view rdf/RDFFeatureWriter.cpp @ 507:0944d13689b2

* Implement proper RDF feature writing for track level features, using the feature attribute URI given in the plugin description RDF (if there is one)
author Chris Cannam
date Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:19:04 +0000
parents 3376dc26dece
children 1b8c748fd7ea
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Annotator
    A utility for batch feature extraction from audio files.
    Mark Levy, Chris Sutton and Chris Cannam, Queen Mary, University of London.
    Copyright 2007-2008 QMUL.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include <fstream>

#include "vamp-hostsdk/PluginHostAdapter.h"
#include "vamp-hostsdk/PluginLoader.h"

#include "RDFFeatureWriter.h"
#include "RDFTransformFactory.h"

#include <QTextStream>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QRegExp>

using namespace std;
using Vamp::Plugin;
using Vamp::PluginBase;

RDFFeatureWriter::RDFFeatureWriter() :
    FileFeatureWriter(SupportOneFilePerTrackTransform |
                      SupportOneFilePerTrack |


RDFFeatureWriter::getSupportedParameters() const
    ParameterList pl = FileFeatureWriter::getSupportedParameters();
    Parameter p; = "plain";
    p.description = "Use \"plain\" RDF even if transform metadata is available.";
    p.hasArg = false;
    pl.push_back(p); = "signal-uri";
    p.description = "Link the output RDF to the given signal URI.";
    p.hasArg = true;
    return pl;

RDFFeatureWriter::setParameters(map<string, string> &params)

    for (map<string, string>::iterator i = params.begin();
         i != params.end(); ++i) {
        if (i->first == "plain") {
            m_plain = true;
        if (i->first == "signal-uri") {
            m_suri = i->second.c_str();

RDFFeatureWriter::setTrackMetadata(QString trackId,
                                   TrackMetadata metadata)
    m_metadata[trackId] = metadata;

RDFFeatureWriter::write(QString trackId,
                        const Transform &transform,
                        const Plugin::OutputDescriptor& output,
                        const Plugin::FeatureList& features,
                        std::string summaryType)
    QString pluginId = transform.getPluginIdentifier();

    if (m_rdfDescriptions.find(pluginId) == m_rdfDescriptions.end()) {

        m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId] = PluginRDFDescription(pluginId);

        if (m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId].haveDescription()) {
            cerr << "NOTE: Have RDF description for plugin ID \""
                 << pluginId.toStdString() << "\"" << endl;
        } else {
            cerr << "NOTE: Do not have RDF description for plugin ID \""
                 << pluginId.toStdString() << "\"" << endl;

    // Need to select appropriate output file for our track/transform
    // combination

    QTextStream *stream = getOutputStream(trackId, transform.getIdentifier());
    if (!stream) return; //!!! this is probably better handled with an exception

    if (m_startedStreamTransforms.find(stream) ==
        m_startedStreamTransforms.end()) {
        cerr << "This stream is new, writing prefixes" << endl;
        if (m_singleFileName == "" && !m_stdout) {
            writeSignalDescription(stream, trackId);

    if (m_startedStreamTransforms[stream].find(transform) ==
        m_startedStreamTransforms[stream].end()) {
            (stream, transform, output, m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId]);

    if (m_singleFileName != "" || m_stdout) {
        if (m_startedTrackIds.find(trackId) == m_startedTrackIds.end()) {
            writeSignalDescription(stream, trackId);

    QString timelineURI = m_trackTimelineURIs[trackId];
    if (timelineURI == "") {
        cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing features without having established a timeline URI!" << endl;

    if (summaryType != "") {

        writeSparseRDF(stream, transform, output, features,
                       m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId], timelineURI);

    } else if (m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId].haveDescription() &&
               (output.identifier.c_str()) == 
               PluginRDFDescription::OutputDense) {

        QString signalURI = m_trackSignalURIs[trackId];

        if (signalURI == "") {
            cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing dense features without having established a signal URI!" << endl;

        writeDenseRDF(stream, transform, output, features,
                      m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId], signalURI, timelineURI);

    } else if (!m_plain &&
               m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId].haveDescription() &&
               (output.identifier.c_str()) ==
               PluginRDFDescription::OutputTrackLevel &&
               (output.identifier.c_str()) != "") {

        QString signalURI = m_trackSignalURIs[trackId];

        if (signalURI == "") {
            cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing track-level features without having established a signal URI!" << endl;

        writeTrackLevelRDF(stream, transform, output, features,
                           m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId], signalURI);

    } else {

        writeSparseRDF(stream, transform, output, features,
                       m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId], timelineURI);

