange = int(ceil(digMax - digInc));

        int prec = 1;
        if (display == Fixed) {
            if (digInc < 0) {
                prec = -precInc;
            } else {
                prec = 0;
        } else {
            prec = precRange;

        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals: calculating linearInstruction" << endl
                << "ScaleTickIntervals: min = " << r.min << ", max = " << r.max
                << ", n = " << r.n << ", inc = " << inc << endl;
        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals: digMax = " << digMax
                << ", digInc = " << digInc << endl;
        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals: display = " << display
                << ", inc = " << inc << ", precInc = " << precInc
                << ", precRange = " << precRange
                << ", prec = " << prec << ", roundTo = " << roundTo
                << endl;

        double min = r.min;
        if (roundTo != 0.0) {
            // Round inc to the nearest multiple of roundTo, and min
            // to the next multiple of roundTo up. The small offset of
            // eps is included to avoid inc of 2.49999999999 rounding
            // to 2 or a min of -0.9999999999 rounding to 0, both of
            // which would prevent some of our test cases from getting
            // the most natural results.
            double eps = 1e-7;
            inc = round(inc / roundTo + eps) * roundTo;
            if (inc < roundTo) inc = roundTo;
            min = ceil(min / roundTo - eps) * roundTo;
            if (min > r.max) min = r.max;
            if (min == -0.0) min = 0.0;
            SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals: rounded inc to " << inc
                    << " and min to " << min << endl;

        if (display == Scientific && min != 0.0) {
            double digNewMin = log10(fabs(min));
            if (digNewMin < digInc) {
                prec = int(ceil(digMax - digNewMin));
                SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals: min is smaller than increment, adjusting prec to " << prec << endl;
        return { min, r.max, inc, roundTo, display, prec, false };
    static Instruction logInstruction(Range r)
        Display display = Auto;

        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals::logInstruction: Range is "
                << r.min << " to " << r.max << endl;
        if (r.n < 1) {
            return {};
        if (r.max < r.min) {
            return logInstruction({ r.max, r.min, r.n });
        if (r.max == r.min) {
            return { r.min, r.max, 1.0, r.min, display, 1, true };
        double inc = (r.max - r.min) / r.n;

        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals::logInstruction: "
                << "Naive increment is " << inc << endl;

        int precision = 1;

        if (inc < 1.0) {
            precision = int(ceil(1.0 - inc)) + 1;

        double digInc = log10(inc);
        int precInc = int(floor(digInc));
        double roundIncTo = pow(10.0, precInc);

        inc = round(inc / roundIncTo) * roundIncTo;
        if (inc < roundIncTo) inc = roundIncTo;

        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals::logInstruction: "
                << "Rounded increment to " << inc << endl;

        // if inc is close to giving us powers of two, nudge it
        if (fabs(inc - 0.301) < 0.01) {
            inc = log10(2.0);

            SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals::logInstruction: "
                    << "Nudged increment to " << inc << " to get powers of two"
                    << endl;

        double min = r.min;
        if (inc != 0.0) {
            min = ceil(r.min / inc) * inc;
            if (min > r.max) min = r.max;

        return { min, r.max, inc, 0.0, display, precision, true };

    static Ticks linearTicks(Range r) {
        Instruction instruction = linearInstruction(r);
        Ticks ticks = explode(instruction);
        return ticks;

    static Ticks logTicks(Range r) {
        Instruction instruction = logInstruction(r);
        Ticks ticks = explode(instruction);
        return ticks;
    static Tick makeTick(Display display, int precision, double value) {

        if (value == -0.0) {
            value = 0.0;
        const int buflen = 40;
        char buffer[buflen];

        if (display == Auto) {

            double eps = 1e-7;
            int digits = (value != 0.0 ?
                          1 + int(floor(eps + log10(fabs(value)))) :

            SVDEBUG << "makeTick: display = Auto, precision = "
                    << precision << ", value = " << value
                    << ", resulting digits = " << digits << endl;
            // This is not the same logic as %g uses for determining
            // whether to delegate to use scientific or fixed notation

            if (digits < -3 || digits > 4) {

                display = Auto; // delegate planning to %g

            } else {

                display = Fixed;
                // in %.*f, the * indicates decimal places, not sig figs
                if (precision >= digits) {
                    precision -= digits;
                } else {
                    precision = 0;

        const char *spec = (display == Auto ? "%.*g" :
                            display == Scientific ? "%.*e" :

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
        snprintf(buffer, buflen, spec, precision, value);

        SVDEBUG << "makeTick: spec = \"" << spec
                << "\", prec = " << precision << ", value = " << value
                << ", label = \"" << buffer << "\"" << endl;
        return Tick({ value, std::string(buffer) });
    static Ticks explode(Instruction instruction) {

        SVDEBUG << "ScaleTickIntervals::explode:" << endl
                << "initial = " << instruction.initial
                << ", limit = " << instruction.limit
                << ", spacing = " << instruction.spacing
                << ", roundTo = " << instruction.roundTo
                << ", display = " << instruction.display
                << ", precision = " << instruction.precision
                << ", logUnmap = " << instruction.logUnmap
                << endl;

        if (instruction.spacing == 0.0) {
            return {};

        double eps = 1e-7;
        if (instruction.spacing < eps * 10.0) {
            eps = instruction.spacing / 10.0;

        double max = instruction.limit;
        int n = 0;

        Ticks ticks;
        while (true) {

            double value = instruction.initial + n * instruction.spacing;

            if (value >= max + eps) {

            if (instruction.logUnmap) {
                value = pow(10.0, value);

            double roundTo = instruction.roundTo;

            if (roundTo == 0.0 && value != 0.0) {
                // We don't want the internal value secretly not
                // matching the displayed one
                roundTo =
                    pow(10, ceil(log10(fabs(value))) - instruction.precision);
            if (roundTo != 0.0) {
                value = roundTo * round(value / roundTo);

            if (fabs(value) < eps) {
                value = 0.0;

        return ticks;
