view base/Event.h @ 1879:652c5360e682

Ensure transforms are populated before instantiateDefaultPluginFor runs - otherwise if we have prior knowledge of a transform id, we can find ourselves trying to instantiate it before the plugin factory has heard of it and e.g. knows which server to use
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:20:06 +0100
parents b4b11af915f4
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#ifndef SV_EVENT_H
#define SV_EVENT_H

#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NoteData.h"
#include "XmlExportable.h"
#include "DataExportOptions.h"

#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <QString>

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
static uint qHash(float key, uint seed = 0) {
    uint h = seed;
    const uchar *p = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(&key);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(key); ++i) {
        h = 31 * h + p[i];
    return h;

 * An immutable(-ish) type used for point and event representation in
 * sparse models, as well as for interchange within the clipboard. An
 * event always has a frame and (possibly empty) label, and optionally
 * has numerical value, level, duration in frames, and a mapped
 * reference frame. Event has an operator< defining a total ordering,
 * by frame first and then by the other properties.
 * Event is based on the Clipboard::Point type up to SV v3.2.1 and is
 * intended also to replace the custom point types previously found in
 * sparse models.
class Event
    Event() :
        m_haveValue(false), m_haveLevel(false),
        m_haveDuration(false), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(0.f), m_level(0.f), m_frame(0),
        m_duration(0), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label() { }
    Event(sv_frame_t frame) :
        m_haveValue(false), m_haveLevel(false),
        m_haveDuration(false), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(0.f), m_level(0.f), m_frame(frame),
        m_duration(0), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label() { }
    Event(sv_frame_t frame, QString label) :
        m_haveValue(false), m_haveLevel(false), 
        m_haveDuration(false), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(0.f), m_level(0.f), m_frame(frame),
        m_duration(0), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label(label) { }
    Event(sv_frame_t frame, float value, QString label) :
        m_haveValue(true), m_haveLevel(false), 
        m_haveDuration(false), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(value), m_level(0.f), m_frame(frame),
        m_duration(0), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label(label) { }
    Event(sv_frame_t frame, float value, sv_frame_t duration, QString label) :
        m_haveValue(true), m_haveLevel(false), 
        m_haveDuration(true), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(value), m_level(0.f), m_frame(frame),
        m_duration(duration), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label(label) {
        if (m_duration < 0) {
            m_frame += m_duration;
            m_duration = -m_duration;
    Event(sv_frame_t frame, float value, sv_frame_t duration,
          float level, QString label) :
        m_haveValue(true), m_haveLevel(true), 
        m_haveDuration(true), m_haveReferenceFrame(false),
        m_value(value), m_level(level), m_frame(frame),
        m_duration(duration), m_referenceFrame(0), m_label(label) {
        if (m_duration < 0) {
            m_frame += m_duration;
            m_duration = -m_duration;

    Event(const Event &event) =default;

    // We would ideally like Event to be immutable - but we have to
    // have these because otherwise we can't put Events in vectors
    // etc. Let's call it conceptually immutable
    Event &operator=(const Event &event) =default;
    Event &operator=(Event &&event) =default;
    sv_frame_t getFrame() const { return m_frame; }

    Event withFrame(sv_frame_t frame) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_frame = frame;
        return p;
    bool hasValue() const { return m_haveValue; }
    float getValue() const { return m_haveValue ? m_value : 0.f; }
    Event withValue(float value) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveValue = true;
        p.m_value = value;
        return p;
    Event withoutValue() const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveValue = false;
        p.m_value = 0.f;
        return p;
    bool hasDuration() const { return m_haveDuration; }
    sv_frame_t getDuration() const { return m_haveDuration ? m_duration : 0; }

    Event withDuration(sv_frame_t duration) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_duration = duration;
        p.m_haveDuration = true;
        if (p.m_duration < 0) {
            p.m_frame += p.m_duration;
            p.m_duration = -p.m_duration;
        return p;
    Event withoutDuration() const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveDuration = false;
        p.m_duration = 0;
        return p;

    bool hasLabel() const { return m_label != QString(); }
    QString getLabel() const { return m_label; }