RDFFeatureWriter::writePrefixes(QTextStream *sptr)
    QTextStream &stream = *sptr;

    stream << "@prefix dc: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix mo: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix af: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix foaf: <> . \n"
           << "@prefix event: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix rdf: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix rdfs: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix xsd: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix tl: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix vamp: <> .\n"
           << "@prefix : <#> .\n\n";

RDFFeatureWriter::writeSignalDescription(QTextStream *sptr,
                                         QString trackId)
    QTextStream &stream = *sptr;

     * Describe signal we're analysing (AudioFile, Signal, TimeLine, etc.)
    QUrl url(trackId);
    QString scheme = url.scheme().toLower();
    bool local = (scheme == "" || scheme == "file" || scheme.length() == 1);

    if (local) {
        if (scheme == "") {
        } else if (scheme.length() == 1) { // DOS drive letter!
            url.setPath(scheme + ":" + url.path());

    //!!! FIX: If we are appending, we need to start counting after
    //all of the existing counts that are already in the file!

    uint64_t signalCount = m_count++;

    if (m_trackSignalURIs.find(trackId) == m_trackSignalURIs.end()) {
        m_trackSignalURIs[trackId] = QString(":signal_%1").arg(signalCount);
    if (m_suri != NULL) {
        m_trackSignalURIs[trackId] = "<" + m_suri + ">";
    QString signalURI = m_trackSignalURIs[trackId];
    if (m_trackTimelineURIs.find(trackId) == m_trackTimelineURIs.end()) {
        m_trackTimelineURIs[trackId] = QString(":signal_timeline_%1").arg(signalCount);
    QString timelineURI = m_trackTimelineURIs[trackId];

    if (trackId != "") {
        stream << "\n<" << url.toEncoded().data() << "> a mo:AudioFile .\n\n";

    stream << signalURI << " a mo:Signal ;\n";

    if (trackId != "") {
        stream << "    mo:available_as <" << url.toEncoded().data()
               << "> ;\n";

    if (m_metadata.find(trackId) != m_metadata.end()) {
        TrackMetadata tm = m_metadata[trackId];
        if (tm.title != "") {
            stream << "    dc:title \"\"\"" << tm.title << "\"\"\" ;\n";
        if (tm.maker != "") {
            stream << "    foaf:maker [ a mo:MusicArtist; foaf:name \"\"\"" << tm.maker << "\"\"\" ] ;\n";

    stream << "    mo:time [\n"
           << "        a tl:Interval ;\n"
           << "        tl:onTimeLine "
           << timelineURI << "\n    ] .\n\n";

RDFFeatureWriter::writeLocalFeatureTypes(QTextStream *sptr,
                                         const Transform &transform,
                                         const Plugin::OutputDescriptor &od,
                                         PluginRDFDescription &desc)
    QString outputId = od.identifier.c_str();
    QTextStream &stream = *sptr;

    // There is no "needFeatureType" for track-level outputs, because
    // we can't meaningfully write a feature at all if we don't know
    // what property to use for it.  If the output is track level but
    // there is no feature type given, we have to revert to events.

    bool needEventType = false;
    bool needSignalType = false;

    //!!! bin names, extents and so on can be written out using e.g. vamp:bin_names ( "a" "b" "c" ) 

    if (desc.getOutputDisposition(outputId) == 
        PluginRDFDescription::OutputDense) {

        // no feature events, so may need signal type but won't need
        // event type

        if (m_plain) {

            needSignalType = true;

        } else if (desc.getOutputSignalTypeURI(outputId) == "") {
            needSignalType = true;

    } else if (desc.getOutputDisposition(outputId) ==
               PluginRDFDescription::OutputTrackLevel) {

        // see note above -- need to generate an event type if no
        // feature type given, or if in plain mode

        cerr << "Note: track level output" << endl;

        if (m_plain) {
            needEventType = true;

        } else if (desc.getOutputFeatureAttributeURI(outputId) == "") {
            if (desc.getOutputEventTypeURI(outputId) == "") {

                needEventType = true;

    } else {

        // may need event type but won't need signal type

        if (m_plain) {
            needEventType = true;
        } else if (desc.getOutputEventTypeURI(outputId) == "") {

            needEventType = true;

