view rdf/RDFTransformFactory.cpp @ 507:0944d13689b2

* Implement proper RDF feature writing for track level features, using the feature attribute URI given in the plugin description RDF (if there is one)
author Chris Cannam
date Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:19:04 +0000
parents 3176aade1a03
children 1b8c748fd7ea
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2008 QMUL.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "RDFTransformFactory.h"

#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include <QTextStream>

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

#include "SimpleSPARQLQuery.h"
#include "PluginRDFIndexer.h"
#include "PluginRDFDescription.h"
#include "base/ProgressReporter.h"
#include "plugin/PluginIdentifier.h"

#include "transform/TransformFactory.h"

using std::cerr;
using std::endl;

typedef const unsigned char *STR; // redland's expected string type

class RDFTransformFactoryImpl
    RDFTransformFactoryImpl(QString url);
    virtual ~RDFTransformFactoryImpl();
    bool isRDF();
    bool isOK();
    QString getErrorString() const;

    std::vector<Transform> getTransforms(ProgressReporter *);

    static QString writeTransformToRDF(const Transform &, QString);

    QString m_urlString;
    QString m_errorString;
    bool m_isRDF;
    bool setOutput(Transform &, QString);
    bool setParameters(Transform &, QString);

    return "*.rdf *.n3 *.ttl";

RDFTransformFactory::RDFTransformFactory(QString url) :
    m_d(new RDFTransformFactoryImpl(url)) 

    delete m_d;

    return m_d->isRDF();

    return m_d->isOK();

RDFTransformFactory::getErrorString() const
    return m_d->getErrorString();

RDFTransformFactory::getTransforms(ProgressReporter *r)
    return m_d->getTransforms(r);

RDFTransformFactory::writeTransformToRDF(const Transform &t, QString f)
    return RDFTransformFactoryImpl::writeTransformToRDF(t, f);

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::RDFTransformFactoryImpl(QString url) :


    return m_isRDF;

    return (m_errorString == "");

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::getErrorString() const
    return m_errorString;

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::getTransforms(ProgressReporter *reporter)
    std::vector<Transform> transforms;

    std::map<QString, Transform> uriTransformMap;

    QString query = 
        " PREFIX vamp: <> "

        " SELECT ?transform ?plugin "
        " FROM <%2> "

        " WHERE { "
        "   ?transform a vamp:Transform ; "
        "              vamp:plugin ?plugin . "
        " } ";

    SimpleSPARQLQuery transformsQuery
        (SimpleSPARQLQuery::QueryFromSingleSource, query.arg(m_urlString));

    SimpleSPARQLQuery::ResultList transformResults = transformsQuery.execute();

    if (!transformsQuery.isOK()) {
        m_errorString = transformsQuery.getErrorString();
        return transforms;

    m_isRDF = true;

    if (transformResults.empty()) {
        cerr << "RDFTransformFactory: NOTE: No RDF/TTL transform descriptions found in document at <" << m_urlString.toStdString() << ">" << endl;
        return transforms;

    // There are various queries we need to make that might include
    // data from either the transform RDF or the model accumulated
    // from plugin descriptions.  For example, the transform RDF may
    // specify the output's true URI, or it might have a blank node or
    // some other URI with the appropriate vamp:identifier included in
    // the file.  To cover both cases, we need to add the file itself
    // into the model and always query the model using the transform
    // URI rather than querying the file itself subsequently.


    PluginRDFIndexer *indexer = PluginRDFIndexer::getInstance();

    for (int i = 0; i < transformResults.size(); ++i) {

        SimpleSPARQLQuery::KeyValueMap &result = transformResults[i];

        QString transformUri = result["transform"].value;
        QString pluginUri = result["plugin"].value;

        QString pluginId = indexer->getIdForPluginURI(pluginUri);
        if (pluginId == "") {
            cerr << "RDFTransformFactory: WARNING: Unknown plugin <"
                 << pluginUri.toStdString() << "> for transform <"
                 << transformUri.toStdString() << ">, skipping this transform"
                 << endl;

        Transform transform;

        if (!setOutput(transform, transformUri)) {
            return transforms;

        if (!setParameters(transform, transformUri)) {
            return transforms;

        uriTransformMap[transformUri] = transform;

        // We have to do this a very long way round, to work around
        // rasqal's current inability to handle correctly more than one
        // OPTIONAL graph in a query

        static const char *optionals[] = {
        for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(optionals)/sizeof(optionals[0]); ++j) {

            QString optional = optionals[j];

            QString queryTemplate = 
                " PREFIX vamp: <> "
                " SELECT ?%1 "
                " WHERE { "
                "   <%2> vamp:%1 ?%1 "
                " } ";
            SimpleSPARQLQuery query
            SimpleSPARQLQuery::ResultList results = query.execute();

            if (!query.isOK()) {
                m_errorString = query.getErrorString();
                return transforms;

            if (results.empty()) continue;

            for (int k = 0; k < results.size(); ++k) {

                const SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value &v = results[k][optional];

                if (v.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::LiteralValue) {
                    if (optional == "program") {
                    } else if (optional == "step_size") {
                    } else if (optional == "block_size") {
                    } else if (optional == "window_type") {
                        cerr << "NOTE: can't handle window type yet (value is \""
                             << v.value.toStdString() << "\")" << endl;
                    } else if (optional == "sample_rate") {
                    } else if (optional == "start") {
                    } else if (optional == "duration") {
                    } else {
                        cerr << "RDFTransformFactory: ERROR: Inconsistent optionals lists (unexpected optional \"" << optional.toStdString() << "\"" << endl;

        cerr << "RDFTransformFactory: NOTE: Transform is: " << endl;
        cerr << transform.toXmlString().toStdString() << endl;

    return transforms;

