diff data/midi/rtmidi/RtMidi.cpp @ 559:32d156c75df7

* midi stubs (this revision will not compile)
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:41:28 +0000
children ecce042cc374
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data/midi/rtmidi/RtMidi.cpp	Mon Feb 23 11:41:28 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2124 @@
+/*! \class RtMidi
+    \brief An abstract base class for realtime MIDI input/output.
+    This class implements some common functionality for the realtime
+    MIDI input/output subclasses RtMidiIn and RtMidiOut.
+    RtMidi WWW site: http://music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtmidi/
+    RtMidi: realtime MIDI i/o C++ classes
+    Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Gary P. Scavone
+    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+    obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+    (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+    including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+    publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+    and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+    subject to the following conditions:
+    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+    included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+    Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is
+    requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that
+    they can be incorporated into the canonical version.
+// RtMidi: Version 1.0.7
+#include "RtMidi.h"
+#include <sstream>
+//  Common RtMidi Definitions
+RtMidi :: RtMidi()
+  : apiData_( 0 ), connected_( false )
+void RtMidi :: error( RtError::Type type )
+  if (type == RtError::WARNING) {
+    std::cerr << '\n' << errorString_ << "\n\n";
+  }
+  else if (type == RtError::DEBUG_WARNING) {
+#if defined(__RTMIDI_DEBUG__)
+    std::cerr << '\n' << errorString_ << "\n\n";
+  }
+  else {
+    std::cerr << '\n' << errorString_ << "\n\n";
+    throw RtError( errorString_, type );
+  }
+//  Common RtMidiIn Definitions
+RtMidiIn :: RtMidiIn() : RtMidi()
+  this->initialize();
+void RtMidiIn :: setCallback( RtMidiCallback callback, void *userData )
+  if ( inputData_.usingCallback ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::setCallback: a callback function is already set!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( !callback ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::setCallback: callback function value is invalid!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  inputData_.userCallback = (void *) callback;
+  inputData_.userData = userData;
+  inputData_.usingCallback = true;
+void RtMidiIn :: cancelCallback()
+  if ( !inputData_.usingCallback ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::cancelCallback: no callback function was set!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  inputData_.userCallback = 0;
+  inputData_.userData = 0;
+  inputData_.usingCallback = false;
+void RtMidiIn :: setQueueSizeLimit( unsigned int queueSize )
+  inputData_.queueLimit = queueSize;
+void RtMidiIn :: ignoreTypes( bool midiSysex, bool midiTime, bool midiSense )
+  inputData_.ignoreFlags = 0;
+  if ( midiSysex ) inputData_.ignoreFlags = 0x01;
+  if ( midiTime ) inputData_.ignoreFlags |= 0x02;
+  if ( midiSense ) inputData_.ignoreFlags |= 0x04;
+double RtMidiIn :: getMessage( std::vector<unsigned char> *message )
+  message->clear();
+  if ( inputData_.usingCallback ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::getNextMessage: a user callback is currently set for this port.";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  if ( inputData_.queue.size() == 0 ) return 0.0;
+  // Copy queued message to the vector pointer argument and then "pop" it.
+  std::vector<unsigned char> *bytes = &(inputData_.queue.front().bytes);
+  message->assign( bytes->begin(), bytes->end() );
+  double deltaTime = inputData_.queue.front().timeStamp;
+  inputData_.queue.pop();
+  return deltaTime;
+//  Common RtMidiOut Definitions
+RtMidiOut :: RtMidiOut() : RtMidi()
+  this->initialize();
+//  API: Macintosh OS-X
+// API information found at:
+//   - http://developer. apple .com/audio/pdf/coreaudio.pdf 
+#if defined(__MACOSX_CORE__)
+// The CoreMIDI API is based on the use of a callback function for
+// MIDI input.  We convert the system specific time stamps to delta
+// time values.
+// OS-X CoreMIDI header files.
+#include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>
+#include <CoreAudio/HostTime.h>
+// A structure to hold variables related to the CoreMIDI API
+// implementation.
+struct CoreMidiData {
+  MIDIClientRef client;
+  MIDIPortRef port;
+  MIDIEndpointRef endpoint;
+  MIDIEndpointRef destinationId;
+  unsigned long long lastTime;
+//  API: OS-X
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiIn
+void midiInputCallback( const MIDIPacketList *list, void *procRef, void *srcRef )
+  RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *data = static_cast<RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *> (procRef);
+  CoreMidiData *apiData = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (data->apiData);
+  bool continueSysex = false;
+  unsigned char status;
+  unsigned short nBytes, iByte, size;
+  unsigned long long time;
+  RtMidiIn::MidiMessage message;
+  const MIDIPacket *packet = &list->packet[0];
+  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<list->numPackets; ++i ) {
+    // My interpretation of the CoreMIDI documentation: all message
+    // types, except sysex, are complete within a packet and there may
+    // be several of them in a single packet.  Sysex messages can be
+    // broken across multiple packets but are bundled alone within a
+    // packet.  I'm assuming that sysex messages, if segmented, must
+    // be complete within the same MIDIPacketList.
+    nBytes = packet->length;
+    if ( nBytes == 0 ) continue;
+    // Calculate time stamp.
+    message.timeStamp = 0.0;
+    if ( data->firstMessage )
+      data->firstMessage = false;
+    else {
+      time = packet->timeStamp;
+      time -= apiData->lastTime;
+      time = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( time );
+      message.timeStamp = time * 0.000000001;
+    }
+    apiData->lastTime = packet->timeStamp;
+    iByte = 0;
+    if ( continueSysex ) {
+      // We have a continuing, segmented sysex message.
+      if ( !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x01) ) {
+        // If we're not ignoring sysex messages, copy the entire packet.
+        for ( unsigned int j=0; j<nBytes; j++ )
+          message.bytes.push_back( packet->data[j] );
+      }
+      if ( packet->data[nBytes] == 0xF7 ) continueSysex = false;
+      if ( !continueSysex ) {
+        // If not a continuing sysex message, invoke the user callback function or queue the message.
+        if ( data->usingCallback && message.bytes.size() > 0 ) {
+          RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+          callback( message.timeStamp, &message.bytes, data->userData );
+        }
+        else {
+          // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+          if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+            data->queue.push( message );
+          else
+            std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+        }
+        message.bytes.clear();
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      while ( iByte < nBytes ) {
+        size = 0;
+        // We are expecting that the next byte in the packet is a status byte.