    QString transformUri;
    if (m_transformURIs.find(transform) != m_transformURIs.end()) {
        transformUri = m_transformURIs[transform];
    } else {
        transformUri = QString(":transform_%1_%2").arg(m_count++).arg(outputId);
        m_transformURIs[transform] = transformUri;

    if (transform.getIdentifier() != "") {
        stream << RDFTransformFactory::writeTransformToRDF(transform, transformUri)
               << endl;

    if (needEventType) {

        QString uri;
        if (m_syntheticEventTypeURIs.find(transform) !=
            m_syntheticEventTypeURIs.end()) {
            uri = m_syntheticEventTypeURIs[transform];
        } else {
            uri = QString(":event_type_%1").arg(m_count++);
            m_syntheticEventTypeURIs[transform] = uri;

        stream << uri
               << " rdfs:subClassOf event:Event ;" << endl
               << "    dc:title \"" << << "\" ;" << endl
               << "    dc:format \"" << od.unit.c_str() << "\" ;" << endl
               << "    dc:description \"" << od.description.c_str() << "\" ."
               << endl << endl;

    if (needSignalType) {

        QString uri;
        if (m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs.find(transform) !=
            m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs.end()) {
            uri = m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs[transform];
        } else {
            uri = QString(":signal_type_%1").arg(m_count++);
            m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs[transform] = uri;

        stream << uri
               << " rdfs:subClassOf af:Signal ;" << endl
               << "    dc:title \"" << << "\" ;" << endl
               << "    dc:format \"" << od.unit.c_str() << "\" ;" << endl
               << "    dc:description \"" << od.description.c_str() << "\" ."
               << endl << endl;

RDFFeatureWriter::writeSparseRDF(QTextStream *sptr,
                                 const Transform &transform,
                                 const Plugin::OutputDescriptor& od,
                                 const Plugin::FeatureList& featureList,
                                 PluginRDFDescription &desc,
                                 QString timelineURI)
    if (featureList.empty()) return;
    QTextStream &stream = *sptr;
    bool plain = (m_plain || !desc.haveDescription());

    QString outputId = od.identifier.c_str();

    // iterate through FeatureLists
    for (int i = 0; i < featureList.size(); ++i) {

        const Plugin::Feature &feature = featureList[i];
        uint64_t featureNumber = m_count++;

        stream << ":event_" << featureNumber << " a ";

        QString eventTypeURI = desc.getOutputEventTypeURI(outputId);
        if (plain || eventTypeURI == "") {
            if (m_syntheticEventTypeURIs.find(transform) != 
                m_syntheticEventTypeURIs.end()) {
                stream << m_syntheticEventTypeURIs[transform] << " ;\n";
            } else {
                stream << ":event_type_" << outputId << " ;\n";
        } else {
            stream << "<" << eventTypeURI << "> ;\n";

        QString timestamp = feature.timestamp.toString().c_str();
        timestamp.replace(QRegExp("^ +"), "");

        if (feature.hasDuration && feature.duration > Vamp::RealTime::zeroTime) {

            QString duration = feature.duration.toString().c_str();
            duration.replace(QRegExp("^ +"), "");

            stream << "    event:time [ \n"
                   << "        a tl:Interval ;\n"
                   << "        tl:onTimeLine " << timelineURI << " ;\n"
                   << "        tl:beginsAt \"PT" << timestamp
                   << "S\"^^xsd:duration ;\n"
                   << "        tl:duration \"PT" << duration
                   << "S\"^^xsd:duration ;\n"
                   << "    ] ";

        } else {

            stream << "    event:time [ \n"
                   << "        a tl:Instant ;\n" //location of the event in time
                   << "        tl:onTimeLine " << timelineURI << " ;\n"
                   << "        tl:at \"PT" << timestamp
                   << "S\"^^xsd:duration ;\n    ] ";

        if (transform.getIdentifier() != "") {
            stream << ";\n";
            stream << "    vamp:computed_by " << m_transformURIs[transform] << " ";

        if (feature.label.length() > 0) {
            stream << ";\n";
            stream << "    rdfs:label \"" << feature.label.c_str() << "\" ";

        if (!feature.values.empty()) {
            stream << ";\n";
            //!!! named bins?
            stream << "    af:feature \"" << feature.values[0];
            for (int j = 1; j < feature.values.size(); ++j) {
                stream << " " << feature.values[j];
            stream << "\" ";

        stream << ".\n";

RDFFeatureWriter::writeTrackLevelRDF(QTextStream *sptr,
                                     const Transform &transform,
                                     const Plugin::OutputDescriptor& od,
                                     const Plugin::FeatureList& featureList,
                                     PluginRDFDescription &desc,
                                     QString signalURI)
    if (featureList.empty()) return;
    QTextStream &stream = *sptr;
    bool plain = (m_plain || !desc.haveDescription());

