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view data/fileio/CSVFileReader.cpp @ 1300:4a2bc07ec0fb 3.0-integration
Make CSV feature writer produce the same output with Qt 5.6 and 5.7+
author | Chris Cannam |
date | Fri, 25 Nov 2016 17:33:44 +0000 |
parents | 815f82508f96 |
children | 87ae75da6527 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Sonic Visualiser An audio file viewer and annotation editor. Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "CSVFileReader.h" #include "model/Model.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "base/StringBits.h" #include "model/SparseOneDimensionalModel.h" #include "model/SparseTimeValueModel.h" #include "model/EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel.h" #include "model/RegionModel.h" #include "model/NoteModel.h" #include "DataFileReaderFactory.h" #include <QFile> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QString> #include <QRegExp> #include <QStringList> #include <QTextStream> #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace std; CSVFileReader::CSVFileReader(QString path, CSVFormat format, sv_samplerate_t mainModelSampleRate) : m_format(format), m_device(0), m_ownDevice(true), m_warnings(0), m_mainModelSampleRate(mainModelSampleRate) { QFile *file = new QFile(path); bool good = false; if (!file->exists()) { m_error = QFile::tr("File \"%1\" does not exist").arg(path); } else if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { m_error = QFile::tr("Failed to open file \"%1\"").arg(path); } else { good = true; } if (good) { m_device = file; m_filename = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); } else { delete file; } } CSVFileReader::CSVFileReader(QIODevice *device, CSVFormat format, sv_samplerate_t mainModelSampleRate) : m_format(format), m_device(device), m_ownDevice(false), m_warnings(0), m_mainModelSampleRate(mainModelSampleRate) { } CSVFileReader::~CSVFileReader() { SVDEBUG << "CSVFileReader::~CSVFileReader: device is " << m_device << endl; if (m_device && m_ownDevice) { SVDEBUG << "CSVFileReader::CSVFileReader: Closing device" << endl; m_device->close(); delete m_device; } } bool CSVFileReader::isOK() const { return (m_device != 0); } QString CSVFileReader::getError() const { return m_error; } sv_frame_t CSVFileReader::convertTimeValue(QString s, int lineno, sv_samplerate_t sampleRate, int windowSize) const { QRegExp nonNumericRx("[^0-9eE.,+-]"); int warnLimit = 10; CSVFormat::TimeUnits timeUnits = m_format.getTimeUnits(); sv_frame_t calculatedFrame = 0; bool ok = false; QString numeric = s; numeric.remove(nonNumericRx); if (timeUnits == CSVFormat::TimeSeconds) { double time = numeric.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) time = StringBits::stringToDoubleLocaleFree(numeric, &ok); calculatedFrame = sv_frame_t(time * sampleRate + 0.5); } else if (timeUnits == CSVFormat::TimeMilliseconds) { double time = numeric.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) time = StringBits::stringToDoubleLocaleFree(numeric, &ok); calculatedFrame = sv_frame_t((time / 1000.0) * sampleRate + 0.5); } else { long n = numeric.toLong(&ok); if (n >= 0) calculatedFrame = n; if (timeUnits == CSVFormat::TimeWindows) { calculatedFrame *= windowSize; } } if (!ok) { if (m_warnings < warnLimit) { cerr << "WARNING: CSVFileReader::load: " << "Bad time format (\"" << s << "\") in data line " << lineno+1 << endl; } else if (m_warnings == warnLimit) { cerr << "WARNING: Too many warnings" << endl; } ++m_warnings; } return calculatedFrame; } Model * CSVFileReader::load() const { if (!m_device) return 0; CSVFormat::ModelType modelType = m_format.getModelType(); CSVFormat::TimingType timingType = m_format.getTimingType(); CSVFormat::TimeUnits timeUnits = m_format.getTimeUnits(); sv_samplerate_t sampleRate = m_format.getSampleRate(); int windowSize = m_format.getWindowSize(); QChar separator = m_format.getSeparator(); bool allowQuoting = m_format.getAllowQuoting(); if (timingType == CSVFormat::ExplicitTiming) { if (modelType == CSVFormat::ThreeDimensionalModel) { // This will be overridden later if more than one line // appears in our file, but we want to choose a default // that's likely to be visible windowSize = 1024; } else { windowSize = 1; } if (timeUnits == CSVFormat::TimeSeconds || timeUnits == CSVFormat::TimeMilliseconds) { sampleRate = m_mainModelSampleRate; } } SparseOneDimensionalModel *model1 = 0; SparseTimeValueModel *model2 = 0; RegionModel *model2a = 0; NoteModel *model2b = 0; EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel *model3 = 0; Model *model = 0; QTextStream in(m_device); unsigned int warnings = 0, warnLimit = 10; unsigned int lineno = 0; float min = 0.0, max = 0.0; sv_frame_t frameNo = 0; sv_frame_t duration = 0; sv_frame_t endFrame = 0; bool haveAnyValue = false; bool haveEndTime = false; bool pitchLooksLikeMIDI = true; sv_frame_t startFrame = 0; // for calculation of dense model resolution bool firstEverValue = true; map<QString, int> labelCountMap; int valueColumns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_format.getColumnCount(); ++i) { if (m_format.getColumnPurpose(i) == CSVFormat::ColumnValue) { ++valueColumns; } } while (!in.atEnd()) { // QTextStream's readLine doesn't cope with old-style Mac // CR-only line endings. Why did they bother making the class // cope with more than one sort of line ending, if it still // can't be configured to cope with all the common sorts? // For the time being we'll deal with this case (which is // relatively uncommon for us, but still necessary to handle) // by reading the entire file using a single readLine, and // splitting it. For CR and CR/LF line endings this will just // read a line at a time, and that's obviously OK. QString chunk = in.readLine(); QStringList lines = chunk.split('\r', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int li = 0; li < lines.size(); ++li) { QString line = lines[li]; if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; QStringList list = StringBits::split(line, separator, allowQuoting); if (!model) { switch (modelType) { case CSVFormat::OneDimensionalModel: model1 = new SparseOneDimensionalModel(sampleRate, windowSize); model = model1; break; case CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModel: model2 = new SparseTimeValueModel(sampleRate, windowSize, false); model = model2; break; case CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModelWithDuration: model2a = new RegionModel(sampleRate, windowSize, false); model = model2a; break; case CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModelWithDurationAndPitch: model2b = new NoteModel(sampleRate, windowSize, false); model = model2b; break; case CSVFormat::ThreeDimensionalModel: model3 = new EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel (sampleRate, windowSize, valueColumns, EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel::NoCompression); model = model3; break; } if (model) { if (m_filename != "") { model->setObjectName(m_filename); } } } float value = 0.f; float pitch = 0.f; QString label = ""; duration = 0.f; haveEndTime = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QString s = list[i]; CSVFormat::ColumnPurpose purpose = m_format.getColumnPurpose(i); switch (purpose) { case CSVFormat::ColumnUnknown: break; case CSVFormat::ColumnStartTime: frameNo = convertTimeValue(s, lineno, sampleRate, windowSize); break; case CSVFormat::ColumnEndTime: endFrame = convertTimeValue(s, lineno, sampleRate, windowSize); haveEndTime = true; break; case CSVFormat::ColumnDuration: duration = convertTimeValue(s, lineno, sampleRate, windowSize); break; case CSVFormat::ColumnValue: value = s.toFloat(); haveAnyValue = true; break; case CSVFormat::ColumnPitch: pitch = s.toFloat(); if (pitch < 0.f || pitch > 127.f) { pitchLooksLikeMIDI = false; } break; case CSVFormat::ColumnLabel: label = s; break; } } ++labelCountMap[label]; if (haveEndTime) { // ... calculate duration now all cols read if (endFrame > frameNo) { duration = endFrame - frameNo; } } if (modelType == CSVFormat::OneDimensionalModel) { SparseOneDimensionalModel::Point point(frameNo, label); model1->addPoint(point); } else if (modelType == CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModel) { SparseTimeValueModel::Point point(frameNo, value, label); model2->addPoint(point); } else if (modelType == CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModelWithDuration) { RegionModel::Point point(frameNo, value, duration, label); model2a->addPoint(point); } else if (modelType == CSVFormat::TwoDimensionalModelWithDurationAndPitch) { float level = ((value >= 0.f && value <= 1.f) ? value : 1.f); NoteModel::Point point(frameNo, pitch, duration, level, label); model2b->addPoint(point); } else if (modelType == CSVFormat::ThreeDimensionalModel) { DenseThreeDimensionalModel::Column values; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { if (m_format.getColumnPurpose(i) != CSVFormat::ColumnValue) { continue; } bool ok = false; float value = list[i].toFloat(&ok); values.push_back(value); if (firstEverValue || value < min) min = value; if (firstEverValue || value > max) max = value; if (firstEverValue) { startFrame = frameNo; model3->setStartFrame(startFrame); } else if (lineno == 1 && timingType == CSVFormat::ExplicitTiming) { model3->setResolution(int(frameNo - startFrame)); } firstEverValue = false; if (!ok) { if (warnings < warnLimit) { cerr << "WARNING: CSVFileReader::load: " << "Non-numeric value \"" << list[i] << "\" in data line " << lineno+1 << ":" << endl; cerr << line << endl; ++warnings; } else if (warnings == warnLimit) { // cerr << "WARNING: Too many warnings" << endl; } } } // SVDEBUG << "Setting bin values for count " << lineno << ", frame " // << frameNo << ", time " << RealTime::frame2RealTime(frameNo, sampleRate) << endl; model3->setColumn(lineno, values); } ++lineno; if (timingType == CSVFormat::ImplicitTiming || list.size() == 0) { frameNo += windowSize; } } } if (!haveAnyValue) { if (model2a) { // assign values for regions based on label frequency; we // have this in our labelCountMap, sort of map<int, map<QString, float> > countLabelValueMap; for (map<QString, int>::iterator i = labelCountMap.begin(); i != labelCountMap.end(); ++i) { countLabelValueMap[i->second][i->first] = -1.f; } float v = 0.f; for (map<int, map<QString, float> >::iterator i = countLabelValueMap.end(); i != countLabelValueMap.begin(); ) { --i; cerr << "count -> " << i->first << endl; for (map<QString, float>::iterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) { j->second = v; cerr << "label -> " << j->first << ", value " << v << endl; v = v + 1.f; } } map<RegionModel::Point, RegionModel::Point, RegionModel::Point::Comparator> pointMap; for (RegionModel::PointList::const_iterator i = model2a->getPoints().begin(); i != model2a->getPoints().end(); ++i) { RegionModel::Point p(*i); int count = labelCountMap[p.label]; v = countLabelValueMap[count][p.label]; cerr << "mapping from label \"" << p.label << "\" (count " << count << ") to value " << v << endl; RegionModel::Point pp(p.frame, v, p.duration, p.label); pointMap[p] = pp; } for (map<RegionModel::Point, RegionModel::Point>::iterator i = pointMap.begin(); i != pointMap.end(); ++i) { // There could be duplicate regions; if so replace // them all -- but we need to check we're not // replacing a region by itself (or else this will // never terminate) if (i->first.value == i->second.value) { continue; } while (model2a->containsPoint(i->first)) { model2a->deletePoint(i->first); model2a->addPoint(i->second); } } } } if (model2b) { if (pitchLooksLikeMIDI) { model2b->setScaleUnits("MIDI Pitch"); } else { model2b->setScaleUnits("Hz"); } } if (model3) { model3->setMinimumLevel(min); model3->setMaximumLevel(max); } return model; }