+        status = packet->data[iByte];
+        if ( !(status & 0x80) ) break;
+        // Determine the number of bytes in the MIDI message.
+        if ( status < 0xC0 ) size = 3;
+        else if ( status < 0xE0 ) size = 2;
+        else if ( status < 0xF0 ) size = 3;
+        else if ( status == 0xF0 ) {
+          // A MIDI sysex
+          if ( data->ignoreFlags & 0x01 ) {
+            size = 0;
+            iByte = nBytes;
+          }
+          else size = nBytes - iByte;
+          if ( packet->data[nBytes] == 0xF7 ) continueSysex = false;
+        }
+        else if ( status < 0xF3 ) {
+          if ( status == 0xF1 && (data->ignoreFlags & 0x02) ) {
+            // A MIDI time code message and we're ignoring it.
+            size = 0;
+            iByte += 3;
+          }
+          else size = 3;
+        }
+        else if ( status == 0xF3 ) size = 2;
+        else if ( status == 0xF8 ) {
+          size = 1;
+          if ( data->ignoreFlags & 0x02 ) {
+            // A MIDI timing tick message and we're ignoring it.
+            size = 0;
+            iByte += 3;
+          }
+        }
+        else if ( status == 0xFE && (data->ignoreFlags & 0x04) ) {
+          // A MIDI active sensing message and we're ignoring it.
+          size = 0;
+          iByte += 1;
+        }
+        else size = 1;
+        // Copy the MIDI data to our vector.
+        if ( size ) {
+          message.bytes.assign( &packet->data[iByte], &packet->data[iByte+size] );
+          if ( !continueSysex ) {
+            // If not a continuing sysex message, invoke the user callback function or queue the message.
+            if ( data->usingCallback ) {
+              RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+              callback( message.timeStamp, &message.bytes, data->userData );
+            }
+            else {
+              // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+              if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+                data->queue.push( message );
+              else
+                std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+            }
+            message.bytes.clear();
+          }
+          iByte += size;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    packet = MIDIPacketNext(packet);
+  }
+void RtMidiIn :: initialize( void )
+  // Set up our client.
+  MIDIClientRef client;
+  OSStatus result = MIDIClientCreate( CFSTR("RtMidi Input Client"), NULL, NULL, &client );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::initialize: error creating OS-X MIDI client object.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  CoreMidiData *data = (CoreMidiData *) new CoreMidiData;
+  data->client = client;
+  data->endpoint = 0;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+  inputData_.apiData = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiIn :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nSrc = MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
+  if (nSrc < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: no MIDI input sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nSrc ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  MIDIPortRef port;
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  OSStatus result = MIDIInputPortCreate( data->client, CFSTR("RtMidi MIDI Input Port"), midiInputCallback, (void *)&inputData_, &port );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error creating OS-X MIDI input port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Get the desired input source identifier.
+  MIDIEndpointRef endpoint = MIDIGetSource( portNumber );
+  if ( endpoint == NULL ) {
+    MIDIPortDispose( port );
+    MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error getting MIDI input source reference.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Make the connection.
+  result = MIDIPortConnectSource( port, endpoint, NULL );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    MIDIPortDispose( port );
+    MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error connecting OS-X MIDI input port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific port information.
+  data->port = port;
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiIn :: openVirtualPort( const std::string portName )
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  // Create a virtual MIDI input destination.
+  MIDIEndpointRef endpoint;
+  OSStatus result = MIDIDestinationCreate( data->client,
+                                           CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, portName.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingASCII ),
+                                           midiInputCallback, (void *)&inputData_, &endpoint );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openVirtualPort: error creating virtual OS-X MIDI destination.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  data->endpoint = endpoint;
+void RtMidiIn :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    MIDIPortDispose( data->port );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+RtMidiIn :: ~RtMidiIn()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+  if ( data->endpoint ) MIDIEndpointDispose( data->endpoint );
+  delete data;
+unsigned int RtMidiIn :: getPortCount()
+  return MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
+std::string RtMidiIn :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  CFStringRef nameRef;
+  MIDIEndpointRef portRef;
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  char name[128];
+  if ( portNumber >= MIDIGetNumberOfSources() ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  portRef = MIDIGetSource( portNumber );
+  MIDIObjectGetStringProperty( portRef, kMIDIPropertyName, &nameRef );
+  CFStringGetCString( nameRef, name, sizeof(name), 0);
+  CFRelease( nameRef );
+  std::string stringName = name;
+  return stringName;
+//  API: OS-X
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiOut
+unsigned int RtMidiOut :: getPortCount()
+  return MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();
+std::string RtMidiOut :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  CFStringRef nameRef;
+  MIDIEndpointRef portRef;
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  char name[128];
+  if ( portNumber >= MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations() ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  portRef = MIDIGetDestination( portNumber );
+  MIDIObjectGetStringProperty( portRef, kMIDIPropertyName, &nameRef );
+  CFStringGetCString( nameRef, name, sizeof(name), 0);
+  CFRelease( nameRef );
+  std::string stringName = name;
+  return stringName;
+void RtMidiOut :: initialize( void )
+  // Set up our client.
+  MIDIClientRef client;
+  OSStatus result = MIDIClientCreate( CFSTR("RtMidi Output Client"), NULL, NULL, &client );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error creating OS-X MIDI client object.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  CoreMidiData *data = (CoreMidiData *) new CoreMidiData;
+  data->client = client;
+  data->endpoint = 0;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiOut :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nDest = MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();
+  if (nDest < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: no MIDI output destinations found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nDest ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  MIDIPortRef port;
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  OSStatus result = MIDIOutputPortCreate( data->client, CFSTR("RtMidi Virtual MIDI Output Port"), &port );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: error creating OS-X MIDI output port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Get the desired output port identifier.
+  MIDIEndpointRef destination = MIDIGetDestination( portNumber );
+  if ( destination == NULL ) {
+    MIDIPortDispose( port );
+    MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: error getting MIDI output destination reference.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  data->port = port;
+  data->destinationId = destination;
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiOut :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    MIDIPortDispose( data->port );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+void RtMidiOut :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( data->endpoint ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openVirtualPort: a virtual output port already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  // Create a virtual MIDI output source.
+  MIDIEndpointRef endpoint;
+  OSStatus result = MIDISourceCreate( data->client,
+                                      CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, portName.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingASCII ),
+                                      &endpoint );
+  if ( result != noErr ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error creating OS-X virtual MIDI source.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  data->endpoint = endpoint;
+RtMidiOut :: ~RtMidiOut()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  MIDIClientDispose( data->client );
+  if ( data->endpoint ) MIDIEndpointDispose( data->endpoint );
+  delete data;
+void RtMidiOut :: sendMessage( std::vector<unsigned char> *message )
+  unsigned int nBytes = message->size();
+  // Pad the buffer for extra (unknown) structure data.
