view data/fileio/CSVFormat.cpp @ 1879:652c5360e682

Ensure transforms are populated before instantiateDefaultPluginFor runs - otherwise if we have prior knowledge of a transform id, we can find ourselves trying to instantiate it before the plugin factory has heard of it and e.g. knows which server to use
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:20:06 +0100
parents bed42ce4d3ab
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "CSVFormat.h"

#include "base/StringBits.h"

#include <QFile>
#include <QString>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>

#include <iostream>

#include "base/Debug.h"

CSVFormat::CSVFormat(QString path) :

CSVFormat::guessFormatFor(QString path)
    m_modelType = TwoDimensionalModel;
    m_timingType = ExplicitTiming;
    m_timeUnits = TimeSeconds;

    m_maxExampleCols = 0;
    m_columnCount = 0;
    m_variableColumnCount = false;


    QFile file(path);
    if (!file.exists()) {
        SVCERR << "CSVFormat::guessFormatFor(" << path
               << "): File does not exist" << endl;
        return false;
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
        SVCERR << "CSVFormat::guessFormatFor(" << path
               << "): File could not be opened for reading" << endl;
        return false;
    SVDEBUG << "CSVFormat::guessFormatFor(" << path << ")" << endl;

    QTextStream in(&file);;

    int lineno = 0;

    while (!in.atEnd()) {

        // See comment about line endings in CSVFileReader::load() 

        QString chunk = in.readLine();
        QStringList lines = chunk.split('\r', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

        for (int li = 0; li < lines.size(); ++li) {

            QString line = lines[li];
            if (line.startsWith("#") || line == "") {

            guessQualities(line, lineno);


        if (lineno >= 150) break;


    return true;

CSVFormat::guessSeparator(QString line)
    QString candidates = "\t|,/: ";

    for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length(); ++i) {
        auto bits = StringBits::split(line, candidates[i], m_allowQuoting);
        if (bits.size() >= 2) {
            if (m_separator == "") {
                m_separator = candidates[i];
                SVDEBUG << "Estimated column separator: '" << m_separator
                        << "'" << endl;

CSVFormat::guessQualities(QString line, int lineno)

    QStringList list = StringBits::split(line, getSeparator(), m_allowQuoting);

    int cols = list.size();

    int firstLine = 0;
    if (m_headerStatus == HeaderPresent) {
        firstLine = 1;
    if (lineno == firstLine || (cols > m_columnCount)) {
        m_columnCount = cols;
    if (cols != m_columnCount) {
        m_variableColumnCount = true;

    // All columns are regarded as having these qualities until we see
    // something that indicates otherwise:

    ColumnQualities defaultQualities =
        ColumnNumeric | ColumnIntegral | ColumnSmall |
        ColumnIncreasing | ColumnNearEmpty;
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {

        SVDEBUG << "line no " << lineno << ": column " << i << " contains: \"" << list[i] << "\"" << endl;

        if (m_columnQualities.find(i) == m_columnQualities.end()) {
            m_columnQualities[i] = defaultQualities;
            m_prevValues[i] = 0.f;

        QString s(list[i]);
        bool ok = false;

        ColumnQualities qualities = m_columnQualities[i];

// Looks like this is defined on Windows
#undef small
        bool numeric    = (qualities & ColumnNumeric);
        bool integral   = (qualities & ColumnIntegral);
        bool increasing = (qualities & ColumnIncreasing);
        bool small      = (qualities & ColumnSmall);
        bool large      = (qualities & ColumnLarge); // this one defaults to off
        bool signd      = (qualities & ColumnSigned); // also defaults to off
        bool emptyish   = (qualities & ColumnNearEmpty);

        if (s.trimmed() != "") {
            if (lineno > firstLine) {
                emptyish = false;
            float value = 0.f;

            if (numeric) {
                value = s.toFloat(&ok);
                if (!ok) {
                    value = (float)StringBits::stringToDoubleLocaleFree(s, &ok);
                if (ok) {
                    if (lineno < firstLine + 2 && value > 1000.f) {
                        large = true;
                    if (value < 0.f) {
                        signd = true;
                    if (value < -1.f || value > 1.f) {
                        small = false;
                } else {
                    numeric = false;