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::setOutput(Transform &transform,
                                   QString transformUri)
    SimpleSPARQLQuery::Value outputValue =
             " PREFIX vamp: <> "
             " SELECT ?output_id "

             " WHERE { "
             "   <%1> vamp:output ?output . "
             "   ?output vamp:identifier ?output_id "
             " } "
    if (outputValue.type == SimpleSPARQLQuery::NoValue) {
        return true;
    if (outputValue.type != SimpleSPARQLQuery::LiteralValue) {
        m_errorString = QString("No vamp:identifier found for output of transform <%1>, or vamp:identifier is not a literal").arg(transformUri);
        return false;


    return true;

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::setParameters(Transform &transform,
                                       QString transformUri)
    SimpleSPARQLQuery paramQuery
             " PREFIX vamp: <> "
             " SELECT ?param_id ?param_value "
             " WHERE { "
             "   <%1> vamp:parameter_binding ?binding . "
             "   ?binding vamp:parameter ?param ; "
             "            vamp:value ?param_value . "
             "   ?param vamp:identifier ?param_id "
             " } "
    SimpleSPARQLQuery::ResultList paramResults = paramQuery.execute();
    if (!paramQuery.isOK()) {
        m_errorString = paramQuery.getErrorString();
        return false;
    if (paramQuery.wasCancelled()) {
        m_errorString = "Query cancelled";
        return false;
    for (int j = 0; j < paramResults.size(); ++j) {
        QString paramId = paramResults[j]["param_id"].value;
        QString paramValue = paramResults[j]["param_value"].value;
        if (paramId == "" || paramValue == "") continue;
        transform.setParameter(paramId, paramValue.toFloat());

    return true;

RDFTransformFactoryImpl::writeTransformToRDF(const Transform &transform,
                                             QString uri)
    QString str;
    QTextStream s(&str);

    // assumes the usual prefixes are available; requires that uri be
    // a local fragment (e.g. ":transform") rather than a uri enclosed
    // in <>, so that we can suffix it if need be

    QString pluginId = transform.getPluginIdentifier();
    QString pluginUri = PluginRDFIndexer::getInstance()->getURIForPluginId(pluginId);

    if (pluginUri != "") {
        s << uri << " a vamp:Transform ;" << endl;
        s << "    vamp:plugin <" << pluginUri << "> ;" << endl;
    } else {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: RDFTransformFactory::writeTransformToRDF: No plugin URI available for plugin id \"" << pluginId.toStdString() << "\", writing synthetic plugin and library resources" << std::endl;
        QString type, soname, label;
        PluginIdentifier::parseIdentifier(pluginId, type, soname, label);
        s << uri << "_plugin a vamp:Plugin ;" << endl;
        s << "    vamp:identifier \"" << label << "\" .\n" << endl;
        s << uri << "_library a vamp:PluginLibrary ;" << endl;
        s << "    vamp:identifier \"" << soname << "\" ;" << endl;
        s << "    vamp:available_plugin " << uri << "_plugin .\n" << endl;
        s << uri << " a vamp:Transform ;" << endl;
        s << "    vamp:plugin " << uri << "_plugin ;" << endl;

    PluginRDFDescription description(pluginId);
    QString outputId = transform.getOutput();
    QString outputUri = description.getOutputUri(outputId);

    if (transform.getOutput() != "" && outputUri == "") {
        std::cerr << "WARNING: RDFTransformFactory::writeTransformToRDF: No output URI available for transform output id \"" << transform.getOutput().toStdString() << "\", writing a synthetic output resource" << std::endl;

    if (transform.getStepSize() != 0) {
        s << "    vamp:step_size \"" << transform.getStepSize() << "\"^^xsd:int ; " << endl;
    if (transform.getBlockSize() != 0) {
        s << "    vamp:block_size \"" << transform.getBlockSize() << "\"^^xsd:int ; " << endl;
    if (transform.getStartTime() != RealTime::zeroTime) {
        s << "    vamp:start \"" << transform.getStartTime().toXsdDuration().c_str() << "\"^^xsd:duration ; " << endl;
    if (transform.getDuration() != RealTime::zeroTime) {
        s << "    vamp:duration \"" << transform.getDuration().toXsdDuration().c_str() << "\"^^xsd:duration ; " << endl;
    if (transform.getSampleRate() != 0) {
        s << "    vamp:sample_rate \"" << transform.getSampleRate() << "\"^^xsd:float ; " << endl;
    QString program = transform.getProgram();

    if (program != "") {
        s << "    vamp:program \"\"\"" << program << "\"\"\" ;" << endl;

    Transform::ParameterMap parameters = transform.getParameters();
    for (Transform::ParameterMap::const_iterator i = parameters.begin();
         i != parameters.end(); ++i) {
        QString name = i->first;
        float value = i->second;
        s << "    vamp:parameter_binding [" << endl;
        s << "        vamp:parameter [ vamp:identifier \"" << name << "\" ] ;" << endl;
        s << "        vamp:value \"" << value << "\"^^xsd:float ;" << endl;
        s << "    ] ;" << endl;

    if (outputUri != "") {
        s << "    vamp:output <" << outputUri << "> ." << endl;
    } else if (outputId != "") {
        s << "    vamp:output [ vamp:identifier \"" << outputId << "\" ] ." << endl;
    } else {
        s << "    ." << endl;

    return str;