+  Byte buffer[nBytes+32];
+  MIDIPacketList *pktlist = (MIDIPacketList *) buffer;
+  MIDIPacket *curPacket = MIDIPacketListInit( pktlist );
+  MIDITimeStamp timeStamp = 0;
+  curPacket = MIDIPacketListAdd( pktlist, sizeof(buffer), curPacket, timeStamp, nBytes, &message->at(0) );
+  CoreMidiData *data = static_cast<CoreMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  // Send to any destinations that may have connected to us.
+  OSStatus result;
+  if ( data->endpoint ) {
+    result = MIDIReceived( data->endpoint, pktlist );
+    if ( result != noErr ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI to virtual destinations.";
+      error( RtError::WARNING );
+    }
+  }
+  // And send to an explicit destination port if we're connected.
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    result = MIDISend( data->port, data->destinationId, pktlist );
+    if ( result != noErr ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message to port.";
+      error( RtError::WARNING );
+    }
+  }
+#endif  // __MACOSX_CORE__
+// API information found at:
+//   - http://www.alsa-project.org/documentation.php#Library
+#if defined(__LINUX_ALSASEQ__)
+// The ALSA Sequencer API is based on the use of a callback function for
+// MIDI input.
+// Thanks to Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas for help with the ALSA sequencer
+// time stamps and other assorted fixes!!!
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+// ALSA header file.
+#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
+// A structure to hold variables related to the ALSA API
+// implementation.
+struct AlsaMidiData {
+  snd_seq_t *seq;
+  int vport;
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *subscription;
+  snd_midi_event_t *coder;
+  unsigned int bufferSize;
+  unsigned char *buffer;
+  pthread_t thread;
+  unsigned long long lastTime;
+  int queue_id; // an input queue is needed to get timestamped events
+#define PORT_TYPE( pinfo, bits ) ((snd_seq_port_info_get_capability(pinfo) & (bits)) == (bits))
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiIn
+extern "C" void *alsaMidiHandler( void *ptr )
+  RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *data = static_cast<RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *> (ptr);
+  AlsaMidiData *apiData = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (data->apiData);
+  long nBytes;
+  unsigned long long time, lastTime;
+  bool continueSysex = false;
+  RtMidiIn::MidiMessage message;
+  snd_seq_event_t *ev;
+  int result;
+  apiData->bufferSize = 32;
+  result = snd_midi_event_new( 0, &apiData->coder );
+  if ( result < 0 ) {
+    data->doInput = false;
+    std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: error initializing MIDI event parser!\n\n";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( apiData->bufferSize );
+  if ( buffer == NULL ) {
+    data->doInput = false;
+    std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: error initializing buffer memory!\n\n";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  snd_midi_event_init( apiData->coder );
+  snd_midi_event_no_status( apiData->coder, 1 ); // suppress running status messages
+  while ( data->doInput ) {
+    if ( snd_seq_event_input_pending( apiData->seq, 1 ) == 0 ) {
+      // No data pending ... sleep a bit.
+      usleep( 1000 );
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If here, there should be data.
+    result = snd_seq_event_input( apiData->seq, &ev );
+    if ( result == -ENOSPC ) {
+      std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: MIDI input buffer overrun!\n\n";
+      continue;
+    }
+    else if ( result <= 0 ) {
+      std::cerr << "RtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: unknown MIDI input error!\n";
+      continue;
+    }
+    // This is a bit weird, but we now have to decode an ALSA MIDI
+    // event (back) into MIDI bytes.  We'll ignore non-MIDI types.
+    message.bytes.clear();
+    switch ( ev->type ) {
+#if defined(__RTMIDI_DEBUG__)
+      std::cout << "RtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: port connection made!\n";
+      break;
+      std::cerr << "RtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: port connection has closed!\n";
+      data->doInput = false;
+      break;
+    case SND_SEQ_EVENT_QFRAME: // MIDI time code
+      if ( data->ignoreFlags & 0x02 ) break;
+    case SND_SEQ_EVENT_TICK: // MIDI timing tick
+      if ( data->ignoreFlags & 0x02 ) break;
+    case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SENSING: // Active sensing
+      if ( data->ignoreFlags & 0x04 ) break;
+      if ( (data->ignoreFlags & 0x01) ) break;
+      if ( ev->data.ext.len > apiData->bufferSize ) {
+        apiData->bufferSize = ev->data.ext.len;
+        free( buffer );
+        buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( apiData->bufferSize );
+        if ( buffer == NULL ) {
+          data->doInput = false;
+          std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: error resizing buffer memory!\n\n";
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    default:
+      nBytes = snd_midi_event_decode( apiData->coder, buffer, apiData->bufferSize, ev );
+      if ( nBytes <= 0 ) {
+#if defined(__RTMIDI_DEBUG__)
+        std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: event parsing error or not a MIDI event!\n\n";
+        break;
+      }
+      // The ALSA sequencer has a maximum buffer size for MIDI sysex
+      // events of 256 bytes.  If a device sends sysex messages larger
+      // than this, they are segmented into 256 byte chunks.  So,
+      // we'll watch for this and concatenate sysex chunks into a
+      // single sysex message if necessary.
+      if ( !continueSysex )
+        message.bytes.assign( buffer, &buffer[nBytes] );
+      else
+        message.bytes.insert( message.bytes.end(), buffer, &buffer[nBytes] );
+      continueSysex = ( ev->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_SYSEX && message.bytes.back() != 0xF7 );
+      if ( continueSysex )
+        break;
+      // Calculate the time stamp:
+      message.timeStamp = 0.0;
+      // Method 1: Use the system time.
+      //(void)gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *)NULL);
+      //time = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000) + tv.tv_usec;
+      // Method 2: Use the ALSA sequencer event time data.
+      // (thanks to Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas!).