    Event withLabel(QString label) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_label = label;
        return p;

    bool hasUri() const { return m_uri != QString(); }
    QString getURI() const { return m_uri; }

    Event withURI(QString uri) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_uri = uri;
        return p;
    bool hasLevel() const { return m_haveLevel; }
    float getLevel() const { return m_haveLevel ? m_level : 0.f; }

    Event withLevel(float level) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveLevel = true;
        p.m_level = level;
        return p;
    Event withoutLevel() const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveLevel = false;
        p.m_level = 0.f;
        return p;
    bool hasReferenceFrame() const { return m_haveReferenceFrame; }
    sv_frame_t getReferenceFrame() const {
        return m_haveReferenceFrame ? m_referenceFrame : m_frame;
    bool referenceFrameDiffers() const { // from event frame
        return m_haveReferenceFrame && (m_referenceFrame != m_frame);
    Event withReferenceFrame(sv_frame_t frame) const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveReferenceFrame = true;
        p.m_referenceFrame = frame;
        return p;
    Event withoutReferenceFrame() const {
        Event p(*this);
        p.m_haveReferenceFrame = false;
        p.m_referenceFrame = 0;
        return p;

    bool operator==(const Event &p) const {

        if (m_frame != p.m_frame) return false;

        if (m_haveDuration != p.m_haveDuration) return false;
        if (m_haveDuration && (m_duration != p.m_duration)) return false;

        if (m_haveValue != p.m_haveValue) return false;
        if (m_haveValue && (m_value != p.m_value)) return false;

        if (m_haveLevel != p.m_haveLevel) return false;
        if (m_haveLevel && (m_level != p.m_level)) return false;

        if (m_haveReferenceFrame != p.m_haveReferenceFrame) return false;
        if (m_haveReferenceFrame &&
            (m_referenceFrame != p.m_referenceFrame)) return false;
        if (m_label != p.m_label) return false;
        if (m_uri != p.m_uri) return false;
        return true;

    bool operator!=(const Event &p) const {
        return !operator==(p);

    bool operator<(const Event &p) const {

        if (m_frame != p.m_frame) {
            return m_frame < p.m_frame;

        // events without a property sort before events with that property

        if (m_haveDuration != p.m_haveDuration) {
            return !m_haveDuration;
        if (m_haveDuration && (m_duration != p.m_duration)) {
            return m_duration < p.m_duration;

        if (m_haveValue != p.m_haveValue) {
            return !m_haveValue;
        if (m_haveValue && (m_value != p.m_value)) {
            return m_value < p.m_value;
        if (m_haveLevel != p.m_haveLevel) {
            return !m_haveLevel;
        if (m_haveLevel && (m_level != p.m_level)) {
            return m_level < p.m_level;

        if (m_haveReferenceFrame != p.m_haveReferenceFrame) {
            return !m_haveReferenceFrame;
        if (m_haveReferenceFrame && (m_referenceFrame != p.m_referenceFrame)) {
            return m_referenceFrame < p.m_referenceFrame;
        if (m_label != p.m_label) {
            return m_label < p.m_label;
        return m_uri < p.m_uri;

    struct ExportNameOptions {

        ExportNameOptions() :
            uriAttributeName("uri") { }

        QString valueAttributeName;
        QString levelAttributeName;
        QString uriAttributeName;
    void toXml(QTextStream &stream,
               QString indent = "",
               QString extraAttributes = "",
               ExportNameOptions opts = ExportNameOptions()) const {

        // For I/O purposes these are points, not events
        stream << indent << QString("<point frame=\"%1\" ").arg(m_frame);
        if (m_haveValue) {
            stream << QString("%1=\"%2\" ")
        if (m_haveDuration) {
            stream << QString("duration=\"%1\" ").arg(m_duration);
        if (m_haveLevel) {
            stream << QString("%1=\"%2\" ")
        if (m_haveReferenceFrame) {
            stream << QString("referenceFrame=\"%1\" ")

        stream << QString("label=\"%1\" ")
        if (m_uri != QString()) {
            stream << QString("%1=\"%2\" ")
        stream << extraAttributes << "/>\n";