    QString outputId = od.identifier.c_str();
    QString featureUri = desc.getOutputFeatureAttributeURI(outputId);

    if (featureUri == "") {
        cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter::writeTrackLevelRDF: ERROR: No feature URI available -- this function should not have been called!" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < featureList.size(); ++i) {

        const Plugin::Feature &feature = featureList[i];

        if (feature.values.empty()) {

            if (feature.label == "") continue;

            stream << signalURI << " " << featureUri << " \""
                   << feature.label.c_str() << "\" .\n";

        } else {

            stream << signalURI << " " << featureUri << " \""
                   << feature.values[0] << "\"^^xsd:float .\n";

RDFFeatureWriter::writeDenseRDF(QTextStream *sptr,
                                const Transform &transform,
                                const Plugin::OutputDescriptor& od,
                                const Plugin::FeatureList& featureList,
                                PluginRDFDescription &desc,
                                QString signalURI, 
                                QString timelineURI)
    if (featureList.empty()) return;

    StringTransformPair sp(signalURI, transform);

    if (m_openDenseFeatures.find(sp) == m_openDenseFeatures.end()) {

        StreamBuffer b(sptr, "");
        m_openDenseFeatures[sp] = b;
        QString &str(m_openDenseFeatures[sp].second);
        QTextStream stream(&str);

        bool plain = (m_plain || !desc.haveDescription());
        QString outputId = od.identifier.c_str();

        uint64_t featureNumber = m_count++;

        // need to write out feature timeline map -- for this we need
        // the sample rate, window length and hop size from the
        // transform

        stream << "\n:feature_timeline_" << featureNumber << " a tl:DiscreteTimeLine .\n\n";

        size_t stepSize = transform.getStepSize();
        if (stepSize == 0) {
            cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing dense features without having set the step size properly!" << endl;

        size_t blockSize = transform.getBlockSize();
        if (blockSize == 0) {
            cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing dense features without having set the block size properly!" << endl;

        float sampleRate = transform.getSampleRate();
        if (sampleRate == 0.f) {
            cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter: INTERNAL ERROR: writing dense features without having set the sample rate properly!" << endl;

        stream << ":feature_timeline_map_" << featureNumber
               << " a tl:UniformSamplingWindowingMap ;\n"
               << "    tl:rangeTimeLine :feature_timeline_" << featureNumber << " ;\n"
               << "    tl:domainTimeLine " << timelineURI << " ;\n"
               << "    tl:sampleRate \"" << int(sampleRate) << "\"^^xsd:int ;\n"
               << "    tl:windowLength \"" << blockSize << "\"^^xsd:int ;\n"
               << "    tl:hopSize \"" << stepSize << "\"^^xsd:int .\n\n";

        stream << signalURI << " af:signal_feature :feature_"
               << featureNumber << " ." << endl << endl;

        stream << ":feature_" << featureNumber << " a ";

        QString signalTypeURI = desc.getOutputSignalTypeURI(outputId);
        if (plain || signalTypeURI == "") {
            if (m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs.find(transform) !=
                m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs.end()) {
                stream << m_syntheticSignalTypeURIs[transform] << " ;\n";
            } else {
                stream << ":signal_type_" << outputId << " ;\n";
        } else {
            stream << signalTypeURI << " ;\n";

        stream << "    mo:time ["
               << "\n        a tl:Interval ;"
               << "\n        tl:onTimeLine :feature_timeline_" << featureNumber << " ;";

        RealTime startrt = transform.getStartTime();
        RealTime durationrt = transform.getDuration();

        int start = RealTime::realTime2Frame(startrt, sampleRate) / stepSize;
        int duration = RealTime::realTime2Frame(durationrt, sampleRate) / stepSize;

        if (start != 0) {
            stream << "\n        tl:start \"" << start << "\"^^xsd:int ;";
        if (duration != 0) {
            stream << "\n        tl:duration \"" << duration << "\"^^xsd:int ;";

        stream << "\n    ] ;\n";

        if (od.hasFixedBinCount) {
            // We only know the height, so write the width as zero
            stream << "    af:dimensions \"" << od.binCount << " 0\" ;\n";

        stream << "    af:value \"";

    QString &str = m_openDenseFeatures[sp].second;
    QTextStream stream(&str);

    for (int i = 0; i < featureList.size(); ++i) {

        const Plugin::Feature &feature = featureList[i];

        for (int j = 0; j < feature.values.size(); ++j) {
            stream << feature.values[j] << " ";

void RDFFeatureWriter::finish()
//    cerr << "RDFFeatureWriter::finish()" << endl;

    // close any open dense feature literals

    for (map<StringTransformPair, StreamBuffer>::iterator i =
         i != m_openDenseFeatures.end(); ++i) {
        cerr << "closing a stream" << endl;
        StreamBuffer &b = i->second;
        *(b.first) << b.second << "\" ." << endl;