+      time = ( ev->time.time.tv_sec * 1000000 ) + ( ev->time.time.tv_nsec/1000 );
+      lastTime = time;
+      time -= apiData->lastTime;
+      apiData->lastTime = lastTime;
+      if ( data->firstMessage == true )
+        data->firstMessage = false;
+      else
+        message.timeStamp = time * 0.000001;
+    }
+    snd_seq_free_event(ev);
+    if ( message.bytes.size() == 0 ) continue;
+    if ( data->usingCallback ) {
+      RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+      callback( message.timeStamp, &message.bytes, data->userData );
+    }
+    else {
+      // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+      if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+        data->queue.push( message );
+      else
+        std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+    }
+  }
+  if ( buffer ) free( buffer );
+  snd_midi_event_free( apiData->coder );
+  apiData->coder = 0;
+  return 0;
+void RtMidiIn :: initialize( void )
+  // Set up the ALSA sequencer client.
+	snd_seq_t *seq;
+  int result = snd_seq_open(&seq, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK);
+  if ( result < 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::initialize: error creating ALSA sequencer input client object.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+	}
+  // Set client name.
+  snd_seq_set_client_name(seq, "RtMidi Input Client");
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  AlsaMidiData *data = (AlsaMidiData *) new AlsaMidiData;
+  data->seq = seq;
+  data->vport = -1;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+  inputData_.apiData = (void *) data;
+  // Create the input queue
+  data->queue_id = snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(seq, "RtMidi Queue");
+  // Set arbitrary tempo (mm=100) and resolution (240)
+  snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *qtempo;
+  snd_seq_queue_tempo_alloca(&qtempo);
+  snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_tempo(qtempo, 600000);
+  snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_ppq(qtempo, 240);
+  snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(data->seq, data->queue_id, qtempo);
+  snd_seq_drain_output(data->seq);
+// This function is used to count or get the pinfo structure for a given port number.
+unsigned int portInfo( snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo, unsigned int type, int portNumber )
+	snd_seq_client_info_t *cinfo;
+  int client;
+  int count = 0;
+	snd_seq_client_info_alloca( &cinfo );
+	snd_seq_client_info_set_client( cinfo, -1 );
+	while ( snd_seq_query_next_client( seq, cinfo ) >= 0 ) {
+    client = snd_seq_client_info_get_client( cinfo );
+    if ( client == 0 ) continue;
+		// Reset query info
+		snd_seq_port_info_set_client( pinfo, client );
+		snd_seq_port_info_set_port( pinfo, -1 );
+		while ( snd_seq_query_next_port( seq, pinfo ) >= 0 ) {
+      if ( !PORT_TYPE( pinfo, type ) )  continue;
+      if ( count == portNumber ) return 1;
+      count++;
+		}
+	}
+  // If a negative portNumber was used, return the port count.
+  if ( portNumber < 0 ) return count;
+  return 0;
+void RtMidiIn :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nSrc = this->getPortCount();
+  if (nSrc < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: no MIDI input sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ, (int) portNumber ) == 0 ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  snd_seq_addr_t sender, receiver;
+  sender.client = snd_seq_port_info_get_client( pinfo );
+  sender.port = snd_seq_port_info_get_port( pinfo );
+  receiver.client = snd_seq_client_id( data->seq );
+  if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_client( pinfo, 0 );
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_port( pinfo, 0 );
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_capability( pinfo,
+                                      SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE |
+                                      SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE );
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_type( pinfo,
+                                SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC |
+                                SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION );
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_channels(pinfo, 16);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamping(pinfo, 1);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_real(pinfo, 1);    
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_queue(pinfo, data->queue_id);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_name(pinfo, "RtMidi Input");
+    data->vport = snd_seq_create_port(data->seq, pinfo);
+    if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: ALSA error creating input port.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+  receiver.port = data->vport;
+  // Make subscription
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_malloc( &data->subscription );
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(data->subscription, &sender);
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(data->subscription, &receiver);
+  if ( snd_seq_subscribe_port(data->seq, data->subscription) ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: ALSA error making port connection.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  if ( inputData_.doInput == false ) {
+    // Start the input queue
+    snd_seq_start_queue( data->seq, data->queue_id, NULL );
+    snd_seq_drain_output( data->seq );
+    // Start our MIDI input thread.
+    pthread_attr_t attr;
+    pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
+    pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER);
+    inputData_.doInput = true;
+    int err = pthread_create(&data->thread, &attr, alsaMidiHandler, &inputData_);
+    pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+    if (err) {
+      snd_seq_unsubscribe_port( data->seq, data->subscription );
+      snd_seq_port_subscribe_free( data->subscription );
+      inputData_.doInput = false;
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting MIDI input thread!";
+      error( RtError::THREAD_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiIn :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+    snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+    snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_capability( pinfo,
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_type( pinfo,
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_channels(pinfo, 16);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamping(pinfo, 1);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_real(pinfo, 1);    
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_queue(pinfo, data->queue_id);
+    snd_seq_port_info_set_name(pinfo, portName.c_str());
+    data->vport = snd_seq_create_port(data->seq, pinfo);
+    if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openVirtualPort: ALSA error creating virtual port.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+  if ( inputData_.doInput == false ) {
+    // Start the input queue
+    snd_seq_start_queue( data->seq, data->queue_id, NULL );
+    snd_seq_drain_output( data->seq );
+    // Start our MIDI input thread.
+    pthread_attr_t attr;
+    pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
+    pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER);
+    inputData_.doInput = true;
+    int err = pthread_create(&data->thread, &attr, alsaMidiHandler, &inputData_);
+    pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+    if (err) {
+      snd_seq_unsubscribe_port( data->seq, data->subscription );
+      snd_seq_port_subscribe_free( data->subscription );
+      inputData_.doInput = false;
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting MIDI input thread!";
+      error( RtError::THREAD_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+void RtMidiIn :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    snd_seq_unsubscribe_port( data->seq, data->subscription );
+    snd_seq_port_subscribe_free( data->subscription );
+    // Stop the input queue
+    snd_seq_stop_queue( data->seq, data->queue_id, NULL );
+    snd_seq_drain_output( data->seq );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+RtMidiIn :: ~RtMidiIn()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Shutdown the input thread.
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( inputData_.doInput ) {
+    inputData_.doInput = false;
+    pthread_join( data->thread, NULL );
+  }
+  // Cleanup.