    QString toXmlString(QString indent = "",
                        QString extraAttributes = "") const {
        QString s;
        QTextStream out(&s);
        toXml(out, indent, extraAttributes);
        return s;

    NoteData toNoteData(sv_samplerate_t sampleRate,
                        bool valueIsMidiPitch) const {

        sv_frame_t duration;
        if (m_haveDuration && m_duration > 0) {
            duration = m_duration;
        } else {
            duration = sv_frame_t(sampleRate / 6); // arbitrary short duration

        int midiPitch;
        float frequency = 0.f;
        if (m_haveValue) {
            if (valueIsMidiPitch) {
                midiPitch = int(roundf(m_value));
            } else {
                frequency = m_value;
                midiPitch = Pitch::getPitchForFrequency(frequency);
        } else {
            midiPitch = 64;
            valueIsMidiPitch = true;

        int velocity = 100;
        if (m_haveLevel) {
            if (m_level > 0.f && m_level <= 1.f) {
                velocity = int(roundf(m_level * 127.f));

        NoteData n(m_frame, duration, midiPitch, velocity);
        n.isMidiPitchQuantized = valueIsMidiPitch;
        if (!valueIsMidiPitch) {
            n.frequency = frequency;

        return n;

    getStringExportHeaders(DataExportOptions opts,
                           ExportNameOptions nameOpts) const {

        QStringList list;

        // These are considered API rather than human-readable text -
        // they shouldn't be translated

        if (opts & DataExportWriteTimeInFrames) {
            list << "frame";
        } else {
            list << "time";

        if (m_haveValue) {
            list << nameOpts.valueAttributeName;
        if (m_haveDuration) {
            list << "duration";
        if (m_haveLevel) {
            if (!(opts & DataExportOmitLevel)) {
                list << nameOpts.levelAttributeName;
        if (m_uri != "") {
            list << nameOpts.uriAttributeName;
        list << "label";

        QVector<QString> sv;
        for (QString s: list) {
        return sv;

    toStringExportRow(DataExportOptions opts,
                      sv_samplerate_t sampleRate) const {
        QStringList list;

        if (opts & DataExportWriteTimeInFrames) {
            list << QString("%1").arg(m_frame);
        } else {
            list << RealTime::frame2RealTime(m_frame, sampleRate)
        if (m_haveValue) {
            list << QString("%1").arg(m_value);
        if (m_haveDuration) {
            if (opts & DataExportWriteTimeInFrames) {
                list << QString("%1").arg(m_duration);
            } else {
                list << RealTime::frame2RealTime(m_duration, sampleRate)
        if (m_haveLevel) {
            if (!(opts & DataExportOmitLevel)) {
                list << QString("%1").arg(m_level);

        // Put URI before label, to preserve the ordering previously
        // used in the custom Image model exporter. We shouldn't
        // change the column ordering unless (until?) we provide a
        // facility for the user to customise it
        if (m_uri != "") list << m_uri;
        if (m_label != "") list << m_label;

        return list.toVector();
    uint hash(uint seed = 0) const {
        uint h = qHash(m_label, seed);
        if (m_haveValue) h ^= qHash(m_value);
        if (m_haveLevel) h ^= qHash(m_level);
        h ^= qHash(m_frame);
        if (m_haveDuration) h ^= qHash(m_duration);
        if (m_haveReferenceFrame) h ^= qHash(m_referenceFrame);
        h ^= qHash(m_uri);
        return h;
    // The order of fields here is chosen to minimise overall size of struct.
    // We potentially store very many of these objects.
    // If you change something, check what difference it makes to packing.
    bool m_haveValue : 1;
    bool m_haveLevel : 1;
    bool m_haveDuration : 1;
    bool m_haveReferenceFrame : 1;
    float m_value;
    float m_level;
    sv_frame_t m_frame;
    sv_frame_t m_duration;
    sv_frame_t m_referenceFrame;
    QString m_label;
    QString m_uri;

inline uint qHash(const Event &e, uint seed = 0) {
    return e.hash(seed);

typedef std::vector<Event> EventVector;