                    // If the column is not numeric, it can't be any of
                    // these things either
                    integral = false;
                    increasing = false;
                    small = false;
                    large = false;
                    signd = false;

            if (numeric) {

                if (integral) {
                    if (s.contains('.') || s.contains(',')) {
                        integral = false;

                if (increasing) {
                    if (lineno > firstLine && value <= m_prevValues[i]) {
                        increasing = false;

                m_prevValues[i] = value;
        m_columnQualities[i] =
            (numeric    ? ColumnNumeric : 0) |
            (integral   ? ColumnIntegral : 0) |
            (increasing ? ColumnIncreasing : 0) |
            (small      ? ColumnSmall : 0) |
            (large      ? ColumnLarge : 0) |
            (signd      ? ColumnSigned : 0) |
            (emptyish   ? ColumnNearEmpty : 0);

    if (lineno == 0 && m_headerStatus == HeaderUnknown) {
        // If we have at least one column, and every column has
        // quality == ColumnNearEmpty, i.e. not empty and not numeric,
        // then we probably have a header row
        bool couldBeHeader = (cols > 0);
        std::map<int, QString> headings;
        for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
            if (m_columnQualities[i] != ColumnNearEmpty) {
                couldBeHeader = false;
            } else {
                headings[i] = list[i].trimmed().toLower();
        if (couldBeHeader) {
            m_headerStatus = HeaderPresent;
            m_columnHeadings = headings;
        } else {
            m_headerStatus = HeaderAbsent;

    if (lineno == 0 && m_headerStatus == HeaderPresent) {
        // Start again with the qualities:

    if (lineno < firstLine + 10) {
        if (lineno == 0 || cols > m_maxExampleCols) {
            m_maxExampleCols = cols;

    if (lineno < firstLine + 10) {
        SVDEBUG << "Estimated column qualities for line " << lineno << " (reporting up to first 10): ";
        if (lineno == 0 && m_headerStatus == HeaderPresent &&
            m_columnCount > 0 && m_columnQualities.empty()) {
            SVDEBUG << "[whole line classified as a header row]";
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
                if (m_columnQualities.find(i) == m_columnQualities.end()) {
                    SVDEBUG << "(not set) ";
                } else {
                    SVDEBUG << int(m_columnQualities[i]) << " ";
        SVDEBUG << endl;
        SVDEBUG << "Estimated header status: " << m_headerStatus << endl;

    m_timingType = CSVFormat::ImplicitTiming;
    m_timeUnits = CSVFormat::TimeWindows;
    int timingColumnCount = 0;
    bool haveDurationOrEndTime = false;

    SVDEBUG << "Estimated column qualities overall: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        if (m_columnQualities.find(i) == m_columnQualities.end()) {
            SVDEBUG << "(not set) ";
        } else {
            SVDEBUG << int(m_columnQualities[i]) << " ";
    SVDEBUG << endl;

    // if our first column has zero or one entries in it and the rest
    // have more, then we'll default to ignoring the first column and
    // counting the next one as primary. (e.g. Sonic Annotator output
    // with filename at start of first column.)

    int primaryColumnNo = 0;

    if (m_columnCount >= 2) {
        if ( (m_columnQualities[0] & ColumnNearEmpty) &&
            !(m_columnQualities[1] & ColumnNearEmpty)) {
            primaryColumnNo = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        ColumnPurpose purpose = ColumnUnknown;

        if (i < primaryColumnNo) {
            setColumnPurpose(i, purpose);
        bool primary = (i == primaryColumnNo);

        ColumnQualities qualities = m_columnQualities[i];

        bool numeric    = (qualities & ColumnNumeric);
        bool integral   = (qualities & ColumnIntegral);
        bool increasing = (qualities & ColumnIncreasing);
        bool large      = (qualities & ColumnLarge);

        bool timingColumn = (numeric && increasing);

        QString heading;
        if (m_columnHeadings.find(i) != m_columnHeadings.end()) {
            heading = m_columnHeadings[i];
        if (heading == "time" || heading == "frame" ||
            heading == "duration" || heading == "endtime") {
            timingColumn = true;

        if (heading == "value" || heading == "height" || heading == "label") {
            timingColumn = false;
        if (timingColumn) {


            if (heading == "endtime") {

                purpose = ColumnEndTime;
                haveDurationOrEndTime = true;

            } else if (heading == "duration") {

                purpose = ColumnDuration;
                haveDurationOrEndTime = true;
            } else if (primary || heading == "time" || heading == "frame") {

                purpose = ColumnStartTime;
                m_timingType = ExplicitTiming;

                if ((integral && large) || heading == "frame") {
                    m_timeUnits = TimeAudioFrames;
                } else {
                    m_timeUnits = TimeSeconds;