+  if ( data->vport >= 0 ) snd_seq_delete_port( data->seq, data->vport );
+  snd_seq_free_queue( data->seq, data->queue_id );
+  snd_seq_close( data->seq );
+  delete data;
+unsigned int RtMidiIn :: getPortCount()
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  return portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ, -1 );
+std::string RtMidiIn :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ, (int) portNumber ) ) {
+    std::string stringName = std::string( snd_seq_port_info_get_name( pinfo ) );
+    return stringName;
+  }
+  // If we get here, we didn't find a match.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::getPortName: error looking for port name!";
+  error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  return 0;
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiOut
+unsigned int RtMidiOut :: getPortCount()
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  return portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, -1 );
+std::string RtMidiOut :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, (int) portNumber ) ) {
+    std::string stringName = std::string( snd_seq_port_info_get_name( pinfo ) );
+    return stringName;
+  }
+  // If we get here, we didn't find a match.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::getPortName: error looking for port name!";
+  error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  return 0;
+void RtMidiOut :: initialize( void )
+  // Set up the ALSA sequencer client.
+	snd_seq_t *seq;
+  int result = snd_seq_open(&seq, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT, 0);
+  if ( result < 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error creating ALSA sequencer client object.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+	}
+  // Set client name.
+  snd_seq_set_client_name(seq, "RtMidi Output Client");
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  AlsaMidiData *data = (AlsaMidiData *) new AlsaMidiData;
+  data->seq = seq;
+  data->vport = -1;
+  data->bufferSize = 32;
+  data->coder = 0;
+  data->buffer = 0;
+  result = snd_midi_event_new( data->bufferSize, &data->coder );
+  if ( result < 0 ) {
+    delete data;
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error initializing MIDI event parser!\n\n";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  data->buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( data->bufferSize );
+  if ( data->buffer == NULL ) {
+    delete data;
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error allocating buffer memory!\n\n";
+    error( RtError::MEMORY_ERROR );
+  }
+  snd_midi_event_init( data->coder );
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiOut :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nSrc = this->getPortCount();
+  if (nSrc < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: no MIDI output sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+	snd_seq_port_info_t *pinfo;
+	snd_seq_port_info_alloca( &pinfo );
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( portInfo( data->seq, pinfo, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, (int) portNumber ) == 0 ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  snd_seq_addr_t sender, receiver;
+  receiver.client = snd_seq_port_info_get_client( pinfo );
+  receiver.port = snd_seq_port_info_get_port( pinfo );
+  sender.client = snd_seq_client_id( data->seq );
+  if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+    data->vport = snd_seq_create_simple_port( data->seq, "RtMidi Output",
+                                              SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ,
+                                              SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC );
+    if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: ALSA error creating output port.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+  sender.port = data->vport;
+  // Make subscription
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_malloc( &data->subscription );
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(data->subscription, &sender);
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(data->subscription, &receiver);
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_update(data->subscription, 1);
+  snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_real(data->subscription, 1);
+  if ( snd_seq_subscribe_port(data->seq, data->subscription) ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: ALSA error making port connection.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiOut :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    snd_seq_unsubscribe_port( data->seq, data->subscription );
+    snd_seq_port_subscribe_free( data->subscription );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+void RtMidiOut :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+    data->vport = snd_seq_create_simple_port( data->seq, portName.c_str(),
+                                              SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ|SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ,
+                                              SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC );
+    if ( data->vport < 0 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openVirtualPort: ALSA error creating virtual port.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+RtMidiOut :: ~RtMidiOut()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( data->vport >= 0 ) snd_seq_delete_port( data->seq, data->vport );
+  if ( data->coder ) snd_midi_event_free( data->coder );
+  if ( data->buffer ) free( data->buffer );
+  snd_seq_close( data->seq );
+  delete data;
+void RtMidiOut :: sendMessage( std::vector<unsigned char> *message )
+  int result;
+  AlsaMidiData *data = static_cast<AlsaMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  unsigned int nBytes = message->size();
+  if ( nBytes > data->bufferSize ) {
+    data->bufferSize = nBytes;
+    result = snd_midi_event_resize_buffer ( data->coder, nBytes);
+    if ( result != 0 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: ALSA error resizing MIDI event buffer.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+    free (data->buffer);
+    data->buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( data->bufferSize );
+    if ( data->buffer == NULL ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: error allocating buffer memory!\n\n";
+    error( RtError::MEMORY_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+  snd_seq_event_t ev;
+  snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev);
+  snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, data->vport);
+  snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev);
+  snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev);
+  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ ) data->buffer[i] = message->at(i);
+  result = snd_midi_event_encode( data->coder, data->buffer, (long)nBytes, &ev );
+  if ( result < (int)nBytes ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: event parsing error!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  // Send the event.
+  result = snd_seq_event_output(data->seq, &ev);
+  if ( result < 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message to port.";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+  }
+  snd_seq_drain_output(data->seq);
+#endif // __LINUX_ALSA__
+// API information gleamed from:
+//   http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?cmd=getdoc&coll=0650&db=man&fname=3%20mdIntro
+// If the Makefile doesn't work, try the following:
+// CC -o midiinfo -LANG:std -D__IRIX_MD__ -I../ ../RtMidi.cpp midiinfo.cpp -lpthread -lmd
+// CC -o midiout -LANG:std -D__IRIX_MD__ -I../ ../RtMidi.cpp midiout.cpp -lpthread -lmd
+// CC -o qmidiin -LANG:std -D__IRIX_MD__ -I../ ../RtMidi.cpp qmidiin.cpp -lpthread -lmd
+// CC -o cmidiin -LANG:std -D__IRIX_MD__ -I../ ../RtMidi.cpp cmidiin.cpp -lpthread -lmd
+#if defined(__IRIX_MD__)
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+// Irix MIDI header file.
+#include <dmedia/midi.h>
+// A structure to hold variables related to the IRIX API
+// implementation.
+struct IrixMidiData {
+  MDport port;
+  pthread_t thread;
+//  API: IRIX
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiIn
+extern "C" void *irixMidiHandler( void *ptr )
+  RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *data = static_cast<RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *> (ptr);
+  IrixMidiData *apiData = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (data->apiData);
+  bool continueSysex = false;
+  unsigned char status;
+  unsigned short size;
+  MDevent event;
+  int fd = mdGetFd( apiData->port );
+  if ( fd < 0 ) {
+    data->doInput = false;
+    std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::irixMidiHandler: error getting port descriptor!\n\n";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  fd_set mask, rmask;
+  FD_ZERO( &mask );
+  FD_SET( fd, &mask );
+  struct timeval timeout = {0, 0};
+  RtMidiIn::MidiMessage message;
+  int result;
+  while ( data->doInput ) {
+    rmask = mask;
+    timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+    if ( select( fd+1, &rmask, NULL, NULL, &timeout ) <= 0 ) {
+      // No data pending ... sleep a bit.
+      usleep( 1000 );
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If here, there should be data.
+    result = mdReceive( apiData->port, &event, 1);
+    if ( result <= 0 ) {
+      std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::irixMidiHandler: MIDI input read error!\n\n";
+      continue;
+    }
+    message.timeStamp = event.stamp * 0.000000001;
+    size = 0;
+    status = event.msg[0];
+    if ( !(status & 0x80) ) continue;
+    if ( status == 0xF0 ) {
+      // Sysex message ... can be segmented across multiple messages.
+      if ( !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x01) ) {
+        if ( continueSysex ) {
+          // We have a continuing, segmented sysex message.  Append
+          // the new bytes to our existing message.
+          for ( int i=0; i<event.msglen; i++ )
+            message.bytes.push_back( event.sysexmsg[i] );
+          if ( event.sysexmsg[event.msglen-1] == 0xF7 ) continueSysex = false;
+          if ( !continueSysex ) {
+            // If not a continuing sysex message, invoke the user callback function or queue the message.
+            if ( data->usingCallback && message.bytes.size() > 0 ) {
+              RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+              callback( message.timeStamp, &message.bytes, data->userData );
+            }
+            else {
+              // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+              if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+                data->queue.push( message );
+              else
+                std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+            }
+            message.bytes.clear();
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      mdFree( NULL );
+      continue;
+    }
+    else if ( status < 0xC0 ) size = 3;
+    else if ( status < 0xE0 ) size = 2;
+    else if ( status < 0xF0 ) size = 3;
+    else if ( status < 0xF3 ) {
+      if ( status == 0xF1 && !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x02) ) {
+        // A MIDI time code message and we're not ignoring it.
+        size = 3;
+      }
+    }
+    else if ( status == 0xF3 ) size = 2;
+    else if ( status == 0xF8 ) {
+      if ( !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x02) ) {
+        // A MIDI timing tick message and we're not ignoring it.
+        size = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    else if ( status == 0xFE ) { // MIDI active sensing
+      if ( !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x04) )
+        size = 1;
+    }
+    else size = 1;
+    // Copy the MIDI data to our vector.
+    if ( size ) {
+      message.bytes.assign( &event.msg[0], &event.msg[size] );
+      // Invoke the user callback function or queue the message.
+      if ( data->usingCallback ) {
+        RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+        callback( message.timeStamp, &message.bytes, data->userData );
+      }
+      else {
+        // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+        if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+          data->queue.push( message );
+        else
+          std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+      }
+      message.bytes.clear();
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+void RtMidiIn :: initialize( void )
+  // Initialize the Irix MIDI system.  At the moment, we will not
+  // worry about a return value of zero (ports) because there is a
+  // chance the user could plug something in after instantiation.
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  // Create our api-specific connection information.
+  IrixMidiData *data = (IrixMidiData *) new IrixMidiData;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+  inputData_.apiData = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiIn :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  if (nPorts < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: no Irix MIDI input sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nPorts ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  data->port = mdOpenInPort( mdGetName(portNumber) );
+  if ( data->port == NULL ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::openPort: Irix error opening the port (" << portNumber << ").";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  mdSetStampMode(data->port, MD_DELTASTAMP);
+  // Start our MIDI input thread.
+  pthread_attr_t attr;
+  pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+  pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
+  pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_RR);
+  inputData_.doInput = true;
+  int err = pthread_create(&data->thread, &attr, irixMidiHandler, &inputData_);
+  pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+  if (err) {
+    mdClosePort( data->port );
+    inputData_.doInput = false;
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting MIDI input thread!";
+    error( RtError::THREAD_ERROR );
+  }
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiIn :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  // This function cannot be implemented for the Irix MIDI API.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openVirtualPort: cannot be implemented in Irix MIDI API!";
+  error( RtError::WARNING );
+void RtMidiIn :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    mdClosePort( data->port );
+    connected_ = false;
+    // Shutdown the input thread.
+    inputData_.doInput = false;
+    pthread_join( data->thread, NULL );
+  }
+RtMidiIn :: ~RtMidiIn()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  delete data;
+unsigned int RtMidiIn :: getPortCount()
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  if ( nPorts >= 0 ) return nPorts;
+  else return 0;
+std::string RtMidiIn :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nPorts ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  std::string stringName = std::string( mdGetName( portNumber ) );
+  return stringName;
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiOut
+unsigned int RtMidiOut :: getPortCount()
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  if ( nPorts >= 0 ) return nPorts;
+  else return 0;
+std::string RtMidiOut :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nPorts ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  std::string stringName = std::string( mdGetName( portNumber ) );
+  return stringName;
+void RtMidiOut :: initialize( void )
+  // Initialize the Irix MIDI system.  At the moment, we will not
+  // worry about a return value of zero (ports) because there is a
+  // chance the user could plug something in after instantiation.
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  // Create our api-specific connection information.
+  IrixMidiData *data = (IrixMidiData *) new IrixMidiData;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiOut :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  int nPorts = mdInit();
+  if (nPorts < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: no Irix MIDI output sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nPorts ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  data->port = mdOpenOutPort( mdGetName(portNumber) );
+  if ( data->port == NULL ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::openPort: Irix error opening the port (" << portNumber << ").";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  mdSetStampMode(data->port, MD_NOSTAMP);
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiOut :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    mdClosePort( data->port );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+void RtMidiOut :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  // This function cannot be implemented for the Irix MIDI API.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openVirtualPort: cannot be implemented in Irix MIDI API!";
+  error( RtError::WARNING );
+RtMidiOut :: ~RtMidiOut()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  delete data;
+void RtMidiOut :: sendMessage( std::vector<unsigned char> *message )
+  int result;
+  MDevent event;
+  IrixMidiData *data = static_cast<IrixMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  char *buffer = 0;
+  unsigned int nBytes = message->size();
+  if ( nBytes == 0 ) return;
+  event.stamp = 0;
+  if ( message->at(0) == 0xF0 ) {
+    if ( nBytes < 3 ) return; // check for bogus sysex
+    event.msg[0] = 0xF0;
+    event.msglen = nBytes;
+    buffer = (char *) malloc( nBytes );
+    for ( int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ ) buffer[i] = message->at(i);
+    event.sysexmsg = buffer;
+  }
+  else {
+    for ( int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ )
+      event.msg[i] = message->at(i);
+  }
+  // Send the event.