            } else if (timingColumnCount == 2 &&
                       m_timingType == ExplicitTiming) {
                purpose = ColumnEndTime;
                haveDurationOrEndTime = true;

        if (purpose == ColumnUnknown) {
            if (heading == "label") {
                purpose = ColumnLabel;
            } else if (numeric || heading == "value" || heading == "height") {
                purpose = ColumnValue;
            } else {
                purpose = ColumnLabel;

        setColumnPurpose(i, purpose);

    int valueCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        if (m_columnPurposes[i] == ColumnValue) {

    if (valueCount == 2 && timingColumnCount == 1) {
        // If we have exactly two apparent value columns and only one
        // timing column, but one value column is integral and the
        // other is not, guess that whichever one matches the integral
        // status of the time column is either duration or end time
        if (m_timingType == ExplicitTiming) {
            int a = -1, b = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
                if (m_columnPurposes[i] == ColumnValue) {
                    if (a == -1) a = i;
                    else b = i;
            if ((m_columnQualities[a] & ColumnIntegral) !=
                (m_columnQualities[b] & ColumnIntegral)) {
                int timecol = a;
                if ((m_columnQualities[a] & ColumnIntegral) !=
                    (m_columnQualities[0] & ColumnIntegral)) {
                    timecol = b;
                if (m_columnQualities[timecol] & ColumnIncreasing) {
                    // This shouldn't happen; should have been settled above
                    m_columnPurposes[timecol] = ColumnEndTime;
                    haveDurationOrEndTime = true;
                } else {
                    m_columnPurposes[timecol] = ColumnDuration;
                    haveDurationOrEndTime = true;

    if (timingColumnCount > 1 || haveDurationOrEndTime) {
        m_modelType = TwoDimensionalModelWithDuration;
    } else {
        if (valueCount == 0) {
            m_modelType = OneDimensionalModel;
        } else if (valueCount == 1) {
            m_modelType = TwoDimensionalModel;
        } else {
            m_modelType = ThreeDimensionalModel;

    SVDEBUG << "Estimated column purposes: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        SVDEBUG << int(m_columnPurposes[i]) << " ";
    SVDEBUG << endl;

    SVDEBUG << "Estimated model type: " << m_modelType << endl;
    SVDEBUG << "Estimated timing type: " << m_timingType << endl;
    SVDEBUG << "Estimated units: " << m_timeUnits << endl;

    AudioSampleRange range = SampleRangeSigned1;
    range = SampleRangeSigned1;
    bool knownSigned = false;
    bool knownNonIntegral = false;

    SVDEBUG << "CSVFormat::guessAudioSampleRange: starting with assumption of "
            << range << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        if (m_columnPurposes[i] != ColumnValue) {
            SVDEBUG << "... column " << i
                    << " is not apparently a value, ignoring" << endl;
        if (!(m_columnQualities[i] & ColumnIntegral)) {
            knownNonIntegral = true;
            if (range == SampleRangeUnsigned255 ||
                range == SampleRangeSigned32767) {
                range = SampleRangeOther;
            SVDEBUG << "... column " << i
                    << " is non-integral, updating range to " << range << endl;
        if (m_columnQualities[i] & ColumnLarge) {
            if (range == SampleRangeSigned1 ||
                range == SampleRangeUnsigned255) {
                if (knownNonIntegral) {
                    range = SampleRangeOther;
                } else {
                    range = SampleRangeSigned32767;
            SVDEBUG << "... column " << i << " is large, updating range to "
                    << range << endl;
        if (m_columnQualities[i] & ColumnSigned) {
            knownSigned = true;
            if (range == SampleRangeUnsigned255) {
                range = SampleRangeSigned32767;
            SVDEBUG << "... column " << i << " is signed, updating range to "
                    << range << endl;
        if (!(m_columnQualities[i] & ColumnSmall)) {
            if (range == SampleRangeSigned1) {
                if (knownNonIntegral) {
                    range = SampleRangeOther;
                } else if (knownSigned) {
                    range = SampleRangeSigned32767;
                } else {
                    range = SampleRangeUnsigned255;
            SVDEBUG << "... column " << i << " is not small, updating range to "
                    << range << endl;

    SVDEBUG << "CSVFormat::guessAudioSampleRange: ended up with range "
            << range << endl;
    m_audioSampleRange = range;

CSVFormat::getColumnPurposes() const
    QList<ColumnPurpose> purposes;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
    return purposes;

CSVFormat::setColumnPurposes(QList<ColumnPurpose> cl)
    for (int i = 0; in_range_for(cl, i); ++i) {
        m_columnPurposes[i] = cl[i];

CSVFormat::getColumnPurpose(int i) const
    if (m_columnPurposes.find(i) == m_columnPurposes.end()) {
        return ColumnUnknown;
    } else {

CSVFormat::setColumnPurpose(int i, ColumnPurpose p)
    m_columnPurposes[i] = p;

CSVFormat::getColumnQualities() const
    QList<ColumnQualities> qualities;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; ++i) {
        if (m_columnQualities.find(i) == m_columnQualities.end()) {
        } else {
    return qualities;