+  result = mdSend( data->port, &event, 1 );
+  if ( buffer ) free( buffer );
+  if ( result < 1 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: IRIX error sending MIDI message!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+#endif // __IRIX_MD__
+//  API: Windows Multimedia Library (MM)
+// API information deciphered from:
+//  - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/multimed/htm/_win32_midi_reference.asp
+// Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Berruchon for the sysex code.
+#if defined(__WINDOWS_MM__)
+// The Windows MM API is based on the use of a callback function for
+// MIDI input.  We convert the system specific time stamps to delta
+// time values.
+// Windows MM MIDI header files.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <mmsystem.h>
+// A structure to hold variables related to the CoreMIDI API
+// implementation.
+struct WinMidiData {
+  HMIDIIN inHandle;    // Handle to Midi Input Device
+  HMIDIOUT outHandle;  // Handle to Midi Output Device
+  DWORD lastTime;
+  RtMidiIn::MidiMessage message;
+  LPMIDIHDR sysexBuffer;
+#define  RT_SYSEX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+//  API: Windows MM
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiIn
+static void CALLBACK midiInputCallback( HMIDIOUT hmin,
+                                        UINT inputStatus, 
+                                        DWORD instancePtr,
+                                        DWORD midiMessage,
+                                        DWORD timestamp )
+  if ( inputStatus != MIM_DATA && inputStatus != MIM_LONGDATA ) return;
+  //RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *data = static_cast<RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *> (instancePtr);
+  RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *data = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiInData *)instancePtr;
+  WinMidiData *apiData = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (data->apiData);
+  // Calculate time stamp.
+  apiData->message.timeStamp = 0.0;
+  if ( data->firstMessage == true ) data->firstMessage = false;
+  else apiData->message.timeStamp = (double) ( timestamp - apiData->lastTime ) * 0.001;
+  apiData->lastTime = timestamp;
+  if ( inputStatus == MIM_DATA ) { // Channel or system message
+    // Make sure the first byte is a status byte.
+    unsigned char status = (unsigned char) (midiMessage & 0x000000FF);
+    if ( !(status & 0x80) ) return;
+    // Determine the number of bytes in the MIDI message.
+    unsigned short nBytes = 1;
+    if ( status < 0xC0 ) nBytes = 3;
+    else if ( status < 0xE0 ) nBytes = 2;
+    else if ( status < 0xF0 ) nBytes = 3;
+    else if ( status < 0xF3 ) {
+      // A MIDI time code message and we're ignoring it.
+      if ( status == 0xF1 && (data->ignoreFlags & 0x02) ) return;
+      nBytes = 3;
+    }
+    else if ( status == 0xF3 ) nBytes = 2;
+    else if ( status == 0xF8 && (data->ignoreFlags & 0x02) ) {
+      // A MIDI timing tick message and we're ignoring it.
+      return;
+    }
+    else if ( status == 0xFE && (data->ignoreFlags & 0x04) ) {
+      // A MIDI active sensing message and we're ignoring it.
+      return;
+    }
+    // Copy bytes to our MIDI message.
+    unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) &midiMessage;
+    for ( int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ ) apiData->message.bytes.push_back( *ptr++ );
+  }
+  else if ( !(data->ignoreFlags & 0x01) ) {
+    // Sysex message and we're not ignoring it
+    MIDIHDR *sysex = ( MIDIHDR *) midiMessage;
+    for ( int i=0; i<(int)sysex->dwBytesRecorded; i++ )
+      apiData->message.bytes.push_back( sysex->lpData[i] );
+    // When the callback has to be unaffected (application closes), 
+    // it seems WinMM calls it with an empty sysex to de-queue the buffer
+    // If the buffer is requeued afer that message, the PC suddenly reboots
+    // after one or two minutes (JB).
+    if ( apiData->sysexBuffer->dwBytesRecorded > 0 ) {
+      MMRESULT result = midiInAddBuffer( apiData->inHandle, apiData->sysexBuffer, sizeof(MIDIHDR) );
+      if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
+        std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn::midiInputCallback: error sending sysex to Midi device!!\n\n";
+    }
+  }
+  if ( data->usingCallback ) {
+    RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback callback = (RtMidiIn::RtMidiCallback) data->userCallback;
+    callback( apiData->message.timeStamp, &apiData->message.bytes, data->userData );
+  }
+  else {
+    // As long as we haven't reached our queue size limit, push the message.
+    if ( data->queueLimit > data->queue.size() )
+      data->queue.push( apiData->message );
+    else
+      std::cerr << "\nRtMidiIn: message queue limit reached!!\n\n";
+  }
+  // Clear the vector for the next input message.  Note that doing
+  // this here allows our code to work for sysex messages which are
+  // segmented across multiple buffers.
+  apiData->message.bytes.clear();
+void RtMidiIn :: initialize( void )
+  // We'll issue a warning here if no devices are available but not
+  // throw an error since the user can plugin something later.
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiInGetNumDevs();
+  if ( nDevices == 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available.";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  WinMidiData *data = (WinMidiData *) new WinMidiData;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+  inputData_.apiData = (void *) data;
+  data->message.bytes.clear();  // needs to be empty for first input message
+void RtMidiIn :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiInGetNumDevs();
+  if (nDevices == 0) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: no MIDI input sources found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nDevices ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  MMRESULT result = midiInOpen( &data->inHandle,
+                                portNumber,
+                                (DWORD)&midiInputCallback,
+                                (DWORD)&inputData_,
+                                CALLBACK_FUNCTION );
+  if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error creating Windows MM MIDI input port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Allocate and init the sysex buffer.
+  data->sysexBuffer = (MIDIHDR*) new char[ sizeof(MIDIHDR) ];
+  data->sysexBuffer->lpData = new char[1024];
+  data->sysexBuffer->dwBufferLength = 1024;
+  data->sysexBuffer->dwFlags = 0;
+  result = midiInPrepareHeader( data->inHandle, data->sysexBuffer, sizeof(MIDIHDR) );
+  if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+    midiInClose( data->inHandle );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting Windows MM MIDI input port (PrepareHeader).";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  // Register the buffer.
+  result = midiInAddBuffer( data->inHandle, data->sysexBuffer, sizeof(MIDIHDR) );
+  if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+    midiInClose( data->inHandle );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting Windows MM MIDI input port (AddBuffer).";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  result = midiInStart( data->inHandle );
+  if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+    midiInClose( data->inHandle );
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting Windows MM MIDI input port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiIn :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  // This function cannot be implemented for the Windows MM MIDI API.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openVirtualPort: cannot be implemented in Windows MM MIDI API!";
+  error( RtError::WARNING );
+void RtMidiIn :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    midiInReset( data->inHandle );
+    midiInStop( data->inHandle );
+    int result = midiInUnprepareHeader(data->inHandle, data->sysexBuffer, sizeof(MIDIHDR));
+    delete [] data->sysexBuffer->lpData;
+    delete [] data->sysexBuffer;
+    if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+      midiInClose( data->inHandle );
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiIn::openPort: error closing Windows MM MIDI input port (midiInUnprepareHeader).";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+    midiInClose( data->inHandle );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+RtMidiIn :: ~RtMidiIn()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  delete data;
+unsigned int RtMidiIn :: getPortCount()
+  return midiInGetNumDevs();
+std::string RtMidiIn :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiInGetNumDevs();
+  if ( portNumber >= nDevices ) {
+    std::ostringstream ost;
+    ost << "RtMidiIn::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  MIDIINCAPS deviceCaps;
+  midiInGetDevCaps( portNumber, &deviceCaps, sizeof(MIDIINCAPS));
+  // For some reason, we need to copy character by character with
+  // UNICODE (thanks to Eduardo Coutinho!).
+  //std::string stringName = std::string( deviceCaps.szPname );
+  char nameString[MAXPNAMELEN];
+  for( int i=0; i<MAXPNAMELEN; i++ )
+    nameString[i] = (char)( deviceCaps.szPname[i] );
+  std::string stringName( nameString );
+  return stringName;
+//  API: Windows MM
+//  Class Definitions: RtMidiOut
+unsigned int RtMidiOut :: getPortCount()
+  return midiOutGetNumDevs();
+std::string RtMidiOut :: getPortName( unsigned int portNumber )
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs();
+  if ( portNumber >= nDevices ) {
+    std::ostringstream ost;
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::getPortName: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  MIDIOUTCAPS deviceCaps;
+  midiOutGetDevCaps( portNumber, &deviceCaps, sizeof(MIDIOUTCAPS));
+  // For some reason, we need to copy character by character with
+  // UNICODE (thanks to Eduardo Coutinho!).
+  //std::string stringName = std::string( deviceCaps.szPname );
+  char nameString[MAXPNAMELEN];
+  for( int i=0; i<MAXPNAMELEN; i++ )
+    nameString[i] = (char)( deviceCaps.szPname[i] );
+  std::string stringName( nameString );
+  return stringName;
+void RtMidiOut :: initialize( void )
+  // We'll issue a warning here if no devices are available but not
+  // throw an error since the user can plug something in later.
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs();
+  if ( nDevices == 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::initialize: no MIDI output devices currently available.";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+  }
+  // Save our api-specific connection information.
+  WinMidiData *data = (WinMidiData *) new WinMidiData;
+  apiData_ = (void *) data;
+void RtMidiOut :: openPort( unsigned int portNumber )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: a valid connection already exists!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  unsigned int nDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs();
+  if (nDevices < 1) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: no MIDI output destinations found!";
+    error( RtError::NO_DEVICES_FOUND );
+  }
+  std::ostringstream ost;
+  if ( portNumber >= nDevices ) {
+    ost << "RtMidiOut::openPort: the 'portNumber' argument (" << portNumber << ") is invalid.";
+    errorString_ = ost.str();
+    error( RtError::INVALID_PARAMETER );
+  }
+  WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  MMRESULT result = midiOutOpen( &data->outHandle,
+                                 portNumber,
+                                 (DWORD)NULL,
+                                 (DWORD)NULL,
+                                 CALLBACK_NULL );
+  if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openPort: error creating Windows MM MIDI output port.";
+    error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+  }
+  connected_ = true;
+void RtMidiOut :: closePort( void )
+  if ( connected_ ) {
+    WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+    midiOutReset( data->outHandle );
+    midiOutClose( data->outHandle );
+    connected_ = false;
+  }
+void RtMidiOut :: openVirtualPort( std::string portName )
+  // This function cannot be implemented for the Windows MM MIDI API.
+  errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::openVirtualPort: cannot be implemented in Windows MM MIDI API!";
+  error( RtError::WARNING );
+RtMidiOut :: ~RtMidiOut()
+  // Close a connection if it exists.
+  closePort();
+  // Cleanup.
+  WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  delete data;
+void RtMidiOut :: sendMessage( std::vector<unsigned char> *message )
+  unsigned int nBytes = message->size();
+  if ( nBytes == 0 ) {
+    errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: message argument is empty!";
+    error( RtError::WARNING );
+    return;
+  }
+  MMRESULT result;
+  WinMidiData *data = static_cast<WinMidiData *> (apiData_);
+  if ( message->at(0) == 0xF0 ) { // Sysex message
+    // Allocate buffer for sysex data.
+    char *buffer = (char *) malloc( nBytes );
+    if ( buffer == NULL ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error allocating sysex message memory!";
+      error( RtError::MEMORY_ERROR );
+    }
+    // Copy data to buffer.
+    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ ) buffer[i] = message->at(i);
+    // Create and prepare MIDIHDR structure.
+    MIDIHDR sysex;
+    sysex.lpData = (LPSTR) buffer;
+    sysex.dwBufferLength = nBytes;
+    sysex.dwFlags = 0;
+    result = midiOutPrepareHeader( data->outHandle,  &sysex, sizeof(MIDIHDR) ); 
+    if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+      free( buffer );
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error preparing sysex header.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+    // Send the message.
+    result = midiOutLongMsg( data->outHandle, &sysex, sizeof(MIDIHDR) );
+    if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+      free( buffer );
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending sysex message.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+    // Unprepare the buffer and MIDIHDR.
+    while ( MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING == midiOutUnprepareHeader( data->outHandle, &sysex, sizeof (MIDIHDR) ) ) Sleep( 1 );
+    free( buffer );
+  }
+  else { // Channel or system message.
+    // Make sure the message size isn't too big.
+    if ( nBytes > 3 ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: message size is greater than 3 bytes (and not sysex)!";
+      error( RtError::WARNING );
+      return;
+    }
+    // Pack MIDI bytes into double word.
+    DWORD packet;
+    unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) &packet;
+    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nBytes; i++ ) {
+      *ptr = message->at(i);
+      ptr++;
+    }
+    // Send the message immediately.
+    result = midiOutShortMsg( data->outHandle, packet );
+    if ( result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
+      errorString_ = "RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message.";
+      error( RtError::DRIVER_ERROR );
+    }
+  }
+#endif  // __WINDOWS_MM__